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New Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Pandemic (aka WuFlu)


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An outbreak of a novel coronavirus was initially identified during mid-December 2019 in the city of Wuhan in central China, as an emerging cluster of people with pneumonia with no clear cause. The out

@The Librarian  You know it's never good when a public health scientist starts off a tweet with "HOLY MOTHER OF GOD."    

I don't really know. My youngest son speaks and writes Chinese fairly well and has been writing to some friends in China. They are working under the assumption that some persons CAN get it again, but

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Look how the Chinese people wait in line sick to get into what appears to be a clinic or hospital



Reuters: Shangai reports first death in Coronavirus-related case on Jan 25 - State Media


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(CNN)Coronavirus has been confirmed in Southern California -- making it the third case in the United States -- as a top Chinese health official delivered some worrisome news about efforts to contain the fast-moving virus.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention notified Orange County health officials Saturday that a potential case of coronavirus tested positive.

The person who tested positive traveled from Wuhan, China -- the epicenter of the outbreak -- and is in isolation and in "good condition" at a local hospital, the Orange County Health Care Agency said in a statement.


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Hong Kong hospital staff to strike on Feb 3 if Hong Kong-China border remains open

Hong Kong hospital staff have issued 5 health demands for the government to meet by Jan 28:

Ban all travellers entering Hong Kong via China

Advise all Hong Kong residents to wear masks

Provide adequate quarantine control and suspend non-emergency services

Investigate cases of escapees

Provide sufficient medical supplies and resources

Deadline for government response: Jan 28

First stage industrial action: Feb 3

Second stage industrial action: Feb 4 - Feb 7


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California’s first case of coronavirus confirmed in Orange County


California has recorded its first confirmed case of the new strain of coronavirus, arriving in Orange County by a traveler who visited from the epicenter of the outbreak in Wuhan, China....The patient is in good condition and is in isolation at a hospital, Orange County health officials said. Health authorities are following up with anyone who has had close contact with the patient, but also noted that people with casual contact — such as visiting the same grocery store or movie theater — “are at minimal risk of developing infection.”

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Rumour from Wuhan that at one hospital over 70 patients died in just one hour

This post says someone working in a hospital in Wuhan said that all the doctors and nurses of two departments died within 3 hours, and that over 70 died within one hour in No. 5 hospital last night.



Date unknown. Rough translation of the chat (from SleepyKitto on the discord server):

White: I just got through my comrade's office line
W: He wailed and told me no one left from the two departments within 3 hours
W: All dead
W: Last night 70 something patients died in Wuhan Fifith Hospital within an hour
Green: Were those doctors?
W: DO NOT take this lightly
W: Doctors, nurses
W: Whole section department, no one left
G: My god, where are the resrouces?
G: (where is) the Government?

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Dr. Liang Wudong, a surgeon who was treating patients in Wuhan, become the first doctor to die from the new Coronavirus at Hubei Xinhua Hospital. A reminder that while everyone else is trying to avoid it, frontline medical staff are risking their lives to cure it and help others.


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China's CDC report says Coronavirus "has higher pandemic risk than SARS" | Can be transmitted without symptoms within incubation period [from renowned Harvard scientist Dr. Eric Ding]

Screen Shot 2020-01-26 at 9.48.55 PM.png

About 100,000 people could be infected with the new coronavirus around the world, experts have warned, as the UK government faced calls to reassure people that the NHS is ready to deal with any British cases within days.

In spite of the rigorous containment measures China has taken, its ban on flights and the UK checks on travellers from China at Heathrow, experts say it is only a matter of time until there is a case in the UK, given the ease with which the new coronavirus is now believed to pass from one person to another - possibly transmitted by people with mild or even no symptoms at all.

Secondly, there are reports from China of people who have infected others before they have experienced any symptoms.

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Live: Chinese officials brief the media on novel coronavirus control


Asymptomatic man infects 14 medics with coronavirus. They are calling him "超级传播者" (Super-spreader), he took more than 15 days to start feeling symptoms, even though he was able to infect the doctors and nurses.

In 12/25/2019 Zhao, 69, was admitted to the Union Hospital of Huazhong University of Science and Technology in Wuhan. He was suffering from pituitary tumors, he didn't have a very good cardiac function, coronary heart disease, sinus bradycardia and other illnesses. He stayed in the hospitals for 12 days for preoperative examination and evaluation (until January 6th).

Before the brain surgery, he had no respiratory symptoms, normal body temperature, normal white blood cell and lymphocyte values. Preoperative x-rays showed he had some shadows on his left rib cage due to a long history of smoking. He was full of gas, good mental state, the doctors didn't have any reason to doubt he had an sort of viral pneumonia.

December 30, 2019 the hospital received an internal notice about cases of pneumonia of unknown causes and January 7th, 2020 the hospital staff started wearing protection clothes.

Zhao's surgery was done January 8th during the morning, it was done successfully and the patient was in stable conditions.

January 9th the hospital was informed that the unknown cause of pneumonia was a virus called coronavirus. But Zhao didn't have any symptom whatsoever.

January 11th Zhao suddenly got fever, but it was extremely difficult to determine the clinical reason since he made an cranial surgery, it could be changes in the body's stress, cerebral vascular irritation, changes in intracranial pressure...

Meanwhile a neurosurgeon issued a lung CT scan, image display showed multiple lung opacities sheet with right pleural effusion, interstitial pneumonia. Significant pulmonary infection performance has emerged. Also, leukocytes increased significantly, elevated neutrophils, lymphocytes low, these changes are not typical virus infection.

Doctor immediately reported the case and specialists did RNA tests confirming the patient got the virus and infected 14 people from the hospital staff. He was classified as "Super Spreader", that's when a person infects a large amount of people. The hospital doesn't know how many people were infected by the patient and the staff since hundreds of patients, medics and students go to that hospital daily and as observed the infected person might take 15 days to feel symptoms, but can infect others even before the symptoms appear.

Source: China Press




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