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Revelation: Babylon the Great, etc.


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Oh how lovely it is to read @TrueTomHarley & @Arauna  hype each other up so well. But of course they have to, as do all JWs, to hide the truth from themselves.  

Quote Tom "In the same way, the verse says: “Taste and see that Jehovah is good.” Some have tasted and seen that he is bad. It’s not something that does anyone any good to argue about. "

No Tom, you are deliberately misleading people here. Some of us know that  Almighty God is not only good, but Almighty. We know that God will put all things right. We know that Christ gave his life so that as many as would put faith in God and do good in God's eyes, woulds be saved. BUT, what we have tasted as BAD, is the GB / JW Org / W/t. 

Unfortunately JWs have been brainwashed into believing that 'only baptised JWs will be saved'. Hence, JWs cannot separate Almighty God from JW Org. I will start a new topic on Baptism in a moment. 

Now let's examine this quote from Tom,

"So it is with the ‘sugar’ of the Bible’s message. This is what does it for Jehovah’s Witnesses—that unique combination of accurate Bible teachings along with the united brotherhood that comes with it—a unity and love unparalleled "

'Accurate Bible teachings', Tom says... Well in FACT we know that the JW Org was an offshoot from the IBSA. Brother Russell, whom the JW Org sometimes love and sometimes hates, stated that an organisation was not necessary. Bro Russell also stated many other things, most of which did not come true. There seems to be mixed 'truth' about Bro Rutherford, whether Russell said Rutherford should not run the IBSA, whether Rutherford was actually a break away (apostate) from that original 'religion' by forming the JWs. Then we fast forward to other predictions via the Org and we come to 1975, or at least the early 1970's, and more failed predictions.  

We also have the teaching that was part of the doctrine of the Org for many years, the 7,000 year creative days, but that doctrine has now been forsaken. You could add to this the blood issue, no blood, blood fractions, what next ?  But Tom would say that is taking things tooo far. 

So 'Accurate teachings' Tom ? I think not. 

'United brotherhood'. Need we even bother to think on this ? 'A unity and love unparalleled' ?  You are kidding us Tom. 

Man made rules dictated by the GB down through the ranks to the Elders who rule over the congregations. Child Sexual Abuse, Earth wide in JW Org. Shunning earth wide in the JW Org. Dishonest disfellowshipping in the JW Org. Dishonest lawyers mistreating Victims in JW org. No love, no mercy, no compassion in the JW Org.  'Look after widows and orphans' does not even come up into the minds or hearts of your GB or the Elders. 

Your 'sugar' seems to be you getting hyped up on the hype from the meetings, and from the hype on here from Arauna. But sensible people know that sugar, whilst it tastes nice and can give hype, is not good for humans. Your meetings 'tickle your ears' and are your sugar. It seems you actually don't care if it is truth or not. This week's 'truth' might be next week's lies, but it is your sugar hype at the time. 

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2 hours ago, Arauna said:

They will do it the way satan did.... turned himself into helpful creature with poisonously nice words. 

False prophets, false "christs" are excellent at this, those who deceive the "elect".  Matt 24:24 

2 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

The Word makes clear from the get-go that those who serve love and serve God in the manner he directs and those who do not will have dramatically different ways of looking at things.

To believe that our battle against Satan is fought on the physical battle ground, contradicts all that scriptures tells about the last days. Eph 6:11-17

Satan makes the display of war right before our eyes. It isn’t hard to pick out a city on the earth and call it a “great city”.  It isn’t hard to imagine political entities merging with spiritual entities when the news gives it to us, in full detail.   This is living “according to the flesh”, according to the activities in Satan’s world.  It is foolish entertainment.   Those who put their hopes in an earthly, “fleshly” organization that utilizes all the same tools of the nations, are easy to be deceived of the true battle at hand. They willingly put their trust in men who change doctrine consistently, calling each new change, “truth”.   This isn’t living a spiritual life, but a fleshly life.  It is based on faith in what one can literally see and touch.  

