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Jehovah's Witnesses with covid-19 - announcement at Bethel


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"Morning worship announcement at Bethel.
In the United States, 9,000 of our brothers have contracted the Corona Virus, 2,500 have recovered, 563 are hospitalized and unfortunately 219 have fallen asleep to death.
This was mentioned April 14, 2020 in the morning worship in New York's bethel.  It was asked that this be shared with the brothers so that we continue to pray for the entire association of brothers and understand the reason that the governing body has taken the measures that have been taken so far.  Cheers!"

By the way I am just quoting someone. This info is not from me personally.

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Very sad news that anyone should get this horrible virus, and even worse that they should die from it. But there is the wonderful hope of the resurrection which will bring good health and much be


"Morning worship announcement at Bethel. In the United States, 9,000 of our brothers have contracted the Corona Virus, 2,500 have recovered, 563 are hospitalized and unfortunately 219 have fallen as

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6 minutes ago, Outta Here said:

Which one is that?

I am not 100% sure but I am assuming it would have been the HQ at Warwick. I received this info in another language, from the CO in that country. I cannot verify the accuracy of it, but from experience these things are usually correct.....

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Update on that: this morning (during zoom meeting for FS) our group overseer gave us new numbers from our CO. This is from April 17th, so just two days after the report I posted earlier. Over 1000 are infected and 250 dead in the USA. Of course these numbers are not going to stay constant unfortunately, so today the numbers may already be higher. 

This is not special or privileged information by the way. Circuit Overseers have obviously been asked to share this. 

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1 hour ago, Joe Derrick said:

scusa Anna, ma se non sei sicura perchè la pubblichi?...non sarebbe meglio aspettare che la sede centrale lo scriva sul sito ufficiale?...saluti a te

Questo non può essere pubblicato sul sito Web perché i numeri cambiano ogni giorno. Saluti!

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