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Your question is based on the false premise that what is shown has to be one or the other .... fashionable or abdominal. I doesn't. Now   .... if you had chosen "tacky" or "frivolous", you m

Here's one that is both abominable AND abdominal:

Abominable is the wrong word...... and I would not call it a bracelet for luck either.  The youth like trinkets..... It is definitely not as expensive as real jewelery stones and an alternative t

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8 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

Your question is based on the false premise that what is shown has to be one or the other .... fashionable or abdominal.

I doesn't.

I have to agree with one thing; the idea of it, is nauseating.  

8 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

Your question is based on the false premise that what is shown has to be one or the other .... fashionable or abdominal.

I doesn't.

Now   .... if you had chosen "tacky" or "frivolous", you might have a case.

I choose "tacky" and will pair it with "crafty", as in  "crafty promoters of religion"

Replace "Christendom" with...

This inability to attract people by the message preached prompts the thought that there must be something wrong with the religious fodder dished out from the pulpit to Christendom’s pew-sitters. If they are being served sound spiritual food, why should there be any lack of attraction, an apathetic flock? Could it be that there is a spiritual famine in the land called Christendom? But from the name Christendom assumes, one may imagine that it has an abundance of spiritual food. Yet when the clergy open their religious larders, the only abundance that presents itself is that of book reviews, tricks of magic, jazz bands, bingo games, lotteries, masquerade parties, coffee-and-doughnut socials, gas-filled balloons, and the buffoonery of circus clowns. So one may rightly ask, Has the spiritual famine foretold by God’s prophet blighted Christendom?—“Behold, the days come, saith the Lord Jehovah, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of Jehovah.”—Amos 8:11, AS.  w53 11/1 pp. 649-652


The article ends by saying,

The message they bring (JWs) needs no crafty promotion, no help from devils, no enticements. For Jehovah’s witnesses “are not those who commercialize or make gain [adulterators] of the word of God as many men are.” (2 Cor. 2:17, footnote, NW) 

My, how times have changed.  

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13 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

Now   .... if you had chosen "tacky" or "frivolous", you might have a case.

I dislike this stuff. I am not a billboard and have never worn anything with a logo on it. It even took me a while to get with the program on wearing our badges during convention time when out and about, though I eventually did it.

The goal is to advertise the convention, and I can get my head around that. Alas, one brother didn’t quite get the sense of it. He worked in trucking, putting him sweaty and in tee shirt—he could not have looked more like a slob—overweight to boot—after the convention, and there he was at the restaurant, badge pinned to his belly.

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Abominable is the wrong word...... and I would not call it a bracelet for luck either. 

The youth like trinkets..... It is definitely not as expensive as real jewelery stones and an alternative to other symbols such as the star of David. 

My husband has worn  Harley Davidson T-shirts going to the shop and many people wear Lacoste, Nike etc.  I have had handbags with a brand name on them - but these were not very obvious.  

Having something with a brand name does not necessarily indicate worship of the brand.  As an older person I do not care much for brand items but one can become so picky on the young kids so that one can take pleasure and individuality out of their  life... Live and let live is a good motto.

If it is something which is similar to worship or a sign such as a swastica,  ying-yang symbol or other  religious symbols or  buddha head, film star,  then one can make a case against it.

LOVE builds up...... when in doubt...... show love.

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When I was a teenager, as a Senior in High School, circa 1964-1966, I had a half-day part time job to 11 PM at night. I saved up $320 and bought a Nikon F 35mm camera., one of the best in the world at that time.  They did not pay me to advertise, so I put a strip of black electrical tape over the logo on the front.

When my wife and I go to "famous" restaurants that sell their logo T-shirts, I exclaim loudly "Oh Look!, they will pay me $15.95 to wear their advertising!"

I get "looks" from the cashier, and cringes from my wife, who wants to hide.



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