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"'BREAKING NEWS' The Montana Case Has Been Re-filed!"


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The Montana case has been re-filed!

As of February 6th, 2020, plaintiffs Nunez and McGowan have re-filed their claim in Sanders county, where the original trial was held. 

I know I am going to get a lot of questions on this case so please be patient. 

To give you the short explanation, this case is being filed on the basis of willful negligence on the part of Thompson Falls elders, Watch Tower Pennsylvania, and Watchtower of New York.

The original trial was predicated upon the decision by Judge Manley that Watchtower had broken Montana's mandatory reporting law. While we believe this to be correct, the Supreme Court decided that Watchtower was entitled to the clergy-penitent loophole, indicating that they had no choice but to allow Jehovah's Witnesses to take advantage of this poorly-written law.

Now that the Montana Supreme court has made this ruling, this case reverts back to some decisions which were rendered prior to the trial involving negligence. 

The simple way to say this is that Lexi and Holly's attorneys were not given the opportunity to properly make their case for negligence because the judge had already assessed fault to Watchtower for failure to report. 

Hence we are going back to the drawing board in making the assertion that despite Montana's laws, Watchtower and the elders will still willfully negligent in their practices.

Another way to say this is that even when a person or organization is technically innocent of breaking a law, they can still be sued for negligence. 

In the Montana case, the elders were absolutely negligent in failing to warn and protect Lexi and Holly after learning of the dangers of being cared for by a known child predator. 

Additionally, there have been updates in Montana law following the 2018 trial where the Statues of Limitations for civil liability have been extended, and which allow Lexi to file her case once again without fear of the expiration of SOL.

And finally, we have one more piece of news in this case: 

Watch Tower of Pennsylvania has been added as a defendant in this case, despite the vocal protests of Watchtower attorneys from New York. There have been additional revelations and documents secured which contradict Watchtower's original claims that Watch Tower Pennsylvania is not involved in child abuse cases, and that they are only involved in copyright matters. 

Documents obtained reveal that Watch Tower Pennsylvania has assets well exceeding one billion dollars, plus multiple offshore bank accounts and investments. 

I want to thank everyone who has ever provided leaked information, documents, and details which provide proof that all of these Watchtower corporations are just alter egos for one another and for the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. 

Enough is enough. It's time to pull back the veil of secrecy and hold this organization accountable for its destructive influence upon millions of followers, particularly the vulnerable children who have suffered for so long. 


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The Montana case has been re-filed! As of February 6th, 2020, plaintiffs Nunez and McGowan have re-filed their claim in Sanders county, where the original trial was held.  I know I am going

This is good news. But I'm not one for wishing for massive payouts.  I think it is clearly known by now that the GB and their Lawyers are dishonest, the Watchtower Soc and CCJW are run by those G

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This is good news. But I'm not one for wishing for massive payouts. 

I think it is clearly known by now that the GB and their Lawyers are dishonest, the Watchtower Soc and CCJW are run by those GB and lawyers, so are there by also dishonest. 

And Jesus said at Matthew 5 v 40 - 42

And if a person wants to take you to court and get possession of your inner garment, let him also have your outer garment; 41  and if someone in authority compels you into service for a mile, go with him two miles. 42  Give to the one asking you, and do not turn away from one who wants to borrow from you.

So, some balance is needed. The GB and their lawyers are greedy dishonest people. The lawyers of the victims are greedy and may be dishonest people. BUT, the victims are in the middle of it all. 

If the GB didn't use dishonest lawyers. If the GB served God and lived and acted and worked by Bible 'rules' and principles, as Jesus' words above, then this situation would not be here. 

The GB are the ones that bring shame on the Watchtower Soc' and on JW Org. So, unfortunately the whole W/t and CCJW will suffer because of the sins / dishonesty of the GB.   

Didn't the Nation of Israel suffer for the sins of King David ? 

It is quite obvious that if there is a Paedophile in a congregation, the whole congregation should be told who it is and should be on special alert. 

1 Timothy 5 v 20

Reprove before all onlookers those who practice sin, as a warning to the rest.

v 21 says " I solemnly charge you before God and Christ Jesus and the chosen angels to observe these instructions without any prejudice or partiality ".

Do you read this. Without any prejudice or partiality.

The GB and it's Elders use verse 19 as an excuse to disbelieve CSA accusations, but do not use verses 20 and 21. Hypocrites. 


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