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Should true Christians use the word "Disaster"?

The Librarian

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7 hours ago, Anna said:

Says Witness, so you better listen to her!

I don’t believe I have made the claim that I know everything, but this is a deep-seated belief of mine, which anyone can accept or reject.  It was an anointed brother who brought this to my attention quite a few years ago.  That’s right, a brother who also was ousted by the organization for rejecting falsehoods.  (John 16:2; Rev 13:15) Besides, I think we both know that Arauna (it was she that received my comment) listens to whom she chooses when it fits her agenda, and pushes that agenda pretty strongly.   Her belief system is a hodgepodge of her own theories and prophesies, mixed with teachings of the governing body.   She claims her worldly experience attributes to her prophetic knowledge.  (1 Cor 2:13,14)  Yet, according to her, whatever I offer is poison and will kill anyone who accepts what I might say.   She, on the other hand, who gives her own slant to the GB teachings is “safe” in the organization since she speaks highly of the very men she may disagree with.  And, she is a staunch believer in the 1914 debacle. As many JWs do, she gives “testimony” about her god, “Jehovah” and his organization, instead of Jesus Christ. (Isa 46:5)

If you want to believe that God decided to send his Holy Spirit on individuals to change how the tetrgrammaton should be dealt with and pronounced, as Arauna indicates, that’s your choice.  It was  written down in the inspired scriptures years before the invention of “Jehovah” emerged. She seems to indicate that somehow God was shamed until this point, which would include the time Jesus was on earth and the way he taught us to approach the Father.  Because of this, the scriptures apparently needed adjusting, even though we are not to add or take away from the Word of God.  Regardless, the Watchtower decided the scriptures require the fabricated name “Jehovah” to be inserted, even in places where the tetragrammaton never existed in the holy scriptures. I am not saying other translations don’t use “Jehovah”, but WT’s leaders seem to think it needs to flood His word a good 7,000 times. And they make sure they brag about it. 

 Possibly, it is just opposite of what JWs/Arauna believes. What if God has exposed what His people have done by embracing not only a made up name that actually disgraces the meaning of the tetragrammaton, but a man-made organization that demeans the true Zion/Temple of God in the anointed priesthood. (Dan 7:7; 11:38; Rev 13:1-8; 11:1-3,7; 1 Cor 3:16,17)  These are pieces of the puzzle that Satan the Destroyer, has devised to deceive the remnant into believing a lie. (Rev 16:13-16; Joel 3:14)     Arauna quotes Joel 2:26. The locust army came against God’s people because of their sins. (Joel 2:12,13)  God’s name then and now, is “shamed” by the actions of His anointed priesthood, and those with them,  who profess to know Him, but choose to listen to the assumed authority and power of men and their falsehoods, instead of listening to their Master, Jesus Christ.  (Matt 24:48-51; Rev 18:4-8)






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Sometimes, I think we go overboard in insinuating the worst for words that have lost their original meaning in modern parlance and that have become just an expression for which there doesn't seem to b

@Witness & @Srecko Sostar  you have both got me thinking on this now.  It is very interesting and it will get me re-reading the Greek Scriptures once again but from a different viewpoint. 

God has not given any authority to the GB or the rest of the Leaders of the CCJW. Even the GB admit to NOT BEING inspired by God's Holy Spirit, and they admit that they 'err', or deliberately do wrong

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17 hours ago, Witness said:

She claims her worldly experience attributes to her prophetic knowledge

I have never claimed to be a prophet but merely speculate on what is already happening in the world and where it happens to coincide with bible prophecy..... so do not put words in my mouth......I merely stipulate it to get people to think. 

On 4/14/2020 at 11:09 PM, Srecko Sostar said:

But NT speaking about bearing witness to Jesus. It

As far as I know the prophecy about end of days  in Mathew 24 specifically says we will be preaching about the "kingdom"....... so how can you preach about christ as king in the time of end if you do not believe his kingdom has started ruling...?

Matthew also says we will be persecuted for using christs name.  Why?  Because soon they (the powers that be) will require all to accept only one God........ if you still profess the kingdom of christ and his ransom sacrifice (which made the kingdom possible)- you will be persecuted.

