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Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"

Ann O'Maly

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23 minutes ago, Arauna said:

there is talk that AIDS originated from vaccines.

Don’t get me going on vaccines.

23 minutes ago, Arauna said:

There was a court case filed end of Dec 2019

Don’t get me going on vaccines. I suspect the world itself cannot contain the scrolls if you do.

23 minutes ago, Arauna said:

The CDC) could not produce any copies of safety studies - proving that safety studies were never done on vaccines.  They only produced 20 unrelated documents.

I’m all over it.

23 minutes ago, Arauna said:

So NO safety studies were ever done and....The safety claims are fraudulent!

It’s unbelievable.

When I follow something on Twitter, I make it a point to also follow its polar opposite. In this way, I have come to see that some ‘conspiracy theories’ are backed up very persuasively. Often their arguments appear much more convincing than those of the prevailing view, which mostly screams that “the science is settled!” [by decree] and such-and-such has been repeatedly proven! [by ignoring evidence to the contrary]. (Brackets mine, of course)

On a more conventional forum, there is a brother who seems to feel it his job to tamp down all such theories and thus demonstrate that he and all of Jehovah’s people are “responsible.” ‘What for?‘ I have told him. Go wherever your interest and the evidence takes you. If human rule falters because, noble though it is, it just can’t keep up with the plagues of the horsemen, well—that satisfies Bible prophesy. But if it falters because it also time and again shoots itself in the foot will villainous conspiracy theories that prove true, that knocks the ball out of the park.

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I brought it up because it's one of several places where Furuli's book provides the exact type of anecdote I am familiar with. These types of interactions were evidently memorable and important to Fur

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38 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

t’s unbelievable

But nothing will come of it.  The powers that be - they have too much money and the lobby too strong.

We are sitting ducks to these wicked people and only Jehovah can save us.

38 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

well—that satisfies Bible prophesy.

Listened to a translation today of how communism took over china (Chinese to English) and how bad things have become under the CCP.  It discusses how the doctrine of communism is satanic in its destruction of culture, morals and everything pertaining to a God.

I was fascinated by the old Chinese values of morality and how they believed that there was a large flood on earth, through which the Chinese were saved, in order to bring culture and morality to the world.

I saw many contemporary parallels with the West, especially the destruction of the family, culture and moral values. The Chinese writer claims that the ultimate goal of satan is to create a world power wherein worship of the state replaces all values of morality..... such as the CCP is doing. 

In this way the mind is so morally corrupted, that when God talks to the person they will not listen to Him and then their soul will be destroyed forever (no nirvana or reincarnation). 

He laments the communists who desecrate everything to do with the forefathers and their legacy (which of course forms part of their ancestor worship)..... but I found it very enlightening.  I really got some insights into the Chinese culture  before communism systematically dismatled it and replaced it with communistic, material versions of the old culture. (culture revolution just as in the west happening now)

I can see how satan will literally be ruling the entire world soon and obligating people to worship the state/beast. There is nothing noble about human governments any longer - east or west. Corruption is everywhere and it is like a yeast which has grown throughout the earth.

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@Arauna @JW Insider Yes. There is also the notion of philosophies that can prove damaging to those in the education system, as with other things being pushed on to the children early on, well into Tech school or College years. Outside of that, there is the moral aspect of things, for I recall, a friend of mine, also a Bible reading minister, often complained about Rutgers University and Princeton University. He's usually points out that, to quote him "Colleges are places that Christians must be very careful with". He tends to go a bit explicit of what he is pushing. Another incident, although the person is not a religious person, let's just say because of this girl being a victim into being introduced to brazen conduct, her parents did not take it too well; the shock of her Father was that of someone falling off of their chair, or passing out in shock kind of thing. Who wouldn't be should they discover their son or daughter in an explicit fashion in a college setting? Likewise, as I said in the past here, the specific cultures within the domain of higher education caused suicide due to pressure.

That being said, if anyone is sending their child to school and or college, it is best to have them mentally and morally strong so that they do not fall to such ideas. Likewise, should someone hold a Christian view and apply Bible Principles, they must be very careful to not fall away from God, and or fall to brazen conduct. For sometimes should someone fall, it is not easy for them to get back up.

That being said, out of all the bizarre things I had seen in school, was "The Pink Bible".

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4 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

sending their child to school

They are sexualizing young children in school.  Children go on the computer and learn about deviant sex at too young an age.

Parents should know what their children are learning so as to counteract it at home.  It is UNESCO which has brought in the new curriculum and pushing it world-wide. Poor countries do not get funding if they refuse to comply.

It is part of population control.  Teach young kids that deviant sex is ok so they do not produce children..... and most important of all make them into atheists so they have no conscience.

