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Whats the meaning of Matthew 24:15?


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Mr @Moise, after you see all these things happen and you repent, they'll be a lot of work for you, too. Knowing all those scriptures like you do...once Jehovah opens your eyes you'll be able to use them to build up instead of tear down.


Paul approved of relentlessly persecuting true Christians, but when his eyes were opened he was foremost of those helping others.


The ransom is really big. It'll be cool to see how some people wake up once the tribulation starts. God is not partial. 


"I am grateful to Christ Jesus our Lord, who imparted power to me, because he considered me faithful by assigning me to a ministry,  although formerly I was a blasphemer and a persecutor and an insolent man. Nevertheless, I was shown mercy because I acted in ignorance and with a lack of faith.  But the undeserved kindness of our Lord abounded exceedingly along with faith and the love that is in Christ Jesus.  


"This saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. Of these, I am foremost.  Nevertheless, I was shown mercy so that by means of me as the foremost case, Christ Jesus might demonstrate all his patience, making me an example to those who are going to rest their faith on him for everlasting life. 


"Now to the King of eternity, incorruptible, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen."

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31 minutes ago, AnnaNana said:

Mr @Moise, after you see all these things happen and you repent, they'll be a lot of work for you, too. Knowing all those scriptures like you do...once Jehovah opens your eyes you'll be able to use them to build up instead of tear down.

Who do you think appointed me? I have the full suit of armor. 

Eph. 6:11 gPut on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil.

31 minutes ago, AnnaNana said:

Paul approved of relentlessly persecuting true Christians, but when his eyes were opened he was foremost of those helping others.

I'm not persecuting Christians. This poster is not a Christian but a scoffer that is persecuting Christians.

31 minutes ago, AnnaNana said:

"I am grateful to Christ Jesus our Lord, who imparted power to me, because he considered me faithful by assigning me to a ministry,  although formerly I was a blasphemer and a persecutor and an insolent man.

Therefore, this can't be applied to this poster. A blasphemer of God's Holy Spirit.

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"Look! All the souls—to me they belong. As the soul of the father so also the soul of the son—to me they belong. The soul who sins is the one who will die."


Thankfully, Jehovah is in charge of all the souls. As far as being mortal or immortal, that's something Jehovah's also going to take care of. There are some now living who will never die, and there are others who will be changed.


"But I tell you this, brothers, that flesh and blood cannot inherit God’s Kingdom, nor does corruption inherit incorruption.  Look! I tell you a sacred secret: We will not all fall asleep in death, but we will all be changed,  in a moment, in the blink of an eye, during the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised up incorruptible, and we will be changed.  For this which is corruptible must put on incorruption, and this which is mortal must put on immortality.  But when this which is corruptible puts on incorruption and this which is mortal puts on immortality, then the saying that is written will take place: “Death is swallowed up forever.”  “Death, where is your victory? Death, where is your sting?”  The sting producing death is sin, and the power for sin is the Law.  But thanks to God, for he gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!"


We will know the great tribulation has begun after Matthew 24:15 and the associated scriptures take place - the UN attacks Bethel, the attack on religion cut short after 5 months, the organization restored/refined by the 1,150th day into the great tribulation. 


Then some other things will happen at the 1260th, 1290th, and 1335th days out.


At some point all the anointed ones who have ever died since the first century will be resurrected. People will see them, just like they saw Jesus walk the earth after he was resurrected and before he went to heaven. The anointed who have not died will be changed. Then all together they will go to heaven to be "married" figuratively. The "marriage" is just the moment they are in heaven and the kingdom is completely in place. That is also the same moment the heavenly temple is complete and is "anointed". 


It's going to be an interesting 3 1/2 years.


Jehovah always tells the finale from the beginning.


Praise Jehovah!

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2 hours ago, AnnaNana said:

The soul who sins is the one who will die."

Yep! This is what apostates can expect with their blasphemy.

2 hours ago, AnnaNana said:

Thankfully, Jehovah is in charge of all the souls. As far as being mortal or immortal, that's something Jehovah's also going to take care of. There are some now living who will never die, and there are others who will be changed.

The person needs to REPENT first. Continual blasphemy is not repentance but condemnation. God does not change a person's soul; the person makes their own choice. Therefore, after repentance, the soul changes for the better. Accepting Christ's commands as Christ accepted God's commands through faith and obedience is the true path to that soul's salvation. Contradicting and disobeying God's word isn't.

However, get educated in such matters since a mortal and an immortal entity can die, and God will not FORCE anyone to change. It's called "free will."

So, there's a big difference between "change" and "transform" in a biblical setting.

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5. This unity will soon discover itself in co-working. It was a motto with Bucer, "To love all in whom he could see anything of the Lord Jesus." It is said of some men that they appear to have been born upon the mountains of Berber, for they do nothing but cause division; and baptized in the waters of Meribah, for they delight in causing strife. This is not the case with the genuine Christian; he cares only for the truth, for his Master, for the love of souls; and when these things are not imperilled, his own private likes or dislikes never affect him.

(C. H. Spurgeon.)

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(Titus 3:8-11)

How was Titus to handle these problem people? For one thing, he had to avoid arguing with them. Then, if they persisted in causing strife even after two admonitions (and this implies public warnings), they were to be dismissed from the fellowship. Church members who cause divisions and then take their membership to another church should be allowed to go. If they come back but manifest a repentant spirit, they should be warned and received. If they cause trouble again, they may be granted the right to transfer a second time; but if they attempt to return again, they must not be received into the fellowship. Some sympathizing but untaught saints might say, "But perhaps they have reformed this time." Paul points out in v. 11 that such people will not reform; they are "turned inside out" (subverted) and in a state of constant sin; that is, they are beyond remedy. Our local churches would have fewer divisions if pastors and officers would observe this important principle.

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