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Revelation: Babylon the Great, etc.


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3 minutes ago, Kosonen said:

If there is still somebody interested in documentaries about hidden powerbrokers, then this is a perfect one: 

I did read the book ‘The Creature of Jekyll Island,’ and yes, it was one of the most intriguing books that I have ever read.

I also read a book ‘The Rockefellers’ covering 4 generations. No going into conspiracies here, but if focused on how the first generation made the money, the second softened the image of the first and founded the charity, the third expanded the power base (David of Chase, Nelson of NY, 3 others i think) and the fourth went to psychiatrists and laid very low, even renouncing the name in a case or two.

Anti-pharma people loathe one of them—I think it is David—for essentially buying out the medical profession and converting it to drug salesmen.

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This claim is about the talk by Knorr in Sept 1942 and the booklet by the same name "Peace - Can It Last?" Knorr, didn't anticipate it. He knew about the formation of the United Nations because i

(Revelation 17:8, NWT 1984)  The wild beast that you saw was, but is not, and yet is about to ascend out of the abyss, and it is to go off into destruction. And when they see how the wild beast was, b

Another illustration—this one i gave at the meeting when it was my turn to comment—was that if there is someone in the audience who hates beets, I will not be able to argue with him that beets taste g

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39 minutes ago, Kosonen said:


This is an interesting podcast explaining how China has risen with a deliberate aide from West. And what is the goal behind it.

The corbettreport mentioned Antony C Sutton. And I found this video where he explains how Wallstreet financed the Bolsheviks.


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10 hours ago, Kosonen said:


Hi-  I used to listen to Corbett's report and found this podcast you recommended very interesting. I would also like to know more about the "8 immortals"  and find a proven link between the Bank of International Settlements and Peoples Bank of China.  This ' Settlements'  bank, which is the bank above all other banks and even higher than other banks of the calibre of  IMF, is touted to be the future central bank when the Petro-dollar is no longer the exchange rate.

This report clearly indicates what I have been saying all along- that super global capitalism and communism brings the same results.   A few mega rich people on top and the rest of the people like poor sheep. When the mega rich and the mega corporations work together it will forge a form of neo-fascism and neo-communism together. The bible indicates that all human government was not the wish of  god..... humans oppress each other.  Eccl 8:9.  Paraphrased: " One man rules over another to his detriment." People in high positions are prone to love power and become greedy. 

The rich of this world have been working together all along and staking out the sectors they will control in future. They will bring in a socialist control system which will be very equal in one respect: no opportunities for any person to improve their financial situation or to rise to the top..... this is set out clearly in Agenda 21 and agenda 2030. The top people will now remain on top and oppress all their "pawns" in future. 

(Republican and democrat, liberal or conservative,  is cherade -  follow the money trail to see where the alliances are of these leaders in politics and the world.)

The scene is set for the worst period of history the world has ever seen. How far Jehovah will allow it to go - we do not know....... but I have a nasty suspicion that satan is being drawn out to visibly or openly rule the world through his one world government....... satan has no respect for life or God.  This is why his human instruments will try to force all humans to leave their loyalty to God behind and show allegiance to this "God of fortresses" (daniel 11- from verse 36) - the worship of the state, which will give every person their daily ration of food and water.

Most JWs do not read much about politics. They are protected from these nasty things which are coming because they do not show allegiance to (do not put their hope in)  any worldly government or worldly organization.  They will definitely be tested by these bad things that are coming and our organization is now preparing them for this. They are " no part of the world" and their allegiance is only to the person of jehovah God and the one who paid the ransom (the guarantor/chief agent), jesus christ.

JWs are one united nation on earth and fulfilling most of the prophecies about the time of the end. Read Matt 24 :45  & 14 and you will see that they have a "slave" which is providing free spiritual food  for the entire world in more than 1000 languages and they are preaching the kingdom government of God as the only solution to mankind's problems.

