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Jehovah’s Witnesses Sue FaithLeaks Owners Over Convention Videos


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@Srecko Sostar [1] Registered Copyright [2] US and International Laws regarding copyright and [3] As pointed out among the religious and non-religious, even some ExJWs pointed out the latter is going to have a hard time dealing with the fact said material is copyright registered. Some even exclaimed stolen material.

2 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

One thing i do find very funny on here and in the CCJW is this. 

Everyone seems to say 'Read the Bible' 'Study God's Word' 'Pray for Holy Spirit'

BUT when a person does those things and comes to an understanding of scripture, oh dear, they must be wrong because they don't agree with YOU !  

@Arauna I agree with your latest comment. One reason being that I truly believe the Greek Scriptures are meant for the true Anointed to understand, not the 'domestic' Earthly class. 

Just look on this forum how many different opinions there are. My opinion is no better or worse that any other. 

One man on here says he 'studies religions', but is that what God really requires of us ?  How long would it take us to study all religions ? 

Just one little point. The GB 'inspired' Elders have regularly told congregants to 'Leave it with Jehovah' when congregants have been wronged, even to the point of CSA. 

But when the GB / CCJW / W/t are wronged they get their Lawyers to fight it all the way. 

So why can't they just 'Leave it with Jehovah' ?  Is it all about the money ? 

Well this example of the GB and their lawyers will probably 'inspire' more CSA victims to fight it all the way. After all it seems that the GB and you people are only interested in people's 'rights according to law'. 

  • But if that was the case, there would not be a need for a sheer misunderstanding of Scripture, which, in this thread alone can be seen on your part. Most Christians understood how the early church was functioning, as I pointed out in the past to both Witness and Srecko regarding the Structure of the Church, although the Bible was correct, they object to it even though the evidence is there in the New Testament.
  • As for your opinion, you have to also take into account of legitimate fact. If the fact of something stands tall over your opinion on something, what is correct and incorrect? As we can see, regarding this situation, you speak of opinion, as is, using assumptions.
  • I do study religion, and the reason I do this is due to the fact people often use false claims and misconceptions. Likewise, when it comes to the Christian faith itself, there is a multitude of misconceptions, of which someone like me, as well as others, will speak of in correction, hence, why I do as such. Moreover, the study is also to understand the point of view of the person, often times, understanding of whom I, and or someone else, is preaching to.
  • No man since the death of the last Apostle was ever Inspired, not even the students of the Apostles. Therefore, you assuming "inspiration" when the Bible says otherwise - is incorrect. Concerning the faith community that is being focused, they are not inspired prophets, therefore, that does not defeat the purpose of what it means to be spirit-led, those asking for/praying for the Holy Spirit. As with anyone on this forum, no one is inspired, as is with the chosen ones of the modern era, none of them are inspired either. Moreover, you would not catch the claim of inspiration from anyone.
  • It is there material, if the Book of Romans was not clearer to you, they are in the right in terms of their material, likewise for everyone, every entity, every institution.
  • That last statement is an absurd one, and it is unwise to try and equate, in Biblical terms, inspiration. As for the focused topic, it has very little to do.
  • That being said, again, I suggest you read the book of Romans regarding authority and subjection as is with subjection to God's Law.
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I would be stunned if the WTB&TS, et al, was successful in their lawsuits, as in the United States the concept of "whistleblowers" is held in very high regard, and the "Fair Use Doctrine" of U.S.

Matthew 5 v 38 through 42  “You heard that it was said: ‘Eye for eye and tooth for tooth.’ 39  However, I say to you: Do not resist the one who is wicked, but whoever slaps you on your right chee

As individuals they are accountable not as a group. If one of them breaks Jehovahs laws they will appoint a committee. 

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12 hours ago, Arauna said:


Your personal opinion only......... and while you are allowed to have a personal opinion , it does not mean it is absolutely correct.  Satan and his demons are also allowed by God to have a personal opinion..... 

The problem I see is sometimes people tend to use opinions as well as feelings to overshadow facts. There is nothing wrong with professing such, however, one cannot and should not being ignoring or purposely be ignorant of the facts. In this case, as we can see, many people are ignoring the whole concept of copyright laws even though it is presented in front of them.

