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I have barely seen a more stupid chart in my life


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I know this wasn't directed directly at me, but I am just as likely to ridicule the chart as several others around here. The reason is reason: (Philippians 4:5) 5 Let your reasonableness become k

People should be defended wherever possible. The motives can be quite pure and still mistakes are made. In fact, I would say that there are specific good motives that make certain kinds of mistakes ev

You know, I can get my head around this. I really can. I’ll still refer to you from time to time as ‘the brother with the rotten attitude’ because who knows how many brothers you have stumbled in

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19 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

Back then,

My Bethel chum told me in the early 80s that he thought the old-timers at Bethel must marvel at how frail the younger generation was. Back in their day, counsel would be ‘You’ve got a rotten attitude, and you’d better straighten up!’ And the counseled one WOULD straighten up, and later say ‘Thanks for the counsel.’ Or they would decide the place was not for them and leave. But they wouldn’t melt into a puddle of mush as would more readily happen today.

19 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

It is seriously creepy.

I’ll take your word for it. It is probably someone’s thought that by getting specific, they can forestall anyone ‘going gay.’ They are likely as dumbfounded as any of our generation that sexual attraction has turned out to be as fluid as it has. Nobody, but nobody, of my generation would have seen it coming, regardless of how conservative or liberal they were. As a fringe orientation? Yes, of course. But as a movement going mainstream and shaming/bullying others into acceptance? Never. 

You should develop a little more discernment, a little more 1 Thess 5:12-14, It would suit you better.

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Quote @James Thomas Rook Jr.   The point of the above is that there are good reasons why I keep my own counsel on the matter of keeping and bearing arms, and being ready to defend the innocent at all times, and not pay too much attention to those in authority that have a long record of being seriously creepy ... and wrong.

I suppose this translates as :-

The way to remain in the CCJW is not to be a JW. In other words ignore what the ones at the top say and ignore those 'taking the lead in the congregation'........ So funny James. 


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56 minutes ago, 4Jah2me said:

So funny James. 

No, it's NOT funny.

It's sad beyond words to express.

And the scripture TTH quoted:

12 Now we ask you, brothers and sisters, to acknowledge those who work hard among you, who care for you in the Lord and who admonish you. 13 Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work. Live in peace with each other. 14 And we urge you, brothers and sisters, warn those who are idle and disruptive, encourage the disheartened, help the weak, be patient with everyone.

It's a two way street ... we down at the bottom have to forgive the ones at the top when, in THEIR being idle and disruptive, screw up the works and try to make up theology from their own cultural predispositions.

Life is an experimental process. 

The Apostle was talking in general principles ... the same way that a Policeman or Fireman should be viewed ...it was not a blanket statement that applies to the ones in EVERY organization that are with their hard work and noble motives, incompetent screw ups that can ruin lives by the tens of thousands, because everyone is afraid to say anything.

How many Sisters', and childrens' lives were RUINED, forever, because the Society taught that their husbands having sex with men, and/or with animals was NOT grounds for divorce, and they were stuck in that "marriage" .... because NO ONE had the bravery to stand up and say THIS IS NONSENSE?

One, is too many.



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1 hour ago, 4Jah2me said:

I suppose this translates as :-

The way to remain in the CCJW is not to be a JW. In other words ignore what the ones at the top say and ignore those 'taking the lead in the congregation'........ So funny James. 

The whole reason we have a conscience is to be able to differentiate between when we get good advice, and get bad advice ... either from others, or even from our own decision making processes.

Sometimes ... what you say is true ... sometimes it is not true.

My own experiences illustrate that.

Infinite variety.

Get used to it.

It will never change.

That's the way the REAL world works.


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2 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

And the scripture TTH quoted:

12 Now we ask you, brothers and sisters, to acknowledge those who work hard among you, who care for you in the Lord and who admonish you. 13 Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work. Live in peace with each other. 14 And we urge you, brothers and sisters, warn those who are idle and disruptive, encourage the disheartened, help the weak, be patient with everyone.

Paul didn’t write it this flowery.

2 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

How many Sisters', and childrens' lives were RUINED, forever,

It’s a little too soon to tell.

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@James Thomas Rook Jr.  What i find funny is that you are still sitting on the fence, or playing both sides. 

I would suggest JWI is doing the same.  

You say, "That's the way the REAL world works" 

I say, God's true organisation would be NO PART OF THAT WORLD.

The whole reason we have a bible trained conscience is to be able to tell the difference between truth and lies, and good and bad, from God's viewpoint.   

And to 'stop keeping company with' those people that promote / allow such things as you have mentioned. 

In that scripture you quoted i noticed these words who care for you in the Lord  but the GB and the hierarchy don't. And that reflects in the Elders that just follow the rules from the leaders. 