Imperfect as JWs are - they do understand the most important teachings of the bible and the time-line God has given us- which includes prophecy.

The final fulfillment of prophecy will effect humans on a global scale and this is why the bible says that many kings will 'willingly' give over their kingship to one authority " the image of the beast" - which will be the eighth and final king. Rev 17.  JWS have identified the UN and its coalition of nations   as this king.  To me it is significant that Hendry Kissinger (and likes of him which were part of  the UN) and all these proponents of globalism (one world government and a linked financial system), has been working towards this goal since WW2.  (The recent DAVOS, which was in the news, also comes to mind - read up the attendees). The financial moguls have been working towards this consolidation of their wealth globally in a permanent position for more than hundred years and especially after 1900.

JWs have also identified the king of the north as Russia and its allies.  Today, China and Russia are forging ever bigger ties in cooperation regarding energy, satellites, etc. Russia has outplayed US in its ties in middle east and I think the dream of them having an Eurasia is not beyond them.  This region I am living in may soon become part of Russia again.  

Whatever happens, it is now time to strengthen your relationship with jehovah and identify yourself with his name.  You may find you have more problems due to persecution but you will also have the sovereign of the universe on your side to help you remain steadfast and bear it.

2022 has been set for the new financial system..... will they get it done by this time? I do not know.  I am putting my faith in jehovah alone.  I may lose the little money I have invested for my further retirement....... and literally look to jehovah for my daily bread after this....... but at least I know I will face it and strengthen myself..... ...... . Human governments have proven fatal to humans right throughout human history and they have worked closely with religion to do this , be it Islam, false christendom, Hinduism etc.  The rich and priviledged have always abused their power. 

Thank my friend.... I enjoyed the podcast.



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Apologies in advance, but here's my opinion about persons like Antony Sutton.

For years he has written conspiracy theories that work because they contain small bits of truth and truthful evidence. But he takes this evidence to come to a conclusion that is absolutely the opposite of the truth. It's like finding 20 macaws in Brazil and then writing books that say ALL birds in Brazil are macaws. One has to ignore a few million pieces of evidence to make such an untruthful statement, and hope that no one else writes a book on the variety of Brazilian birds.

I listened to Sutton's interview above, and was not surprised at all. For those who don't watch, here is another version of his beliefs written out. I'll comment on the statements made here:


Note: More details are found here: https://www.michaeljournal.org/articles/banks/item/the-complicity-of-wall-street

According to Sutton, American International Corporation, (A.I.C), with one of Federal Reserve Banks founders, Frank Vanderlip, as president, played an important roll in the Bolshevik takeover of Russia. The official purpose of A.I.C was to develop domestic and foreign enterprises, extend American activities abroad and promote interests of American and foreign bankers, business and engineering. A less known purpose was to aid the communists. (2) W. Lawrence Saunders, one of the directors of A.I.C, even wrote a letter to President Wilson, saying that he was ”in sympathy with the Soviet form of government.” (3)

There were Americans in sympathy with the Soviet form of government, and even more British who would admit their sympathies. But these were very much the exceptions. Some American businessmen just saw it as a new chance to break into Russian profiteering, as many American businessmen have done after any revolution until the revolution proves successful enough on its own to dismiss them. The phrase above "A less known purpose was to aid the communists" is very misleading. A full communist revolution still needs to buy and trade with nations all around, just as Marx had always claimed. (When a lot of people see a successful Marxist revolution as they believe they now see in China, they wish to credit the economic gains as some kind of compromise with "capitalism" not recognizing such interactions as a legitimate part of Marxism's "material reality.") Still the American investment only works to the extent that communism takes many years before it can gain financial independence from these "investors." Giving so much aid that communism is helped on its feet too fast is counterproductive to American business interests. Buying a "trading foothold" might have been considered more similar to what happens today when Apple negotiates for a foothold in China to sell iPhones. It is not done to aid communists.

