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Mother’s Day – Should True Christians partake in this holiday/tradition?

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Granted it is Mother's Day tomorrow (I think some have it a bit early), this would be the right time to profess this truth. Perhaps any who do celebrate this holiday, give this truth as a gift and make an effort to commit to change. Let the truth set you free, despite the fact that the truth, often times, hurts, or as Jesus puts it in John 8:32:

"You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

What is Mother's Day? A small snippet from Wikipedia states the following:

Mother's Day is a celebration honoring the mother of the family, as well as motherhood, maternal bonds, and the influence of mothers in society. It is celebrated on various days in many parts of the world, most commonly in the months of March or May. It complements similar celebrations honoring family members, such as Father's Day, Siblings Day, and Grandparents Day.


True Christians see Mother’s Day as any other tradition and or holiday. Moreover, Christians, and or anyone, do not need to narrow things down to a singular day to show love and appreciation for someone, especially someone’s mother, hence, will love their mothers just as much that day as any other day.

In the Bible, it does give command to young children to honor, as well as to obey and respect their parents:


Ephesians 6: 1-2 - Children and Parents - [1] Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. [2] “Honor your father and mother” (this is the first commandment with a promise),


As we can see, nowhere in Scripture was there any sort of advocating for the commemoration of a special holiday, as such today’s holiday, being Mother’s Day. Therefore, such a practice is no where in the Bible, and that is an absolute fact.

What makes True Christians different from mainstream Christians, is that we do not partake in such an event. We do so by avoiding taking any form of participating in any celebrations with religious origins that never is linked with Christianity. It is no surprise that some individuals will say:


Mother's Day does not have any connection to paganism and that it is presently considered a largely secular event celebrated by everyone.


Mother’s Day has no pagan roots, it is a harmless holiday


People like that don't celebrate any holiday, or Mother's Day because they love to suck the fun out of everything.


Christians are ALLOWED to partake in this holiday. We do not include pagan practices nor do we do anything that ancient Greece practice. Stop killing the fun for everyone.


Because you condemn this wholesome loving practice, you are against the [they will say the following: God, against Jesus, or against the Spirit]


If you don't celebrate Mother's Day, you don't love your mother. You should be ashamed.

The list goes on, as with the reasoning for an indefensible cause is absurd.

Mainstream Christians do not care of the roots, and celebrate the holiday anyway; the opposition and the apostates will say that those who do not celebrate are in the wrong for not partaking, thus in disagreement


Moreover, mainstream Christianity promotes and partake in said holidays, including this one, in addition, it is another way of gaining congregants with an Unchristian practice.

Little do they know that the earliest Mother's Day celebrations can be traced back to the Spring celebrations of ancient Greece in honor of Rhea (Ρεια Ρεα), also known as The Mother of the Gods (The Great Mother of the Gods)

Things to Note: Some historians claim that Mother's Day originates from ancient spring festivals dedicated to maternal goddesses.

Another snippet from Wikipedia: The modern Mother's Day began in the United States, at the initiative of Anna Jarvis in the early 20th century. This is not (directly) related to the many traditional celebrations of mothers and motherhood that have existed throughout the world over thousands of years, such as the Greek cult to Cybele, Rhea the Great Mother of the Gods, the Roman festival of Hilaria, or the Christian Mothering Sunday celebration (originally a commemoration of Mother Church, not motherhood). However, in some countries, Mother's Day is still synonymous with these older traditions.


The Holiday is in connection with pagan practices

Jeremiah 7:18 - The children gather wood, the fathers kindle fire, and the women knead dough, to make cakes for the queen of heaven [*]. And they pour out drink offerings to other gods, to provoke me [Yahweh/Jehovah/YHWH] to anger.

* - The title of a goddess worshipped by apostate Israelites; possibly a fertility goddess. This was a practice back in the days of Prophet Jeremiah. Regarding Judah and Jerusalem, the partakers were primarily women and apparently their entire family participated in some way or form regarding  worshiping the queen of the heavens. The women baked sacrificial cakes, while the sons were tasked to collect firewood, and afterwards, the fathers would ready the fire. These sacrificial cakes were offered on alters. The worship of this goddess was so heavy, that its grip on the Jews was a strong one. This resulted in Prophet Jeremiah to point out the wrongdoing and the falsehood of their view (Jeremiah 44:15-30).

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 How are these events practiced in such an ancient time? On the origin of such observance, it is a festival that derives from the custom of Mother Worship in ancient Greece. This form of worship also includes various ceremonies to [or pay tribute to] Cybele, or Rhea, the Great Mother of the Gods, that were performed on the Ides of March throughout Asia Minor. Hence, the revealing origin of the practice of setting aside a day to honor mothers.