The irony of it all, regarding this faith, even some of it's former members are pointing this out as we speak, but like the whole Nov. park situation, they will threaten those of their own community if they speak the truth regarding copyright issues. So basically, pertaining to JWs, ExJWs will speak their peace in this regard only to receive members of their own community that speak otherwise, and you have ExJWs vs. ExJWs.

This is something that is common nearly in every faith community regarding former members, a notion of infighting.

That being said, the facts in the matter stand tall and true, as can be seen in this thread, as is with awaiting for more development regarding this situation. Therefore, those going around the facts essential dug their own grave in this regard, especially since the material in question is 100% registered, which will be something very difficult to challenge.

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22 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

whole concept of copyright laws even though it is presented in front of them.

They usually are not strong on law....... it is more about 'feelings' to them. 

Laws are in place for a reason. Theft of intellectual property is a major problem. China has been stealing US patents for decades. 

Sometimes these people act outside the law and should learn a legal  lesson or two. 

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It is interesting to look at religious individuals and religious organizations who call for subjection on behalf secular authorities when that suites them (religious organization). But when not, they advocate for their religious rights and freedom of speech and loudly call for bible verse as explanation and justification of own disrespect and disobedience to secular laws in some other subject matter: "you must obey god more than men (secular authorities)". 

Obviously, in WTJWorg copyrights claims, main issue is not how to use and defend Trade and Copyrights laws in particular country, BUT The Company hard work to DEFEND WTJWorg Religious Teachings and Doctrines and Internal Policy that some other people found to be wrong or error or manipulation or not truth. 


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1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

It is interesting to look at religious individuals and religious organizations who call for subjection on behalf secular authorities when that suites them (religious organization). But when not, they advocate for their religious rights and freedom of speech and loudly call for bible verse as explanation and justification of own disrespect and disobedience to secular laws in some other subject matter: "you must obey god more than men (secular authorities)". 

Obviously, in WTJWorg copyrights claims, main issue is not how to use and defend Trade and Copyrights laws in particular country, BUT The Company hard work to DEFEND WTJWorg Religious Teachings and Doctrines and Internal Policy that some other people found to be wrong or error or manipulation or not truth. 

What? Also copyright is not tied to companies only, at the end of the day it is THEIR material, that is either stolen and or used improperly.

There is no need to be tap dance-and-heel around the matter.

That being said FACTS > FEELINGS

This is Biblical Facts all over again.

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3 hours ago, César Chávez said:

This in itself is an assumption since 1919 reflects on the Bible Student Era and NOT JW's

According to WT publications JW's spiritual roots are from Abel, old Israel, first Christian congregation and then big jump to Russell and Bible Students ... till today :)))) How would JW's exist without Bible Student movement? JW's are legal successor of many things, including spiritual and material inheritance from Russell's child aka Bible Students later IBSA.

After Rutherford's takeover of Corporation he changed the name of the movement but with same Corporation mother.

3 hours ago, César Chávez said:

Anything before 1923 is considered public domain.

Anything what was published under the name of WT Corporation, before and after 1923, have to be questioned !! 

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On 5/23/2020 at 11:57 AM, 4Jah2me said:

 @Space Merchant

i.e. said claim of yours stated that they said Armageddon would happen on 1975, but there was no claim made by them to suggest such, anywhere.


could see was a short time ahead in which to finish the work assigned to them." w68_1975.JPG

Watchtower 1968 Aug 15 p.494 Why Are You Looking Forward to 1975?

"1975 will mark the end of 6,000 years of human history"

That's a pretty straight forward statement indeed.

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2 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

"1975 will mark the end of 6,000 years of human history"

Word "end" is "sword with double edge" it seems. And is absolutely not necessary for chronology or to point history periods. 

As in many other textual issues and ambiguities about the actual meaning of text, we need few things. To look for:

1) Context

2) Grammar and spelling precision, rules in sentences which are expected to send true meaning of author's thoughts

3) Author's own explanation what he want to say 

What we have today for meet these 3 conditions?