You can find even more American businessmen begging the US President (and/or Congress) to allow them to continue trading with Hitler's Germany right up to the time of America's involvement in WWII. (And some others found ways to continue working with the Nazis even into the time of the war.)

More from the Sutton site:

William Franklin Sands, executive secretary of A.I.C, contributed $1 million to the Bolsheviks. (4) William Boyce Thompson, the first full-term director of FED and a large stockholder in Rockefeller-controlled Chase Bank, as well as a financial associate of J.P Morgan, did the same (5) In a nine point memorandum to England’s Prime Minister David Lloyd George, Thompson, also urged to support the Bolshevik revolutionaries and it´s armies. (6) One of the leading Wall Street Firms, Simpson, Thacher and Bartlett also supported the Bolsheviks. (7) The purpose of all this, according to Sutton, was to eliminate capitalist competition from Russia and to play out the Hegelian Dialectic tactic. (8) More on this later.

The czars were already trading with France, for example, so that France was already controlling a lot of trade in Russia, and popular hatred of this fact was a major factor in the 1917 revolution. The point following the (4) is wrong in that it implies Thompson as part of Chase-Morgan made the same investment made by AIC. AIC wanted to build railroads and invested $50 million between 1916 and 1917 in various countries around the world, so that only-fiftieth of that went to Russia/USSR. They were actually big investors in several revolutionary countries. Still, finding a few exceptions to the rule didn't change the overall feelings of business persons in the US toward communism and socialism. The largest of these companies were already making use of the FEAR that the US had for such ideologies. The US Government could be put to use to put down any forms of socialism and communism that might affect the profitability of US companies. Rockefeller could get troops to shoot their own workers if they would strike for higher wages or worker's rights. (That's what socialism meant to US companies: worker's rights.) I've read through literally thousands of FBI files from 1917 through 1919, and the US government shows its fear of any socialist tendencies and how these tendencies might begin affecting US commerce. (They were also after war profiteers in the US who manipulated coal prices for example.)

Item just after the (7) above shows how Sutton takes this small amount of evidence and turns it from partial truth to untruth. There was never an issue of capitalist competition from Russia, and supporting communism would be no solution to that if there was. But he gives away his complete lack of objectivity with the term "the Hegelian Diaiectic." There is no such thing as "the Hegelian Dialectic." There were many Hegelian dialectic theories. Conspiracy theorists, especially those with strong anti-Semitic bias, latch on to one particular form that they have built up themselves as a "dog-whistle." (This is similar to how anti-Marxist or Trotsky-ish or uninformed conspiracists trot out the otherwise worthless "Frankfurt school" of Marxism as if it is a real branch of Marxist theory.)

If a person has gotten this far, then Sutton can now dump anything on them no matter how misleading, for example:

According to former US-ambassador William Dodd, Cranedid much to bring on the Kerensky revolution which gave way to Communism.”

He hopes, obviously, that the reader doesn't understand the important differences between the Kerensky revolution and the Communist revolution. He implies that they are related, when in fact, Kerensky was basically just a czarist who wanted the same czarist form of government without the czars. Not much different than the UK government if the Queen didn't speak up.

But the most untruthful of all claims is that the US sent troops to help the 1917 revolution, especially by guarding the railroad until the Bolsheviks could handle it themselves. This is just plain false. The US sent its boys to Russia to fight on the side of the White Russian army, not the Red. Americans died fighting the Bolsheviks. Americans mostly came in from the East side while others came in from the West side.

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1 hour ago, JW Insider said:

It is not done to aid communists.

I am not going to argue with you over conspiracy theories and what is true and what is not.

However,  one is naive if you think that powerful corporations did not willingly move their factories to China to benefit from the cheap 18-hour slave labour shifts where so-called inspections were never done to ensure fair working hours. Factory suicides were prevalent.  Avarice and greed allowed them to finance factories there, allowed them to share important intellectual property patents which helped China in their race to build satellites, rockets, and military equipment.  US corporations assisted China to spy on their own citizens and made concessions to the government in order to get permission to operate in the country. 

