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There was a corona virus simulation last year


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Could be worse .... could be a Zombie Apocalypse ...

I think in twelve months time this virus will just be another part of history.  Why are some of you people still looking for a sign ? Like a member of your GB smiled and said  It's gonna get

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This could well lead to what Revelation 13 foretells.

2  Now the wild beast that I saw was like a leopard, but its feet were like those of a bear, and its mouth was like a lion’s mouth. And the dragon gave to the beast its power and its throne and great authority. 3  I saw that one of its heads seemed to have been fatally wounded, but its mortal wound had been healed, and all the earth followed the wild beast with admiration.

Yes, people will be so relieved and happy with the authorities when the authorities will help during this pandemic. And propably stop the spreading of this virus. 

People will adore the beast, because of that. 


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To combat coronavirus I believe I need a Helicopter, to get above it all..

I really want a Helicopter.

... been wanting one since I was in High School, when I discovered the Bensen Gyrocopter, in the back of a Popular Mechanics magazine.!

I suspect neither will Gordon Brown get his wants.

Bensen Gyrocopter.jpg

I offer Gordon Brown a suggestion to avoid contact with people that eat a lot of bats.

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I think in twelve months time this virus will just be another part of history. 

Why are some of you people still looking for a sign ? Like a member of your GB smiled and said 

It's gonna get worse ! 

When a person gets older they expect to be in lesser heath and ability. so it is with this old system of things, as it gets older it will get worse. It is run by the devil and he knows his time is short, so we must expect him to make things worse.

BUT, that does not mean that Armageddon is 'so close' now. In fact isn't it a bit selfish to want it now ? 

Shouldn't you be wanting thousands more people serving Yahweh before the 'end comes' ? 

Some of you seem like those on the Titanic, you are 'in the lifeboat' so it's time to push off. 

Maybe after this virus is gone, things may move forward spiritually, so don't be in too much hurry for Armageddon. 

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6 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

Maybe after this virus is gone, things may move forward spiritually, so don't be in too much hurry for Armageddon.

I am not so much for Armageddon now. There are things that have to take place before that. The "woman's" flight to the wilderness to the place God has prepared for her where "she will be fed for 1260 days, according to Revelation 12. Simultaneously Revelation 13 will take place when the beast will have great authority from the dragon for 42 months. 

This time will produce a wonderful cleansing for those in the wilderness, those who are simbolized by the woman. But also many of those who do not go to the wilderness will be cleansed wonderfully. Those who will refuse to take the mark of the coming beast and those who refuse to worship the beast will make tremendous spiritual progress and get ready for the "new earth and the new heavens".

I am eagerly waiting for all this spiritual growth and maturing that will take place the last years before Armageddon.

I am really exited now with the prospects of seeing soon the beginning of all this.

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Former prime minister of UK, Tony Blair is fervently advising governments around the world how to get the Corona virus under control and how to restart the economy after the lockdown. He is running Tony Blair Institute for Global Change

On its webpage we can learn about his work with this:


"Create one crisis-management centre. Governments should have already repositioned themselves towards crisis management. Reliance on traditional frameworks should be set aside to identify each main area where immediate action is required. At the heart of this should be the crisis centre, which should be established immediately and staffed with the most capable people. You should consider people you may not otherwise – from the army or from business logistics. All information and the most up-to-date data should flow into this team. This is the place where all key decisions should be made." 

"We have over 100 staff who were embedded in governments prior to this pandemic, and they will stay to help. In 14 countries and rising each day, we have been asked to establish or support emergency response structures in government or assist with the economic response.

Analysis and policy work must be done now to mitigate the long-term economic damage and to prepare for recovery. Most important, there needs to be a globally coordinated response to this unprecedented global challenge." 

And in the video below Tony Blair says that he is most chocked by the absence of global coordination. (At 2:30 mark)


Yes, this is fully inline with former prime minister of UK Jordan Brown who speaks for creating a new global government to solve the crisis this epidemic has created.


That really once again indicates that a new power structure will come into place according to Revelation 13:1,2

And I saw a wild beast ascending out of the sea, with ten horns and seven heads, and on its horns ten diadems, but on its heads blasphemous names. Now the wild beast that I saw was like a leopard, but its feet were like those of a bear, and its mouth was like a lion’s mouth. And the dragon gave to the beast its power and its throne and great authority.

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Here are some interesting comments about Gordon Brown's effort to set up a temporary global government because of the crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.


"Gordon Brown has urged world leaders to create a temporary form of global government to tackle the twin medical and economic crises caused by the Covid-19 pandemic."

"The former Labour prime minister, who was at the centre of the international efforts to tackle the impact of the near-meltdown of the banks in 2008, said there was a need for a taskforce involving world leaders, health experts and the heads of the international organisations that would have executive powers to coordinate the response."

Jordon Brown would like to see G20 empowered: 

"Brown said there had been resistance in 2008 to using the G20 as a vehicle for tackling the financial crisis, but that it should be clear to world leaders that there was no possibility of a go-it-alone approach working."

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Kissinger is also demanding a new international response to the medical and economic crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. 

He surely wants a new undemocratic authority to be installed to govern the health and economic issues of the world.


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