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Jehovah's Witnesses' "Hailstone Message"

Jack Ryan

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No, you misunderstand. That is Hailstone Massage. It’s the latest craze in health care fads and many of the top Bethelites have gone in for it whole hog. It is so embarrassing.

No persecution broke out against anyone associated with the Watchtower in 1914, or 1915, or 1916. Does this mean that it took Jesus a very long time to battle with Satan before he could finally throw

Yes, true. I was referring to the fact that there was no wave of persecution, as one might expect if Satan had just been hurled down, having great anger, knowing he had a short period of time. In the

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25 minutes ago, Matthew9969 said:

he's gonna kill the ones living in North America with hailstones, the ones in Africa he'll kill with fireballs, the ones in Russia, grizzly bears...so on and so forth.

Grizzly bears falling from the sky—what are you, nuts?

Destruction of “the wicked” on the Lord’s Day/Day of Judgment is a persistent theme of the Bible. I believe you still pass yourself off as religious. How do you deal with such verses? Do you sweep them under the rug as something embarrassing?

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The seventh plague poured out upon the air or spirit of this world accomplishes these things and also much more, because it affects the atmosphere itself. Therefore Revelation 16:21 continues: “And a great hail with every stone about the weight of a talent descended out of heaven upon the men, and the men blasphemed God due to the plague of hail, because the plague of it was unusually great.” So from the atmosphere there crash down hailstones on men, hailstones of tremendous size, weighing ninety-six pounds avoirdupois. They fall with great speed and cause stupendous destruction. Since hailstones are congealed water, this hailstorm pictures that heaven would send down upon worldly mankind a barrage of hard Biblical truths. Jehovah’s witnesses are now preaching a message of deliverance and salvation for those who will take refuge in the Kingdom, which cannot be shaken. But the hailstones picture, not a message of deliverance, but the hard, unyielding proclamation of God’s vengeance against Satan’s visible organization. Jehovah’s witnesses will at the last deliver this stinging message, presaging the destruction of the men upon whom it falls.
The men who are affected by this hailstorm are those who did not call upon the name of Jehovah for salvation, but who blasphemed him at hearing the judgment messages and the execution of these. They refused in the past to hear the message that would have meant salvation for them and now they especially hate this condemning declaration. (Joel 2:32; Rom. 10:13) The fact that the plague of it was unusually great foreshows that at the last there will be an unusually great proclamation of God’s vengeance by Jehovah’s witnesses.
That the seventh plague will indeed finish the anger of God upon the world is illustrated in the picture here given in Revelation. It indicates that those who survive the symbolic earthquake will without fail be destroyed by the accurately aimed executional hailstones from the heavens. Not that the truths themselves kill them, but the judgments that God executes in harmony with the truths expressed.—Job 38:22, 23; Ps. 148:7, 8; Isa. 28:2-17.
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On 12/23/2019 at 4:41 AM, JJJ-AUSTRALIA said:

The Hailstone message has to do with proclamation of Armageddon which is going to happen any day now.

In Noah's day you new when the Ark was near completion that you would either see rain or that it was all hoax! Which was it?

When Moses returned to Egypt, sign on top of sign led to the culmination and the answer to the question would the slaves be delivered after 400 years? Gen.15:13

The Bible foretold Jesus birth. He grew to be a perfect human man who would show sign on top of sign for 3-1/2 years culminating in a partial fulfillment of Gen.3:15.

140 years ago, a man described the Kingdom of God and the End of the Gentile times. 1914 and WW1 were evidence of of the Birth of God's Kingdom in Heaven by the Anointing of Jesus as it's 1st King. The Apostles of Christ and other 1st century disciples were then raised from corruption to glory as Kings of that Kingdom.As the number of the Anointed neared 144,000 the Other Sheep became recognized as future citizens of a government expressing Jehovah's sovereignty towards the Earth.

Now the Good News that was foretold to encompass the Earth at Mtt.24:14 and Mrk 13:10 is now witnessed as nearing completion.

Soon every person on Earth will learn whether Jehovah is God and is Motivating Jehovah's Witnesses to preach the Good News as a prophet in our midst or its all a hoax. We approach the culmination of 140 years of God's Search for friends. We must see Sign in sun,moon and stars as evidence that Daniel 7:26 has begun. God has sat down to Judge the living and then the dead.

There is no need to foretell a date, only the culmination of the expressed will of God and the many facets we see day after day. Once these things begin the "hailstone" is that is to late to kneel to God newly expressing reverence. Mtt.24:30 Then the sign of the Son of man will appear in heaven, and all the tribes of the earth will beat themselves in grief, and they will see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. 

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11 hours ago, JJJ-AUSTRALIA said:

1914.... that is if anyone is gallible enough to believe

As I have shown on this forum before - jehovah has a timeline for his "project "  or administration of his project to restore the earth to his original purpose.  Similar to project management, we find perfect time management of prophesied events to help his people to understand where we are in the stream of time.  1914 is only one of these events. 

Has your church helped you to understand the seven heads of the beast?  Have they indicated to you who is the "image of the beast " who will also become the eighth king for a short while?

This eighth king will be given rulership willingly by a coalition of nations....... 

Where do you stand with your understanding of these prophecies which is very important to the culmination of Jehovah's timeline.  You can laugh and scoff us when you can understand these prophecies.

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On 12/23/2019 at 9:48 PM, Arauna said:

I see "water" of truth  which is hardened like hail - to hurt.   These hailstones according to prophecy weigh a talent (close to 33 pounds, I presume)

Hi Arauna!

In situations like this, with scriptures that can either be taken literally or symbolically, and then also the symbolism applied in more than one way, I like to just think "wait and see what actually happens"

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On 12/24/2019 at 7:10 AM, TrueTomHarley said:

Grizzly bears falling from the sky—what are you, nuts?

Destruction of “the wicked” on the Lord’s Day/Day of Judgment is a persistent theme of the Bible. I believe you still pass yourself off as religious. How do you deal with such verses? Do you sweep them under the rug as something embarrassing?

I thought you said you were a writer...not grizzly bears falling from the sky, grizzly bears eating Russians as part of Gods judgement on the non baptized Russian publishers.

The coming judgement is very real, but it is quite embarrassing for you guys is your dangerous teaching that God is going to kill everyone who is not a baptized publisher

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On 12/25/2019 at 12:39 PM, JJJ-AUSTRALIA said:

Lol 140 years from 1914 is that you hinting?

I was thinking of the day Brother Russell began near 1878. 

1914 harmonizes with the persecution that began shortly after that. Why did persecution break out?

Re.12:12 On this account be glad, you heavens and you who reside in them! Woe for the earth and for the sea, because the Devil has come down to you, having great anger, knowing that he has a short period of time.”

When Jesus was Anointed as the 1st King of God's Kingdom, we went through the Heavens, ousting Satan and other opposers of Jehovah.

Many Books are written about how people changed after 1914. People used to leave the door open when they went for groceries or such, they would turn the porch chair around, that people could see from the sidewalk they were gone. Think of that, they were actually concerned someone would make a wasted walk up the sidewalk!

What organization was persecuted? The one Satan knew Jesus was leading!

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21 hours ago, Anna said:

just think "wait and see what actually happens"

I do believe that the waters of  Truth does not sting or hurt but hailstones of truth weighing a symbolic talent will definitely  be devastating.   It is a prophecy...... so in my mind's eye - I know it will happen.  I believe jehovah's Word.

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