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Chinese Coronavirus could be a bioweapon that escaped containment


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Virus-hit Wuhan has two laboratories linked to Chinese bio-warfare program

Virology institute there has China's only secure lab for studying deadly viruse


Here is more info from reddit user DodgeyEdgey:

Here you go. In 2015 there was a test done at University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. It was headed by Ralph Baric. https://www.the-scientist.com/news-opinion/lab-made-coronavirus-triggers-debate-34502 The purpose of the lab test was to manipulate a bat coronavirus to see if it could infect humans. It was discovered that it could. https://www.nature.com/articles/nm.3985 

One of the people who co wrote the paper was a Chinese researcher by the name of Xing-Ye Gi. Google scholar shows Gi has written or co-written numerous papers on SARS, ebola and coronavirus. https://scholar.google.co.uk/scholar?as_q=&num=10&btnG=Search+Scholar&as_epq=&as_oq=&as_eq=&as_occt=any&as_sauthors=%22Xing-Yi+Ge%22&as_publication=&as_ylo=&as_yhi=&as_allsubj=all&hl=en Gi works in Wuhan.

Key Laboratory of Special Pathogens and Biosafety, Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, China I found the fucking guy,.




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Not really a bombshell though based on the January 2nd date. Someone has done some good work here (video below) on the actual timeline. He's an American who has lived in China for a few years. He

The Epoch Times is Falun Gong's media outlet. My opinion is that The Epoch Times is a media outlet that takes advantage of the stupidity and anti-Chinese racism of the West. It is therefore designed t

Thank you I had heard about this as a "theory" about 3 weeks ago. I don't doubt it could be true

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On 2/16/2020 at 10:40 PM, admin said:

Naval University of Engineering (PLA Uni) announced lockdown 18 days before government announced epidemic.

Not really a bombshell though based on the January 2nd date.

Someone has done some good work here (video below) on the actual timeline. He's an American who has lived in China for a few years. He reads and speaks Chinese very well. (He's not a pro-Communist spokesperson, and has even been involved in the same types of large anti-government protests that thousands of other Chinese citizens have participated in.)

Even the article on Xi's knowledge of the epidemic actually appears to be a good thing, not something nefarious. It fits right into the timeline:

On January 20th, Xi officially acknowledged that there was an epidemic going on. That was two days before he first spoke publicly about it. In the speech released by Xi’s ruling Communist Party, the president told his party members on Jan 7 that he was already taking measures to contain the coronavirus outbreak.


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The Epoch Times is Falun Gong's media outlet. My opinion is that The Epoch Times is a media outlet that takes advantage of the stupidity and anti-Chinese racism of the West. It is therefore designed to appeal to Western racists and mostly American stupidity. As a financial maneuver, those tactics tap into a goldmine. Falun Gong's rabidly fascist political agenda is not hidden at all. The "movie" starts out:

"This is just the essential nature of Chinese Communism. Chinese Communism is evil. Every person it harms is directly attributable to the Chinese Communist Party."

I think that the world was extremely fortunate that this particular virus started out in China. China was extremely quick to detect it and give the proper warnings to officials and to the rest of the world. We have never seen such a quick response with so few mistakes for any other virus that has started either here or elsewhere. China made a few errors, and 3,000+ Chinese persons lost their lives, but the overall response was an excellent model for all other countries to follow. It put into operation a combination of testing, lock-down, recommendations, quarantines, notifications, equipping medical personnel, equipping medical research, and sharing the research with the world.

The "movie" is full of too many flat-out lies and inconsistencies to even think about taking seriously.

I wish I had time to discuss how so much of the anti-Chinese propaganda has already been completely debunked. However, I have a non-Covid health issue to take care of with one of my parents, and will likely be completely logged out of the forum for a couple of weeks. I'd love to get back to this when I'm back. But who knows? By then the U.S. will probably be talking some kind of war with China.


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