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Astronauts on the International Space Station dissolving an effervescent tablet in a floating ball...


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The message sent wasn't clear enough - sorry. It was merely a thought about those who do not pay attention to Jehovah's words at Psalm 115:16). "As for the heavens, they belong to Jehovah, But the ear

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This business of visiting the moon and other planet is reason for concern.

"As for the heavens, they belong to Jehovah, But the earth he has given to the sons of men." (Psalm 115:16)

Should the end of this system shortly take place, I'm wondering whether anyone in rockets, on another planet or orbiting the earth be resurrected?


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In order to understand many things, you have to look at reality to prove or disprove many theories one might have about how the Universe really works.

FACT: Mankind has escaped the Earth's gravity well, crossed 240,000 miles of hard vacuum  and been to the Earth's Moon, many times, even leaving instruments, souvenirs, and abandoned vehicles behind, and returned without any interference from God, whatsoever.

FACT: Mankind has, at my last count, 9 robots running around on the planet Mars, anfd has for many years, without any interference from God.

FACT:  Mankind has sent many robot "eyes and ears" across our Solar System, and many have landed on other planets, and asteroids, and two, Voyager One, and Voyager Two, are either in space between the stars, or headed that way, all without any interference from God.

FACT: Jehovah is Eternal, and NOTHING in this Universe is, and the Universe we live in is "only" about 14 billion years old, and had a beginning, where for the first time, "time and space" was created as one thing, and imbued with a direction of flow, from the present, to the future.  Spacetime is ONE thing ... not two things.  Time, is a property of all physical matter.

FACT: Jehovah represents himself as being "from everlasting to everlasting", a curious phrase that applies only to one that had no beginning, and will have no end ... an incorporeal being that is so powerful that multiple millions of "interface modules" (Angels of various sorts ...) were created to interface to THIS Universe, without disrupting it.

Can you point your finger an ANY direction, and if you follow that line of direction, it will run through God?


He does not "live" in this physical universe at all,  never has, and never will, as the change in the laws of physics that make this Universe self sustaining, on "automatic pilot", so to speak, would make things like stars and planets impossible to exist.

Therefore, BY ACTUAL COMPLETED TESTS, and looking at the results of those tests, The "vicinity of the Earth", includes the entire physical Universe, and everything in it ..... and the "Heavens" belonging to Jehovah is somewhere or something on the OTHER side of the "Big Bang".

For his existence, and the existence of similar energy only creations, he does not need this incompatible Universe at all!

We do.

It appears that this entire physical Universe, and all the "Real Estate" therein, was made exclusively and specifically  for the sons and daughters of DNA.

NOWHERE in Scripture is it stated that after Armageddon, we are going to be sterilized, which God always viewed as tragic, and against his will, or a punishment.

To the contrary ... and that would require a Universe like ours, with a 28 billion light year diameter (....and EXPANDING!), and people that like to explore and colonize new territory .... like US!






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On 2/27/2020 at 3:30 AM, Colin Browne said:

Should the end of this system shortly take place, I'm wondering whether anyone in rockets, on another planet or orbiting the earth be resurrected?

Why not?

Of course, they would have to die, first.

Plenty of opportunities for that with REAL Pioneers.

Who knows .... perhaps that is the only way we will be able to travel faster than light, between the stars?

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Think of this ... when someone of the 144,000 dies, they are said to be "transformed in the twinkling of an eye" to the same Heaven Jehovah occupies... and our Universe  of conventional spacetime, which had a beginning about 14 billion years ago, is about 28 billion light years in diameter ... so to be "installed" in the heavens (outside of OUR physical Universe, where there is no entropy or "laws of dynamics"), that distance is traversed instantly ... not in billions of years, even at the speed of light.

Einstein discovered many great truths about our Universe by continually doing "thought experiments".

Perhaps we can do this also.

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On 2/27/2020 at 4:30 AM, Colin Browne said:

Should the end of this system shortly take place, I'm wondering whether anyone in rockets, on another planet or orbiting the earth be resurrected?


