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The 1000 year reign


I am amazed how some can teach that the 1000 year reign has already been going on. In Revelation 20 we read about the 1000 year reign. And it comes after the events described in Revelation 19. And those events are first, the execution of  judgement of Babylon the Great. Secondly Jesus Christ's marriage feast in heaven. Thirdly the elimination of the wicked from the earth.

After that, chapter 20 tells that Satan is locked up in the abyss and can not mislead the nations during 1000 years. During the 1000 years Jesus Christ and the 144000 kings and priest will rule the earth. 

Quite easy to understand. I believe all Jehovah's witnesses understand this easily. 

There is no doubt that Satan has been misleading the nations on earth until now from the times of Adam and Eve. So it is impossible that Satan would have been locked up in an abyss for 1000 years.


And during the 1000 years when Jesus and the 144000 rule the earth paradise will be formed on all the earth. So how can someone claim that Christ's 1000 year reign has been going on already? Logically it is impossible.


Good things will happen when Jesus and the 144 000 begin to rule the earth. 


Revelation 7:16 says: "They will hunger no more nor thirst anymore, neither will the sun beat down on them nor any scorching heat, 17  because the Lamb, who is in the midst of the throne, will shepherd them and will guide them to springs of waters of life. And God will wipe out every tear from their eyes.”


In the summer it can really be hot. And many get burned by the sun really easily. Evidently Jesus will make changes in the atmosphere, so that the sun won't be able to burn the skin. We know that Adam and Eve could go naked in the Garden of Eden. Evidently the sun did not burn at that time. One could ask why not? It has to do with the pre-flood climate. The atmosphere must have been more protective against the extreme heat, and also the cold. Simply the atmosphere was perfectly arranged by Jehovah God to give a comfortable life on earth. 

Evidently those original conditions will be restored by God's kingdom. 


Jesus gave evidence of that when he spoke about a re-creation.


Matthew 19:28  Jesus said to them: “Truly I say to you, in the re-creation, when the Son of man sits down on his glorious throne, you who have followed me will sit on 12 thrones, judging the 12 tribes of Israel.


Revelation 22 tells more about the healing of the people during the 1000 years: 


1"And he showed me a river of water of life, clear as crystal, flowing out from the throne of God and of the Lamb 2  down the middle of its main street. On both sides of the river were trees of life producing 12 crops of fruit, yielding their fruit each month. And the leaves of the trees were for the healing of the nations."


Revelation 21:1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the former heaven and the former earth had passed away, and the sea is no more. 2  I also saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God and prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. 3  With that I heard a loud voice from the throne say: “Look! The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his people. And God himself will be with them. 4  And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.”


2 Peter 3:13  But there are new heavens and a new earth that we are awaiting according to his promise, and in these righteousness is to dwell.


But what about resurrection. Will there occur an earthly resurrection during the 1000 years? According to Revelation 20:5 the earthly resurrection will not occur during the 1000 years. It says clearly: 5 "(The rest of the dead did not come to life until the 1,000 years were ended.)"


That is in deed logical. Because during the 1000 years people will multiply and fill the earth. And then after the 1000 years Satan will mislead a lot of people and they will then be eliminated. After that there will again be space to fill on earth. So the resurrected can then occupy the space that will be freed when those who followed Satan are eliminated.


Jesus also spoke about the resurrected, that they will not marry and get married. So this should  not happen during the 1000 year reign. Because people will during the 1000 years marry and get married and have children. 


Matthew 22:30  for in the resurrection neither do men marry nor are women given in marriage, but they are as angels in heaven.


Luke 19:27  However, some of the Sadducees, those who say there is no resurrection, came and asked him: 28  “Teacher, Moses wrote us, ‘If a man’s brother dies, leaving a wife, but he was childless, his brother should take the wife and raise up offspring for his brother.’ 29  Now there were seven brothers. The first took a wife but died childless. 30 So the second 31 and the third married her. Likewise even all seven; they died and left no children. 32  Finally the woman also died. 33 Consequently, in the resurrection, whose wife will she become? For the seven had her as a wife.” 34  Jesus said to them: “The children of this system of things marry and are given in marriage, 35  but those who have been counted worthy of gaining that system of things and the resurrection from the dead neither marry nor are given in marriage. 36  In fact, neither can they die anymore, for they are like the angels, and they are God’s children by being children of the resurrection. 37  But that the dead are raised up, even Moses made known in the account about the thornbush, when he calls Jehovah ‘the God of Abraham and God of Isaac and God of Jacob.’ 38  He is a God, not of the dead, but of the living, for they are all living to him.” 39 In response some of the scribes said: “Teacher, you spoke well.” 40 For they no longer had the courage to ask him a single question.


