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Religion News regarding JW reputation during Rwanda's time of genocide and terror

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https://religionnews.com/2020/02/26/genocide-survivor-tells-of-risk-rescue-and-religion-in-rwanda/ Rwanda’s descent into terror in April 1994 took an estimated one million lives in a mere 100 day

If this was directed at me, it had little to do with specific things you wrote. (There were a couple of things, but not very important in the long run. And I recently addressed a couple of those types

Actually, he did state the connection. You don't even have to read between the lines. But you do have to understand "Allen-ese." Allen Smith, under almost all of his guises, would post book cover

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I have downloaded this on Kindle. First impression very favorable. Much better than any of my ebooks, thoroughly professional grade and disciplined—none of the chattiness and meanderings that is me—much more on the order of good straight journalism—telling a story well that it’s about time somebody told.

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I am through chapter one of this book, enjoying it much. There is an African way to tell a story, a lilting way that emphasizes the land and the people of the land. I am reminded of ‘Cry the Beloved Country,’ another African book (a novel) that runs parallel in some respects, with both tragedy and redemption.

Do you know what is odd? Click on the link for RNS. Drop down to the list of faiths at the bottom. Every faith under the sun is listed. Not Jehovah’s Witnesses. Not under Protestant, Not under Evangelical. Not under ‘Unaffiliated. Not under Alternative. Not under Other.

Reflect upon the irony of that. The religion, as evidenced by the reviewed book ‘No Greater Love’, that most plainly evokes John 15:13......“No one has love greater than this, that someone should surrender his life in behalf of his friends”....is not even listed as a faith (unless it is so well-hidden that I could not find it, but considering the validation of John 15, you would think it would be emblazoned)

There is a lesson in this. I haven’t quite figured it out to put it into words, but there is a lesson. It may even be a good thing that it is as it is. Perhaps it is as though they say: “Here is a list of the religions of the world” and it is just as well that we are not on it.


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This is not exactly on topic, but since I included mention of my books along with his, it is.

You said you ‘cringed’ at reading the Pedo chapter of Dear Mr Putin. Can I ask at what, beyond the obvious? 

I’ve said that in my last two books that I am top-heavy with CSA content, because I allowed myself to be driven by what was trending. I may rewrite some things. Already I am prepping Tom Irregardless for audio and in doing so am cleaning some of it up—substituting some ‘they’s where the original has ‘we’. Bit player & one-time hero of mine for his interview skills, Charlie Rose, has been sent out to pasture too, since he turned out to be a perv.

Bear in mind with Pedo that I consider it impossible to appeal to a certain type of person (Butler would be an example) who has suffered it, and so I don’t try. It is like trying to persuade a Trump person on the virtues of Obama, or vice verse. It can so rarely be done that it is a fool’s mission to go there. We are not nearly so rational as we like to pretend that we are.

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20 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

You said you ‘cringed’ at reading the Pedo chapter of Dear Mr Putin. Can I ask at what, beyond the obvious? 

If this was directed at me, it had little to do with specific things you wrote. (There were a couple of things, but not very important in the long run. And I recently addressed a couple of those types of things elsewhere, a few weeks ago.) The topic itself seemed like it should have been treated separately, as it was not a Russia-specific concern. And of course you have also treated this topic separately.

The most common sources of 'cringe' happen because it's too easy to say things that come across as one-sided bias, even if mostly correct.

The most cringe-worthy things we say are things in defense of our process and doctrine (our natural instinct) but which can still come across as insensitive to those who are still suffering. This might be the very reason you mentioned that you can't persuade certain persons who have certain beliefs or experiences, anyway. As you already know, the latter type will not be satisfied with ostensibly "good news" that the WTS has only a percentage of other organizations. Or, a defense that claims that a large percentage of cases were not as serious as rape, etc. 

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On 3/4/2020 at 11:44 PM, TrueTomHarley said:

Perhaps it is as though they say: “Here is a list of the religions of the world” and it is just as well that we are not on it.

I always found it cringe worthy that we were listed in telephone phone books Yellow Pages, under "businesses"., but then again, so are other churches.

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4 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

I always found it cringe worthy that we were listed in telephone phone books Yellow Pages, under "businesses"., but then again, so are other churches.

It’s how it is with the overall world and JWs. You want some acknowledgement or recognition but then whenever that is granted they botch things up so spectacularly that you wish they’d just ignore you. It’s like when Hollywood decides to tackle a Bible topic—Moses gets the girl and pops Pharaoh in the nose.

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12 hours ago, JW Insider said:

The topic itself seemed like it should have been treated separately, as it was not a Russia-specific concern. And of course you have also treated this topic separately.

I didn’t know when I wrote that book that there would also be a TrueTom vs the Apostates, so I threw everything I knew or thought I knew into that chapter. For all the reasons that you say, I am going to revamp and truncate it for the next edition, on the fly.

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What is the true story about “Rwanda” ethnic cleansing started by the support of the Belgian Military and the post colonel political revolution of the Catholic Church?

Can any witness, fake or not truly blame the Watchtower for witnesses being caught in the wake of politics and ethnic cleansing?

That would mean, the watchtower was to blame for the atrocities that were conducted against witnesses in World War 2 by Nazi’s wanting to purge themselves from Jews. Not all witnesses were Jews but loyal Christians. No different with that of Rwanda.

How disingenuous a witness would have to be to even consider blaming the Watchtower for the “actions” of others no matter how it might look? But, this is the life we live in since the Bethel Purge of the 80s. A long-lasting criticism of disgruntled members.

The Catholic Church and Political Revolution in Rwanda, 1959–1962 

Aided by Belgian military and political officials, a Hutu-dominated one-party state replaced the former Tutsi oligarchy. The bloodshed, ethnic cleansing, and mass refugee movements profoundly destabilized Rwandan society and established the zero-sum ethnic logic that reaped such a terrible harvest in the postcolonial period, culminating with civil war and genocide in the early 1990s. PAGE 121




In Context, more truthful research is recommended.


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