 For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit.  Rom 8:5 

We a have a choice between two spiritual Fathers -

God, who is truth and who’s ways are perfect. Deut 32:4; Num 23:19   God, who does not tolerate liars. Prov 12:22

Satan, the father of the lie, who wins people over by deception and fleshly desires. John 8:44; Luke 4:5-8

If we say that God is our Father, that we are His progeny, why would we entertain proven liars who live “according to the flesh”? John 4:24  We would be deceiving ourselves by thinking God overlooks our choice.  We are each responsible for what we choose to put in our heart; seeds of truth, or seeds of lies.  Matt 7:15-20 

If we believe a liar and claim that the liar represents God’s Son, we are in no better shape than the liar is , when standing before Christ.  Rev 18:4

“Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.”  Gal 6:7,8


“Israel” has already been surrounded and trampled down by a “Gentile” body of elders in alliance with “Israel’s” Harlots. It is the “disgusting thing standing in the holy place” of Matt 24:15  They are the two Beasts of Revelation who make spiritual “war” through lies, against the saints and those with them.  Their lies deflect the true battle at hand.  Rev 16:13,14; 11:1,2; 13:1,2,5-8,11,12





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54 minutes ago, 4Jah2me said:

do all JWs, to hide the truth from themselves.  

Quote Tom "In the same way, the verse says: “Taste

Oh NO , you found us! We are exposed! 

 Guess what, you can come and throw your nasty bait... I have decided you are not going to get a worthy answer from me. You know it all .......I am stupid....I have been duped! Oh woe is me!!!  Somehow I can happily  live with that! 

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5 hours ago, Arauna said:

Oh NO , you found us! We are exposed! 

 Guess what, you can come and throw your nasty bait... I have decided you are not going to get a worthy answer from me. You know it all .......I am stupid....I have been duped! Oh woe is me!!!  Somehow I can happily  live with that! 

Perhaps you and Tom are actually the same person. :)  you are both quite ......., well I don't want to get banned so I'll just let it go........ 

But actually I don't think you are capable of a worthy answer, hence you never give one . 



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15 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

might be more technically accurate if rephrased as ‘distortion of facts and lies’—I am not necessarily a fan of how the warning is made—but in the end, is it not the same thing? 

Unlike most here, and possibly everyone here, my online activity is known in my home congregation. This is not due to this forum, which probably Is unknown to them, but to my blog. I have blogged for years. I don’t advertise the fact, but word gets around, and within the year elders have approached me to say that they would like to use me more in the congregation, but is there anything to what they have heard that I engage with apostates?

I at first told them that I did not; however what I did do came close enough to it that it could easily be taken that way and for that reason they probably should not use me in any visible capacity. As long as counsel is what it is, this seems the reasonable course to me. If there is a blatant example of not following counsel on a point repeatedly made—well, ‘he doesn’t enjoy privileges in the congregation,’ does he? This is not quite fair to me, but it is not about me. I consider it a win-win.

Many times in my writing I have made the point that I am not trying to set an example for others to follow, that I am pure-and-simply a bad boy in this one respect and I don’t try to present myself otherwise—though I will say that it is the only area in which I am a bad boy—I am a good boy in all other respects. I am on excellent terms with all of my elders— all upstanding men whom I respect—and with the congregation as a whole. If a list was ever made as to who is trying or discouraging or toxic or headstrong or aloof or a downer in any respect, I would be the last person to be on it. I am a fine example in every way—except one, and this troubles them.

Anyone visiting my blog can see the book cover for TrueTom vs the Apostates! so its a little hard to say: ‘Don’t know nothing about no apostates here!” One brother on FB, who writes himself, when he saw that cover, said, “You’re brave.” I have never made any attempt to hide what I do. I have even written HQ about it, more than once, as to what I am doing and why. They have not responded. I’ve said I don’t expect or require them to, but I will take to heart anything that they do say. Nothing. As for me, the show is not interesting unless there are villains and apostates for me make the perfect villains!—they have tasted the good food and spit it out.

Only about 10-20% of my blog could be described as taking on controversial topics. But blogging itself is not the pathway to popularity within the JW community—some will always give you the fish-eye over it. A visitor I know from HQ spoke at the Kingdom Hall, we engaged in some chit-chat afterward, and I asked him for thoughts about blogging. “Oh, blogging,” he said, as though I had told him that I enjoy farting in the auditorium, and then he migrated into generalities about there being no rules but one must always take into consideration the sensibilities of others, avoid hanging out with the baddies, and so forth. In the introduction to my 3rd book, I wrote: “Books about Jehovah’s Witnesses authored by Jehovah’s Witnesses are not plentiful. This is a shame, for no outsider, even with the best of intentions, can do justice to the faith as can an insider - they miss the nuances, and in some cases, even the facts. Jehovah’s Witnesses are primarily drawn from the ranks of working people who are not inclined to write books. Pathways of publicizing their faith are already well established. Why write a book when you can and do look people in the eye and tell them what you have to say?” For the most part, the same is true of blogs. 

