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Receiving and giving with measure. Receiving and giving without measure.

Srecko Sostar

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3 hours ago, JW Insider said:
11 hours ago, Arauna said:

If they needed a space for someone or a worker, or even for guests or whatever, they would have bought it because it was needed at the time and is now no longer needed.

This is no doubt correct. The Society did the same thing in the Brooklyn area, as sometimes they would need to bring in a brother who had his family with him. There was also a need to house certain elderly brothers and sisters in a place where they could get physical therapy, nursing visits, palliative care, etc., with some privacy and out of the way of the hustle and bustle of Bethel life.

Correct me if i am wrong, but as to my knowledge and experience with Betel, i understand that you need to have specific purpose to be accomodate in Betel room as simple, ordinary JW. And that is not because of your personal matters you have to do outside of theocratic activity. For example, if you travel from Osijek to Zagreb for some private stuff (hospital, looking for new job,....etc) you can't count that Betel in Zagreb will give you room to stay one or more nights for sleeping. 

For example: When i was invited with other bro/sis, who had roles in bible drama for convention, for recording in the studio (and that was as i can recall my last visit before they closed Austria branch) only those involved in drama was Bethel's guests . Exceptions was made only for husbands or wives of individual actor. So, if you were single you can't expect that your friend will be allowed to be accomodate in Betel room with you.

In time when Zagreb Bethel was made preparation for first opening i volunteered some 3 months in gardening. They officially gave me a room, but only in theory. I went back to my home for sleeping after working hours.

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I have been thinking about writing a novel about a Jehovah's Witness that goes back in time, and successfully assassinates Adolf Hitler, and how the world progresses from that point onward.

It will have a LOT of known facts, and a LOT of stuff completely made up from my imagination. 

I think books like this are called "Docu-Novels"

In order to not be intellectually dishonest, I would have to market it as a "docu-novel", and then I would not have to have a statement inside stating that

40 minutes ago, 4Jah2me said:

“It is not claimed that the explanations in this publication are infallible. Like Joseph of old, we say: “Do not interpretations belong to God?” (Genesis 40:8)”

.... but, knowing how people ARE .... it might be a good idea to put a statement like this on the inside title page .....

...in LARGE type.

.... uh .... in order to not be intellectually dishonest,

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1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

and that was as i can recall my last visit before they closed Austria branch

When I traveled in Europe for a string of International Conventions with a member of the GB, I stayed in the branches in France, Spain, Italy, Greece, Switzerland, Austria, and Germany. It was not something these branches normally did for a low-level traveling Bethelite like me, because they did not all keep extra housing for such purposes, but had to reuse rooms of brothers who were either on vacation themselves, or who had been placed for a few days to stay with local brothers.

The only reason it was done was because of who I was traveling with. But our itineraries got out of sync when I had to stay nearly an extra week in Greece for a project. This meant that I was in Austria and Switzerland taking up a room without a good reason, and I was looked at suspiciously and felt very unwelcome. They especially frowned on my interest in looking at their old Bibles that had been donated to the Swiss branch and watched me in their Bethel library. There was so much natural beauty all around, but these were two branches in which I felt almost nothing but coldness, as if I were an unwanted intruder. When I met up with the GB member again, everything was loving and back to normal.

(I think Switzerland had to give up their old Bibles and a page of their Gutenberg Bible over to Warwick by now. I don't recall if Austria had anything as valuable.)

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1 hour ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

have been thinking about writing a novel about a Jehovah's Witness that goes back in time, and successfully assassinates Adolf Hitler, and how the world progresses from that point onward.

I gather that the left would not be comparing Trump to Hitler, then, would they? Or will there even be a left in this new work of yours?

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1 hour ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

I have been thinking about writing a novel about a Jehovah's Witness that goes back in time, and successfully assassinates Adolf Hitler

Might make for interesting reading. I read through 11/22/63 by SK. The book is well-written but I don't like the typical genre at all because the supernatural parts are always so contrived and it's hard to suspend disbelief. In this case, for example, history can be changed by a time traveler but history doesn't WANT to be changed, and therefore the history itself conspires against the protagonist as his nemesis. A historical novel with a lot of imagination given to "POV" characters is much easier for me to accept, or even or a sci-fi novel when the future can contain new versions of "history" that repeat the old themes. I just have a lot of trouble with "time travel," I guess. It's so rarely done in a very convincing manner.

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4 minutes ago, JW Insider said:


I had been in Thun, Switzerland Betel too. I think that one very old couple was members at that time. Wife served with some simple task, almost meaningless, packing some postcards for visitors. Her husband get very ill, stroke or something and been free from work, but wife must contribute to be able to stay. They invite us for a tea. 

Austria Betel showed "normal german" hospitality. And they had part of basement full with various beer packages for drink to buy....when you emptying few welcome beer bottles in room refrigerator. :)))  I guess Bethel workers have every day routine and many of them have no extra time (will, emotions, strength, or "love" if you want) to welcome unknown strangers. That depends on many individual factors, i guess, but generally Bethel is working camp.

Rome Bethel was prepared for welcoming all delegates who were on international convention tour in 2004 (?) Convention was in Milano, Monza racing stadium. And Croatian BUS delegates sleeping in homes of brothers in various congregations around. We had been at one young couple home. Wife of brother was very serious and strict and not showed warmth (despite she was Italian, strange!! :))) but all others in congregation was very happy and we had good time with them.

You had very interesting and educational experience, for sure. Thanks for sharing :))   


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On 12/14/2019 at 3:45 AM, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

instead of Rolex

JTR I just strictly forbid you to use Rolex watches as an example of how the GB spend contributed money. I thought we had already discussed this at length. Just kidding, of course I can't forbid you to do anything, or I can, but you are under no obligation to obey. However, it does insult your intelligence (and I know you are intelligent) because it looks like you are not able to think of half a dozen other variables which do NOT involve using contributed money. Not only that, but you have no idea under what circumstances Br. Morris wore that watch, (perhaps the person who gave it to him would be very hurt if he didn't wear it at least once, perhaps it's a family "heirloom"). But I do admit, it was not the most prudent thing for him to do, to wear an obviously expensive watch (even if fake), considering there are so many poor brothers and sisters. I don't think I've seen him wear it again...

2 hours ago, JW Insider said:

They especially frowned on my interest in looking at their old Bibles that had been donated to the Swiss branch and watched me in their Bethel library.

rabbit mouse GIF

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27 minutes ago, Anna said:

(perhaps the person who gave it to him would be very hurt if he didn't wear it at least once, perhaps it's a family "heirloom").....I don't think I've seen him wear it again...

It made me so mad that I told him to return it to me. Grandpa was turning over in his grave and I got tired of wearing a sundial.

3 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

I have been thinking about writing a novel about a Jehovah's Witness that goes back in time, and successfully assassinates Adolf Hitler, and how the world progresses from that point onward.

Write it, but whatever you do, don’t hawk it here on the Librarian’s website. It is so shameless when people do that!

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16 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

I thought it was you that had travelled the world

Yea, I go where my husband goes.  But I keep active preaching.  I do not promote myself in any way....... keep focussed on the kingdom.

I could have promoted myself - but I did not.   I appreciate the truth and its aim to try to stick to Jehovahs high moral standards...... and as jehovah said we must have godly  justice, mercy and love.  Display these qualities as prescribed by Jah.

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