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New Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Pandemic (aka WuFlu)


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I am sure this is common knowledge already, but for "kicks and giggles" I entered into google earth the location of the Wuhan Institute Of Virology and of course it falls right where the outbreak was identified, in Hubei. I have not really been doing a lot of reading about the virus but the little that I did read seemed to pinpoint it, or blame it on, the outdoor animal markets. I don't know, to me it seems too much of a coincidence that this institute is right there. It sounds more like something got out where it shouldn't have. Why else all the panic?

An interesting short article from the institute here: http://english.whiov.cas.cn/Research/Research_Progress/201712/t20171201_186818.html

"By analyzing the new viruses’ complete genetic makeup, Shi and her colleagues retraced the steps that might have given rise to the original SARS virus. A few spots in the viruses’ DNA seem particularly prone to rearrangement, so remixing happens often. The study suggests that recombination between viruses has shaped the evolution of SARS, says Baric".

Perhaps they did a little re-mixing in a test tube and forgot to put the cork back.....


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An outbreak of a novel coronavirus was initially identified during mid-December 2019 in the city of Wuhan in central China, as an emerging cluster of people with pneumonia with no clear cause. The out

@The Librarian  You know it's never good when a public health scientist starts off a tweet with "HOLY MOTHER OF GOD."    

I don't really know. My youngest son speaks and writes Chinese fairly well and has been writing to some friends in China. They are working under the assumption that some persons CAN get it again, but

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The World Health Organization on Wednesday declared the rapidly spreading coronavirus outbreak a pandemic, acknowledging what has seemed clear for some time — the virus will likely spread to all countries on the globe.

Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said the situation will worsen.

“We expect to see the number of cases, the number of deaths, and the number of affected countries climb even higher,” said Tedros, as the director-general is known.

As of Wednesday, 114 countries have reported that 118,000 have contracted Covid-19, the disease caused by the virus, known as SARS-CoV2. Nearly 4,300 people have died.

In the United States, where for weeks state and local laboratories could not test for the virus, just over 1,000 cases have been diagnosed and 29 people have died. But authorities here warn continuing limits on testing mean the full scale of spread in this country is not yet known.


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Neither I or my wife have ever taken an annual "flu shot" (vaccine).


"So last year 37,000 Americans died from the common Flu," Trump tweeted Monday morning. "It averages between 27,000 and 70,000 per year. Nothing is shut down, life & the economy go on. At this moment there are 546 confirmed cases of CoronaVirus, with 22 deaths. Think about that!"


So ..... think about that!

One thing to consider is which is the most dangerous ... in your PARTICULAR  case ...considering age, immune system, underlying health conditions, and other things applicable to you personally, is whether or not you want to take the risk of the Coronavirus being a threat to life, or long term health ... or a vaccine rushed to market.

I just got this email from an Elder in my congregation:

" Good evening everyone. Tomorrow evening our service group is assigned to do the light cleaning, which means we are responsible for disinfecting "all frequently touched surfaces in the Kingdom Hall including but not limited to door and fixture handles, microphones, seat arms, hard surface furniture, sinks, toilets, urinals, and drinking fountains" after the meeting. (The whole congregation is invited to do this before the meeting.) The more hands we have the more quickly we can get this done. Thanks! "

I am pretty much going to ignore the whole virus apprehension/scare thing, but probably wash my hands more often.  I already avoid people.

Do we stop eating at restaurants, or handling canned goods at the grocery store, that some checker has bagged?

I understand a Dilbert character, Ratbert, intended to achieve immortality by living in a coffee can away from all of this, but after a day of hiding in a coffee can, found immortality to be overrated.




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5 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

just got this email from an Elder in my congregation:

" Good evening everyone

I took note of how quickly everyone at the Kingdom Hall Sunday embraced a new routine. There had been an announcement about a need to “keep your greetings simple” and handshaking has instantly been replaced by elbow bumps, etc. There is an advantage to being ready to comply. I worked up a post about it 4 days ago, starting with how if you wore a mask like they do trick-or-treating, or even a Guy Fawkes mask, that would be one effective way to avoid touching your face.


