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Meetings canceled in Sweden


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Il 15/3/2020 Alle 11:59, Kosonen ha scritto:

My wife, active JW, does not go to meeting today. She says meetings are canceled due to the Corona virus.

Very interesting.

A speculation rose in my mind, could this be the beginning of the fall of the WT organization. A soft start to the liquidation of the WT organization? The congregations would already had canceled normal meetings and then it would not be a big deal to close the headquarters.

The situation is no doubt very special.

Then the foretold flight to the desert could occure.

You should have more trust in what your wife is doing, not using irony and perhaps even sarcasm about her in such a public way. (Read the comment about the decision to close the Kingdom Halls due to the the coronavirus)

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Ummmm.......no. The congregations are only following the recommendations or orders from secular authorities who have good reasons for giving these orders for the health and safety of its citizens

Very simple ... hold the Memorial in people's homes, limited in size to whatever is determined to be safe .. I see no problem with 20 Memorials of 15 people, per Congregation. It does not ha

Oh no, but they will be so wrong! It's the toilet paper manufacturers.

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from JWorg: 

UPDATE | Latest Information Regarding the Coronavirus Outbreak

The Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses has provided direction to all branches regarding our spiritual activities during the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. On Thursday, March 12, 2020, the Governing Body directed the United States branch to cancel all large spiritual events until May 1, 2020. This direction was shared with all branches so that they can make wise decisions about our activities in harmony with local circumstances. We are fully cooperating with health officials in all nations in an effort to contain the spread of the virus. We recognize that this pandemic is yet another evidence that we are living deep in the last days.—Luke 21:7-13; Revelation 6:8

...we are living deep in the last days

What does this have to mean?? :))

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Guest Tom Henry

The Watchtower moratorium is intended for ALL branches to make WISE decisions about Elders attending to their local needs with their LOCAL circumstances. Not one size fits all!

This is in harmony with FULLY COOPERATING with “health officials” in “all” the “nations” in an effort to contain the virus spread. Cooperating with health officials is in accordance with “obey” those in authority of the nations. Romans 13

Never mind the clear signs. Keeping observing in safeguarding the faithful. 1 Thessalonians 5:6

Who wants to see a brother get sick and possibly die just because non-witnesses are advocating social disobedience?

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Who wants to see a brother get sick and possibly die just because non-witnesses are advocating social disobedience?

Oh dear you people do make me laugh. Is this how you frighten your children ? 

non-witnesses are advocating social disobedience..  Give it a rest.

You really are making the CCJW seem like a cult, and I've never used that expression before. But you make yourself look and sound so stupid. You lump all non JWs together and pretend they are at war with the CCJW and with the world.  

And as for Keeping observing in safeguarding the faithful. Um, sounds like Matthew 5 

46 If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? 47 And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? 

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