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Should true Christians use the word "Disaster"?

The Librarian

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4 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

Oh dear the debate continues. 

I honestly had no idea that there was really so much concern over picking one pronunciation of YHWH over another. Especially when the actual original pronunciation is not perfectly known.

4 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

So does it seems that people are now agreeing on the Y instead of the J 

You keep saying things that make me think you really aren't really serious about this at all. I get the feeling you are only interested in the opinions that make it seem like the WTS is wrong, but you take no interest in understanding the entire picture. For example, I don't think that you are the least bit concerned about the transition in English from Hebrew "Y" to English "J." 

If I see you typing "Yeshua" for Jesus, or typing the Greek form "Iesous" for Jesus, then I'll really believe you are really serious about the Y and J issue. There is really no controversy. I don't think you really believe it's controversial yourself, unless you start spelling Jeremiah with a Y or Jesus or Joshua with a Y.

4 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

And what about the W instead of V. 

It's almost the same story here. Some languages don't really use a W sound the way English does. In German, it's almost always used only to make a V sound. Even though a lot of English words came from an older Germanic or Saxon word with the W in it. There were evidently differences in the ancient Hebrew pronunciations too. Remember that there were differences in the way that persons in Israel pronounced Shibboleth, where some said Sibboleth, instead. Other differences between Northern Israel and Southern Israel became more "pronounced" over the centuries. Semitic languages, like Aramaic, Amharic, Hebrew, Arabic, and Syriac all evidently had differences from each other with respect to the U, the V, and the W sounds. 

Reminds of the old joke where a man visits Hawaii, and goes up to an old, distinguished Hawaiian man:

Visitor: Excuse me. Can you finally settle this question for me? Is this place pronounced "Hawaii, or Havaii?"

Old Man: "Havaii"

Visitor: Ah!! Thank you! Thank you!

Old Man: You're Velcome.

Of course, there is evidence that if a language has cognates in a closely related language, where a "W" (vav) is pronounced as a "B" then it probably had transitioned there from a V sound before it transformed to a B sound. Gordon is correct in claiming that this gives evidence for a V sound, at least among some speakers of ancient Hebrew. In this he agrees with a few scholars that came before him. Of course, this transition might well have occurred 1,000 years after the Hebrew/Aramaic of Jesus's day.

4 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

And does it seem that the last H is not sounded. 

So that would bring us to YHWH = Spoken as Yahwee (h)

Not exactly. Just because the "H" was silent and not sounded out like a hiss, it still has an effect on the previous vowel, so that we can be sure the last syllable was NOT pronounced like "wee." Also, it was just as likely not pronounced in the first syllable, "Yah." It's pretty clear that the shortened form of "Yahweh" was "Yah" as in the Bible phrases: "Praise Yah" or "Hallelujah." (You might want to think about how most people pronounce 'hallelujah' before getting too comfortable with a definitive pronunciation of J or Y.)

You don't pronounce the silent H in Jah or Yah, do you?

4 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

Hope you all have a pleasant Sunday. 

Thanks. You too.

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Sometimes, I think we go overboard in insinuating the worst for words that have lost their original meaning in modern parlance and that have become just an expression for which there doesn't seem to b

@Witness & @Srecko Sostar  you have both got me thinking on this now.  It is very interesting and it will get me re-reading the Greek Scriptures once again but from a different viewpoint. 

God has not given any authority to the GB or the rest of the Leaders of the CCJW. Even the GB admit to NOT BEING inspired by God's Holy Spirit, and they admit that they 'err', or deliberately do wrong

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1 hour ago, JW Insider said:

Reminds of the old joke where a man visits Hawaii, and goes up to an old, distinguished Hawaiian man:

Visitor: Excuse me. Can you finally settle this question for me? Is this place pronounced "Hawaii, or Havaii?"

Old Man: "Havaii"

Visitor: Ah!! Thank you! Thank you!

Old Man: You're Velcome.

Haha. Actually never heard that one before. Nice application btw.

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Quote @JW Insider  " I get the feeling you are only interested in the opinions that make it seem like the WTS is wrong, "

BUT, the CCJW / W/t Soc' have said that Yahweh is most probably right, but that they want to stick with the name Jehovah. 

  On 4/10/2020 at 11:36 AM, 4Jah2me said:

A question though to @JW Insider and to others that believe that Yahweh is correct.

Quote from your comment.  " I don't know that Yahweh is correct. I only agree with the Watchtower publications that say Yahweh is more likely than Yehowah based on Hebrew pronunciation patterns for that particular sequence of consonants. "

So how am i "only interested in the opinions that make it seem like the WTS is wrong, "

If the W/t are saying that Yahweh is more likely correct, then I'm agreeing with them.

As for Yeshua, yes it would be showing more respect to 'Jesus'. But imo, not so important as God's real name.

The main point being that the CCJW / W/t,  'pretend' that they have been 'given' God's name by God Himself. This idea that God has taken out a people for His name, becomes ridiculous if the name they use is wrong, it just shows they were not and are not inspired of God. And when the GB / CCJW /W/t admit that Yahweh is more likely correct, but stick to what it then seems even they believe to be incorrect, it makes no sense. 

A people for HIS name but using the wrong name. 

If the Org / W/t  hadn't put in writing that they believe Yahweh is more correct. then no one would have known. But to admit to actually knowing that Yahweh is more correct, but still saying they have God's name is hypocrisy.. 

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Not that this relates, or even that anyone will believe it but :- 

Whilst trying to do some research i read an experience online, about a lady householder that was called on by two female JWs. The topic of God's name came up and the householder said that God's name is Yahweh. To cut this shot, the outcome was that the two female JWs accused the householder of not being interested in making God's name known, just because the householder would not accept the name Jehovah as being God's name. 

