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I believe the position of Pork Chop Secretary remains unfilled.

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My Father, who was a hard-hat salvage diver during his time in the Navy, during World War II, worked in the Newport News, Virginia Shipyards and dry docks before that as a welder, constructing "Liberty Ships" to send streams of cargo for England to fight the Nazis.

He told me  of how the docks in England were so full of ships, and ships waiting to unload, that they radioed back to the USA to hold ships until further notice.  The problem was .... to hold those ships would mean that supplies from all across America would pile up on USA docks, and they would have to tell the suppliers all across America to stop production until the supply lines overseas were not so clogged up.

Once you stop a manufacturing and production line of all the stuff that needed to be sent to England, it takes MONTHS to get it started again, so nobody here wanted to do that ... as it was NECESSARY to keep all production lines of food and war supplies running full blast at all times.

At night, my Father would stand on the sand at Virginia Beach, and looking out at sea, would see the flashes of light in the night, where German U-Boats were sinking the Liberty Ships he helped make by daytime., and the next day or so bodies, and acres of supplies would wash up on the Virginia beaches.

So the solution was .... load the Liberty ships with all the supplies, take them 50 miles out to sea, and dump them overboard ... millions and millions of dollars of precious war supplies, sacrificed for by the American people.  Then the ships would turn around, go back to port, and get another load of supplies.

When fighting for your survival, against enemies seen, or in our case now, enemies unseen ...the best laid plans do not survive first contact.

What happens in the "fog of war", makes what Trump does, and has done so far magnificent, and truly exceptional.  It is like he was born for, and trained all his life, for this job.

Those with TDS will continue to hate him, partially because he makes mistakes, but generally, he is extremely competent in everything he does.

...and yes ... I am jealous.

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