More Notes on [Goddess Rhea]: RHEIA (Rhea) was the Titanis (Titaness) mother of the gods, and goddess of female fertility, motherhood, and generation. Her name means "flow" and "ease." As the wife of Kronos (Cronus, Time), she represented the eternal flow of time and generations; as the great Mother (Meter Megale), the "flow" was menstrual blood, birth waters, and milk. She was also a goddess of comfort and ease, a blessing reflected in the common Homeric phrase "the gods who live at their ease (rhea)." In myth, Rhea was the wife of the Titan Kronos (Cronus) and Queen of Heaven. When her husband heard a prophecy that he would be deposed by one of his children, he took to swallowing each of them as soon as they were born. But Rhea bore her youngest, Zeus, in secret and hid him away in a cave in Krete (Crete) guarded by shield-clashing Kouretes (Curetes). In his stead she presented Kronos with a stone wrapped in swaddling clothes which he promptly devoured. Rhea was closely identified with the Anatolian mother-goddess Kybele (Cybele). They were both depicted as matronly women, usually wearing a turret crown, and attended by lions.

Note [Ides of March]: The Ides of March is the 74th day in the Roman calendar that corresponds to 15 March. It was marked by several religious observances and was notable for the Romans as a deadline for settling debts. In 44 BC, it became notorious as the date of the assassination of Julius Caesar which made the Ides of March a turning point in Roman history. The Romans did not number each day of a month from the first to the last day. Instead, they counted back from three fixed points of the month: the Nones (the 5th or 7th, nine days inclusive before the Ides), the Ides (the 13th for most months, but the 15th in March, May, July, and October), and the Kalends (1st of the following month). Originally the Ides were supposed to be determined by the full moon, reflecting the lunar origin of the Roman calendar. In the earliest calendar, the Ides of March would have been the first full moon of the new year. (Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ides_of_March)


Regarding the adoption of Mother’s Day in the United States, the New York Times of 5/10/1953:

“In spite of the popularity of Cybele, . . . and sporadic occasions honoring mothers during the Middle Ages, it was not until 1914 that the proper combination of sentimentality, idealistic promotion and hard business sense impelled the United States Congress to designate the second Sunday in May as Mother’s Day.”

There is other information that also notes that:

The majority of countries that celebrate Mother's Day do so on the second Sunday of May. On this day, it is common for Mothers to be lavished with presents and special attention from their families, friends and loved ones. But it wasn't always this way. Only recently dubbed “Mother's Day,” the highly traditional practice of honoring Motherhood is rooted in antiquity, and past rites typically had strong symbolic and spiritual overtones; societies tended to celebrate Goddesses and symbols rather than actual Mothers. The maternal objects of adoration ranged from mythological female deities to the Christian Church itself. The personal, human touch to Mother’s Day is a relatively new phenomenon. Only in the past few centuries did celebrations of Motherhood develop a decidedly human focus. (information comes from this source: http://www.mothersdaycentral.com/about-mothersday/history/)

On the website, Mother's Day 123 Holiday, under the heading "Mother's Day History", it gives further insight on the holiday itself:

Contrary to popular belief, Mother's Day was not conceived and fine-tuned in the boardroom of Hallmark. The earliest tributes to mothers date back to the annual spring festival the Greeks dedicated to Rhea, the mother of many deities, and to the offerings ancient Romans made to their Great Mother of Gods, Cybele. Christians celebrated this festival on the fourth Sunday in Lent in honor of Mary, mother of Christ. In England this holiday was expanded to include all mothers and was called Mothering Sunday.

In the United States, Mother's Day started nearly 150 years ago, when Anna Jarvis, an Appalachian homemaker, organized a day to raise awareness of poor health conditions in her community, a cause she believed would be best advocated by mothers. She called it "Mother's Work Day."

Fifteen years later, Julia Ward Howe, a Boston poet, pacifist, suffragist, and author of the lyrics to the "Battle Hymn of the Republic," organized a day encouraging mothers to rally for peace, since she believed they bore the loss of human life more harshly than anyone else.

In 1905 when Anna Jarvis died, her daughter, also named Anna, began a campaign to memorialize the life work of her mother. Legend has it that young Anna remembered a Sunday school lesson that her mother gave in which she said, "I hope and pray that someone, sometime, will found a memorial mother's day. There are many days for men, but none for mothers."

Anna began to lobby prominent businessmen like John Wannamaker, and politicians including Presidents Taft and Roosevelt to support her campaign to create a special day to honor mothers. At one of the first services organized to celebrate Anna's mother in 1908, at her church in West Virginia, Anna handed out her mother's favorite flower, the white carnation. Five years later, the House of Representatives adopted a resolution calling for officials of the federal government to wear white carnations on Mother's Day. In 1914 Anna's hard work paid off when Woodrow Wilson signed a bill recognizing Mother's Day as a national holiday.

At first, people observed Mother's Day by attending church, writing letters to their mothers, and eventually, by sending cards, presents, and flowers. With the increasing gift-giving activity associated with Mother's Day, Anna Jarvis became enraged. She believed that the day's sentiment was being sacrificed at the expense of greed and profit. In 1923 she filed a lawsuit to stop a Mother's Day festival, and was even arrested for disturbing the peace at a convention selling carnations for a war mother's group. Before her death in 1948, Jarvis is said to have confessed that she regretted ever starting the mother's day tradition.

Despite Jarvis's misgivings, Mother's Day has flourished in the United States. In fact, the second Sunday of May has become the most popular day of the year to dine out, and telephone lines record their highest traffic, as sons and daughters everywhere take advantage of this day to honor and to express appreciation of their mothers. 