It may not be conspiracy but i do think their greed made them act in a treasonous fashion. The US government was asleep and allowed monopolies to proliferate and also never held these companies to account.  It is now too late to stop China in its quest  to control the wealth of the world.   These treasonous corporations still pay very little taxes on their profits in USA but have their headoffoffices in other tax havens.......  Too many of the high-up politicians also  have stakes in Chinese corporations....... 

What people are allowed to do today would have been called treason a few years back.  While I do not care what they have done  (I do not take sides) - it does tell me that the top echelons of society and corporations have no morals and are lawless. Politicians have conflict of  interest and do not declare it ....... because very little investigative research journalism is done these days.  The six major media companies in the west are


Have started  using bots to prepare the news....... 

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@JW Insider I have seen that there are always those who do everything to discredit whistleblowers, no matter the subject. Plus, all this confirm that there is an entity that has power over the kings of the earth. (Revelation 17:18) Different people that have investigated the subject point to what they call 'Wall Street'. It is a 3D chess. These "secret power-brokers" travel around the world and meet with presidents and primeministers and party secreterians. I was amazed about 2 years ago when I learned that Kissinger had visited Putin 26 times. 

I can't say if everything all these whistleblowers say are pure facts, some of what they say are their opinions based on their intuition. But in general they are right.

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17 hours ago, Arauna said:

The scene is set for the worst period of history the world has ever seen.

You are so right! It is so important that we take that warning seriously. 


17 hours ago, Arauna said:

This is why his human instruments will try to force all humans to leave their loyalty to God behind and show allegiance to this "God of fortresses" (daniel 11- from verse 36) - the worship of the state,

Yes, this will become the test of our obedience to God and his word. The Revelation book warns about that multiple times. 

Revelation13:14  It misleads those who dwell on the earth, because of the signs that it was permitted to perform in the sight of the wild beast, while it tells those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the wild beast that had the sword-stroke and yet revived.15  And it was permitted to give breath to the image of the wild beast, so that the image of the wild beast should both speak and cause to be killed all those who refuse to worship the image of the wild beast.16  It puts under compulsion all people—the small and the great, the rich and the poor, the free and the slaves—that these should be marked on their right hand or on their forehead, 17  and that nobody can buy or sell except a person having the mark, the name of the wild beast or the number of its name.

Revelation 14:9 Another angel, a third, followed them, saying in a loud voice: “If anyone worships the wild beast and its image and receives a mark on his forehead or on his hand, 10  he will also drink of the wine of the anger of God that is poured out undiluted into the cup of His wrath, and he will be tormented with fire and sulfur in the sight of the holy angels and in the sight of the Lamb. 

Revelation 16:1 ...... Go and pour out the seven bowls of the anger of God on the earth.” 2  The first one went off and poured out his bowl on the earth. And a hurtful and malignant ulcer afflicted the people who had the mark of the wild beast and who were worshipping its image.

Revelation 19:20 And the wild beast was caught, and along with it the false prophet that performed in front of it the signs with which he misled those who received the mark of the wild beast and those who worship its image. While still alive, they both were hurled into the fiery lake that burns with sulfur.

Revelation 20:4 ....Yes, I saw the souls of those executed for the witness they gave about Jesus and for speaking about God, and those who had not worshipped the wild beast or its image and had not received the mark on their forehead and on their hand.

Yes, we see that the worship of the beast and taking the mark of the beast will according to the book of Revelation become the test of obedience the final time leading up to Armageddon. This requires serious thought.

17 hours ago, Arauna said:

2022 has been set for the new financial system..

Arauna, I would like to find more information about that time plan. Have you any links to such information?

And thanks for replying to me, I felt encouraged. 