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2 hours ago, César Chávez said:

The way I remember it, Allen showed the fallacies of AlanF and O’maly with their supposed objection to the time line of 607BC

😆🤣😂 Yes, Allen adeptly showed what a vivid imagination he had, how proficient he was with irrelevant c&ps (that's copy-and-pastes, Arauna), and how expertly he tossed around word salads. Be sure to give him my regards 😉

42 minutes ago, César Chávez said:

I dare someone find the truth behind this supposed quote from Furuli’s new book.

Today, the eight men of the Governing Body functions as a government for JW with unlimited
power. They have the power over the doctrines, the assets, and the money, and their words and decisions cannot be questioned. This is a situation that violates a number of Bible principles.”

This isn't in the book itself - not that I can find. I think the redditor assumed they were from the first few pages, but I suspect they are from Furuli's summary of the book. The quote is consistent with what he does say in the book.

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1 hour ago, César Chávez said:

Coming from critics. Is this quote manipulated, or is it a copy/paste of two different perspective in order to seem something that it's not. I can't see anything but manipulation.

Looks like partly a copy and paste. But not, evidently, to give a different perspective. It seems quite possible that the words could have been that way in a 5/24/2020 edition and not in a 5/25/2020 edition.

I say this because the book gives evidence of rushed last-minute organization and some sloppy editing. There is a lot of unnecessary repetition, and a couple of mistakes and typos. Sometimes with such e-books the author has the opportunity to make changes on the fly and continue editing as early copies are going out. 

Here are the closest quotes to yours. Yours matches the supposed quote at https://friendlyatheist.patheos.com/2020/05/26/in-new-book-a-prominent-jehovahs-witness-trashes-the-faiths-governing-body/

1 hour ago, César Chávez said:

Today, the eight men of the Governing Body functions as a government for JW with unlimited
power. They have the power over the doctrines, the assets, and the money, and their words and decisions cannot be questioned. This is a situation that violates a number of Bible principles.”

Today the members of the GB have all power in connection with the
doctrines, the assets, and the money. No one has the right to question their
decisions or their words. And this collides head-on with the words of Paul
in Galatians 5:1 (NWT13):

And in another place he says:

I believe that the members of the GB are sincere
persons. But they have taken a position among the Witnesses that violates
many Bible principles. They have become a government with all power.

And in another place he says:

During the last part of the 20th century, the members of the GB gave
themselves more and more power at the expense of the bodies of elders .
The GB functions as a government for JW with unlimited power over the
doctines [sic], the assets, and the money.

And in another place he says:

Because no one can call the members of the GB to
account, they have been able to lead the organization in the direction of
their choice-they have formed the organization into their own image.
The present organizational structure, where the members of the GB
believe that they have both the obligation and the right to be a government
for Jehovah's Witnesses, has created great problems.

And in another place he says;

The problem, however, is that the definitions of apostasy are self serving
because it is the GB who defines what "Jehovah's arrangement"
is. And the definition is that the GB serves as a government for JW with
unlimited power. Thus, any opposition to the GB is per definition
apostasy because it "is undermining the confidence of the brothers in
Jehovah's arrangement."
In spite of the fact that the GB has the upper hand, my conscience
has driven me to write this book, and I leave the judgment to Jehovah.

And in another place he says:

Because I have had responsible positions during
these years, I have witnessed how the organization has gradually become
more and more autocratic, until we have the situation today with the GB
functioning as the government of JW with unlimited power.

And in another place he says:

If a Catholic man . . . becomes a member of a JW congregation, the man becomes a part of an organization
that is more hierarchical and more dictatorial than the Catholic Church. This is a
situation that violates several Bible principles.

And in another place he says:

This situation shows that many Witnesses today view the eight men in the GB almost as prophets and oracles. They are the only ones that can teach others the Bible, and we must follow them

So all the words are there, some in different places, and it would take some cutting and pasting to produce the exact same sentence in the quote you found. But that quote does not manipulate the meaning of Furuli's quotes, so I suspect they may have easily once existed in the Introduction (or another place?) as you quoted them. Or the site was very sloppy. Either way, what Furuli actually said sounds very similar, overall.

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@Arauna Exactly. I am not sure if you are aware of this, but they have been teaching in some schools that a man being with a man and a woman being with a woman is okay. A while back, I posted a video of a girl defending what the Bible says, but she was shut down and was put in the wrong for it. Around the US, there has been some schools that ban the usage of Bible verses, and consider the Bible as hate speech, or you have the system manipulate God's Word being making it seem as homosexuality is okay, in some instances, there is also drag-queen involvement in some learning institutions and or gatherings. On the other side of the spectrum, you have the media whereas they push the notion of pornography to children, as is with brazen conduct, which is accepted in today's world.

