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New Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Pandemic (aka WuFlu)


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There are some, including myself, don't trust China 100%. It amazes me of how long this has gone for and no one seems to be looking their way 100%, especially with the equipment that came from China days ago that some were not happy about. One of the Techs I worked with "technically" went under ground prior to the lock-downs in NYC, mere days before the work force was put on hold while others worked from home. He, like me, knew how things were back in November, and he himself, being born and raised in China prior to coming to the US, was an insane grudge and hatred for the Chinese Government, mostly due to something personal. He said it himself, the government is always hiding and spouting misinformation, some of which, clouds the minds of the onlooker.

Even in the US, the silly MSM are not too bright, especially around January and February, for their beclowning foolishness is ever so clear from then to now. On the other side of the spectrum, you have the government as well, which cannot be trusted.

That being said, you can see as of now, one of the so called pillars of peace has been shaken, by the pillar of which I speak of, is W.H.O.

COVID-19 won't be stopped, some stated it may be seasonal, despite this, we can expect spikes in cases/deaths, and around the corner, you have a damaged economy, whereas can hinder those seeking to conjure up some vaccine for something so novel.

Other than that, for the past few weeks, a bit exhausted. Blood and energy was more in use to help family and friends, as with some strangers along the way. But not every path has a positive outcome, for I had heard seen damage and death in this pandemic. Despite this is does not hinder me to share Scripture, especially in the faces of those who continually blame God for this, for just last week, was in a debate with someone who, within the Christian community, claimed God created this virus, such hypocrisy had to be put in it's place.

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An outbreak of a novel coronavirus was initially identified during mid-December 2019 in the city of Wuhan in central China, as an emerging cluster of people with pneumonia with no clear cause. The out

@The Librarian  You know it's never good when a public health scientist starts off a tweet with "HOLY MOTHER OF GOD."    

I don't really know. My youngest son speaks and writes Chinese fairly well and has been writing to some friends in China. They are working under the assumption that some persons CAN get it again, but

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No surprise that within days, things have been shifting.

To add on because of the pandemic, there is mental health issues on the rise whereas being indoors for too long will cause people to go crazy, especially since some people do not have contact and or within the confines of the loneliness epidemic that has been going on for far too long. Likewise with child and or domestic sex/violence abuse, although such is not taking place in some institutions (granted that is where the majority is), there is the home whereas the family member(s) are the culprit in causing harm. Immorality is on the rise, for there are some who are bribed with sex to get around any financial blockade as is with other things, and immoral behavior is encouraged, granted, of how today's world views immorality.

Racism, whereas Asians are being attacked, as well as Black, and to some degree, Latinos. Violent attacks, as with theft has increased, on the other side of the spectrum, you have people for/against reopening everything when things are uncertain. Regarding food, some stores, and the like, well some areas, are lacking in resources, in other areas, like parts of Africa, there is a slight famine looming. Elsewhere, possible food contaminations.

Unemployment is at an all-time high resulting in a spark of small numbers of people wanting to get back to work, as is, with those who knows what they will lose. Those that are working, are put under high risk, granted they risk their lives to, in Amazon's case, "help get a 16-year-old his Xbox One Controller". Such ones are put at risk and do not have much safety means in the work environment; others have also lost their jobs when they called such things out. The Economy pretty much jumped off a cliff and on the verge of crashing badly, not without some $rich$ people and some institutions profiting off a good crisis that is. So no one is shy from the words of Winston Churchill when he said “Never waste a good crisis”.

False religious is in full force, despite from those stating and or blaming God for this virus, there are those professing falsehood and deviant from what the true church has taught, which is no surprise coming from Babylon.

Pretty much what 2 timothy 3:1-5 speaks of regarding trying times in the last days to some degree.

2 timothy 3:1-5

Godlessness in the Last Days

[1] But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. [2] For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, [3] heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, [4] treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, [5] having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people.

