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Demas, Scriptures Daily 13th March 2020

Colin Browne

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Have you notised that JWs usually express it saying "be in the truth", but apostle Paul usually said instead to "be in Christ". Why this difference? Here an example: Romans 16:3 Give my gree

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My brothers, don't follow Demas who left the truth because he loved the world more than working with the apostle Paul. Truth never fails - Stick to it!

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Guest Tom Henry
9 hours ago, Witness said:

This is all due to the FEAR OF MEN.  Acts 5:29; Isa 2:22   For pity’s sake, when will JWs stand up for Christ’s truth! 

Far as I know, That's exactly what I'm doing. Letting people understand the truth without so much optics. If not words tend to spin round and round and the truth becomes a different meaning. Just like Tom suggests about the 144,000. People become numb when hearing an exploited view.

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2 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

" Whoever we are, if our heart yearns for truth, Holy Spirit will lead us to it. "

I wish this were true. I no longer believe it. 

It is true.  Jesus and the Father would not abandon us to mystery.  We have the promise that scrolls are opened in the last days. (Dan 12:9; Rev 20:11,12) Jesus said, "seek and you shall find" (Matt 7:7,8)  If you received a promise that a treasure awaited you, but that it was vitally important for you keep your faith in that promise and actively search for it, wouldn't you do everything you could to find it?  (Prov 2:1-6)


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14 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

As for me, a huge draw to the truth was the hope of living forever on earth—where I can well imagine future activities—like that camping trip that you wished would never end—as opposed to everlasting life in heaven, where I can’t imagine what I would do.

Do you know how God's Kingdom will arrive?  Do you realize that no one will live on the earth if there is not a faithful anointed remnant to survive the great tribulation?   What is Zion comprised of?  How are the anointed sealed?  By listening to changed teachings of men who expect them to kowtow to them, and not to Christ as individual members of his Body?

The Watchtower has done its job well.  You know little of their role in the last days and how the Kingdom of God will be born.  


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Guest Tom Henry


3 hours ago, Witness said:

By listening to changed teachings of men who expect them to kowtow to them, and not to Christ as individual members of his Body?

Hmm! Didn't Jesus make changes in a big way? Are today's Christians incumbent upon the survival of the apostles?

1. Are we to tell God he has made a "poor" choice of those that decided to pick up the mantle from dead Christianity, that was only awakened by the reformers?

2. Were we supposed to STOP all bible knowledge in the 16th century even though we have a more powerful understanding of scripture today?

3. Should, witnesses become stale with its Christian faith as the earlier church fathers?

4. Are we uplifting other peoples spirituality or is it simpler to sway them to condemnation?

Personally, I have no difficulty understanding the Pauline letters. Philippians 3:12-14 demonstrates how one should be eager to push forward to a better understanding. That is what "witnesses" should always strive for. What prize should every Christian denomination, shoot for if not, everlasting life. How could a Christian achieve this, if not with wisdom and knowledge. That's what spiritual maturity is.

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@Tom Henry  " Are we to tell God he has made a "poor" choice of those that decided to pick up the mantle from dead Christianity, that was only awakened by the reformers? "

What makes you think God had anything to do with it ?  If it had been God's choice then those men would not have 'run ahead' and chose to use their own understanding, thereby making so many mistakes.

Quote " Were we supposed to STOP all bible knowledge in the 16th century even though we have a more powerful understanding of scripture today? "

The GB and CCJW do NOT have a 'more powerful understanding of scripture today' 

They are fumbling in the dark with 8 million people lives hanging in the balance.  

Quote "Are we uplifting other peoples spirituality or is it simpler to sway them to condemnation?"

JWs and Bible students are not being lifted spiritually. They are being weighed down with burdens from the GB down to the Elders. They are not being taught truth because the GB and the Writing department do not have truth. NO One in the CCJW is inspired of God's Holy spirit. They are the 'blind leading the blind'.

The Anointed are not doing the job they were anointed to do. There is no spiritual guidance right now. 

You have your own understanding, but others have their own understanding. I am wise enough to know that i do not have spiritual guidance or understanding. 


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Guest Tom Henry
11 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

What makes you think God had anything to do with it ?  If it had been God's choice then those men would not have 'run ahead' and chose to use their own understanding, thereby making so many mistakes.

How do you know, The Org is NOT God's choice. Has God spoken to you directly to make such a conclusion? That why my understanding comes from scripture not from men. I am united by those men that have the same implicit understanding of scripture as I do.

However, you are correct. Many in the CCJW do not understand scripture. Those have fallen short from their goal of trusting in God to give them guidance and accept their responsibility of being part of Christ body after baptism.

That is a measure spoken of in, scripture. It is all there in scripture for anyone to understand. I choose to understand and not undermine God or choose to be disobedient just because of my personal corrupt views.

If you understand man's history, you will find the 16th century church reformer was Martin Luther. As far as I know, he never had anything to do with CCJW. Then again, where are the Lutherans today. Therefore, wisdom is subjective.

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How do you know, The Org is NOT God's choice.

One simple answer.


Matthew 7:15-20 New King James Version (NKJV)

You Will Know Them by Their Fruits

15 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. 16 You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? 17 Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Therefore by their fruits you will know them.

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