Nothing is too hard for Jehovah. As Bro Rook has said, the person would have to die first to be resurrected. Just as persons who have been atomized, persons who have been eaten by animals and fish, persons who died in the sea, etc., are going to be resurrected to life on earth where we can see them and associate with them, so will any persons in God's memory who will have died in space.

Remember a space ship blew up in 1986 (Challenger, I think) with several persons on board. Don't think it was very far out of earth's atmosphere but a good example still of people who did not die on earth.

Wherever death occurred, Jehovah can undo it.  The universe belongs to Him and his Son. who has been entrusted with the resurrection, has it as his inheritance.

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26 minutes ago, Melinda Mills said:

Nothing is too hard for Jehovah. As Bro Rook has said, the person would have to die first to be resurrected. Just as persons who have been atomized, persons who have been eaten by animals and fish, persons who died in the sea, etc., are going to be resurrected to life on earth where we can see them and associate with them, so will any persons in God's memory who will have died in space.

Remember a space ship blew up in 1986 (Challenger, I think) with several persons on board. Don't think it was very far out of earth's atmosphere but a good example still of people who did not die on earth.

Wherever death occurred, Jehovah can undo it.  The universe belongs to Him and his Son. who has been entrusted with the resurrection, has it as his inheritance.

The message sent wasn't clear enough - sorry. It was merely a thought about those who do not pay attention to Jehovah's words at Psalm 115:16). "As for the heavens, they belong to Jehovah, But the earth he has given to the sons of men." The world isn't much concerned about what the Bible says in this respect. Not many even read it, or even believe what it says. I was wondering - not about their being resurrected, but whether they will indeed, be resurrected. Ignorance about what the Bible says is no excuse, its available over most of the world. I was wondering whether Jehovah WOULD consider resurrecting any who may die on other planets. They are already planning to colonise Mars.


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On 3/20/2020 at 6:33 AM, Colin Browne said:

I was wondering whether Jehovah WOULD consider resurrecting any who may die on other planets. They are already planning to colonise Mars.

This ties in with what I expounded on earlier.

Everything we can see through telescopes of every sort, is the "vicinity of the Earth".

I good thought experiment to prove this is as follows:

If an Astronaut is on the Moon, on Mars, or on one of the asteroids in the asteroid belt ... or living snugly on one of the moons of Saturn, does Satan's influence still affect them?

Of course it does ... and through mishap or accident they may die there, or in transit.

THAT ..... defines what Jehovah refers to as " ... the vicinity of the Earth."

So, the "Earth" (as opposed to the domain of Jehovah, Christ, and Angels, etc.) is EVERYTHING we can see when we look up.

As an aside ... Jehovah always considered sterilization a misfortune, or something lamentable, so the idea that after Armageddon, we will fill the Earth, and suddenly become sterile is nonsense.

There is a LOT of Real Estate out there, folks ... and humans LOVE to explore and colonize.


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On 3/20/2020 at 5:19 PM, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

This ties in with what I expounded on earlier.

Everything we can see through telescopes of every sort, is the "vicinity of the Earth".

I good thought experiment to prove this is as follows:

If an Astronaut is on the Moon, on Mars, or on one of the asteroids in the asteroid belt ... or living snugly on one of the moons of Saturn, does Satan's influence still affect them?

Of course it does ... and through mishap or accident they may die there, or in transit.

THAT ..... defines what Jehovah refers to as " ... the vicinity of the Earth."

So, the "Earth" (as opposed to the domain of Jehovah, Christ, and Angels, etc.) is EVERYTHING we can see when we look up.

As an aside ... Jehovah always considered sterilization a misfortune, or something lamentable, so the idea that after Armageddon, we will fill the Earth, and suddenly become sterile is nonsense.

There is a LOT of Real Estate out there, folks ... and humans LOVE to explore and colonize.


"LOVE to explore"

Except the Holy scriptures, and give ear to those who did.

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