So, it does show how it affects situations / conversations. The householder may never speak to JWs again. 


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On 4/12/2020 at 5:22 AM, 4Jah2me said:

BUT it is still written PARIS. 

Not if you write it in 

Italian: Parigi

Dutch: Parijs

Croatian: Pariz

Finnish: Pariisi

And then:

Armenian: փարիզ

Chinese: 巴黎

Georgian: პარიზი


And so on!

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On 4/12/2020 at 10:31 AM, 4Jah2me said:

If the Org / W/t  hadn't put in writing that they believe Yahweh is more correct. then no one would have known. But to admit to actually knowing that Yahweh is more correct, but still saying they have God's name is hypocrisy.. 

The whole point is that for English speaking people Jehovah is how it is written. In other languages it is written differently and pronounced slightly differently. I never understood why it is such a problem, since many names are written and pronounced differently depending on which country you live in. 

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33 minutes ago, Anna said:

Croatian: Pariz

In Croatian (as in other languages), some city names (as well as other names) are spelled, written differently and pronounced differently from the original. For example, the capital of Austria is Wien (German) or Vienna (English), but in Croatian it is Beč. There is no possible way for non Croatian language reader to see some similarity and conclude it can be same town. As we all have experience with the name in this way, no matter what word you speak in any of the languages, German, English or Croatian for the Austrian capital, most people will be clear about what it is.

Perhaps there is some problems or worry about 4 letters and pronounce and/or meaning of some particular pronounce. If 4 letters representing god's name and Him personally, perhaps the simplest way how not to use wrong pronounce is just simply spelling 4 letters when want to name God. Just opinion :))


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In Arabic it has come to be known as Yehwah and Jerusalem is  called Al-Quds....

But it is nice to know that a wide variety of 'Hebrew' manuscripts has the point system included and it is more accurate in Hebrew to say : yehovah.

Soon there will be one language of truth and one name for our creator on the earth!

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On 4/12/2020 at 2:41 PM, César Chávez said:

According to the biblical record, the worship of Baal threatened Israel from the

Thanks so much for bringing attention to this because Baal also means LORD or owner and EL also has ancient pagan connections.

As usual, you always give insightful comments.

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On 4/12/2020 at 10:42 AM, JW Insider said:

am surprised that you would accuse the Watch Tower

I am sure the WT team will see the new information and adapt accordingly, ...and then the 'scholars' will go into their past history (those who always accuse them on their past and quote the past ad nauseam ) and accuse them of inconsistency or some other trumped-up charge (no pun intended).

Sometimes to just have scholarly opinions blinds one to the true spirit of a matter - especially when one should allow Jehovah's spirit to work within you. 

When I mentioned this to my husband he just said this:  sometimes we must be like children and let Jehovah's spirit do its work. Are the anointed not like children in their trust of jehovah? I have a skeptical personality but thank jehovah I am not sooo skeptical that I do not see the truth and the working of his spirit when it is right in front of my nose! 

As I said before I do not always trust those who superficially copy tons of scholarly stuff off the internet without understanding the "spirit" behind these authors.  Many of these authors do not even believe in the God of the bible and merely stoke controversy or love their name in print. Their motives have nothing to do with finding the truth.


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You females are still deliberately bypassing the point. 

YOUR own Org, said YAHWEH was more likely to be correct. But they don't want to use what is more likely to be correct. So I agree with your Org that Yahweh is more likely to be correct. 

You see, the difference between your outlook and mine is this, You conform to your GB and it's Org and therefore you are given CCJW answers even before you ask questions.

It's a bit like scientists being paid to do research, but the one paying tells the scientists what result they MUST find. So it is in the CCJW, you are allowed to do research, but you MUST come up with the answers that the GB tell you to. 

Whereas I am now in the position of having an open mind and being able to consider all possibilities. I am not restricted to obeying men, not threatened with being shunned or d/fed.  

JW Insider seems to sit on the fence between those two choices, but you ladies seem to just follow the CCJW where ever it leads you. Srecko is a great 'breath of fresh air and life' here, because he has his totally independent viewpoint. 

One thing that is becoming abundantly clearer to me is the fact that the CCJW / W/t Soc' is American. So it seems that JWs, American or not, are very influenced by this American attitude of having to be right. Even if in the 'small print' they admit to being wrong, they still have to push this idea of being right. 

That point has been made so clear by the GB, with the Child Sexual Abuse problems. And it spreads from that into other things. The attitude of JWs on here, being so self righteous and insulting. 

Each of us should use the name for God that we honestly feel is right. If any of you are only using the name you are told to use, then IMO, it shows a lack of personal relationship with God. 

Please remember, i have no hate for any of you, I may feel disappointment but i will have to deal with that, I wish you all well. 


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22 minutes ago, 4Jah2me said:

It's a bit like scientists being paid to do research, but the one paying tells the scientists what result they MUST find. So it is in the CCJW, you are allowed to do research, but you MUST come up with the answers that the GB tell you to. 

One "catholic" translation of Bible came in 1969 (this was first Bible translation in communist ex-Yugoslavia), and this translation have god's name in form "Jahve" (first JW Bible in Croatian language brought form - Jehova) It is interesting how in preaching service (talking about past time, but seems it is same today) if person on door said Jahve, JW's are not willing to accept this as His name in full, but giving favor to form Jehova. When non JW using  this form instead of "official" JW name for God it sounds in the ears of JW's as "wrong" pronunciation or as less "acceptable" pronunciation.

And you can test this, just start using name Jahve in every day meetings and comments. Many elders will find need to talk with you about it :))))


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