Mark 12:24  Jesus said to them: “Is not this why you are mistaken, because you know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God? 25  For when they rise from the dead, neither do men marry nor are women given in marriage, but they are as angels in the heavens.


And evidently wicked people will not be resurrected to be taught righteousness. Instead they will just appear before God and get a judgement. 


Jesus said:

John 5:28  Do not be amazed at this, for the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice 29  and come out, those who did good things to a resurrection of life, and those who practiced vile things to a resurrection of judgment.


Revelation 20:11  And I saw a great white throne and the One seated on it. From before him the earth and the heaven fled away, and no place was found for them. 12  And I saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne, and scrolls were opened. But another scroll was opened; it is the scroll of life. The dead were judged out of those things written in the scrolls according to their deeds. 13  And the sea gave up the dead in it, and death and the Grave gave up the dead in them, and they were judged individually according to their deeds. 14  And death and the Grave were hurled into the lake of fire. This means the second death, the lake of fire. 15  Furthermore, whoever was not found written in the book of life was hurled into the lake of fire.


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Could it be because of what is said in Revelation 21:2  I also saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God and prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. 3  With that I hear

But when Jesus told about resurrection he was not talking to anointed. He was answering a question some Sadducees had about resurrection. The question was who of the seven brothers would get the woman

No, I am not deliberately deceiving Kosonen.  And you left off verse 9. I'll read it from the NKJV if you like: "Now when the thousand years have expired, Satan will be released from his pri

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25 minutes ago, Arauna said:

Which denomination teaches that the 1000 years has started?

The Watchtower taught it for about half a century. Starting in 1876 or so Russell accepted that the millennium had started in 1872/3, and therefore Jesus began his presence in 1874 and his rule as king in 1878. The chronology that made the millennium start in 1872 was pushed to 1873 and later made to sound like it coincided with his presence in 1874. The point was that the Millennium dawned already. The light of the Daystar was already shining, and the improvements and inventions that the world was seeing were proofs that the world was already on its way to earthly paradise for non-Christians, while the millions of Christians would all go to heaven. That was Russell's view until he died, and Rutherford's view until the late 1920's or early 1930's. Parts of this chronology remained in the WT until 1944, nearly 70 years after it was first promoted by Russell.

There still is an even wider view among religions that the 1000 years had already started shortly after Jesus died, or at least in the first century CE. This is sometimes called Amillenialism, and is held in some form or another by most or many forms of the following:

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@Kosonen  I disagree with you on many things, but it's your choice you have your own views. 

Matthew 22:30  for in the resurrection neither do men marry nor are women given in marriage, but they are as angels in heaven

In my opinion,as I believe the Greek scriptures are about and for the Anointed, I feel this scripture you quote is referring to the Anointed / Heavenly class once they have been resurrected . It is not just about men and women not having sex, more importantly it is about them NOT HAVING REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS AS THEY ARE NOT HUMAN. but they are as angels in heaven

Also, I disagree with you on your explanation of this scripture. (The rest of the dead did not come to life until the 1,000 years were ended.)"

In my opinion the dead will be resurrected within the one thousand years, and they will be taught truth. Many of then would never have known about God or Christ.  The reason they will 'not come to life' is simple, it means they will not automatically be given everlasting life before the final testing. 

And this statement from you ? " And evidently wicked people will not be resurrected to be taught righteousness. Instead they will just appear before God and get a judgement. " ??? You know this for sure do you ?

I would agree that anyone judged wicked at Armageddon and put to death at that time, it would seem would not get a resurrection, but those that have previously died, even if they had spent their lives being wicked, would get a resurrection. But then who are we to judge who is wicked and who is not. Didn't Jesus say of the Jews "You ,even though you are wicked, know how to give good gifts to your children" 

Matthew 7 v 11.

Therefore, if you, although being wicked, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more so will your Father who is in the heavens give good things to those asking him!

I think all those Jews and the Romans that killed Jesus will get a resurrection. Otherwise why did Jesus say "Father forgive them for they know not what they do". 

Quote " Because people will during the 1000 years marry and get married and have children."

Why do you think this way ?  When the Ark was on the water those inside did not have sexual intercourse did they ?

Was it only afterwards that they began to have sexual relations to produce children? 

So maybe the thousand year reign of Christ is like the time the Ark was afloat. Because it was not until the waters had gone and the Ark was on dry land that those inside were truly saved. So it will not be until the thousand years have finished and the final testing is gone that those humans here on Earth will be truly saved and have ever lasting life. 

So it makes much more sense to start having children in the 'New world', in a perfect environment, like that God had created in the beginning. 

But we each have our own thoughts and i wish you a good day. 



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On 3/22/2020 at 2:02 AM, Kosonen said:

During the 1000 years Jesus Christ and the 144000 kings and priest will rule the earth. 

Quite easy to understand.

