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The heavenly resurrection begins after the fall of Babylon the Great


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Once Jesus takes the throne, he will kick Satan out of heaven.

Satan will be so angry, he will be intent on trying to get even with Jehovah and Jesus. 

That is when Satan will use the UN to attack all religious institutions.

The angels will protect faithful ones during that time, but Jehovah will allow the UN to remove fakers from God's organization and destroy to the parts of Jehovah's Witnesses that are "weeds" or like Babylon.

Satan will begin his attack at the Bethels and KHs because he knows they are associated with the organization God is using.

True witnesses of Jehovah will survive only because the angels of the congregations will protect them, just like when Jerusalem of old was attacked by the nations. Jesus knows who is "sighing and groaning" over the things going on in the organization, and such ones will survive the attack on religion.

When Jehovah's true worshippers survive and still are worshipping Jehovah, it will be evidence that Jehovah is the true God.

There will still be a witnessing work to do. The people who lost their religious institutions but still love God will join us in worshipping Jehovah, just like some Egyptians converted during and after the plagues on their false gods. The "great crowd" is not made up of people who are "other sheep" right now. (The "other sheep" are already part of "Israel" figuratively. Those with the heavenly hope and the earthly hope who worship Jehovah and know Him are all one flock, Israel, in that sense.) The "great crowd" will be made up of people who don't know Jehovah yet but decide to "come with us" after they see what Jehovah does to save us during the first part of the tribulation.


Anyway, the anointed will still be on the earth at that time. The scriptures say they have more work to do on earth during that time. "And they said to me: “You must prophesy again about peoples and nations and tongues and many kings."" The anointed are not "killed" by the UN until later in the tribulation. "When they have finished their witnessing, the wild beast that ascends out of the abyss will wage war with them and conquer them and kill them."


So that's why we know the heavenly resurrection doesn't happen until after Babylon the Great is destroyed.

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Jesus didn't get resurrected until after he died.


Simple summary version: You don't need to resurrect someone who isn't dead. The anointed will not be resurrected piecemeal, they are resurrected all together. They are part of a body, Christ's body, the congregation of 144,000. They are also figuratively called "the bride". Since the Bible shows the anointed will not all be dead during the time of the attack on Babylon the Great, the body of 144,000, or "the bride", will not need to be resurrected yet.


"The marriage of the Lamb" is when the complete "bride" goes home with him.


That "prostitute", Babylon the Great, will be executed before the "marriage" takes place.


Praise Jehovah.

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I think it is a problem of visualization. Since if I make it, I will be one of the other sheep, not one of the anointed.

Originally when you say resurrected you’re visualizing heavenly resurrection, And I am visualizing an earthly resurrection, so right off the bat there is a built-in semantics trap.

If they are dead when they are resurrected, and pop up in heaven (spoink!), No one on earth will see them. Invisible things that happen/happened in heaven that cannot be detected on earth immediately loses my interest.

You know my working theory of such things …. If it can’t be explained in two short paragraphs and less than 10 bullet points.  …. It’s a word salad.

When I was in the seventh grade, in English class we were taught to diagram sentences. You could diagram of a sentence and tell exactly what was being said, even if the author had not intended to say that.

It’s a lot of work, and when I was younger, I did the work when studying scriptures so that’s what I’m used to.

Now I realize that the above rambling essay is much larger then two short paragraphs, and 10 bullet,  points so I’ll try to shorten it …………

1.) since there is absolutely nothing I can do about ANY of it, I really don’t need to know at all !!

2.) Sometimes bullet points are not necessary.

( I have  bigger problems down here where the rubber meets the road )


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The Bible does NOT say that the anointed are going to be resurrected invisibly.


There is NO teaching in the Bible that even slightly implies their resurrection will be invisible.


All the resurrections in the Bible had witnesses on earth, for the sake of glorifying Jehovah and magnifying His Holy Name.


Jehovah will be praised when the anointed are resurrected and everybody sees it.


"After the three and a half days, spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood on their feet, and great fear fell upon those who saw them.  And they heard a loud voice from heaven say to them: “Come up here.” And they went up into heaven in the cloud, and their enemies saw them.  In that hour there was a great earthquake, and a tenth of the city fell; and 7,000 persons were killed by the earthquake, and the rest became frightened and gave glory to the God of heaven."


When the anointed are resurrected, it will be like a figurative "earthquake" because it will shock people. (In ancient Israel, Jehovah said to Elijah "I have 7,000 remaining who have not bent the knee to Baal".) Revelation shows that there will be some people on earth who will figuratively "wake up and worship Jehovah" when they see the anointed get resurrected. Everyone will glorify Jehovah when they see him resurrect the anointed ones. They will have to know that He Is Jehovah.

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