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The more I'm reading on here, the more I am understanding one big problem that Jehovah's Witnesses have. What problem ?

Jehovah's Witnesses lack FAITH. 

JWs seem to only recognise physical things. There are scriptures, i know not where, about the physical man verses the spiritual man. How the physical man sees only the things seen with the physical eyes. Where as the Spiritual man sees Spiritual things with his 'heart' as well as physical things with his eyes.

JWs, it seems, need to have physical things to 'have faith in'.  Hence the need for the GB and the JW Org and the Watchtower magazines, and the Kingdom Halls, all physical things that JWs 'worship'.  And, as has been mentioned on here many times, physical DATES. 1914, 1918, 1975, et al. 

So many videos that can be downloaded. A 'workbook' for the evening meeting. And how many Bible Student / JW books have been printed since the beginning of the Organisation/s. How many Watchtowers and Awake magazines over the last 100 years. All physical things. 

The dates / years, are given to 'encourage' or frighten people to be part of the Org. Some on here have mentioned how many Bible Students / JWs have needed a date that was within their own lifetime. What a lack of Faith. 

@TrueTomHarley quite often mocks me for having the faith i have. When i say that God through Christ will have the true Anointed running a true Organisation before the Judgement day arrives, Mr Harley says that i still believe in Father Christmas. So who is Mr Harley actually mocking ? 

Lets just take a minute to think about a couple of thing that God has actually done by using His Holy Spirit. 

God created His 'first born spirit son'. God created the Angels. Then God and His son worked together to create the heavens and this Earth. 

God gave Noah instructions to build the Ark, and then God flooded the Earth.

God brought ten plagues on Egypt, then God 'opened up the Red Sea for Moses and the Israelites to pass through.

God sent an angel to destroy, how many soldiers, in one night. Thousands. 

God transformed His spirit son into an 'human embryo ' and placed him inside Mary's womb. God gave power to Jesus to heal people and raise the dead. 

God resurrected Jesus from the dead as a spirit, and then carried Jesus of to heaven in spirit form. 

So just a couple of examples of what God is capable of. 

BUT Mr Harley and possibly others, because of there lack of Faith, do not believe that God can set up a true spirit Anointed Organisation here on Earth within our time or before Judgement time.  

Why do they not believe ? Because JWs have no faith and seem to rely only on physical things, not SPIRITUAL THINGS. 

The faith of JWs seems to rely on what the 8 men of the GB can do, not on what God or Christ can do. 

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Yes. It is so ridiculous. The purpose of organization is to magnify an activity. The purpose of opposition to organization is to defeat that activity. There are some nuances, back eddies, and addendum

1 Cor 2:12-14

I answer your comments to me, as presenting the spiritual aspect of truth to any who may be interested.  Jesus told the Pharisees,  “An evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign; and a s

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1 hour ago, 4Jah2me said:

@TrueTomHarley quite often mocks me for having the faith i have.

He does not.

1 hour ago, 4Jah2me said:

Mr Harley says that i still believe in Father Christmas. So who is Mr Harley actually mocking ? 

Father Christmas. I hate that idiot.

1 hour ago, 4Jah2me said:

BUT Mr Harley....do[es] not believe that God can set up a true spirit Anointed Organisation here on Earth within our time or before Judgement time.  

He does believe God can do that—what are you smoking? But he also believes that God will not bother, since he already has an acceptable one.

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2 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

The faith of JWs seems to rely on what the 8 men of the GB can do, not on what God or Christ can do. 

Much of what Jehovah's Witnesses believe was written before the men of the Governing Body were born! The Governing Body only teach us how Bible verses relate to other verses that we may have a complete understanding of the Bible.They relate Bible truths just as Jesus did while he was on Earth.

Why would God need to set up another Anointed Organization to do the work that is almost complete?

The Ark is almost finished, look at the details coming in

Many have been misled by believing that a day spoken of by others would be the start of God's judgment.If I was anointed and lived through WW1, I would have probably expected to be changed to a spirit at anytime.

But new light and understanding come in knowing Jehovah is Just, He will give nearly every human alive for a given time opportunity to come to know Him, the rest will be resurrected during the next 1000 years to accept Him or Not after accurate knowledge of Him is presented to them.

The Witnesses are presenting that Truth today, this is enough in God's Eyes to pass judgment on a persons inner heart condition when He sits to Judge the inhabited Earth on the last day of this world order. Many have been confronted many times with the Truth or an invitation to view it. While others have never seen it, in His Justice and Equality, God is searching the Earth for those who will attain a relationship with Him and will not miss anyone who may be a possible friend.

Anyone who wants to easily learn the Bible Truth spoken about here and other posts may begin here

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Why would God need to set up another Anointed Organization to do the work that is almost complete?