- some passages from WT 1968 article:

Are we to assume from this study that the battle of Armageddon will be all over by the autumn of 1975, and the long looked-for thousand-year reign of Christ will begin by then? Possibly, but we wait to see how closely the seventh thousand year period of man’s existence coincides with the sabbath like thousand-year reign of Christ. If these two periods run parallel with each other as to the calendar year, it will not be by mere chance or accident but will be according to Jehovah’s loving and timely purposes. Our chronology, however, which is reasonably accurate (but admittedly not infallible), at the best only points to the autumn of 1975 as the end of 6,000 years of man’s existence on earth. It does not necessarily mean that 1975 marks the end of the first 6,000 years of Jehovah’s seventh creative “day.” Why not? Because after his creation Adam lived some time during the “sixth day,” which unknown amount of time would need to be subtracted from Adam’s 930 years, to determine when the sixth seven-thousand-year period or “day” ended, and how long Adam lived into the “seventh day.” And yet the end of that sixth creative “day” could end within the same Gregorian calendar year of Adam’s creation. It may involve only a difference of weeks or months, not years.................33 This time between Adam’s creation and the beginning of the seventh day, the day of rest, let it be noted, need not have been a long time. It could have been a rather short one.............So the lapse of time between Adam’s creation and the end of the sixth creative day, though unknown, was a comparatively short period of time.............35 One thing is absolutely certain, Bible chronology reinforced with fulfilled Bible prophecy shows that six thousand years of man’s existence will soon be up, yes, within this generation! (Matt. 24:34) This is, therefore, no time to be indifferent and complacent. This is not the time to be toying with the words of Jesus that “concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but Father...... To the contrary, it is a time when one should be keenly aware that the end of this system of things is rapidly coming to its violent end. Make no mistake, it is sufficient that the Father himself knows both the “day and hour”! ...

Entire WT article deal with chronology and how WT scholars are very good in that. In preamble of magazine is purpose of WT magazine and it said this:

No, "The Watchtower" is no inspired prophet, but it follows and explains a Book of prophecy the predictions in which have proved to be unerring and unfailing till now.  "The Watchtower" is therefore under safe guidance. It may be read with confidence, for its statements may be checked against that prophetic Book.

Article giving enough material for followers to think seriously:

about period of time that will be completed in 1975 within this generation. Generation of 1914 i assume?!

Reign of Christ after end of 6000 period? Possibly, but wait to see?! Authors of WT article said it is possible!!

What about words "nobody knows day and hour"? Article said how  This is not the time to be toying with the Jesus words, but in what sense? Article warned readers/members how end time is NOT in far future, and how JW's  must be careful to not use Jesus words as excuse to not put trust in article which said how Jesus Reign IS POSSIBLE in 1975 or soon after, because end of this system of things is RAPIDLY COMING to its violent end. All this is Based on: WT chronology and interpretations about predictions which have proved to be unerring and unfailing till now, and because magazine is under safe guidance 

50 years later JW's are still under safe guidance but with changed interpretations.  



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On 5/28/2020 at 8:55 AM, Matthew9969 said:

"1975 will mark the end of 6,000 years of human history"

That's a pretty straight forward statement indeed.

The problem is, it gives no indication of this statement "Armageddon will happen in 1975" If the latter says they indeed says this, what is the harm in finding the quote and stating it here?

Likewise with the current situation of national tension, as pointed out here before, because of the actions of 2 factional powers, anything can happen from 2016 and onward, clearly my statement was not stating that WWIII will indeed happens, however, I pointed out that shift in powers can head towards that path. Likewise with Civil War with the involvement of Anti-Fascist groups and so forth, something Rook and I had a clear understanding in.

That being said, the EXJW who pointed this out, although being attacked by ExJWs, was telling the truth of the matter, as have many.

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Jehovah’s Witnesses Resolve Copyright Dispute With FaithLeaks

The Jehovah’s Witnesses and the owners of the religious whistleblower site FaithLeaks resolved their dispute over the site’s unauthorized posting of copyrighted materials, according to a filing in Manhattan federal court.

FaithLeaks admitted to reproducing 74 Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society of Pennsylvania videos without permission and agreed to stop displaying them on its website, according to the consent judgment in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York said.

FaithLeaks once collected documents from whistleblowers in religious communities “to enable and expand news reporting, public commentary, and criticism related to religion,” its website said.


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