17 hours ago, Witness said:

Yet, according to her, whatever I offer is poiso9n and will kill anyone

Viper is the word Jesus used. Your words mislead those who listen to you.  I have NO agenda .....but your MO is to create hate for the slave. OCD-hate.  I am your target because I accept the slave.

17 hours ago, Witness said:

She claims her worldly experience attributes to her prophetic knowledge

Other way round. My knowledge of the bible helps me to recognize signs going on in the world.  The "slave" has given me a sound basis to see for myself what is out there. I am not a slave to my own desires or "position" or ambition or a wish to be recognised..... just enjoy spiritual things.  I do not have unforgiving hate to contend with and can concentrate on what is really going on.

There is a call to all lost sheep..... there is still time to repent.

17 hours ago, Witness said:

God was shamed until this point, which woul

Well - the purpose of God is at present not in fulfillment..but he is still "administering his purpose"..... and most people on earth do not even know His real name..... they call him God, lord, the God, and various other titles. They do not even know the tetragrammaton exists.

17 hours ago, Witness said:

embracing not only a made up name that actually disgraces the

 You are just like those who stopped using the name of God and blamed jesus for healing on the Sabbath.  

You can write long dissertations about my comment - I will not read them.  I merely answered your accusations so your "disciples on here" - those who hang on your lips and agree with you (just because you hate the organization and use very contradictory reasonings)  can know what they are getting into and be warned...... you are not a spiritual jew............the inconsistencies in your reasoning is proof of that.

I, unlike you, do not profess to be anointed and yes, I do accept 1914 because of the evidence.... and I do accept the slave.  .... and I think it is too late in the stream of time to stay busy with petty disputes.  Jesus warned us to be found in peace.  Have you found peace yet?  One cannot have peace if you have hate. 

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Dear @Arauna,

Jesus said, “Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword. 35 For I have come to ‘set (“alienate”) a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law’; 36 and ‘a man’s enemies will be those of his own household.’ 37 He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. 38 And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. 39 He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it.  Matt 10:34-39 

This is being fulfilled in the Watchtower organization, the place that promotes a false sense of “peace and security”. (1 Thess 5:3)  Those who follow Christ and not men, “lose” their life and family that they had known, through disfellowshipping. 

Jesus began ruling since the first century; at the end of Armageddon, he will “deliver the kingdom to God the Father, when He puts an end to all rule and all authority and power.”  1 Cor 15:24

Then, the Kingdom of God begins.  We cannot follow and obey Jesus Christ and obey all the rules and regulations of false prophets also.  2 Cor 6:14-18  If you truly care to follow Christ, and speak for his truth, in no time at all you also would be spiritually "killed" by your leaders.  Rev 13:15  Once you lose that life, solely for the sake of Christ...you will find eternal life.  Only then, will you experience the peace Jesus Christ offers us.    Matt 11:28

"Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. 12 Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you."  Matt 5:11,12

It is your organization which has authority and power over JWs and God's anointed ones, that consistently persecutes people, and teaches its members to do the same. 

Unlike your "slave", I have no followers.  Jesus does.   



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@Arauna Keeps going on about 'the slave'She means the GB of course

But the scriptures say at Matthew 24 v 45 - 51

 “Who really is the faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed over his domestics, to give them their food at the proper time?z 46  Happy is that slave if his master on coming finds him doing so!a 47  Truly I say to you, he will appoint him over all his belongings.48  “But if ever that evil slave says in his heart, ‘My master is delaying,’b 49  and he starts to beat his fellow slaves and to eat and drink with the confirmed drunkards, 50  the master of that slave will come on a day that he does not expect and in an hour that he does not know,c 51  and he will punish him with the greatest severity and will assign him his place with the hypocrites. There is where his weeping and the gnashing of his teeth will be.
Note there is more that one 'slave' and in fact more than one 'type' of slave.
Arauna along with her Leaders the GB, don't want to think about the others, for obvious reasons.
Arauna start to think about the FELLOW SLAVES. They are more than equal to your GB. 
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2 hours ago, César Chávez said:

Depending on which interpretation one uses, the word (alienate) is NOT a component to Matthew 10:34. That is a fractured or structured word with a lack of bible understanding.