Two elders wanted to speak with me following Sunday’s Watchtower. How did I still feel regarding interaction with apostates after that lesson and similar items in the past? There have been two other discussions—probably spurred on to priority by consideration of Paul’s counsel that certain pernicious sayings “spread like gangrene” so you want to get right on top of it—the counsel to not engage with apostates is pretty clear.

These are good men and I do not doubt for one moment their concern for me. There is no way I am going to get into any sort of confrontation with them. This is a little challenging because if one has engaged with the malcontents—in some cases the scoundrels—then one knows things in detail that they know only vaguely, and in some cases, not at all.

I asked if I could speak candidly. Obviously, this is just a verbal opening to present that I would speak from the heart and not just regurgitate platitudes or ‘what I am supposed to say’—it’s not to suggest that I would be normally lying through my teeth. Of course, they agreed.

The article was of a catch-all nature of several things to watch out for, several unrelated things that could pierce your shield if you didn’t maintain it—materialism, undue anxiety, lies, and discouragement were in the mix. Now, the only one of these that you can actually sink your teeth into as a direct measurement is ‘lies and distortions.‘ Do you engage with those who originate them or not? Easy black and white answer. What can one possibly say about materialism? It is much more subjective. “Did you move into that house that has far more space than you need or didn’t you?”—it’s ridiculous! No one is ever going to say that. The best you can do is what the Watchtower did do—point out that while you might easily be able to afford something with money, which you have far more of than your neighbor, that does not mean that you can afford it with time (for use and maintenance of), which you have no more of than your neighbor. 

As a byproduct of these other areas being hard to pin down, the only one that might possibly incur restriction of privileges is dealing with apostates. ‘There are brothers here and in other Halls that show significant weakness as regards to the other three—materialism, discouragement, and anxiety, and it can be plainly seen in their demeanor in some cases,‘ I said, ‘yet no way would their privileges ever be affected by it—only for that involving dealings with opposers.’

I spoke of the paragraph about discouragement—one of the four sharp arrows. “What discourages me most,” I said, “is that apostates are taking public shots at the God and the community that I hold dear, and they are catching the ear of many who take to heart what is said and sometimes ignore us in our ministry because of it, and I want to provide an answer and defend the truth, but I can’t because I don’t know what they are saying.” It is not true for me—I do know what they are saying—but for most publishers it is true.

I spoke of the hypothetical youngster who cannot resist, whose curiosity or desire to defend the truth leads him to go to where the bad boys hang out, where he hears distortions that he has never heard before and is totally unprepared for and he is stumbled, at which point no one is able to help him because no one here knows in any detail what he has come across. It’s a lose-lose. I did not say (you always think of your best lines too late) that if you leaned on youngsters not to have illicit sex, and yet one did anyway and acquired an STD, you would not stand by and watch him die. You would educate yourself any way that you had to so as to provide backup rescue.

There is only so far you can go with this reasoning because they only understand what they are counseling you about from just one angle—the spiritual angle, to be sure, which is the most important one, but still only one angle, and not the angle from which there is a huge non-spiritual vulnerability. They hear and acquiesce to all the points made—they may all be facts—but they are like people anywhere, and certainly displayed daily on this forum—just because they are facts does not mean they are the overriding facts. They keep coming back to counsel not to engage with apostates. Do they mean engage like a military general confronting the enemy or engage like a man putting a ring on the finger of his future bride? You almost can’t go there, because they themselves maintain such distance from the topic that they can’t readily distinguish between the two and consider it inappropriate to get close enough to try.

The brother taking the lead is very smart, very loving, very much a balm to everyone. I’ve known him for the longest time and there is no one whom I value more. I have no question that he is primarily and genuinely concerned about my spiritual welfare. I feel bad that I should be the cause of he and some brothers before him feeling obliged to buy out time to speak with me over this—they have other things that they could be doing. I know this because for many years I was an elder and I had many things that I could be doing at any given moment—yet he and others have bought out significant time for me. I’m a bit embarrassed over it.

“How has my spirituality been affected?” they ask. Possibly they are anticipating an answer such as might be on a video: “Well, I have to admit, my spirituality is suffering. I’m not finding the joy I used to....etc.” I tell them that my spirituality, as near as I can tell, gets better all the time because I am able to fire when I see the whites of their eyes—and even that my healthy spirituality is plainly reflected in how I conduct myself and how others view me. 

