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Jehovah's Witnesses with covid-19 - announcement at Bethel


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55 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:


... probably not nearly as much as the Bethel videos that inspired the recollection.

The thing is it was directed at a very narrow audience; new Bethelites. I am sure if it wasn't deemed necessary and applicable then it wouldn't have been done. And yes, it was cringe worthy for anyone else. 

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Very sad news that anyone should get this horrible virus, and even worse that they should die from it. But there is the wonderful hope of the resurrection which will bring good health and much be


"Morning worship announcement at Bethel. In the United States, 9,000 of our brothers have contracted the Corona Virus, 2,500 have recovered, 563 are hospitalized and unfortunately 219 have fallen as

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Very sad news that anyone should get this horrible virus, and even worse that they should die from it.

But there is the wonderful hope of the resurrection which will bring good health and much better living conditions.

Stay safe as much as you can.  


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@Joe Derrick

Dear brother, I do not understand what the problem is, and why we are discussing whether this information is correct or not and if we should wait for something "official" to be posted on our website. As far as I knew, and to the best of my knowledge, the information I posted here was correct at the time because it came from several reliable sources. I would have not posted it otherwise. Usually these kind of things are not made up. What I wasn't sure about, and someone asked asked me about it, was which Bethel this information was from. Regardless, it doesn't really matter. Also, the information from 14th April is old as well, as I already mentioned, the numbers will change probably every day. I suppose at the end of the pandemic the official website of Jehovah's Witnesses might post the final numbers.

Google translator:

Caro fratello, non capisco quale sia il problema, e perché stiamo discutendo se queste informazioni sono corrette o meno e se dovremmo aspettare che qualcosa di "ufficiale" sia pubblicato sul nostro sito web. Per quanto ne sapevo, e per quanto ne so, le informazioni che ho pubblicato erano corrette all'epoca perché provenivano da diverse fonti affidabili. Non l'avrei pubblicato diversamente. Di solito questo genere di cose non è inventato. Ciò di cui non ero sicuro, e qualcuno mi ha chiesto a riguardo, era da quale Betel provenivano queste informazioni. Indipendentemente da ciò, non importa davvero. Inoltre, anche le informazioni del 14 aprile sono vecchie, come ho già detto, i numeri cambieranno probabilmente ogni giorno. Suppongo che alla fine della pandemia il sito ufficiale dei Testimoni di Geova possa pubblicare i numeri finali.

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7 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

... sorta like my comment on a forum limited in size and scope, which would understand the reference?

I'm not going to argue with you about it. No matter how cringe worthy the videos were, they were no doubt delivered with all seriousness and good intentions. I don't think in all honesty you can say the same about your remark. You made a joke out of it. And no, I did not lose my sense of humour, I just didn't think this one was very good that's all.

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I am hearing from other sources that this account is true.  If it is definitely fact, apparently the rider on the "pale horse" (Rev 6:7,8) is not partial.  Even Bethel - meaning "God's House" -  appears to be on his delivery list.  Has God removed His "protective spirit" or "shield" provided through the organization?  Or, was it ever there to begin with?







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5 minutes ago, Witness said:

I am hearing from other sources that this account is true.  If it is definitely fact, apparently the rider on the "pale horse" (Rev 6:7,8) is not partial.  Even Bethel - meaning "God's House" -  appears to be on his delivery list.  Has God removed His "protective spirit" or "shield" provided through the organization?  Or, was it ever there to begin with?







I have not heard any reports of anyone actually at Bethel being infected. I am not saying it's not possible of course. In any case, Jehovah's main concern is the spiritual safety, not necessarily physical safety of his people. If someone dies, he will live again.

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Yes indeed God does not protect anyone physically unless HE has a special purpose for keeping an individual alive. 

I knew of a young JW man on his way home from an assembly, on his motorbike. He swerved to avoid a child in the road, came off the motorbike and died of his injuries. 

However it was always made clear that God does not give us a 'guardian angel' to watch over us. And as you say there is the hope of the resurrection. 

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