No, it’s a component of Matt 10:35

NKJV:  “For I have come to ‘set[j] a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law’”

[j] “alienate”

 dee-khad'-zo; from a derivative of G1364; to make apart, i.e. sunder (figuratively, alienate):—set at variance.

Usage:  to cut into two parts, cleave asunder, sever

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9 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

Note there is more that one 'slave' and in fact more than one 'type' of slave.

Absolutely. WTJWorg study magazines and other publications with GB as Main Doctrinal Body who giving interpretations on Bible text forgetting reality: Between good and bad, between black and white is wide specter of details and variations. 

But they want only one picture about themselves to be visible and applicable on them. Positive and "imperfectly perfect"picture. Because of such illusion and wrong self perception they are not able to see how their policy and leadership contributes in fulfillment of second part (impossible to be part, as they say) about "evil slave". 

And here we came to second issue. No one appointed them to be in that role of "slave" - good or evil. They choose to be in that role by own free will.  


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15 hours ago, César Chávez said:

Allow me to clarify.

KJV  Matthew 10:35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. (Matt. 10:35 KJV)

Jesus is the Word.  John 1:1

For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”  Heb 4:12

“He had in His right hand seven stars, out of His mouth went a sharp two-edged sword, and His countenance was like the sun shining in its strength.”  Rev 1:16

Repent, or else I will come to you quickly and will fight against them with the sword of My mouth.  Rev 2:16

From that time Jesus began to preach and to say, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Matt 4:17

Then He began to rebuke the cities in which most of His mighty works had been done, because they did not repent  Matt 11:20

The words of Jesus hold the promise of life, (John 14:6) BUT they create a catalyst used by others with wicked intentions to cause harm, which was experienced by his early followers who were the recipients of torture and alienation by the Jews and the Romans. 

Matt 10:36 - and ‘a man’s enemies will be those of his own household.’ 

“Now brother will deliver up brother to death, and a father his child; and children will rise up against parents and cause them to be put to death. 22 And you will be hated by all for My name’s sake. But he who endures to the end will be saved.”  Matt 10:21,22

Micah 7:5,6 – “Do not trust in a friend;
Do not put your confidence in a companion;
Guard the doors of your mouth
From her who lies in your bosom.
For son dishonors father,
Daughter rises against her mother,
Daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law;
A man’s enemies are the men of his own household.”

When Stephen spoke the words of God and upheld the teachings of Jesus Christ, he was accused of apostasy and was killed.  He is just one example of what the early Christians experienced at the hands of wicked leaders.

15 hours ago, César Chávez said:

Meaning:  1) to cut into two parts, cleave asunder, sever

If you were to cut off your arm, you have severed it – alienated it – from the rest of your body.  This is exactly what the organization has done by judging both anointed and all who turn to the Father and Jesus Christ, when rejecting the existence of the organization and its falsehoods. 

I came to send fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled! Luke 12:49

Did Jesus set a literal fire to harm people?

Is not My word like a fire?” says the Lord,
“And like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces?  Jer 23:29

50 But I have a baptism to be baptized with, and how distressed I am till it is accomplished! 51 Do you suppose that I came to give peace on earth? I tell you, not at all, but rather division. 52 For from now on five in one house will be divided: three against two, and two against three. 53 Father will be divided against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.”  Luke 12:49-53

Division - διαμερισμός diamerismós, dee-am-er-is-mos'; from G1266; disunion (of opinion and conduct):—division.

I.G1266 – Usage: - to cleave asunder, cut in pieces

II.to be divided into opposing parts, to be at variance, in dissension

There’s your word, “variance”, associated with “cleave asunder/cut in pieces”, which alienates the part from the whole…an individual from the family...and truth from lies.

 “I have told you this to keep you from falling away. You’ll be thrown out of the synagogues. Yes, a time is coming when the one who kills you will think he’s serving God. They’ll do this because they haven’t known the Father or me.” John 16:1-3

Usage:  excluded from sacred assemblies of Israelites, excommunicated…

Which equals to “disfellowshipped” – a spiritual “killing”.  Rev 13:15

15 hours ago, César Chávez said:

Then G1364-G1369 become an abstract versus contextual. Simply meaning “separation of” or “division of” between good and evil. The implication with alienate, It would sound like Jesus wanted to cause "harm" between a family arrangement or society, rather than have an individual choose between serving God or not.