“Well, pray on it,” one advises. Gingerly I suggest that what if I have prayed on it and then afterward have decided that it is okay, in fact, just the ticket, to do as I am doing?” Nevertheless, how can one turn down the invitation to pray? Sure, I will pray—and in fact, presently I think of the degree to which they may be right and how I might modify my conduct. As is my M.O, I think best when I am writing. As is my M.O, I write best when I realize I am writing before a varied audience ranging from supportive to apathetic to dismissive to opposed, and imposing the discipline upon myself to choose words that will be as effective as possible to all four.

They say things like how Jehovah has all bases covered. He sees that we have the proper direction when we need it, and so forth. While the things I say may be so, and certainly my action is well-meaning, what about just being obedient to counsel? There they have me. Because I do believe that Jehovah has all bases covered and I do believe in following the lead of the older men—it is part of the package that I signed on for. I can give them a hard time: “Don’t worry about my spirituality—I’ll be just fine—it’s enough to worry about your own spirituality!” but why would I do that? Is that not almost inviting disaster? a al ‘Let he who is standing beware that he does not fall.’ I can tell them to buzz off and mind their own business, but why would I do that? These are the men—all of them friends of mine—who will lay down their life for me should the occasion arise, as in John 15:13, for example. Not only will they die for me, but they will live for me, and they prove it continually. The right-in-their-own-eyes opposers on this forum will not die for me. Even were they inclined to, they live on perches of self-isolation and say “Who needs organization?” so that if i get into hot water they will not know of it until they read my obituary. I should give my elders a hard time or interfere with that dynamic of living and dying for me? No.

All they want is for me not to cross swords with apostates. They probably are not crazy about my going there in the first place, but that is not the topic of discussion. If I go there to scope out what the enemy is up to, I set no bad example—nobody knows of it. If I go there to refute, I publicly do what the ones I respect for taking the lead have asked me not to do. How do I know that they are not right? How do I know that I am not like the fellow signing out on the city wall after Hezekiah has told the troops to zip it? If I am ineffective, others come to help me out, against Hezekiah’s counsel. If I am effective, others are inspired to do likewise, against Hezekiah’s counsel. How do I know that they will not end up with an arrow through the head on my account? 

What am I doing when I am answering back the malcontents here? I am having a ball is what I am doing! But is it affecting my spirituality as the brothers asked? Well, no—for the most part—that has grown stronger. On the other hand—@arauna speaks of OCD and she ought to be speaking of it to me—sometimes I come here with a certain eagerness looking for “apostates” to beat up on. When one or another flames out, like Matthew4 5784 did a few weeks ago and reveals himself pure hate on two legs as respects Jehovah’s people, dropping all pretense of being here to help us, I paint an A on my fuselage and pump my fist! But is it good for me? I do get to hone my writing skills, but is that enough to override other matters? I am not exactly doing a “May Jehovah rebuke you!” am I? I am not exactly imitating Jesus in saying “leave them be—blind guides is what they are,” am I? Moreover, others come along for the first time, not knowing the history, read my retorts, and say, “Man, that brother is brutal! Can he really be a brother?”

I’m going to turn over a new leaf with regard to interacting with these guys. It doesn’t mean I won’t still be here and it doesn’t mean I won’t still interact with those who strike me as on our team—even if I question their judgment sometimes. I’ll probably renege from time to time, and if I do I will forgive myself, but the effort will be to follow through on my resolve. If need be, I will write a reply to this or that fathead and then not send it—I’ll incorporate it elsewhere or just stick it in the file. “How’s that for praying about it and to see what comes out of it?” I’ll tell someone someday.

Then, too—and I’m almost ashamed to put this last, since it should be first—though not necessarily from the reader’s point of view, which is why I place it where I do—my wife is far more conventional than me and has long been troubled by my online activity. She doesn’t for one second worry about my loyalty, but she does in some undefined way worry that maybe I will yet come to harm somehow. I’ll modify my approach for her sake as well.

Are the brothers “brainwashed”—the ones who counseled me about a matter that they do not understand themselves from a fleshly point of view—the only point of view that is of concern to the greater world? I would say that they are in this regard—with the important caveat that there is barely anyone anywhere who is not. Follow the flag and get your head blown off in consequence, and only some of your countrymen will think your death noble—everyone else in the world will consider your death in vain. It doesn’t take some brainwashing to fall for that? Follow unquestioningly the overall goals of this system to ‘get a good education so that you may get a good job’—not a tad of brainwashing there that that is the path to happiness? When my wife worked as a nurse with the geriatric community, she said the most common thing in the world was for bewildered elderly persons to look around them in their waning years and say, “is this all there is?” These were not ‘losers’ in life, for the most part. These were persons who had had careers and loving family. But there was an aching emptiness at the end, a certain vague but overpowering sense of betrayal. It’s the result of being brainwashed by mainstream thinking, as far as I can see.