There is NO Anointed Organisation right now.  Your GB admit that they are not inspired and the Writing department are also not inspired by God.  They try to frighten people into the JW Org by saying that 'only those baptised JWs will be saved at Armageddon'.  They ask for donations, even the children's ice cream money, via those videos.

Your GB tell their lawyers to tell lies in courts to blame the victims of CSA, to try to keep the JW Org looking clean from the outside. But it is of no use. Because Jesus said to first clean the inside of the dish or bowl then the outside would also be clean. 

The JW Org is full of wicked men, Elders doing jobs that they are not fit to do. Elders judging congregants by the GB's rules not by God's standards. Elders hiding paedophiles in the JW Org.  So much adultery too and divorces. Squabbles over money and property.  Unfortunately I have too much information for my own good.... It just depresses me. 

And don't compare it to the Nation of Israel because people were born into that nation and had no choice but to be in it. But JWs choose to be JWs so should be better people, but many of them lead double lives.  I always found I was disappointed when i got to know any of them well. They look so nice and pleasant in their clean posh clothes, but their hearts are not so clean.  And they have no faith in God or Christ, they just plod on serving the JW Org. 

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10 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

Jehovah's Witnesses lack FAITH. 

Thank you Dr. for diagnosis.   Your diagnoses are always terminal..... so I do not think I have reason to trust your judgment.

7 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

(GB)  They try to frighten people into

Wrong assumption and wrong diagnosis. 

7 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

The JW Org is full of wicked men, Elders doing jobs that they are not fit to do. Elders judging congregants by the GB's rules not by God's standards.

You are a doctor and judge as well. 


7 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

JWs so should be better people, b

We need the randsom sacrifice as much as everyone else -we do not think we are perfect. However,  you expect every witness to be perfect 100% of the time in an imperfect world. We try to please jehovah and have faith in the randsom sacrifice... 


7 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

they just plod on serving the JW Org. 

7 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

posh clothes, but their hearts are not so clean.  And they have no faith in God or Chr

Blanket statement referring to ALL JWs. While we acknowledge that there are some renegades (people who become bad just like king Saul (jehovah himself chose Saul to be king and he disappointed jehovah) and Judas.......a small minority of JWs become like Judas'.

When we plod on under difficult circumstances and even persecution, when outsiders expect us to be perfect, the word for it is endurance...... one does need tested faith for this .... our faith is tested by much opposition and malice.  If they were serving any human being they all would have left the faith ling ago.  Jehovah happens to be their God and they are his people - dedicated to jehovah through the  randsom of his son.

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@4Jah2me Que? We, I myself included, have faith in what Jehovah's Kingdom will bring. I have faith in God and recognize him as the Father of the one we put faith in his teachings, Christ Jesus. 

I don't want to be rude, but welcome to the forums, also it does get a tad bit crazy here. Second, I don't think it is a good idea to assume such a thing when despite all of us being in the faith and truth, we are, each and everyone of us as an individual differ from one another, even by action and what we can and cannot do, etc.

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@Arauna Would I expect you to agree with my findings ? Of course not. You serve your GB and Org well. You defend them well. Pity you will not see the truth of my words though. 

You say 'Your diagnoses are always terminal'  But that is not true. Where there is life there is hope. 

You say 'Wrong assumption and wrong diagnosis'....  You say that because you serve your GB / Org.

But it is true that the Watchtower writers have written that 'only baptised JWs will gain salvation'. And it is also true that they have written that 'Armageddon is so close / just around the corner' etc. Even to the point of putting dates on it in the past. So put those two things together and it comes out as false teachings that are supposed to frighten people into joining the JW Org quickly 'to get saved'. 

You say 'We need the ransom sacrifice as much as everyone else -we do not think we are perfect.'

I agree that Jesus gave his life willingly so that those that God/Jesus Christ approve of will get saved.  I agree that anyone who has common sense will admit that they are not perfect. However, using the fact that 'we are not perfect', as an excuse for committing deliberate sin, is not how anyone should behave. So, for an Organisation and/or its leaders to commit deliberate sins only shows that organisation for what it really is. 'By there works you will know them'.

You say 'When we plod on under difficult circumstances and even persecution, ...'

You call it endurance. Well you know one reason people 'plod on' in your Org. Because if they leave they lose every human contact that they know. They are shunned. So people 'plod on' serving the great idol JW Org just so that they have 'friends' / contacts / helpers in their daily lives. Especially older folks that need regular help. It's a social club, and that is why it is so dangerous for young children. 


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14 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

also true that they have written that 'Armageddon is so close / just around the corner' etc. Even to the poin

As I said before - I happen to agree with GB and  JW.org. that conditions are developing  for Armageddon.  You constantly accuse me of worship for GB without giving me  credit to think for myself.   

I watch world events closely  and can confirm MORE than the JW.org  writes about.  They can only write about the bible and stick to the purpose given them by Jehovah. Lately they have only been preparing us for Armageddon and to develop the godly qualities and conviction needed to do so. Arguments about where we are in the stream of time,  is no longer needed. If you cannot see the times we are living in, then I can only say you are truly blind.