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All our meetings and field services groups has been cancelled as well.  We can ( telephone) tie-in for the meetings or connect to  a on- line video steam. ( I don't know how the brothers will work that out) No door-to-door, however we can call a friend and meet up with them and hand out tracts.  They suggested letter writing and phone witnessing. It maybe just about the same with many congregations. 

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On 3/11/2020 at 12:22 PM, Anna said:

I am sure this is common knowledge already, but for "kicks and giggles" I entered into google earth the location of the Wuhan Institute Of Virology and of course it falls right where the outbreak was identified, in Hubei.

I'm pretty sure that the statistics we are seeing are just partial "indicators" and are not accurate enough to give a real picture. There are serious persons who believe that the virus has already been in the United States for some time, and that some of the deaths that had been attributed to the flu season were already actually based on this COVID-19. An interview between Congress and a CDC official (recorded by CNN) already admitted that at least some recent flu deaths in the U.S. have been retested and found to have been positive for COVID-19. 

Japan, is an ally of the United States, and its relationship with China is much like the US relationship with Russia. Yet, several reports from officials in Japan have now stated that they believe this virus came from the United States. This is based on a study of the chronology and genetic makeup for each of about 4 perhaps 5 family variations of the virus.

Opposing that view (and therefore against the view that this was an artificially developed virus) are the scientists who have looked at the genes of the virus and evidently have determined that it has more indicators of a natural virus, not one in which sequences have been artificially recombined.

Also, a bit suspicious, but typical, have been the racist attacks on the head of the WHO, who is Ethiopian. Pictures have emerged of him on social media with bigger than usual lips, and racist attacks, licking the feet of his "controllers" or being walked like a dog. This has only been recently however, after he praised China for how well they were able to handle this, and keep it under control so that the rest of the world would have a chance to prepare testing kits, hospitals, beds, breathing support apparatus for impaired lung function, etc. Unfortunately, the rest of the world used this window of opportunity to twiddle its thumbs, and in the case of the US, to delay the partial replacement of severe cuts to the CDC, etc. (The CDC by the way has been notoriously bad in the past when it came to tracking and caring for H1N1, etc.)

These racist attacks on China-praisers like Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, have also been traced to IP addresses in Hong Kong. Which has happened before, because Cantonese speaking HK citizens openly speak of Han Chinese (mainlanders) with words that are the near equivalent of the "N" word in America. Similarly, the Wikipedia page for Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has suddenly (only since this virus) been updated to include new information about potential controversy and problems. His praise of other nations that the US didn't like, but which have implemented excellent health reforms is the basis for the new controversies. And this about a man who has risked his own life on the front lines of outbreaks including ebola, etc. Even Reuters has openly acknowledged in reports that many politically-charged Wikipedia changes have been easily traced to CIA computers, and CIA IP addresses. And the close connection between the CIA and HK has been tracked and photographed.

Naturally, I don't claim to have followed up on all of these claims, but I did listen to the CDC interview about prior flu deaths in the US now being re-assigned to COVID-19. That one was correct. There is a place to watch the "watchdogs" who follow the sources of hotbeds of political bot attacks, political updates to Wikipedia, politically trending hashtags on Twitter, etc. There is a high turnover of cancelled accounts among this supposed watchdog group. These "whistleblowers" often complain that they can't get far-right, Nazi commentators banned from Twitter, yet they as a group suffer constant banning. I have seen some evidence of the truth of such claims, but can't say I've spent much time testing out these claims very deeply.

But it's enough to show that the nations still play dirty tricks and some of these tricks backfire. These "tricks" are played on fellow nations, "enemy" nations, or their own citizens.