(Source: http://mothers-day.123holiday.net/)

The inclusion of Mother’s Day was a brand-new phenomenon to the majority. Only in the past few centuries did celebrations of Motherhood develop such a focus, and only in last century did Mother’s Day was commercialized.

Again, Wikipedia notes that: The U.S.-derived modern version of Mother's Day has been criticized for having become too commercialized*. Founder Jarvis herself regretted this commercialism and expressed views on how that was never her intention.

  1.  Mothering Sunday, BBC, retrieved 4 March 2010
  2. ^ Jump up to:a b "Mother's Day 2016: Which countries celebrate it on 8 May – and why?". The Independent. 8 May 2016.
  3. ^ Mother's Day 2017, The Daily Telegraph

Other noted information in bullet form:

  • A more modern version of Mother's Day began in the 1600s in England. Mothering Sunday was celebrated on the fourth Sunday of Lent. Small gifts were given, and a special dessert called a simnel cake was served.
  • In the United States, Mother's Day was first suggested in 1872 by Julia Ward Howe (famous for writing the words to the "Battle Hymn of the Republic"). But it was a woman who was never a mother herself who led the campaign for national recognition of Mother's Day.
  • Anna Jarvis held a ceremony in 1907 in Grafton, West Virginia, to honor her mother, who had died two years earlier. Jarvis' mother had tried to establish Mother's Friendship Days as a way of dealing with the aftermath of the Civil War. Anna Jarvis began a campaign to create a national holiday honoring mothers. She and her supporters wrote to ministers, businessmen and politicians, and they were successful in their efforts.
  • In 1910, West Virginia became the first state to recognize the new holiday, and the nation followed in 1914 when President Wilson declared the second Sunday in May to be Mother's Day. Jarvis used white carnations as a symbol for mothers, because carnations represented sweetness, purity and the endurance of mother love. (Today, white carnations represent a mother who has died, while red carnations represent a living mother.)
  • Unfortunately, Jarvis became bitter over the commercialization of the holiday. She filed a lawsuit to stop a 1923 Mother's Day event and was even arrested for disturbing the peace at a mother's convention where white carnations were being sold. Jarvis never married and never had children. She died in 1948.
  • Mother's Day continues to be a very commercial holiday in the United States. Flowers, candy and cards are typical gifts, and phone traffic is especially high on the second Sunday in May.


In view of the false religious background of the Mother’s Day holiday, is it not clear that True Christians in the 1st century would not have commemorated these days? If they have not commemorated this day, why celebrate it? So, then, is it right for us  to abstain from such observances and in turn, obey the command we find in the Bible when it tells us the following:

2 Corinthians 6:17 - Therefore go out from their midst, and be separate from them, says the Lord, and touch no unclean thing; then I will welcome you,

Now,Christians, True Christians need to be very careful with a holiday or custom. One can unknowingly fall into such practices if they do not know as much and can continue to deliberately partake. That being said, Christians can have wholesome activity with friends and family, but as said, there are some customs out there that they must avoid, especially if said holidays and or customs are intertwined with pagan religion activities in associations.

Honestly think about it


The question lies below for any one who claims they are a follower of Christ and of his God:

Is it really worth it to partake in such a Holiday that has pagan roots, let alone has no connection to Christianity?

Yes, one has the free will of choice, but one must also remember, that every action begets some result, and among the results, various consequences . That being said, in addition to that, the outcome can be detrimental to an individual’s faith, directly and or indirectly.

That being said, some quick points:

  • As with majority of Holidays adopted by mainstream Christianity, Mother's Day, as with the others, have pagan roots. Therefore, just because one does not partake in this holiday, does not mean they hate their mother (an absurd assumption). It is no different from Birthdays, Christmas, Easter, what have you.
  • You do not have to be in subjection to paganism to honor your mother, for the Bible is very clear, concerning young children and their parents.
  • Mainstream Christianity and today's world promote falsehood of this level and even commercialize it.
  • 1st Century Christians never have commemorated such a practice.
  • A faithful and True Christians understands the anger of such practices and how it can effect them, therefore, they see the danger and will do everything to avoid and abstain from such practices. Best to take into account the following verse: Proverbs 22:3, which states: The prudent sees danger and hides himself, but the simple go on and suffer for it.
  • When dealing with people, let alone if questioned and or preaching, let them know as to WHY you do not partake in such a holiday and or custom, sometimes you can run into the misguided and those who do not know, if possible, even explain the Bible's view if need be.
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Granted it is Mother's Day tomorrow (I think some have it a bit early), this would be the right time to profess this truth. Perhaps any who do celebrate this holiday, give this truth as a gift and mak

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Granted the subject mater is similar:

The Bible gives us clear instructions, and similar to Mother's Day, nowhere does it advocate the commemoration of a special to Fathers, hence Father’s Day.

True Christians follow Jesus Christ and realize that like Jesus, we must honor God, for to God, there is no particular day to render him sacred service.

Father's Day only exist because it was formulated to complement Mother's Day. Christians are well aware to not formally celebrate Mother's Day, likewise for the same reasons for Father's Day.

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