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The heavenly resurrection begins after the fall of Babylon the Great


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28 minutes ago, boyle said:

Can you prove you're a "perfect" being in order for your words, can then be true about you being equal to Christ?


As usual, @boyle, you twist everything.


I am extremely and utterly imperfect.


I have faith in the ransoming blood of my Lord, the Christ, the head of the congregation. He is the Master and, happily, I am one of many of his slaves. Jehovah is My Father and My God.


Jesus never made himself equal to God, and neither do I. I know my Lord, and he knows me. He is superior to all of us. He is my King. He is the one that gives me strength even though I am exhausted and lowly and weak.


You, @boyle, are just like someone else I read about who lied a lot.


"This is why the Jews began seeking all the more to kill him, because not only was he breaking the Sabbath but he was also calling God his own Father, making himself equal to God."


28 minutes ago, boyle said:

I seriously doubt the GB knows everyone in the Org. What makes you think they held a special interest in your behalf? The watchtower receives much unsolicited mail by former and disfellowshiped members along with apostates with time in their hands. Usually, the GB has workers to reject mail that is deemed nonsense. Just like spam mail.


I wrote to the governing body many times for several years before being "disfellowshipped" for telling on sketchy stuff the elders were doing. I wrote to Bethel many times asking for help with the shenanigans going on in my circuit. I wrote to over fifty different "leaders" in the organization by name, repeatedly. "We love you very much" is what they say on the videos, but it's not real. I begged them for help and sent them evidence of the things going on, evidence from multiple witnesses, including the things the elders said and approved of in emails that were clearly serious sins against both scripture and against what is written the elder book and the OD book. Those men didn't care. They are not ignorant or innocent victims of pressure and heavy workload. They know what they are doing.


They disfellowshipped me for keeping my integrity to Jehovah. 


One of Mark Sanderson's secretaries is from my congregation. His father is one of the elders here. When we used to visit Bethel, we ate lunch with him and also his dad took us on extra tours of the video department. The week my "disfellowshipping" was announced, that's when Mark Sanderson returned my letter with a big red "REJECTED" stamp on it. (After that when I sent letters, I didn't include a return address. I am sure they probably just throw them away anyway, so I started sending postcards. It's cheaper.)


28 minutes ago, boyle said:

The more you post, the more you appear to sound like witness. That's an interesting turn of events.


You can believe fairy-tales if you want, @boyle. You'll see how that works out for you. I am going to be busy the rest of this evening, so if you want to keep twisting stuff and being yucky, go ahead - Jehovah is listening. I'll be excusing myself from the thread for now. 


"Jehovah will go out like a mighty man. 

He will awaken his zeal like a warrior. 

He will shout, yes, he will let out a war cry; 

He will show himself mightier than his enemies."


"My strength and my might is Jah, since he has become my salvation. 

This is my God, and I will praise him; my father’s God, and I will exalt him. 

Jehovah is a powerful warrior. 

Jehovah is his name."


Praise Jehovah😌🌷

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11 hours ago, boyle said:



@boyle  - I'm not the one going backwards, lovey...


"Above all the things that you guard, safeguard your heart, 

For out of it are the sources of life.  

Put crooked speech away from you, 

And keep devious talk far away from you.  

Your eyes should look straight ahead, 

Yes, fix your gaze straight ahead of you.  

Smooth out the course of your feet, 

And all your ways will be sure.  

Do not incline to the right or the left. 

Turn your feet away from what is bad."


11 hours ago, boyle said:



(Best to stay away from all that twisted psych-ick stuff anyways...)


"Do not turn to the spirit mediums, and do not consult fortune-tellers so as to become unclean by them. I am Jehovah your God."


11 hours ago, boyle said:

You would have to prove your perfection before you can point out the faults of others that would be meaningful to Jehovah.


Glad to hear you believe in Jehovah. That's progress in the right direction. 🙂


11 hours ago, boyle said:

So, keep using the word twist as many times you feel comfortable with. Audrey


As you wish...


Since I'm a sister and you like to call me a twisted, thought you might like the lyrics to this song by Twisted Sister:


"We've got the right to choose, and

There ain't no way we'll lose it

This is our life, this is our song

We'll fight the powers that be, just

Don't pick on our destiny, 'cause

You don't know us, you don't belong"


I will always choose Jehovah over Satan. Satan doesn't know us, and he doesn't belong with us. Satan has no power over Jesus. Jesus is in union with Jehovah, and when we take Jesus' hand it doesn't matter how imperfect we are - Jehovah is the one who carries the load for us. Jehovah always wins. Praise Jehovah.


The wicked one doesn't belong with us, but there are many lost ones who will repent and join Jehovah. I hope you are among them, @boyle 🥰


"And the spirit and the bride keep on saying, “Come!” and let anyone hearing say, “Come!” and let anyone thirsting come; let anyone who wishes take life’s water free."


Hope you have a nice day! 💖

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Yesterday at the assembly, it was like a little case study or experiment for whether "disfellowshipping" as currently practiced has Jehovah's backing. (I already know it doesn't, but this was just more evidence it doesn't.) 