Another example of such tricks that I just learned about: In a campaign promise, Trump said he would release some of the secret JFK files, and what did some show? That the CIA planned on sinking refugee ships from Cuba to the US, and bombing some Miami communities known for Cuban refugee populations --and blame it on Castro. This would scare refugees, send fear through Miami citizens, and increase support to pressure Castro, or even go to war with Cuba. Supposedly Kennedy's disagreement with some of these plans was why they were included in the files as potential reasons the CIA might have been suspected in the Kennedy assassination. Of course, it might also make us wonder which of the two countries was more totalitarian.

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During my recent ministry tour in Africa, there was people talking about it a few months back, so it was wise of some to prepare, hence many, truthers, such as myself, are primarily preppers, a lesson I took seriously since the 2010 Haiti Earthquake, whereas now we are in the era of this virus, which I myself, and many, call it for what it is - Wuhan Virus.

Hence, Proverbs 22:3 - The prudent sees danger and hides himself, but the simple go on and suffer for it.

Was extremely busy with aiding the young, and close friends and relatives and relay information unto them.

I pass this on to you. One thing that is not mentioned here is UV lights, don't know what this was brought up, but I'd have to do some research on it. Somehow that is another tool someone can add to their arsenal; despite the danger also being airborne, as some would state.


People can be ignorant at times to say this will go on for a mere week or two or a month. The reality of the situation is that it can last a lot longer than that. In January I expect 3-5 months, and with the failure of containment for some areas, prepares 6+ months, with the possibility of a Medical Marshal Law (a foreshadowing if more gov't based lockdowns are in place; currently eyes are on Washington, Cali, and more of NYC) for the scale is attempting to mirror Italy. Moreover, times will come, for some whereas friend can become foe, and foe can become friend in the realm of supplies.

That being said, other than dealing with friends and family, and those who mock preppers, I am dealing with those who are blaming God for this (with an utter disregard to scripture), others joking around not taking things seriously; i.e. using Thanos jokes and the like, MSM misinformation spreaders, and sadly, those I know who have cancer and the sick that will be in the back burner. I had witnessed firms lay off employees and contractors, especially those who do not have that luxury to work from home, in addition, the majority of such ones dwell in the New York Area.

The price of some being caught off guard will be a grave one to pay.

An the end of the day, eventually, the people will be given something experimental - soon, all the while fighting an dangerous monster of a beast has no known weakness and cannot be brought down with precision. Expect the unexpected.


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On 3/2/2020 at 11:08 PM, admin said:

The US has less than one million inpatient acute care beds. You read that right. Source, American Hospital Association:


What will happen is cots in gymnasiums.

Next, if 50m Americans get COVID in the next several months (which is not impossible short of Wuhan scale quarantine) then 5m will require hospitalization. Setting aside we don't have the facilities, this will bankrupt the private insurance world. Goodby private healthcare model - it's toast. Even the reinsurance world will collapse.

Some people are already talking about helping those that can live on and forgetting about those who cannot. An example, if a 32 year old and a 77 year old succumbs to the COVID-19, who will get treated first? Who will get a bed first? The plot thickens should one have some sort of condition, a real life example would be those who have cancer. I do not want to mention names, but one independent journalist I know, recently, stated that his friend cannot even go to a hospital right now for a planned appointment regarding cancer. Also stating that because of how things are, he can only speak to his friend over the phone, with the only thought of that he will soon not be able to talk or even see his friend again; for we know the endgame of cancer being potent and in full effect. Myself know people with cancer, the only thing I can do is do my best to aid them in some way shape or form.

That being said, it will be extremely difficultly once the MML kicks in after a few lockdowns, which is expected, New Rochelle will not be the only area.

When they start to send in the Blue Hats, expect problems to ensue.


Also I do not believe China at all. So that data you posted was correct. People do not know this and the MSM will not speak about it, especially with their "Orange Man Bad" mindset.

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5 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

Also I do not believe China at all. So that data you posted was correct. People do not know this and the MSM will not speak about it, especially with their "Orange Man Bad" mindset.

I strongly suspect that if anybody filled out the forms, the "Orange Man Bad" people would be certified insane.

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