I do not have any restriction.  I can write about my thoughts and  speculate how things are moving forward towards Armageddon - based on the evidences I see in the world. 

The fact that I have lived and worked in many countries has opened my eyes to see what is really going on  in the world.  I spot trends.  I have investigated many ideologies such as Islam, communism and  super capitalism and looked at the origin of modern philosophies. Looked at the origins of EU / UN ideologies and the UN agreements signed by 176 countries.

I have written on this forum how China has built 7 islands, taken control of 8 more, how they murder their own people and surveille them intensely, how Japan and Australia fear them.  The south China sea is just about  theirs; they will soon control the wealth of the world - the little that is left....... because the major forests on earth are being stripped by China - which is another threat to our global biosphere.   

I have written about China and Russian energy  co-operation and financial agreement (BRICS)  and both are taking control of ports all over the world and the mineral resources in Africa and South America. How Russia has outplayed USA for alliances in the middle east with Iran and Turkey (weapons) and how Turkey is extending its influence in the meditiranean. US government is as corrupt now behind the scenes as any third world country with its politicians making BIG  money for themselves and  they are not held accountable. USA is racially and politically divided - irreconcileable and toxic.

I understand how the Islamic money streaming into USA from front organizations  via Qatar etc. into charity and universities;  and how the money from global billionaires  via their "foundations" are contributing to NGOs at local level to undermine US sovreignty - getting us ready for one world sovreignty under the UN (or a coalition of nations under UN.- 176 nations have already signed).

The scene is set in Europe for Islamists to take over - either by getting people in high government positions or other methods....... the iron-like opposition (right positions) to the clay (humanist philosophies) is a last stand by people who know their leaders have maneuvered them into a corner. 

Christian's are being slaughtered (silent genocide) in Africa and no-one writes about it or cares..... because it is no longer fashionable to be a Christian  in the west.  

I have written about AI and how the UN likes the surveillance credit system in china and 5G is the convenient tool to do it in the west. This  is their model for the west in future. With this they will be able to control people who have radical religious ideas and also control all money and crime.  They will be able to call out "peace and security"  and really think they have attained it.  Your life will not be worth much if you do not obey them. 

You know what..... I can bore you for hours by telling you how all these situations are building up to a condition where the UN will get federal global control and may I remind you that  China and Russia do have veto-rights on the Security Council.

If you think I am a puppet of the GB and JW.org - think again.  I am a willing slave of Jehovah. I pity the people on here who seem to not even have sorted themselves out - let alone tell others that they are stupid for serving Jehovah by insinuating that we serve an organization.  

I am grateful for what I have learnt from this organization but it does not mean that I have lost my thinking faculties. In fact, my  much cherished moral discernment has helped me to see how corrupt  everything is.  Most people today in the world go along with the main stream such as the latest fad of LGBTQ - which by the way, is also a policy pushed by UNESCO in schools in the west.  No play, No pay.  

My moral discernment has become my compass by which I can see how wicked things really are.  I need not tell you that the UN themselves are totally corrupt and have not thought their grand policies through. Their soldiers rape and get away with it, whistleblowers are fired, they are all atheists with the the belief that "redistributed wealth" and no borders will make the world a wonderful utopia - under their rule of course. And child trafficking - well that is now a global occupation which brings money like  drugs.... 

I think, YOU should be the one to examine yourself and stop accusing JWs  of worshipping the GB.   We have more than enough reason to thank them for keeping us moral and awake! 


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@Arauna Quote "We have more than enough reason to thank them for keeping us moral and awake! "

Those things you list that you have great knowledge of. You did not learn them from the GB or the JW Org.   So your personal 'keeping awake' is not because of your religion. 

And your religion, the JW Org is not in good standing with people of good morals and you know why. 

I admit to not having half the 'worldly' knowledge that you have, but I don't think i need all that knowledge, just to know that the world belongs to the devil and it is a wicked place. 

Unfortunately the religion you are part of has misused it's own knowledge to make false statements in the past. Hence many people no longer trust your religion and its leaders. Add to that, the CSA not being dealt with in a loving and honest way. Add to that the misuse of disfellowshipping and shunning at a time when people need mercy and love.  As the world becomes more wicked so does JW Org. instead of shining like a 'lamp on a lamp stand', the JW Org is being seen as part of this world.  

If, your religion JW Org, honestly believed that Armageddon is so close, then they would all be selling their homes, as they did in the 70's, and would be spending every hour in the ministry possible. None of you would be on here waffling away. You would all be in regular prayer and ministry. You would all be working together and sharing all possessions, just as they did in the first century. You would all see an urgency to preach and worship. 

But instead, you all sit in your nice homes, just as i do, and we waffle away on here. Where is your urgency if you believe the Judgement is so close ?   

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