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2 hours ago, Arauna said:

I am not going to argue with you over conspiracy theories and what is true and what is not.

I'm sure I could find a thousand places for that, if I thought arguing over conspiracy theories was important.

2 hours ago, Arauna said:

However,  one is naive if you think that powerful corporations did not willingly move their factories to China to benefit from the cheap 18-hour slave labour shifts where so-called inspections were never done to ensure fair working hours.

The idea of cheap labor is a constant search for companies everywhere. I worked for an international financial company that was constantly looking for cheaper labor for call centers, programmers, print and mail centers, even data centers (in spite of the dangers of having financial data transmitted over open lines often unencrypted). Several countries had bad reputations from 'fair labor' perspectives. China is a large country that is still basically poor even though the majority of persons are already above what the USA would consider a poverty level. Their track record on labor practices is no better than most other poor countries in spite of better laws than most countries on workers' rights and labor practices.

9 hours ago, Arauna said:

Factory suicides were prevalent.  Avarice and greed allowed them to finance factories there, allowed them to share important intellectual property patents which helped China in their race to build satellites, rockets, and military equipment.

The evidence on "factory suicides" in particular is probably not a number I'd expect to get very accurately, but overall reported suicides in China (9.7/100k) are relatively low, with much higher suicide rates in Russia (31/100k), with USA  suicide rates (15.3) somewhere between those two countries, worse than China, but better than Russia. China's rate is about as low as Georgia, and the US is about as high as Sweden. http://worldpopulationreview.com/countries/suicide-rate-by-country/

China traded on the greed of of countries/companies willing to do this, only allowing them to base factories in China if those countries/companies were willing to share important intellectual property patents. Of course, this is how the US got many important patents, too, by sharing with other countries, or syphoning off inventors from other countries. I was surprised to learn that many of the patents that US companies have fought over were actually already on the books years earlier in other countries and it is only the US version of the patent that is being fought over. This even goes back to the 19th century telegraph (later AT&T) where S.F.B.Morse was only getting a patent for a version of a design already in use in the UK.

9 hours ago, Arauna said:

It may not be conspiracy but i do think their greed made them act in a treasonous fashion. The US government was asleep and allowed monopolies to proliferate and also never held these companies to account.

I agree. If you read Exxon Mobil's annual financial reports, sometimes you'd think you are reading the charter of one of the most powerful nations in the world, not merely an international company.

9 hours ago, Arauna said:

These treasonous corporations still pay very little taxes on their profits in USA but have their head offices in other tax havens.......  Too many of the high-up politicians also  have stakes in Chinese corporations.......

That's true, although these corporations usually have lawyers to lobby Congress to put laws on the books so that none dare call it treason.

9 hours ago, Arauna said:

While I do not care what they have done  (I do not take sides) - it does tell me that the top echelons of society and corporations have no morals and are lawless.

Absolutely true, and it keeps getting worse because they have reached a degree of power so that they keep pushing the envelope on what they can get away with with no one to stop them. 

9 hours ago, Arauna said:

Politicians have conflict of  interest and do not declare it ....... because very little investigative research journalism is done these days.  The six major media companies in the west are . . . Have started  using bots to prepare the news....... 

Investigative reporting is expensive and cuts into profits, and all too often will embarrass the corporate advertising sources of the media outlet, which is itself a monopoly with conflicts of interests after merging with and buying up competing media outlets. Entertainment made from "fluffy" or insignificant (or fake) news is what the audiences have already been trained to expect - and want. Most people probably don't realize that their news is carefully culled for them so that they don't learn anything real about what their own country is doing. And even a serious and important issue can be manipulated to create fear, propaganda, or a distraction from something else that should be more important.

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6 hours ago, Kosonen said:

I have seen that there are always those who do everything to discredit whistleblowers, no matter the subject.