It is most definitely a division between good and evil.  Jesus does no harm; it is God’s Word that judges and alienates the righteous from the unrighteous, and is the basis of Armageddon, fought in the valley of “decision”.  Joel 3:14; Rev 16:13-16

However, I find your thought concerning Jesus causing harm to families, somewhat hypocritical, Allen.  You agree that this isn't case here, yet you fully believe Jesus is the Destroyer instead of Satan,  who will apparently kill millions of unbelievers in your Armageddon.  Surely, you can see now, that it is not Jesus who would cause harm to anyone.  (Isa 33:1; John 10:9,10)

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On 4/16/2020 at 10:39 PM, Srecko Sostar said:

Absolutely. WTJWorg study magazines and other publications with GB as Main Doctrinal Body who giving interpretations on Bible text forgetting reality: Between good and bad, between black and white is wide specter of details and variations. 

But they want only one picture about themselves to be visible and applicable on them. Positive and "imperfectly perfect"picture. Because of such illusion and wrong self perception they are not able to see how their policy and leadership contributes in fulfillment of second part (impossible to be part, as they say) about "evil slave". 

And here we came to second issue. No one appointed them to be in that role of "slave" - good or evil. They choose to be in that role by own free will.  


“Evidently” it was an organizational decision, and it seemed “reasonable to conclude” that “slave” only applies to those with authoritative power already set in place.  Whomever they choose, or vote in, become a "slave".  

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27 minutes ago, César Chávez said:

which has nothing to do with the GB since they are also servants of God alongside, true witnesses. The “fact” they adhere to scripture has been a continuous ideology from those that refuse to obey God, no one else.

It has everything to do with the GB, false witnesses. (Rev 13:11) They are not Christ, but they give the elder body the authority to judge another's spirituality.  

John 16:2; Rev 13:15


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16 hours ago, César Chávez said:

While I can quote "Plato" on this one, I will allow scripture to speak for me, as it has spoken for the Watchtower. Proverbs 18:2. This is the authority God has given responsible men to keep the body of Christ clean. ! Timothy 5:20, 2 Timothy 3:16, Matthew 28:18, Romans 13:1, John 19:11

God has not given any authority to the GB or the rest of the Leaders of the CCJW. Even the GB admit to NOT BEING inspired by God's Holy Spirit, and they admit that they 'err', or deliberately do wrong. 

They used to pretend that Elders were appointed by Holy Spirit, but now they admit that Elders are NOT appointed by Holy spirit. 

The GB have back tracked on many things. They constantly change the 'teachings' through the Watchtower. 

The GB also deliberately 'forget' that the 'Body of Christ' are 'FELLOW SLAVES', and the GB use the Elders to control those FELLOW SLAVES. Those FELLOW SLAVES are told not to meet together and not to have Bible study together.

AND, disgustingly, the GB accuse their FELLOW SLAVES of 'working against the Holy Spirit'. 

You of course serve your GB and are therefore blinded by their trickery and falsehood. Go careful, blind guides is what they are and you will all fall into the pit. You will have no excuse when Judgement arrives. 


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22 hours ago, César Chávez said:

Continue to proliferate a nonsensical approach by assuming the error in judgment comes from others rather than yourself.

I am glad you noticed this. This is why is choose not to reason with her or her two lackeys......any longer..... the logic and reason is lacking -  nonsensical. 

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4 hours ago, Arauna said:

I am glad you noticed this. This is why is choose not to reason with her or her two lackeys......any longer..... the logic and reason is lacking -  nonsensical. 

"Lackey" is a rather rude term for someone who has a different belief than your own, don't you think?   Keep in mind, if there is anyone who may agree with me in anything, I don't write their name down, or keep a file on them, remember their "sins", admonish them NOT to "make sure of all things" (1 Thess 5:19-22), or to  beg for donations to support my work.  Approximately 8 million or less (should I call them "lackeys"?) do just that for your GB and their idol.  Rev 13:1,2, 5-11, 15-18

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