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The heavenly resurrection begins after the fall of Babylon the Great


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My favorite circuit overseer—an old fellow—long ago said that he doesn’t argue with trinitarians. “I’ve never convinced one,” he said. I’m struck by the verse that has cropped up a few times rece

The way it has been explained, and the way I have witnessed it, is that slimeballs lift their copyrighted material, insert it into a maligning context, and beat them over the head with it. To the poin

@Kosonen , There are at least two additional scriptural ways to reach this same conclusion. Here is one: (Revelation 6:7-11) 7 When he opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth

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36 minutes ago, AudreyAnnaNana said:

I am glad you respect the copyright people so much, Tom.

The way it has been explained, and the way I have witnessed it, is that slimeballs lift their copyrighted material, insert it into a maligning context, and beat them over the head with it. To the point where they say, ‘Enough! Nobody can use our copyrighted stuff!’ It is pretty standard practice and many companies enforce copyright to a far greater degree. 

A friend of mine does miniatures, small-time scenes of Americana. At a festival where many participants displayed such scenarios, Coca Cola came down on them all very threateningly for any sign that in any way specifically mentioned their trademarked products—say, a tiny truck saying Drink CocaCola. All removed any such Coke references so as not to be target of a lawsuit.

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CocaCola instituting and following through on a lawsuit might cost $200,000. When they sue for damages, how much income would the company have lost because someone wrote their name on the side of a miniature toy truck?


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27 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

The way it has been explained, and the way I have witnessed it, is that slimeballs lift their copyrighted material, insert it into a maligning context, and beat them over the head with it. To the point where they say, ‘Enough! Nobody can use our copyrighted stuff!’ It is pretty standard practice and many companies enforce copyright to a far greater degree. 

A friend of mine does miniatures, small-time scenes of Americana. At a festival where many participants displayed such scenarios, Coca Cola came down on them all very threateningly for any sign that in any way specifically mentioned their trademarked products—say, a tiny truck saying Drink CocaCola. All removed any such Coke references so as not to be target of a lawsuit.


I think the difference is those who lifted the information from the organization (like "Kevin McFree" - who is not a slimeball any more than anyone in the service department or the legal department) and were sued had already been treated harshly by the Pharisees in the organization, so it was just adding insult to injury when the Pharisees at headquarters took those brothers to court.


It'd be like the three false comforters taking Job to trial for his wild talk. Or the townswomen harassing Naomi for wanting to be called Mara.


Those fellows at headquarters are just filling up the measure of their forefathers.


"Does any one of you who has a dispute with another dare to go to court before unrighteous men, and not before the holy ones?  Or do you not know that the holy ones will judge the world? And if the world is to be judged by you, are you not competent to try very trivial matters?  Do you not know that we will judge angels? Then why not matters of this life?  If, then, you do have matters of this life to be tried, is it the men looked down on in the congregation whom you assign as judges?  I am speaking to move you to shame. Is there not one wise man among you who is able to judge between his brothers?  Instead, brother goes to court against brother, and before unbelievers at that! Really, it is already a defeat for you when you have lawsuits with one another. Why not rather let yourselves be wronged? Why do you not rather let yourselves be defrauded?  Instead, you wrong and defraud, and your brothers at that!"

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3 minutes ago, boyle said:

This would be true if your friend didn't get permission from a big corporation that uses its band name for merchandising.


Jehovah is the head of Jehovah's witnesses.


"You are my witnesses,” declares Jehovah, “Yes, my servant whom I have chosen, So that you may know and have faith in me And understand that I am the same One.  Before me no God was formed, And after me there has been none.  I—I am Jehovah, and besides me there is no savior.”  “I am the One who declared and saved and made known When there was no foreign god among you.  So you are my witnesses,” declares Jehovah, “and I am God. Also, I am always the same One; And no one can snatch anything out of my hand.  When I act, who can prevent it?"


"These are the things you should do: Speak the truth with one another, and the judgments in your gates must promote truth and peace.  Do not scheme calamity against one another in your hearts, and do not love any false oath; for these are all things that I hate,’ declares Jehovah.”"


Speaking truth is legal according to Jehovah.


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7 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

The Society sued YouTube for “Kevin McFree’s” real name so they could disfellowship him, as well as copyright infringement.

Notice that the YouTube DUBTOWN videos are still up.


"Kevin McFree" is in good company.


"In an endeavor to end the destructive papal schism, the Council of Constance was called in 1414 by Emperor Sigismund. Once again, the alarming effects of Wycliffe’s writings were up for consideration. The papacy could now see the results in two countries widely separated from each other, England and Bohemia. In 1415 Huss was condemned and burned at the stake despite a safe-conduct given him by the emperor. Wycliffe was declared the leader of heresy in that age. His books were to be burned, and his remains taken from his grave and cast out of ‘consecrated ground.’ To two successive bishops of Lincoln such an action was so repugnant that it was not carried out until 1428. Then, Wycliffe’s body was exhumed and burned, and his ashes were scattered over the nearby river Swift. It was natural for some to see in this despicable action a symbolic meaning: As the waters of the river conveyed his ashes to the wide ocean, so the teachings of Wycliffe were spreading throughout the world." (w80 8/1)


Wycliffe made the Pharisees so mad, they wanted to get him twice.

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Obvious not everything "Kevin McFree" posts is good and righteous,  but some of his expose is right on. Jesus exposed Pharisees too. The bad conduct of those taking the lead in the organization has stumbled many people and pushed many little ones away from Jehovah. Those at headquarters would be better off acknowledging their faults and humbly admitting their mistakes, apologizing to "Kevin McFree" and asking for his forgiveness.


Someday those men at headquarters will repent; if they want to live forever they will have to. Jesus said so.


Good thing the ransom is so big.

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Jesus was of course perfect, an attribute that “Kevin McFree”, does not possess.

If they both made a paper mache volcano in  5th grade science class, Jesus’s volcano would spit real ash and lava.

Jesus’s two brothers used to complain to Mary that she loved Jesus more because “… he’s just so PERFECT!”

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16 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Were some of Jesus’ exposés obviously not good and righteous? 


If you don't already know the answer to that question, True Tom, then I have no idea how you passed the questions for baptism.


(I can see all those questions for baptism in the OD book aren't having the desired result. Oh, well, the disciples in the first century didn't even have a Bible when they were baptized. Good thing pretty soon Jesus will come and remove all those Pharisaical traditions in the organization that don't seem to be working anyway.)

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