If a conspiracy promoter doesn't want to be discredited they should be more careful with facts and evidence. There is a lot of truth in many of the things that any good conspiracy promoter uses. But all too often they start to promote an ideology or an agenda that requires them to begin avoiding and hiding facts that don't fit. If they are not completely honest, then they should be discredited, not for the whistleblowing or truthful parts of their message, but only for the untruthful parts.

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15 hours ago, JW Insider said:

all too often they start to promote an ideology or an agenda

I guess we must remove the word conspiracy from the dictionary. ..... because these days everything someone does not like is called a conspiracy.   It downplays the true meaning of a conspiracy.

"Et tu Brutus"   - that was not known to be a conspiracy while the conspiring was going on.....    AFTER the murder was committed then there was no doubt  that there had been a secret agenda being promoted. So usually a conspiracy is completed (or too late to stop) before people wake up to its realities......

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17 hours ago, JW Insider said:

track record on labor practices is no better than most other poor countries in spite of better laws

Laws mean nothing if they are not enforced. 

China's government camps are now using slave labour to manufacturer H&M clothing....and for a few other well-known brands. They are making clothing  for western companies in the forced 're-education' camps in China....... China even have propaganda on TV showing how these people are being retrained......and love learning to sew and learn new skills .....BUT they do not show that there are doctors there who hate making clothes.....and those doctors have not seen their children since they were forcibly placed in these facilities. They are there because they are Muslim.

I learnt this week that Uzbekistan and India will be instituting similar surveillance systems as in China.  The noose in the entire world is getting tighter. We are heading for a neo-fascistic/communistic world system wherein oligarchs and capitalist billionaires are working towards the same goals.  Think of DAVOS, Bilderburg etc. And the 3 UN agreements signed by 176 countries.  

17 hours ago, JW Insider said:

idea of cheap labor is a constant search for companies everywhere. I

The fact that western countries are always searching for cheap labour elsewhere  does indeed make them complicit in the slave labour and any other bad result from their actions, does it not?   Tech companies gave away their technological secrets willingly to China and were instrumental in building up China in exchange for mega global financial growth....   In the modern secular way of US thinking - I guess they are not accountable because the US dollar is the god ! It is the standard way of thinking in US. Trickle down economics has fooled everyone!  

The mega- capitalist corporations did not bring 'tax' into USA to help with infrastructure.  No, they did not want to pay tax because then they have no control over where the tax dollars are spent.   Instead they create "charity foundations" wherein they themselves  decide which subversive or front organizations get their money (those, which promote only their propaganda) and they  still "look good " in the public eye.   

One is naive if one thinks that these people and their corporations are not wielding their  money powers in such a way which can only spell disaster for the entire world.  Some were well-meaning but in the end they are sucked into Satans way of thinking. Most of them are atheist and prone to secular thinking. We are living in the era of false propaganda from all sides Rev 16: 14 - 16. Ecl 8:9

17 hours ago, JW Insider said:

evidence on "factory suicides" in particular i

CCP are not only manipulating these numbers but economic data etc. An oppressive, centralized government and its capabilities of hiding facts are unlimited.   i.e.Citizens in China who were reporting on the new virus using VPNs, were clamped down upon and all are facing long prison sentences.... no freedom any longer in China. 

17 hours ago, JW Insider said:

Most people probably don't realize that their news is carefully culled for them so that they don't learn anything real about what their own country is 

True, and also regarding China, russia, EU, and UN. Satan is now controlling all tools of propaganda Rev 16: 14 -16.    

I watched a short clip about satanism. And one point stood out: by their rules:  if they openly tell you what they are planning and you allow it to happen - you are complicit. 

The world rulers under satanic control have openly told us what they are planning and it cannot be stopped because all countries are complicit. 

The only way we (as individuals) can reject what they have in mind for us will be this: by being prepared to forfeit our life if that is the price for non-compromise.  They will expect us to bow to their idea of state-morality and forfeit Jehovahs worship and laws.

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