Very soon, those people are going to know that Jehovah doesn't support the false Babylonish doctrines in the organization, and those people who embrace the false doctrines will repent, hopefully. "They will have to know I have loved you." They will have to know that Jesus loves so many of the "shunned" ones who are labeled "disfellowshipped" or "apostate" or "rejected" or "worldly". 


(There is a summary of our day at the assembly in the "Status Updates" here...

https://www.theworldnewsmedia.org/profile/20132-audreyannanana/   )


"The fruitage of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, self-control. Against such things there is no law."


The unscriptural manmade "law" of disfellowshipping with its kangaroo court and OD book and elder book regulations and flowcharts and so on, those types of disfellowshipping things are against God's spirit. Jehovah is a witness by means of His spirit.


(The real type of "shunning" was when I turned around and walked away from the mean elders. Jehovah says "shun" foolish debates and regarding fake elders "from these turn away".)


The friends who didn't know I was "disfellowshipped" by the laws of men, they talked to me yesterday and I talked to them. The spirit of Jehovah was on us - there was love and joy and peace, all the fruitage of the spirit. The holy spirit was not "shunning" me. The holy spirit was not "grieved" because the friends were talking to me even though the wolf-elders made an ungodly decree about shunning me. Jehovah didn't back their decree. Jehovah was a witness that their decree is bogus. Jehovah's holy spirit is from Jehovah.


"The spirit itself bears witness with our spirit that we are God’s children."


"...while God joined in bearing witness...with the holy spirit distributed according to his will."


"When the helper comes that I will send you from the Father, the spirit of the truth, which comes from the Father, that one will bear witness about me;  and you, in turn, are to bear witness..."


"And God, who knows the heart, bore witness by giving them the holy spirit, just as he did to us also. And he made no distinction at all between us and them, but purified their hearts by faith.  So why are you now making a test of God by imposing on the neck of the disciples a yoke that neither our forefathers nor we were capable of bearing?  On the contrary, we have faith that we are saved through the undeserved kindness of the Lord Jesus in the same way that they are."


The disfellowshipping doctrine is antichrist, against Jesus' teachings; it is from Babylon the Great, false religion. It doesn't belong in Jehovah's House.


Many elders are kind, but some elders are wolf-elders. The rotten fruitage of the wolf-elders at the assembly proved that they didn't have Jehovah's holy spirit. They had the spirit of the world.


"...egotistical, stirring up competition with one another, envying one another."


"...hostility, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, dissensions, divisions, sects,  envy..." Additionally, the same elders that disfellowshipped me for obeying Jehovah and being a faithful witness are the ones who approved of those in the congregation committing adultery, drunkenness, fraud, and other serious wrongdoing.


What is the point? The time is very near for Babylon the Great to be destroyed by the United Nations. There are many kind, sheep-like, loving people in the different religions. There are also many kind sheep-like, loving people who are atheists. Jehovah is not partial. He can see beyond the labels and the masks. Jehovah knows where they are, and at the appointed time He will gather them together. He has left His Name on Jehovah's Witnesses. That will be the basic organizational structure that He will gather the sheep to after He cleans it for the sake of His Name. (Right now, Jehovah's Witnesses are giving Jehovah a bad reputation, but He will remedy that shortly.) "Any branch not bearing fruit will be cut down and thrown in the fire." The parts of the organization that are family-like and not institutional, the parts that are loving and not business-like, the parts that are real and good - those will remain. The wheat will remain. The weeds will be removed. 


When all the Babylonish institutions are destroyed, the corporation parts of Jehovah's Witnesses will be destroyed. The false teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses will be removed. The people who Jehovah can work with, who respond to the holy spirit, they will remain, but the Kingdom Halls and the Bethels and the properties and the JW ClergyClassSystem will be gone. Those will be the first things to go. It will be like a shark feeding frenzy - once the first shark gets a taste of that blood, there is no stopping the frenzy. There will be nothing left of the physical part of the corporation. The destruction by means of the nations will be fast and complete. "Like a millstone thrown into the sea."


Some people may get caught up in the spirit of the world during that time and join in the melee. That would be very unwise. Jehovah is Real, and He will protect His Real witnesses.


I know what I would do if someone tried to attack my kids. Jehovah is Way Bigger, and I have seen Him protect me and my kids already from some outstandingly bigger forces than us. Jehovah allows suffering, but He also has a line that His enemies dare not cross. He also has an Appointed Time to reverse this whole mess.


Please, keep faith in Jehovah. The days ahead are going to be terrible. Jehovah knows those who belong to Him. He knows the heart. Don't be afraid. Once it starts, it will happen fast - the tribulation will be 3 1/2 years. Some who are "asleep" in faith will see that Jehovah is real. Some will join Jehovah's witnesses and some will oppose. "And many of those asleep in the dust of the earth will wake up, some to everlasting life and others to reproach and to everlasting contempt. And those having insight will shine as brightly as the expanse of heaven, and those bringing the many to righteousness like the stars, forever and ever."