That being said, there are people out there who are skeptical about higher education, for the notion that this view is exclusive to the Jehovah's Witnesses is false, there are people out there with Spider-Sense level of concern when it comes to the education that their kids are getting, and often times opt for Homeschooling, and or simply sending their child to learn a trade instead.

That is also agreeable, the parents should know what their kid is learning, also, what their kids are doing (i.e. a parent would not know that the teacher put their Son in a dress and painted his fingernails with polish).

For the last bit it is a both of a yes and no. They do include ideas that would mold a child into becoming an atheist. Other times, if it is known of what the child's faith is, they can often try to mold the child to think some things in the school system is okay for God, or they test the child's faith by other means. In my case, I recall when I was younger, the teacher used the other children to push be into partaking pagan practices, even using emotion and the like, but such event I resisted. But now that is mentioned, granted for anyone they've mold, the other children and or teens can become somewhat of an opposition.

I mentioned on here before, to which to Srecko laughed at it, to help the children. In order to help, we must teach them the right way, and even stated if we can teach them about strangers, how to resolve conflicts, we can teach them about sex. To 4Jah2me's credit regarding child abuse, main thing that predators are happy about and seem to always be successful in their crimes is the fact that the child has no knowledge of sex, no knowledge when it comes to strangers, as is with no knowledge of knowing the dangers regarding child abuse thus it is stated that predators find such a person an easy victim. The schools will not teach the children this, so to prevent more bad deeds, we start by teaching, doing the best we can with solutions, and in my experience, this helped A LOT, in turn, I thank the communities and people I know who put this into application!

That is why I love this saying "For each, Teach One, Reach One" it is a very basic thing to do, but less people seems to be doing it, let alone promote it.

That being said, putting 100% confidence in the education system, even higher, can reap consequence. Essentially, higher education is like a bumpy road. The path is ahead, however, the more bumps you stumble upon, eventually your car would end up on the side of the road or broken down. An observant driver would do everything to stay on the road, but a distracted driver would succumb to the consequence of his or her car breaking down somehow.

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1 minute ago, Matthew9969 said:

I think if you guys want to see changes, it would take several million signatures from all countries you are located in, or a massive letter writing campaign like you  did with Russia.

Changes start with the people should they apply these changes, mainly in regards to the solution of teaching. Otherwise there will always be problems, if people do not even read what is presented in front of them and or what is natural for them to do. This goes for, practically the majority of the US, as can be seen in this Pandemic.

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35 minutes ago, Arauna said:

They are sexualizing young children in school.

Not in the schools in my area! And I have worked in several, as well as having had my own young children go through the school system. You must have been in a badly performing setting if that was going on. I hope you reported your concerns to senior teachers or the education authorities as this would be a serious safeguarding issue.

35 minutes ago, Arauna said:

It is part of population control.  Teach young kids that deviant sex is ok so they do not produce children..... and most important of all make them into atheists so they have no conscience.

Again, children are supposed to taught about sex and relationships in an age appropriate way (I'll bite my tongue about certain inappropriate subject matter being discussed during WT studies in front of young children at the KH), and if a school is teaching young children about more adult sexual themes, then it's a safeguarding matter and should be reported.

Anyway, we're way off topic, but your alarming comments needed addressing.

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Several of the anecdotes that Furuli offers are exactly the type of anecdotes that have stuck with me over the years.

Just a few days ago, I related the story about how my father, an elder, was giving a talk at a circuit assembly with the theme: "The time left is reduced." During this time period, assembly speakers had used a large visual aid with the number of months left to 1975. My father gave the talk according to the outline but as a reminder to always stay balanced he added a quick reference Matthew 24:36: "Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father."

The District Overseer took my father aside (after the day's session), in front of the Circuit Overseer to counsel him for adding that scripture. The Watchtower had recently warned against using this scripture in a way that might appear to reduce the enthusiasm over 1975.

Furuli gives a similar example:

An Italian brother with a great knowledge of the Bible and related
subjects told me that he gave a public lecture in his congregation. After the
talk, two elders approached him and gave him credit for some details he
had discussed that were new to them. But they also reprimanded him
because he had quoted two scriptures that were not found in the printed
outline of the talk. ''We must not add anything to the material that comes
from the slave," were their words. This situation shows that many Witnesses
today view the eight men in the GB almost as prophets and oracles. They
are the only ones that can teach others the Bible, and we must follow them

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Because no one can call the members of the GB to
account, they have been able to lead the organization in the direction of
their choice-they have formed the organization into their own image.
The present organizational structure, where the members of the GB
believe that they have both the obligation and the right to be a government
for Jehovah's Witnesses, has created great problems.

Mr Rook and I have said such things so many times. 

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