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I have barely seen a more stupid chart in my life


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3 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

seem to be saying that the W/t took it completely out of context, and that the statement was completely false. Is my assumption correct ?

Now the Organisation / Watchtower / CCJW / GB are supposed to be 'spirit directed' is this correct ?

If you add what TTH said to what you said then I cannot see any direction of Holy Spirit at all. 

It is possible to look on this and similar situations in WT history as in case below:

Mi·caiʹah then said: “Therefore, hear the word of Jehovah: I saw Jehovah sitting on his thronep and all the army of the heavens standing by him, to his right and to his left.q 20  Jehovah then said, ‘Who will fool Aʹhab, so that he will go up and fall at Raʹmoth-gilʹe·ad?’ And one was saying one thing while another said something else. 21  Then a spirit*r came forward and stood before Jehovah and said, ‘I will fool him.’ Jehovah asked him, ‘How will you do it?’ 22  He replied, ‘I will go out and become a deceptive spirit in the mouth of all his prophets.’s So he said, ‘You will fool him, and what is more, you will be successful. Go out and do that.’

Even the most ignorant JW bible scholar could be able to understand this .... IF he apply it to themselves ---- JHVH already allowed deception on "chosen nation" before, why He could not do it again?


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It seems some people do not know what being "No Part of the World" means.

For starters, to be "No Part of the World" is to avoid the Spirit that is driving this world, and or we BU's call it, "The World's Spirit".

We are to avoid a form of thought that promotes wickedness and or intent to do bad, something of which is very common in today's world, as is with the fact that some people do this either knowingly and or unknowingly. As 1 John 5:19 points out this world originated not with The Most High, but rather, the so called Elohim of this world, for if one does not know this notion, I believe a Bible Study Group session should be in order. Should one develop such intent and a way of thought, results in one succumbing to The World's Spirit, for not being careful, would land one into this messy spider web, thus becoming among the sons of disobedience should one allow such a breach, hence Ephesians 2:2 (also see Ephesians 6:10-18).

One can easily become part of the world, should they adhere to immodesty in action and or appearance. Admiration of Nationalism and or partaking of the wild beast, hence the so called Mark. Dwelling into picking a side in the political spectrum when it is to God's government you must adhere to. And so forth. Now, although we are to respect the authorities out there, should any authority's action crosses over to that of God's Law, then that is where some action is to be taken.

That being said, to do all things of God and in, especially when it comes to our actions and thinking, despite our imperfection, we are do strive to do such, and to do good. We cannot speak for others, but as an individual, or like-minded folk, we are to apply the ways of Yah.

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When using the actions of 'the world' to make excuses for the actions of one's own religion then In My Opinion (and I am allowed an opinion) it makes them part of the world. 

To say that everyone else does this or that, is judging one's own standards by 'worldly standards', not by God's standards.. 

For instance, saying that CSA is everywhere in 'the world', is not a good enough reason to accept it in one's own religion. And to say that everyone else misquotes scientists etc, is not a good reason to think that deliberately misquoting someone is good. 

Jehovah's Witnesses think that their Organisation's standards are higher than the standards of 'the world'. This is being constantly disproved, not only by 'opposers' but by JWs themselves. Therefor the CCJW Organisation, like most other religions, is just part of the world. 

The Spirit of this world includes, telling lies, being deceitful, hiding the truth, being dishonest, lacking love and mercy and mistreating others. Many Jehovah's Witnesses, from the top downwards, are guilty of these things. Hence i say that they are part of this world. 

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On 5/24/2020 at 10:06 PM, 4Jah2me said:

think that their Organisation's standards are higher than the standards of 'the world'.

If only  half percent of JWs did a bad thing, you will focus only on the half percent with OCD attention span. 

You yourself know that the bible indicates that people can become wicked - why even Jesus lost one of his twelve apostles - which is actually a little over 8 percent.

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On 5/24/2020 at 2:06 PM, 4Jah2me said:

When using the actions of 'the world' to make excuses for the actions of one's own religion then In My Opinion (and I am allowed an opinion) it makes them part of the world. 

According to the Bible, it says otherwise. This statement shows that you are far from knowing it it means to be "Part of the World" and or "Having the Spirit of the World", which is a bit more fitting. Granted each and every individual can all between the cracks, some can climb their way out, others do not. This also includes those who willful have intent to do bad and various sins, and or their ill will form of justice.

On 5/24/2020 at 2:06 PM, 4Jah2me said:

To say that everyone else does this or that, is judging one's own standards by 'worldly standards', not by God's standards.. 

There is a clear distinction between God's standards and that of man. It is also safe to note that in categories regarding morals and the like, the standards lie there too.

On 5/24/2020 at 2:06 PM, 4Jah2me said:

For instance, saying that CSA is everywhere in 'the world', is not a good enough reason to accept it in one's own religion. And to say that everyone else misquotes scientists etc, is not a good reason to think that deliberately misquoting someone is good. 

That is because child sex abuse is indeed everywhere in the world, in every institution. The prime suspect in all this is related to how the world views sex. No one is ignorant of the fact that child abuse happens in various religious groups, however, the main problem people seem to miss, and not even take the advice of child sex abuse and neglect services is to resort to TEACHING the people, both children and adults, in order to prevent and or minimize sex and or physical abuse. The tragic thing is, some people laugh at the solutions for helping children (like the one guy currently in this thread), as is, with ignoring the fact of the sex/race in this notion, of which another, who also is on this forums attested to racism, when the facts from the FBI says otherwise.