Jehovah is calling you to His side. May you respond to Jehovah's love and love Jehovah and live on for time indefinite, beloved ones. 


"He Causes To Become."

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"Iron" - Member States and Non-Member States




"Clay" - Organizations (Civil Society Organizations CSOs) Formally Associated with the United Nations Department of Global Communications, "part of a large family of organizations that support the UN Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, committed to advancing the 2030 Agenda", etc...



Daniel chapter 2, the toes of the dream image, taken in harmony with the other chapters of Daniel and Revelation, shows the Iron and Clay to be the United Nations.


@boyle, in response to your remarks - 


God's Word is True.

Jehovah is the Only True God.

I wish all would cling to Jehovah and Live.

The way to cling to Jehovah is Not by Worshipping Humans.

The way to cling to Jehovah is to Worship Jehovah.

Worship means Love, Adore, Cling to, Wait Upon, Trust, Follow, Obey, be Loyal to, put First, etc. 

His Word Always Comes True.


The Only Person worthy of such worship is Jehovah. Praise Jehovah.

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1 hour ago, boyle said:

I wonder what Jesus would have done if you, constantly criticized the apostles, slandered them and made false allegations against them. Do you think he would have accepted you as a faithful follower?


Jesus called the wicked scribes and Pharisees "serpents" "hypocrites" and "sons of their father, the Devil".


I will follow my Lord. Faithfully.


If an elder or a member of the governing body acts like one of the wicked scribes and Pharisees, I have no qualms about calling them a serpent, or a hypocrite, or a son of their father the Devil. I don't hate those men on the governing body. I love them and I hope they repent. But I'm not going to sugar-coat the wicked things they are allowing and teaching.


I know Jesus is proud of me for that. He's the one pouring out the holy spirit to give us (anyone who tells the truth) the courage to do it, that he and his Father may get the praise and glory.

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21 hours ago, boyle said:
22 hours ago, AudreyAnnaNana said:

The way to cling to Jehovah is Not by Worshipping Humans.

Can you give evidence aside from opinions here where any member of the Org worships the GB? Please! Be specific with your answer.



Definitions from Oxford Languages ·


noun: worship

  1. the feeling or expression of reverence and adoration for a deity."the worship of God"

    Similar: reverence  revering  worshipping  veneration  venerating  adoration  adoring
    devotion  praise  thanksgiving  praising  praying to  glorification  glorifying  glory
    exaltation  exalting  extolment  extolling  homage  respect  honor  honoring  esteem
    dulia  latria  laudation  magnification
    • the acts or rites that make up a formal expression of reverence for a deity; a religious ceremony or ceremonies."the church was opened for public worship"

      Similar: service  church service  religious rite  religious act  prayer  prayer meeting
      praise  devotion  religious observance  matins  morning prayer  vespers  evening prayer
    • adoration or devotion comparable to religious homage, shown toward a person or principle."our society’s worship of teenagers"

      Similar:  admiration  adulation  idolization  deification  lionization  hero-worship
      honor given to someone in recognition of their merit.
      used in addressing or referring to an important or high-ranking person, especially a magistrate or mayor.noun: His Worship; noun: Your Worship; plural noun: Worships
      "we were soon joined by His Worship the Mayor"
  2. verb: worship; 3rd person present: worships; past tense: worshipped; past participle: worshipped; gerund or present participle: worshipping; past tense: worshiped; past participle: worshiped; gerund or present participle: worshiping  - show reverence and adoration for (a deity); honor with religious rites"














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The Watchtower publication said "Why will the political governments not be able to dissolve the "faithful and discreet slave" and its governing body? Likewise, the national and state governments under the leadership of the modern-day Gog of Magog cannot disincorporate the "faithful and discreet slave" whom the reigning King Jesus Christ has found reliable and has appointed "over all his belongings" on the earth...They cannot do so, for this corporate "slave" was never incorporated under the laws of any political government of the world."


That brazen antichrist statement of "The Faithful and Discreet Slave" will be proven false when the governments of the United Nations remove "The Faithful and Discreet Slave" with Jehovah's permission at the beginning of the attack on Babylon the Great.


Then everyone will know that "The Faithful and Discreet Slave" was not faithful or discreet. "She" is like a Jezebel misusing authority and is an aspect of that disgusting prostitute, Babylon, and she's been riding the beast for long enough. Jehovah's had it with that harlot; the beast is going to eat up her way of doing things and Jehovah's going to allow her way of life to be destroyed. (May such individuals repent before that hour comes!) When Jehovah says "Get out of her my people!" He is talking about Babylonish practices that have infiltrated all religious institutions, including Jehovah's Witnesses. Having an exalted clergy class is Babylonish. Jehovah's organization will be cleansed of all spiritual prostitution. Praise Jehovah.

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I think I’m more important question is how did the Platypusses (Platypi ?) of Eastern Australia make the transition from live births to laying eggs?

I mean …. Uh…. If it took two thousand years to switch over ….. how did the special survive?

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