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The Perpetual Crisis: Now The WHO Is Telling Us That COVID-19 "May Never Go Away"


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The truth is that this pandemic could still potentially be in the early chapters.  The Spanish Flu pandemic lasted for three full years, and we could possibly be facing a similar scenario.

And this week WHO official Mike Ryan warned that this virus could even become “endemic”, and if that happens it “may never go away”

“It is important to put this on the table: this virus may become just another endemic virus in our communities, and this virus may never go away,” WHO emergencies expert Mike Ryan told an online briefing.

“I think it is important we are realistic and I don’t think anyone can predict when this disease will disappear,” he added. “I think there are no promises in this and there are no dates. This disease may settle into a long problem, or it may not be.”

In other words, Ryan is saying that this virus could become like a flu that keeps reappearing year after year.

So what are we going to do if that happens?

Are we supposed to have shutdowns every year whenever a new wave of COVID-19 infections starts happening?

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https://www.zerohedge.com/health/perpetual-crisis-now-who-telling-us-covid-19-may-never-go-away The truth is that this pandemic could still potentially be in the early chapters.  The Spanish Flu

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This is my personal opinion as I am not a doctor. 

This virus is a RNA virus - similar to AIDs - it is a retrovirus. I think it will definitely become endemic and will come back year after year as soon as a person's resistance is low.

It will eventually give you a disease of the lungs or severe lung damage that you may end up with COPD or 'clots ' and die of "related" causes.  Most AIDS patients,  after infected, do not have a disease but eventually develop all kinds of illnesses (full-blown disease because the immunity cannot fight) before death  - and die of aids-related causes. This has the same mechanism, it will keep infecting the lungs and other related organs.

I think the medical establishment have been reluctant to talk about these type of implications.  I saw an article which showed that one cannot become a soldier (I think it was China  or USA) if you have the virus. After 40 years of aids there is still no vaccination for RNA retroviruses.  Any vaccination they may develop now will not be a cure but merely ward off full blown disease.

The implication of this is that nations will realize they have to work together and cannot trust their armies to be stable. Though some nations are now using this pandemic to further consolidate their power, they may soon realize they need the UN. They will then willingly let the UN decide policies (such as they are now doing with WHO).

The "image of the beast" will start its rule. At present, they have started to remove all news against WHO policies (whether correct or incorrect, valid or invalid) from the internet. 

The "image " of the beast is a "reflection" of all other governments. It will start to implement central monetary policies to deal with the financial disaster awaiting the world, food shortages, supply chains, etc. We may be entering the final phase of the end.  They will eventually work together and set the stage to call peace and security.

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@admin As I have been telling people, they do not know what to do with a virus they never faced before. So pretty much, they are throwing ideas at the wall hoping that something works. At the end of it, people suffer from it.

As of recent, children under 5 are at risk, as is with women who are pregnant and or soon to give birth to a child. Black and Latino communities, still, are hit hard by this, and the lock-downs have driven people to go crazy, whereas others, have be pushed to take action.


NOTHING will be the same after this is over.


That being said, I had my corrals with some, but the the craziness out there, some actions are uncalled for, such as the below, regarding COVID-crazies, Karens and snitches.

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