The secondary statement of yours do not really make sense, unless you are willing to clarify.

On 5/24/2020 at 2:06 PM, 4Jah2me said:

Jehovah's Witnesses think that their Organisation's standards are higher than the standards of 'the world'. This is being constantly disproved, not only by 'opposers' but by JWs themselves. Therefor the CCJW Organisation, like most other religions, is just part of the world. 

I have never seen them, or anyone else make such a claim. Therefore, if something was never stated and or mentioned, how can it be disproved? In fact, no one in the US and or the EU, etc. have a standard that is beyond anything or anyone. The sole reason for this is due to the fact of imperfection. One can be clean morally and mentally, but that does not negate the fact that the person is imperfect and can stumble into sin. Recall the story of the Son of Jesse, King of Judah - David?

As for the secondary statement, you really need to know what it means when the Bible says not to be part of the world.

On 5/24/2020 at 2:06 PM, 4Jah2me said:

The Spirit of this world includes, telling lies, being deceitful, hiding the truth, being dishonest, lacking love and mercy and mistreating others.

And yet it does not stop you from telling lies or being dishonest? The Spirit of the World consist of more than that.

You do realize that, if a person has love and has mercy, they can still be part of the world, right? Another jab of you not knowing fully well the notion.

On 5/24/2020 at 2:06 PM, 4Jah2me said:

Many Jehovah's Witnesses, from the top downwards, are guilty of these things. Hence i say that they are part of this world. 

You just spoke of judging, yet here you are.

Regardless of the faith and or other group, there are good people and there are bad people. Should a man of one or many groups commit to grave sin, his actions does not define masses. To think as such you are now, is borderline bigotry in this sense, which is no different from those who treat and bash a man, woman or child because of the actions of someone who is of the same sex and or race, even though they themselves have nothing to do with the ill intent.

@Arauna It would seem the fact that someone had stolen @4Jah2me 's cookie jar, triggered what we are seeing now; it is as if the dealing with Butler again.


Of course, bravo and thank you, once again for proving me point (I believe the 7th time thus far). I believe you dropped these words before you logged out, QCM, and it may be safe to say you disagree with better solutions for children, which is a shame because that is what child abuse and neglect services promote:

On 5/24/2020 at 2:06 PM, 4Jah2me said:

The Spirit of this world includes, telling lies, being deceitful, hiding the truth, being dishonest...

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5 hours ago, Arauna said:

If only  half percent of JWs did a bad thing, you will focus only on the half percent with OCD attention span. 

You yourself know that the bible indicates that people can become wicked - why even Jesus lost one of his twelve apostles - which is actually a little over 8 percent.

I suppose you think RJ Furuli Ph D, has OCD as well :) 

And what  about JWI when he mentions problems in the CCJW. Has he got OCD ?

You say this about me " the response is always the same old, same old. "

But your response is always 'OCD'. :)  Same old same old.


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9 hours ago, Arauna said:

That is the right word.  It triggers OCD.  That is why I rarely reply...... the response is always the same old, same old.  I like to learn from people I do not agree with...... but you always land up in a dead end.

It is not always? The funny thing about it is, whenever someone makes a claim about something, they won't admit to a mistake, they keep silent, hence the latter I have dubbed "The Quite Church Mouse". A term we debaters often use regarding those who back-peddle in a way to "pretend" that their claim was never said. Therefore, when the speak of deceit and lies is prompted by such people, you can easily take their own quote to their doorstep regarding any claims mentioned.

That being said, the notable avoidance of the claim is amusing to me, therefore, the latter's credibility has been thrown out the window.

A biblical lesson for any known ignorant person:

  • Proverbs 14:15 - The simple believes everything, but the prudent gives thought to his steps.
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Well certain people on here only believe their own viewpoint on scripture.. So it is a waste of time trying to debate sensibly with them. 

The funny thing is with some people that if you don't fully agree with their viewpoint, they tell everyone that you have made a mistake. Um, could it not possibly be them that has made a mistake ?  Oh no, well not with a certain man anyway. He thinks he is always right. Then he expects others to admit a mistake which they haven't actually made.

I tend to go quiet sometimes for two reason. 1. I start to think deeper about a subject. 2. I don't want to waste my time arguing, as arguing is so negative. 

But that man tends to harp on and on when a person does not reply to him. I think he feels hurt. He seems to demand a reply, which makes me laugh at him. He is so full of his own self importance. I can understand why he would 'defend' the Governing Body of CCJW. They both always think they are right. 

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7 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

Well certain people on here only believe their own viewpoint on scripture.. So it is a waste of time trying to debate sensibly with them. 

Hermeneutics is rarely wrong, nor are scholars who partake in such as is with the honest Bible reader, so it is not a viewpoint, it is sheer textual analytics of what the Bible teaches and conveys. Debate is only sparked if anything in err and or misconception and or a lie is brought forth, for us CSE people, no kindness is for such deeds and something must be said. So if there is a term and or the like of which you yourself do not fully understand, the Bible speaks the truth of the matter, and of course, this spirit of which you speak, you often times embrace it, hence contradiction in the progreess in a subtle fashion.


You are free to ponder upon my origin: https://hermeneutics.stackexchange.com/

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On 5/27/2020 at 1:16 AM, 4Jah2me said:

RJ Furuli Ph D, has OCD as well :) 

I am talking of hate-OCD, same behaviour over and over and same unreasonableness. 

No.... so far (by what I have heard) Ferulis thinking flaws are clear and it is not just all hate.... 

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