I will ask again, if the "thousand year" reign of Christ is AFTER Armageddon, then how is it "Gog and Magog" surround the saints...if the saints are ruling safely with Christ?

"And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison,

And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog, and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.

And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them." Rev 20:7-8

The "saints" who are the "kings of the earth", are also "gathered" by the two Beasts of Revelation:

"And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.

14 For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty."  Rev 16:13,14

Satan uses deceit in both cases to "gather" the anointed "saints"/"kings of the earth".

"And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood"

"And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth."  Rev 5:10

The thousands years is over.  The anointed have already been surrounded and deceived by the Watchtower/Beast from the Sea and the Harlot that rides/directs it. (Rev 13:1,2,5-7-11,14-17)

"And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations."  Rev 13:7

So...since you are an anointed one, who will "make war" with you before the end of Armageddon?  I experienced it when standing up for Christ, for giving "testimony". (Rev 11:7)  I was "killed" by the Beast/organization.  (John 16:2; Rev 13:15)  The war is spiritual, Kosonen. (Eph 6:12)  It involves deceit since that is Satan's last tactic to use against the anointed before the Kingdom arrives. (Rev 12:15) The faithful anointed who were on the earth before the appearance of the Beast of Rev 13:1, were not "killed" by it.    They had not given their allegiance or reverence ("worship") to it. (Rev 20:4)  I did, until I woke up, and spoke up, against wicked leaders.  Matt 24:48-51; Rev 13:4

Since Pentecost, Jesus has been collecting his faithful ones. (Ps 110:1,2) Satan was "let loose" from his restraint of "not perceiving" (the meaning of Hades, abyss) how to mislead the remnant.   Now the remnant faces the critical last test before death is destroyed.  Luke 22:31; 2 Thess 2:3,4,9-12; 1 Cor 15:23,24







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Kings James version: rev 20: 7&8   "Now as soon as the 1,000 years have ended, Satan will be released from his prison,  8 and he will go out to mislead those nations in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Maʹgog, to gather them together for the war. " 

On 3/24/2020 at 4:02 AM, Witness said:

"saints" who are the "kings of the earth",

Read the above scripture in king James translation - it uses the word "nations"..... The archaic translation you are using is deliberate to try to deceive Mr Kosonen. 

But even if it uses the word "saints" in this translation....... All people on earth will be perfect at this time (end of 1000 years) and will then be tested as perfect people in the same way that Adam was tested.  All people will make a choice as perfect people........ as saints.   Definition of  a saint in dictionary:  a virtuous person, kind and patient person. 

Read the modern king James translation.... it is not as misleading as the old one. King James - the homosexual and fornicator - had this old  bible translated to prove /confirm the dogmas of the church at the time such as trinity etc. 


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On 3/22/2020 at 11:03 PM, 4Jah2me said:

In my opinion,as I believe the Greek scriptures are about and for the Anointed, I feel this scripture you quote is referring to the Anointed / Heavenly class once they have been resurrected

But when Jesus told about resurrection he was not talking to anointed. He was answering a question some Sadducees had about resurrection. The question was who of the seven brothers would get the woman they all had been married to in the resurrection. 

And there are no scriptures that would say that at the resurrection people will get married. So it is best not to go beyond what is in the Holy Scriptures. 

1 Corinthians 4:6 “Do not go beyond the things that are written,”

On 3/22/2020 at 11:03 PM, 4Jah2me said:

In my opinion the dead will be resurrected within the one thousand years, and they will be taught truth. Many of then would never have known about God or Christ.

I remember that the WT literature teaches that. But do we have any scripture that would say that directly? I don't think so. Instead it is a supposition, that every person should get a chance to repent. Well every person has a concience and every person can understand what things are bad. So bad people know deep inside that they are bad, without anyone telling them.

Romans 2:12  For all those who sinned without law will also perish without law; but all those who sinned under law will be judged by law. 13  For the hearers of law are not the ones righteous before God, but the doers of law will be declared righteous. 14  For when people of the nations, who do not have law, do by nature the things of the law, these people, although not having law, are a law to themselves. 15  They are the very ones who demonstrate the matter of the law to be written in their hearts, while their conscience is bearing witness with them, and by their own thoughts they are being accused or even excused.

On 3/22/2020 at 11:03 PM, 4Jah2me said:

And evidently wicked people will not be resurrected to be taught righteousness. Instead they will just appear before God and get a judgement. " ??? You know this for sure do you

This statment was directly derived from the following scriptures:

John 5:28  Do not be amazed at this, for the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice 29  and come out, those who did good things to a resurrection of life, and those who practiced vile things to a resurrection of judgment.