I quote you again " because NO ONE had the bravery to stand up and say THIS IS NONSENSE?

What does that tell you James ? Because it tells me that it is a dictatorship, ruled over by using fear of d/fed and shunning,  and it tells me that, as I've mentioned, the Elders just do as they are told by the dictators taking the lead.

And the dictators are the wicked slave that beat their fellow slaves. 

And to back up my point I'll try to quote 'the Writer' TTH, "No one can disfellowship the GB". 

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10 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:


You have a habit of getting your attributions mixed up, and your analysis is too simplistic, as well as mixed up.

Details are important.

Matthew 11 v 25 & 26. 

At that time Jesus said in response: “I publicly praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and intellectual ones and have revealed them to young children. 26  Yes, O Father, because this is the way you approved. 

I am willing to be a young child for the sake of truth. I think you and others here deliberately try to complicate matters, to try to make yourselves look more intelligent. 

But if you wish to enlarge on your above comment, I'm willing to read it :) . 

However my points still stand and are still true.  


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Another factor is (I'm also going to address the atheist here later; he never likes to address his claims), people make such assumptions because they are well rooted in the belief also that God is Omnipresent, which is false. With this idea in mind, they conjure up the notion of God being everywhere, so he should have been able to prevent this or that, but such people fail to see what transpired in the Genesis Act of Creation with an honest mind. This is why when questioned, it is good to know these things, so you can have an answer for it, granted not everyone has the answer to something, but there is no shame in making an effort.

That being said, the chart is silly. Such ones should actually read the Bible for once.


On 5/2/2020 at 9:53 PM, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:


You have a habit of getting your attributions mixed up, and your analysis is too simplistic, as well as mixed up.

Details are important.

Or interpretations that seem to be lacking and or is driven more of an organism's way of thinking.

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14 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

people make such assumptions because they are well rooted in the belief also that God is Omnipresent, which is false. With this idea in mind, they conjure up the notion of God being

Yes. Simply quote one of those verses in which God says he is going to go down and check something out so as to see if it is so—such as the complaint made about Sodom.

“Then Jehovah said: “The outcry against Sodʹom and Go·morʹrah is indeed great, and their sin is very heavy.  I will go down to see whether they are acting according to the outcry that has reached me. And if not, I can get to know it.” (Genesis 18:20-21) 

He wasn’t there. He didn’t know. So he is not omnipresent. And he is not omniscient. 

The third member of this normal ‘trinity’ is omnipotent. Note how the chart has dropped ‘omnipresent’ to substitute ‘all-loving.’ This way they can harp on anything that isn’t going well and blame it on God—as though God’s role is to bless the doings of a society founded in rebellion against him, or prevent the inevitable bad consequences of such rebellion from occurring. 

Thus, every assumption skeptics make about God is wrong. No wonder their conclusions are so cock-eyed. Now, to be sure, those cock-eyed conclusions might remain even if they had begun with accurate knowledge—the pull away from God is far more rooted in emotion than in reason. The emotion pull is the urge to kick over the traces—to break free from anyone who would tell you what to do. In their insistence upon pursuing the petty freedoms that this world has to offer, chafing at anyone who would seem to restrict them, they end up overlooking the substantial freedoms that God supplies.

What can you do with people like that? In the case of those who once believed in God and abandoned it for atheism, you could liken it to the fellow who loses millions in the stock market. Undeterred, he celebrates the $10K that he still has left, reasoning about the rest: “They were just paper gains, anyway.”

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On 4/22/2020 at 5:26 AM, Anna said:

In other words we have two classes of generation, an overlapping one and a non overlapping one 🤪

Reminds me a bit of when we got bogged down with types and anti types. I thought we were over that....?


On 4/21/2020 at 12:25 AM, JW Insider said:

Although some might try to stretch group 1, we should remember that a person is not considered "anointed" until they are baptized.

It seems how WT Society have only one group of "anointed generation", and that is present GB. In his morning worship talk Mr. Malenfant explained this:

"we don't need to know all names of the anointed on earth today, ....

... in our congregations we see the emblems being passed and we can see individuals partaking in ...

...it would be pointless to try and ascertain  who among God's servants will eventually be part of 144000. The final judgement and sealing of the anointed is very private matter between JHVH and individual anointed ones......

.. and i might also add at this point. Even though we don't know about that personal relationship that comes about, we don't experience it ourselves, but we are convinced, for example, that the members of the GB have the heavenly calling." 

Mr Malenfant is person who can control his curiosity about things no one knows, not even he, but it seems how he knows all about that personal relationship and very private matter  that supposedly exist between GB members and JHVH.

:)))  and he try to manipulate audience with this "confidential information".

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