Steve Hassen is not wrong when he says that humans are easily influenced by others. Humans are just that way. That is why some god-awful style comes upon the scene and within ten years we’re all wearing it, wondering how we ever could have imagined that those dorky styles of yesterday did anything for us. Where Steve is wrong in my view is that he gives a free pass to his side—the mainstream. I have said before that it is not brainwashing that he objects to—it is brainwashing that is not his. Just because he was naive enough to be sucked into the Moonies, what is it to him if people want to explore non-traditional paths? Of course there may be pitfalls along the way, but there are pitfalls anywhere. Among the most harmful examples of manipulation is advertising, whereby people ruin themselves buying expensive things they do not need with money they do not have to keep up with people they do not like. Why doesn’t he go there? If the mainstream he embraces successfully answered all the burning questions of life, he wouldn’t have to worry at all about ‘cults’ People would reflect upon how the present life and traditional goal rewards fully in happiness and life satisfaction, and reject those ‘cults’ out of hand.

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Hey Tom, @TrueTomHarley do you think you could possibly post your above comment in the "Closed Club" topic I created?

30 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

“Well, pray on it,” one advises. Gingerly I suggest that what if I have prayed on it and then afterward have decided that it is okay, in fact, just the ticket, to do as I am doing?”

I think, just my opinion of course, that it is up to your conscience. If your conscience still allows you to interact, for the simple reason that YOU know what it's about and THEY (elders) don't, (they don't know what they are talking about) then I would suppose it  should be OK. (Maybe they are just worried you are giving a bad example, and others might not be as able as you, to refute the "lies" and may go on believing them).

And I have to agree, knowing the things we do, because of Apostates, is actually faith strengthening. It is true in this case also, that information is empowering.....or put another way, knowledge is power (and of course I don't mean power in the bad sense of the word).

I just had a crazy hypothetical thought. What if the WT gave the opposite advice. What if we were told to go and interact with apostates, after all "iron sharpens iron", "make sure of all things" "make the truth your own" etc......

What would happen then?


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What if you actually knew what an apostate was ? That would help you both.

Not the GB / JW Org meaning of course , but the true meaning as below. 


  1. a person who renounces a religious or political belief or principle.
    "after fifty years as an apostate he returned to the faith"
    abandoning a religious or political belief or principle.
    Apostasy is the formal disaffiliation from, abandonment of, or renunciation of a religion by a person. It can also be defined within the broader context of embracing an opinion that is contrary to one's previous religious beliefs. One who undertakes apostasy is known as an apostate.
    Tom tries so hard to pretend that Apostates do not love God or Christ.  Why Tom ?
    Apostates of JW Org are just that. Apostates of JW Org....... It simply means that a person has left the JW Org and no longer wants to be one of them. It does not mean that a person does not want to believe in or love God and Christ. Unfortunately though Tom and Anna, you have both been duped into believing what your GB and writing dept' tell you. 
    Tom says, " “What discourages me most,” I said, “is that apostates are taking public shots at the God and the community that I hold dear, "
    So do you think all those ex JWs are taking a shot at Almighty God ?
    Or are they just taking shots at the GB and JW Org ? 

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20 hours ago, Arauna said:

like these topics and they are a little irresistible....because iron sharpens iron ..... but reality calls.  

Here is a Russian economist that thinks if “Donald Trump is re-elected later this year, he, Putin and Xi will move quickly to put in place “a new world order” by means of a new Yalta agreement that will replace the failing Bretton Woods economic system....If Trump loses the election, of course, the Russian economist says, this will not happen as soon because “a civil war will begin in the United States,” making it impossible for Washington to take part in such transforming economic and political negotiations” 


The above blog is a great source for articles about contemporary Russia, by the way

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6 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

What if you actually knew what an apostate was ? That would help you both.

Not the GB / JW Org meaning of course , but the true meaning as below. 

I don't think anyone will bother replying to your assumption as it is rather silly. Of course we know what the definition of an apostate is.

