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I am presently on a road trip, camping in parts of the western states of the U.S.  I guess it could be called a therapeutic getaway for my husband, who will make some serious medical decisions next month.   Way out west, that could mean long stretches before finding a cell signal, but this campsite has internet and if my computer battery holds out, I may have a chance to get this posted.

I happened to speak briefly to three JW women who had set up their cart and table in a national park.  It was a frigid morning after a snowfall, the temperature inching from a bright and early 6 degrees above zero, toward 20 degrees in the sunshine.  After a pleasant interchange, I mentioned 1 Cor 3:16,17 and that through my studies I have learned that the anointed were the “living stones” of the Temple of God. (1 Pet 2:5,9)   I then cited 2 Thess 2:3,4, and asked if they had considered how the “man of lawlessness” in the last days, would “sit”/rule over the temple – over the anointed ones.  One JW reached for her computer pad to do a bit of research.  She admitted it would be through a composite entity, but couldn’t give me an identity. 

Yes, I did tell her that the man of lawlessness is the elder body, who has been given authority to judge God’s “special possession” as unworthy of receiving eternal life. (Rev 11:1,2; 13: 5-7,15) Immediately, I am told, “Jehovah is the ultimate judge”, despite the judgment of a spiritual “death” made by the elder body when one rejects the organization, or exposes its leaders’ lies.   (Matt 10:17,18; John 16:2; Rev 13:15)  I have noticed that it seems to be a common phrase among JWs that God is the judge, while they forget that Jesus has been given authority to judge.  Elders, not anointed, have no authority to do so. (John 8:51; 2 Cor 5:10; Rom 14:4) 

 As we spoke a bit more, I was thinking how very depressing it is to see their devotion to the organization and their full blindness to the role of God’s priesthood. (Rom 1:25; Rev 13:4) (Mal 2:7) The organization’s false doctrines, have a common thread that can’t be dismissed if one cares to scrutinize them.  They all weave together to minimize and suppress the identity and role of the anointed. When I asked the JWs who they believed should be the shepherds of the congregations, the elders or the anointed ones, the answer was most definitely, the elders.   I reminded them of the time Jesus appeared to his disciples after his resurrection.  He called to them from the shore when they were fishing on the Sea of Tiberias.  He miraculously filled their nets with fish after catching none during the night.  When they arrived on shore, he had prepared a breakfast of fish and bread.  Three times Jesus told Simon Peter to “tend my sheep”, “feed my sheep”. (John 21:1-19; 1 Pet 5:2-4) With Christ as the chief cornerstone of God’s Temple, and the apostles and prophets as its foundation, the additional anointed “living stones” over the years, have been given the same assignment as Simon Peter and the others received that day, to feed Christ’s sheep.  Eph 2:19-22 

The JWs just shook their heads and silently scoffed.  Revelation’s Beasts have successfully “trampled” any evidence of the important role of God’s priests, before the eyes of those who love the organization. (Dan 11:31,32,36; Matt 24:15,16)  They believe the anointed will not act as God’s priests and kings until a future time…once sealed and joining the “144,000” in heaven. This is another false doctrine, according to God’s word.  2 Cor 1:22; Eph 1:13; Heb 12:22; Rev 5:9,10)

As Dan 11:36 states, and with the help of a false prophet (Rev 13:11,12), the “man of lawlessness”/Beast from the Sea has done…

“…exactly as he pleases, claiming to be greater than every god there is, even blaspheming the God of gods, and prospering…” 

I think all of us are aware of just how easy it is to be captivated by lies.  We are also aware that believing in lies can result in one’s slavery to them. (Rom 6:16)  When we are taken “captive” by lies, it facilitates oppression born from a belief of what we erroneously accept as truth. (Col 2:8; 2 Thess 2:9,10; Rev 13:10) Our heart becomes hardened to any possibility of an alternative understanding of God’s word.  (Mark 8:17; Heb 4:7) 

The conversation quickly concluded, and I walked away from these three lovely women, who were vocally content and at peace with their belief, that the layout of headship grafted on paper depicting their earthly organization, is correct. (1 Thess 5:3) It begins with “Jehovah”, to Jesus, the elders, and the rest of its members. God’s priests remain anonymous; scattered among them, and at the same time “surrounded” and held fast by demonic expressions used against them. (Jer 23:2; 50:17; Rev 16:13,14; 20:7-9) 

Through the coming of “Elijah” sent by Christ (Matt 17:11), the words that Jesus read from Isa 61:1,2 apply again today:

The Spirit of the Lord is on me,
because he has anointed me
to preach good news to the poor.
He has sent me
to proclaim release to the captives
and recovery of sight to the blind,
to set free the oppressed,
19 to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.

20 He then rolled up the scroll, gave it back to the attendant, and sat down. And the eyes of everyone in the synagogue were fixed on him. 21 He began by saying to them, “Today as you listen, this Scripture has been fulfilled.”  Luke 4:18-21

Yes, it has been fulfilled, a second time for those hearts that long for freedom from oppression and lies.   


For consideration:

“Who are the gods?”

“Two Witnesses/”Elijah” and “Moses”

“Elijah Turns Hearts”

Pearl Doxsey, 4womaninthewilderness blogspot



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Bible speaks about stones who witnessing and children who gives a praise. What is strange if some women doing what some men don't?  You doing the same here. Would we ( who are males) have to reje

I am presently on a road trip, camping in parts of the western states of the U.S.  I guess it could be called a therapeutic getaway for my husband, who will make some serious medical decisions next mo

Always the OCD.  You want to rule and teach right now do you?   A woman?  You do not want to wait until the time for this comes?   You conveniently forget that arrogantly pushing ahead is a sin?  