Revelation 20:11  And I saw a great white throne and the One seated on it. From before him the earth and the heaven fled away, and no place was found for them. 12  And I saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne, and scrolls were opened. But another scroll was opened; it is the scroll of life. The dead were judged out of those things written in the scrolls according to their deeds. 13  And the sea gave up the dead in it, and death and the Grave gave up the dead in them, and they were judged individually according to their deeds. 14  And death and the Grave were hurled into the lake of fire. This means the second death, the lake of fire. 15  Furthermore, whoever was not found written in the book of life was hurled into the lake of fire.

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On 3/22/2020 at 11:03 PM, 4Jah2me said:

Otherwise why did Jesus say "Father forgive them for they know not what they do". 

I think Jesus said that because he did not want that God would punish them soon after. Jesus surely wanted that God would give them time to repent. Disciple Stephen asked the same think when he was stoned to death. And Saul repented and became a disciple.

Acts 7:8  After throwing him outside the city, they began stoning him. The witnesses laid down their outer garments at the feet of a young man called Saul.59  As they were stoning Stephen, he made this appeal: “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.” 60  Then, kneeling down, he cried out with a strong voice: “Jehovah, do not charge this sin against them.” And after saying this, he fell asleep in death.

@4Jah2me think about all the people that died in the flood. Only 8 persons from all the mankind at that time were saved. And think about all the children that died. And what about the Canaanites who were killed by the Israelites and the children of the Canaanites. When Jehovah ordered the elimination of them all, would he resurrect them back to give them a chance to study the truth? 

We don't have scriptures that would say that directly. Instead Jesus said: "those who did good things to a resurrection of life, and those who practiced vile things to a resurrection of judgment".

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Yes the resurrected will get their judgement at the end of the 1,000 years, the same as anyone else. 

And Jesus was talking about those of the heavenly class, but you don't have to believe it if it doesn't fit with your comfort zone. 

And misusing scripture just shows that you are one of the CCJW. That's all. If i say more I will be accused of wrongful action, so I'll stop here. 


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On 3/24/2020 at 1:02 AM, Witness said:

I will ask again, if the "thousand year" reign of Christ is AFTER Armageddon, then how is it "Gog and Magog" surround the saints...if the saints are ruling safely with Christ?

Could it be because of what is said in Revelation 21:2  I also saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God and prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. 3  With that I heard a loud voice from the throne say: “Look! The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his people. And God himself will be with them.

On 3/24/2020 at 1:02 AM, Witness said:

The anointed have already been surrounded and deceived by the Watchtower/Beast from the Sea and the Harlot that rides/directs it. (Rev 13:1,2,5-7-11,14-17)

The beasts in the Bible represent political powers. Not the Watchtower organization. And the Harlot is Babylon the Great. And Babylon the Great is not Watchtower organization or Governing Body. 

Babylon the Great is what Revelation 17:18 says it is:

18  And the woman whom you saw means the great city that has a kingdom over the kings of the earth.”

The great city is New York.

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2 minutes ago, 4Jah2me said:

And misusing scripture just shows that you are one of the CCJW. That's all. If i say more I will be accused of wrongful action, so I'll stop here. 

I don't think I am misusing scripture. I am just quoting scripture and I have not found scriptures that would directly contradict those scriptures. 

JWs sometimes speculate so much about what and when exactly the resurrection will begin. Why make it complicated? Just find all the scriptures about resurrection and see what they say without adding any personal wishes.

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2 hours ago, Kosonen said:

I don't think so. Instead it is a supposition, that every person should get a chance to repent. Well every person has a concience and every person can understand what things are bad. So bad people know deep inside that they are bad, without anyone telling them.

But just remembered what Jesus said: 

Luke 23:40  In response the other rebuked him, saying: “Do you not fear God at all, now that you have received the same judgment? 41  And we rightly so, for we are getting back what we deserve for the things we did; but this man did nothing wrong.” 42  Then he said: “Jesus, remember me when you get into your Kingdom.”43  And he said to him: “Truly I tell you today, you will be with me in Paradise.”

So this evildoer repented, and Jesus promised that he would be in the paradise. So he could get a righteous standing before God, thanks to the ransom sacrifice which covers all sins when one believes in Jesus and repents. 

I fear to add anything to the Bible, to God's word. So it is best I leave this subject without adding my speculations to how people will be judged at the resurrection.

2 Corinthians 5:10  For we must all appear before the judgment seat of the Christ, so that each one may be repaid according to the things he has practiced while in the body, whether good or bad.

Acts 10:42  Also, he ordered us to preach to the people and to give a thorough witness that this is the one decreed by God to be judge of the living and the dead.43  To him all the prophets bear witness, that everyone putting faith in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name.”

John 11:Jesus said to her: “Your brother will rise.” 24  Martha said to him: “I know he will rise in the resurrection on the last day.” 25  Jesus said to her: “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who exercises faith in me, even though he dies, will come to life;



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