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3 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

The above blog is a great source

Thanks. A very interesting article. Did you notice he talks about a " new world order" similar to the Yalta agreement when the world was divided after WW2?  China and Russia are now major players.  Russia with its orthodox social  and Islamic social elements (at present Islam and communism in alliance); additionally Putin is talking of "purging" free thinking "liberal "elements remaining from 1991.

So the new leadership of the world may shift to communist countries who want a NWO where they play a major leadership and  economic role.  Religion will be subject to the state - or none allowed - as in China.  At present Catholicism is taking the lead to create unity of religion...riding like a queen.

This is my theory:   if you know the  outcome  you can start to fill in the steps leading to it. 

Satan may try to create one world false religion in opposition to jehovah like he did at tower of Babel, when the peoples were disbanded to thwart their plans.  (They would quickly have reached the world situation we are in right now with one world language  - end up with the power and technology to control others to do what pleases the leaders - they were bent on creating an empire.) 

Satan is now being drawn out for final battle and wants to combine it (no religion or false religion) with a totalitarian rulership whereby all peoples will be controlled under its jurisdiction - those who follow the true God will be eliminated. 

China has overreached itself economically (debt) but has good relations with Russia - who seems to think it will take the lead in NWO with China.   (They are,  of course, underestimating militant Islam - and Russia will eventually turn against it as China has done).

The secular western world has already been brainwashed by the new philosophy and will be a pushover.  Hindu religion is also becoming militant and has been declared the official religion of India. India and China have good relations apart from the problems in Tibet and its other borders with Islam. How this will resolve we have to wait and see. 

The NWO people want a federation of blocks if fedral nations who co-operate. They want to remove several borders to do this. They only want a few digital currencies which are all linked to one world bank or one controlling organization.

They want to prove that humans can rule the earth successfully in their own way and  will eventually call " peace and security".

The article,  link above,  says that US will be so embroiled in internal strife (if trump is re-elected) that the world will (most probably) have to be divided without US playing a major role. I agree the radical left are already indoctrinated in post modern philosophy and are militant in a bolchevist way.  The racial divide is also spurred on by "outside/subversive" money.  If Sanders (or one of his kin comes in ) we will gladly become part of a global community. Either way - US  will eventually be in a global community.

Whatever happens - the dollar will lose its power; more wars ensue; a chinese or a global financial collapse with USA's debt in the mix - events most probably will allow one coordinated digital money system to be installed.  Most nations will willingly give over their autonomy to a group of co-operating nations..... be it UN or a new organization.

They will turn against religion and we know the rest.

In thia picture of current events and plans I see the final outcome...... one artificially united system in opposition to jehovah....

I may be wrong..... because unpredictable and unexpected twists to human plans occur.  It is after all speculation on current world events.

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11 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

still interact with those who strike me as on our team—even if I question their judgment sometimes. I’ll probably reneg

I enjoyed the honesty and laughed out loud many times.  So I will also be honest.  I think the above sentence refers to me.... and I agree.  I have often thought my judgment is not very good regarding interaction with the nasty characters on the forum. It gives jehovah no credit.

Sometimes, while showing the  impatient side of my personality - I chided myself,  but still went ahead.  

The watchtower was a wakeup call for me - thank you Jehovah. None of us is so strong we cannot fall. Deceit comes in many forms.  While I do write some crazy things, I am glad I have an outlet for a very creative imagination.

But i am always grateful to know the truth, be in the field regularly, and be at the meetings.  I am in an absolutely lovely congregation and I love all the young ones. I think I may be the eldest.  I should cherish it much more and rather spend more time on building even better relationships in the congregation.

I am not a dignified elderly person. I hate coming across as dignified and pious. I do not take myself too seriously.... so there!  You know me a little better!  However, I have learnt that there is no compromise on Jehovahs principles..... but one should always try to see the other side to act in a compassionate, merciful, just and wise way.  I am unconventional in every way and therefore had to learn to curb /pummel a colourful personality to be fit for Jehovah's purpose. ...... and still learning to improve all the way!  

It is hard to navigate this world as a JW and that is why I take my hat off for the young ones who remain so obedient and exemplary! 

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@Arauna Hi, you have a lot of knowledge about UN and world affairs. What do you know about the Federal Reserve? And who owns it? And what are the objectives of the Federal Reserve? And how are the owners of the Federal Reserve tied to UN?

I think you would be excited to learn more. Here is a 7 minute video I would recommend you 


And here is a wonderful documentary explaining history since crusaiders:


I think you would enjoy.

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