Draconian measures are in place whereas there are people being confronted and persecuted in this Orwellian Corona-Era based reality, i.e. a mom being arrested while with her child, a guy being chased on the beach, etc. Drones being used despite what was said in the past, for instance, drones have been deployed in Elizabeth, NJ - mind you, these drones were made in China. Some of the powers that be enjoy said power(s) that is currently opened to them; that is, leaders across the country who while under this pandemic have got some "unlockables" that enable said powers - authoritarianism. Such as L.A Mayor Eric Garcetti who tells the people to obey or be hunted down, as is with heavy surveillance tracking of cars and cell phones as is with "sanding" some areas to prevent access, which sounds like mix of abuse of power and fascism. Mayor Del Blasio and his 8 million snitches, which is in line with spying and persecution of neighbors. Gov. Murphy in NJ sent law enforcement after someone who criticized him and his actions, this is the same guy who said he was not thinking about the Bill of Rights a few days ago which sent flames under the bottoms of some folks. You have the MSM spinning the narrative, to cause people to consume slander, fear, and panic.

On the bright side, ironically enough, some air is cleaner. For air pollution has dropped I believe about large unprecedented percentage from what I have been reading.

Begin to see the true colors, even the sin of some people during a major crisis, this goes for all institutions, the people, law, as is with law enforcement, etc. For although we are not out of the woods yet, this will serve as a prime example the next time wants to display ignorance, bigotry and or the like, for what I been said is all true.

That being said, there is a few of us who are not fazed by this pandemic, myself included. However, I cannot speak for others, for they can go into some change when things go awry.

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Sorry Nicaragua Sad Michael Scott GIF

This Bar Chart shows the Mortality Rate of COVID19 infection worldwide for the top 15 countries as of 02.05.2020. In the right corner you see the worldwide total covid cases, the total covid19 deaths, the active coronaviruses and the recovered corona patients. Overall it’s the probability to die in a country when you are infected with the coronavirus. The Bar color represents the Continent.

Source: JHU | Johns Hopkins University

Tools: Python with Matplotlib for the animation and Pandas to prepare the Data.


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On 5/3/2020 at 2:29 PM, admin said:

Sorry Nicaragua

‘Express burials’ raise fears that Nicaragua is hiding a coronavirus tragedy

Such “express burials” have become increasingly common in this Central American country, raising suspicions that the authoritarian government is trying to hide the extent of the coronavirus tragedy within its borders.

As the virus that causes covid-19 has spread across the globe, Nicaragua has stood out in Latin America for an almost complete lack of restrictions to contain it. The government of President Daniel Ortega has kept offices and schools open. Authorities deny the virus has spread widely; in this nation of 6 million, one of the poorest in the Western Hemisphere, they insist there have been only 25 cases and eight deaths.

Sixty-seven doctors or other health-care workers have been infected with the coronavirus, according to the independent Nicaraguan Medical Unit. It bases its count on symptoms and lung X-rays, because tests are scarce and controlled by the government.

Around 90 patients with severe respiratory disease were being treated Friday at the Hospital España in the western city of Chinandega, where Maltez died, according to hospital officials who spoke to The Washington Post on the condition of anonymity for fear of reprisal. Doctors there suspect most are covid-19 cases. Among those who are believed to have been infected recently are top hospital officials, radiologists, internists and nurses.

The government doesn’t recognize any of those infections as covid-19. It did not respond to several requests for comment.

“The hospitals are overwhelmed, the health system is maxxed out,” said Taki Moreno, president of the Pulmonologists’ Association.

Read full article: https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/the_americas/coronavirus-nicaragua-quick-burials-ortega-hiding-deaths/2020/05/17/288d29ac-9633-11ea-87a3-22d324235636_story.html

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On 10/30/2020 at 4:48 PM, admin said:

US logs nearly 90,000 new coronavirus cases Thursday, 1 new case per second


Peak in new cases will be followed by new peaks in hospitalizations and deaths.

And it is only going to get worse, as was said months ago. The numbers are not too accurate either because of the whole situation with JHU. The baseline of control is ever so obvious and the virus itself is among the cards on the table.

That ultimately being said, there are more tragic things, even grave things, taking place with this pandemic going around. The incoming lockdowns will be an even grater suffering for those who cannot handle it. Those with no safeguard, or refuge, etc.

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