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Why did God kill Lots wife for checking out the giant fireballs raining from the sky upon the city she lived in but saw no fault in Lot and his daughters who survived and later got their father boozed up and raped him so they could have his babies?

Jack Ryan

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Maybe Jesus just wanted to give a lesson about shunning.

I wish I could ..... I have arthritis in my hands and I am battling to highlight sentences on the pad. I have to move the wrist to copy and these movements are too large. Most of my time goes into try

I know the feeling .... especially since the Dry Cleaners lost my Superman suit.

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I remind you again that you should patch up your understanding of ancient history and how people lived in those days. Do not compare the PRE-judeo and Christian standards with today's standards.

Incest was only defined as something jehovah abhors when Israel received the Law of Moses.  He allowed people to multiply in this way until this law was given to a nation that was now dedicated to his Name. Until this time it was probably safe to multiply in this way because we note that people suddenly  did not get as old as before....... so there may already have been significant  DNA damage.

Today cousins still marry in many cultures but the silent diseases which it spawns are not spoken of openly in these societies.  Severely handicapped people are kept in back rooms and it is never mentioned. 

There is now a big problem in first world countries with a lot of Muslim migrants.  In UK the NHS forks out large a counts of money e ery year on these handicapped people and articles have been written about it...... Programs were instituted to warn people but were abandoned as islamaphobic.....AND it has become politically incorrect to even mention the money or these practices or the diseaases in the press.  Muslims are not the only ones who still practice this custom. 

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2 minutes ago, Arauna said:

I remind you again that you should patch up your understanding of ancient history and how people lived in those days.

As i understand JHVH, in JW Organization and WT Society context, this god is very interested that His people not to live as people around them. Does this includes only OUR time? Because, customs of old Jew are in many ways similar with customs of nations who not worshiped JHVH. 

Well, does this mean how such customs are not so bad, because Jew and non-Jew practiced them?  

What practices today is available to JW's that are same or similar to non-JW's, and JHVH not consider them as bad or as "spirit of this world"?  

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10 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

not to live as people around them

We do not live as those around us - but it helps to broaden your knowledge of the different  times of the bible. It helps you to understand history and even illustrations better.  The Insight is an excellent companion for this purpose. For instance, the Good Samaritan; t was quite common to be robbed on the road..... hopefully only foreigners did this and not fellow Israelites.  Alas this was not always the case.  Samaritans were not spoken to etc. etc..  

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28 minutes ago, Arauna said:

; t was quite common to be robbed on the road..... hopefully only foreigners did this and not fellow Israelites.

Arauna, i am sorry but i have to react. You suggesting here, how robbers in this illustration are not Jews, but that is not visible in story. What IS visible in story is fact, how "pure, highly spiritual Jews" (Priest and Levite) not wanted to help but Samaritan did.

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8 hours ago, JW Insider said:

just wanted to give a lesson about shunning.

Don't agree -   we can treat anyone we meet in life in kindly way.  But the bible says we must not greet or eat with those who have  rejected Jehovahs ways.  So this is not a stranger on the road but someone you personally know.

And now we go back to this subject :- people are only shunned when they have shown a stubbornness to proceed with brazen behaviour and keep on course to practice whatever they are doing. 

11 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

am sorry but i have to react. You suggesting here, how robbers in this illustration are not Jews,

Read again what I said.  We would hope that they were not Jews. Not always the case. See quote below.

11 hours ago, Arauna said:

hopefully only foreigners did this and not fellow Israelites.  Alas this was not always the case.  

Jesus was hung on a stake next to a robber .


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8 hours ago, Arauna said:

But the bible says we must not greet or eat with those who have  rejected Jehovahs ways. 

This is not said precisely enough. Whole world (minus 8 millions JW) rejecting JHVH ways. And showing that openly.

In a place you living people doing this too (rejecting JHVH ways). 

Please how you deal with them, on daily basis? Not greeting them? 

If you greet them you join yourself with their sins. :))

8 hours ago, Arauna said:

Jesus was hung on a stake next to a robber .

Did he greet him?

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2 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

not said precisely enough

1 cor 5: 5  you must hand such a man over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, so that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord. 6 Your boasting is not good. Do you not know that a little leaven ferments the whole batch of dough

11. But now I am writing you to stop keeping company with anyone called a brother who is sexually immoral or a greedy person or an idolater or a reviler or a drunkard or an extortioner, not even eating with such a man.  12 For what do I have to do with judging those outside? Do you not judge those inside,   while God judges those outside? “Remove the wicked person from among yourselves.”

This is just in one chapter...... 

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20 minutes ago, Arauna said:

1 cor 5: 5

Dealing With a Case of Incest

Expel the wicked person from among you.

... not associate with anyone who claims to be a brother or sister but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or slanderer, a drunkard or swindler. Do not even eat with such people.

Expel the wicked person from among you.

How many JW's you personally know, who did or doing this and you decide not to greet them?

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1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

JW's you personally know, who did or doing this and you decide not to greet them?

Only cases  which are proven.   If one adheres to Jehovahs laws one cannot judge without evidence.  Even in secular courts one is not found guilty if there is insufficient evidence.  That is justice. 


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3 hours ago, Arauna said:

1 cor 5: 5  you must hand such a man over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, so that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord. 6 Your boasting is not good. Do you not know that a little leaven ferments the whole batch of dough

11. But now I am writing you to stop keeping company with anyone called a brother who is sexually immoral or a greedy person or an idolater or a reviler or a drunkard or an extortioner, not even eating with such a man.  12 For what do I have to do with judging those outside? Do you not judge those inside,   while God judges those outside? “Remove the wicked person from among yourselves.”

This is just in one chapter...... 

But verse 11 says 'with anyone called a brother'  'who is sexually immoral or a greedy person or an idolater or a reviler or a drunkard or an extortioner,'

So tell me, if a person leaves the JW Org of their own choice, and if they do not do the things mentioned above, then what ?  They are no longer 'calling themselves a brother', and, they could well be leading a clean life. But they are still shunned.

And once again, you are using the Anointed as an example. 

Jesus himself ate with Tax Collectors and sinners. He entered their homes, he cured them, he conversed with them regularly.  But JWs are taught not to talk to Ex JWs, even though JWs have no idea why the other person is an Ex JW. 

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