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44 minutes ago, Witness said:

to minimize and suppress the identity and role of the anointed. When I asked

Always the OCD.  You want to rule and teach right now do you?   A woman?  You do not want to wait until the time for this comes?   You conveniently forget that arrogantly pushing ahead is a sin?  

You never explain what is the role of elders!   Because you feel that you should be doing their job and they are oppressing you - the true anointed who is higher than they are ?

We all know that Jesus was "appointed"  as judge - so in effect jehovah is judging.

Throughout the 2 millenia there have been anointed but it is only in connection with the "presence"  in last days that a slave is mentioned. 

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4 hours ago, Arauna said:

You want to rule and teach right now do you?   A woman?

Bible speaks about stones who witnessing and children who gives a praise. What is strange if some women doing what some men don't? 

You doing the same here. Would we ( who are males) have to reject and make funny of your thoughts and words just because you are woman?

4 hours ago, Arauna said:

Throughout the 2 millenia there have been anointed but it is only in connection with the "presence"  in last days that a slave is mentioned. 

WT publications said that same idea. And your explanation is based on that. .... But articles explained how NO ONE KNOWS FOR SURE who are and who are not anointed. Based on this clam from WT and such information, it is good to be careful about GB too. :))

What is work of anointed and what is work of slave? What is difference? What their service to God and to people making to be different in the past and today (1st century ...... 2000 years later)?

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28 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

The picture below speaks to a fundamental problem with women in the minds of many men.


You really need to have stomach for killing someone this way. Forensic psychology experts possibly could be able to explain why woman murderer/killer used  this way..... and not to poison him, for example. 

Is this is how God told her to fulfill His will....? or she find this as unique way how to be remembered and take the "glory" from other people in her tribe?

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47 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Is this is how God told her to fulfill His will....? 

Well....he WAS a bad dude, you must remember.

47 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Forensic psychology experts possibly could be able to explain why woman murderer/killer used  this way..... and not to poison him, for example. 

This would be wasting a perfectly good tent pin. Besides, it was a “crime” of opportunity. Do you really think that every woman has a jar of poison just lying around, held in reserve in case any unpleasant characters come calling?

47 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Forensic psychology experts possibly could be able to explain why woman murderer/killer used  this way.

You know, I think this says a lot about the inordinate confidence some have in their “human wisdom” and the power of their ‘science’—never doubting that their allies can unravel the psyche and techniques of those who lived in cultures and times thousands of years old.

And...not to extend the point TOO far, and granted that I do not follow all the ins and outs of points that @JW Insider raises, this overconfidence may even extend to archeologists so ready to declare that this or that ancient date could not possibly be so.

Even the fellow who cut up his concubine into twelve parts and delivered her to the tribes to make a point, I recall from some secular source I came across, (not in WT publications) was not unheard of, maybe not even unusual, for the times.

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37 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Do you really think that every woman has a jar of poison just lying around, held in reserve in case any unpleasant characters come calling?

... but every woman (modern, in keeping with the time woman) need always to have a heavy hammer and a mortise chisel on hand in a kitchen :))))))

37 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Even the fellow who cut up his concubine into twelve parts and delivered her to the tribes to make a point, I recall from some secular source I came across, (not in WT publications) was not unheard of, maybe not even unusual, for the times.

....yes, he is special case too .... and the simplest and most neutral way is, perhaps, to say: "Who will understand god's ways?" :))

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17 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

reject and make funny of your thoughts and words just because you are woman?

You can respect a woman for her godly acts of conduct.  But I do not think you will appreciate it when a woman tries to rule over you.  

17 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

it is good to be careful about GB

There have been cases where they have been removed..... so yes, no-one is above Jehovahs laws.

17 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

work of anointed and what is work of slave?

The difference is: the modern slave gives food to the fellow workers as predicted for the last days.. 

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4 hours ago, Arauna said:

You can respect a woman for her godly acts of conduct.  But I do not think you will appreciate it when a woman tries to rule over you.  

There have been cases where they have been removed..... so yes, no-one is above Jehovahs laws.

The difference is: the modern slave gives food to the fellow workers as predicted for the last days.. 

1) if woman boss is in capacity to be boss and organized things in respectful way to her coworkers who are under her boss position, than this is not ruling over me or males or any other in firm. In other circumstances we are equal as human.

2) internal matters

3) this need more research, because slave is slave in old time and in modern time.Their roles and jobs not changed with time passing, i guess. Only means of labor, how they doing some slave job, perhaps changed..... and maybe some slaves today are members of Labor, Workers Union :))).    

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1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

woman boss is in capacity to be boss and organized things in respectful way to her coworkers who are under her boss

Agreed- my brother is an elder and his wife handles all money matters. He says he spends too easily and she does the job better.  Some mucho men find this strange because they still cling to cultural traditions and not following Jehovahs way. BUT I can assure you his wife is not trying out to be an elder.  She has many bible  studies and is serving her congregation in this and many other capacities.

A slaves life was his master's. If he calls him in the night he had to do his bidding.  Jehovah gas given his slave the task to feed his sheep and to preach.   This is their task -to see that this is done well.  They are now preparing us for Armageddon.

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