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Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"

Ann O'Maly

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34 minutes ago, Arauna said:

I remember a person who openly told everyone they had AIDs and came to meetings. It is a lie that we are not accomdating to all kinds of people. We are very kind to anyone accepting Jehovahs moral standards.

The problem is usually with them - they do not accept Jehovahs moral standards.

Universities and tech corporations are pushing this new 'cultural revolution'  which is inspired by the Marx's  manifesto.  This includes atheism and lack of conscience and morals.

I have nothing against good JHVH moral standards. Just told how must be deeper reason why some want to change sex. 

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I have finally got around to reading some of Furuli's book.

On Page 67  Furuli argues that the slave wasn't appointed, because the appointment is in the future. He quotes July 2013 WT par. 18 where it says "In the verses that lead up to Matthew 24:46, the word “coming” refers consistently to the time when Jesus comes to pronounce and execute judgment during the great tribulation. (Matt. 24:30, 42, 44) Also, as we considered in  paragraph 12, Jesus’ ‘arriving’ mentioned at Matthew 25:31 refers to that same future time of judgment. So it is reasonable to conclude that Jesus’ arrival to appoint the faithful slave over all his belongings, mentioned at Matthew 24:46, 47, also applies to his future coming, during the great tribulation."

It seems to me that Furuli misunderstood, because the paragraph is not saying the slave will be appointed in the future, but that it will be appointed over ALL of Christ's belongings in the future. That is if they prove faithful. It is similar to the slaves who were given talents. When the master came to inspect, he rewarded those slaves who did business with the talents by giving them more. Similarly when Jesus comes, he rewards the FDS when he sees they have been giving food at the proper time:

“Who really is the faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed over his domestics, to give them their food at the proper time? Happy is that slave if his master on coming finds him doing so! Truly I say to you, he will appoint him over all his belongings.- Matthew 24:45-47

Then Furuli says  "And logically, the faithful and discreet slave could not have been appointed in 1919, when there was no GB and no group of anointed who distributed spiritual food."   But that's not how I understood it. I thought there was always someone distributing spiritual food, with Russel being the one who "opened the way" and then Rutherford and others after him who published Bible literature. Wasn't that the food? 

I must admit I didn't read further because I ran out of time, so maybe I am jumping the gun. Maybe he explains it in the next section "THE FAITHFUL AND DISCREET SLAVE" IN CONTEXT. Stay tuned 😁


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7 hours ago, Anna said:

It seems to me that Furuli misunderstood, because the paragraph is not saying the slave will be appointed in the future, but that it will be appointed over ALL of Christ's belongings in the future. That is if they prove faithful. It is similar to the slaves who were given talents. When the master came to inspect, he rewarded those slaves who did business with the talents by giving them more. Similarly when Jesus comes, he rewards the FDS when he sees they have been giving food at the proper time:

“Who really is the faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed over his domestics, to give them their food at the proper time? Happy is that slave if his master on coming finds him doing so! Truly I say to you, he will appoint him over all his belongings.- Matthew 24:45-47

Perhaps it is very possible to look on issue with this in mind too. WTJWorg GB found out in 2013 (after how many decades?), that they misunderstood 1919 event. And how exists two separate sort of appointing. You can't avoid thought how GB can be wrong in their conclusions presented in 2013 article, too. That would not be first nor last time for GB errors about doctrinal or any other issues/subjects.

Also, in illustration you mentioned  It is similar to the slaves who were given talents. When the master came to inspect, he rewarded those slaves, questions arise: When and how Jesus gave talents to servants? In 1919? To who? What those servants (plural) worked till 1919. How many servants are included in talents? Are (Russell's and) Rutherford's WT only "servant" who receive talents? Because Jesus in illustration gave talents to various servants. To diligent and lazy one. 

According to logic WTJWorg  presented, there is two time inspection moments also. In 1914-1919 period. Very long indeed. And other in the future time (how long will last this second inspection??)

What is confusing about 1914-1919 heavenly inspection is fact how Russell and Rutherford with WT Society was already have talents and worked with them, for dispensing spiritual food, because they already doing that for some times (1879 -1919 first WT Zion' magazine) ??!! When they get talents? In 1879, earlier that time or in 1919 or in 2013 ... ? 

Obviously here we have two or more  periods of "dispensing spiritual food". Periods before 1879. Period without "official" appointing (1879-1919) and second period with "official" appointing (1919 onward). Also, bear in mind idea how Jesus had his appointed servants through all centuries, according to WT publications. Are they participated in talents and spreading spiritual foods? If they was diligent FDS servants, they are, for sure. ?!! That would mean how they been choose by his Master, in the past, for same service and position and deserve same, to be appointed over all .... .

But in all those periods we also have MORE than One Servant, individuals or class, as you wish. And all of them received some "talents" or Jesus' Teachings to work with. With that in mind WTJWorg is not only one "servant" who have Jesus' Teachings and Bible, available for/to spread around the world. All of them "working" with His teachings in various ways. One of way is HOW THEY INTERPRET JESUS'S TEACHINGS.

I can/would believe how exactly this moment is crucial for that supposed "second" inspection in the future. Simple commitment, zeal to "spread the word" is not of any importance if you spread own errors, mistakes, clarifications, changed doctrines. Because, according to WTJWorg magazines all other churches doing exactly that (in fact same thing as WTJWorg). 

You mentioned "great tribulation" as period of final Jesus' decision. That can include few versions, some of them are this:

1) all "servants" individuals and/or organizations through the world (and by that 1919 and WT Society is of no importance as organization that is "chosen" by Jesus' in that sort of final inspection in that particular final period of time)

2) only individuals and/or class inside WTJWorg because some of them was FDS and some of them wasn't FDS (in this case explanation in WT magazine how "evil servants" not existing in WTJWorg falls in deep abyss as one in a list of wrong interpretations and wrong doctrine. Because why would Jesus do another inspection to confirm first inspection in 1919? Does this mean how He haven't trust in FDS aka GB He already appointed in 1919? Gerrit Loesch publicly claimed how Jesus have Trust in GB. ***

2013 WT magazine said how appointing FDS aka GB over all His belongings, in the future, will be only because/after FDS aka GB proved their FDS characteristics. That means how Jesus in fact is not sure how this WTJWorg "servant" deserve to be appointed over all belongings and He don't see this Class  already fit to take reward (2013 break point). Thing is: "great tribulation" is not measure tool for Class to be declared as FDS or not FDS. "Great tribulation" is only time period for making execution about decision you need to make BEFORE final act. Obviously, FDS aka GB decided that Jesus will have enough time from 2013 to some future time point and bring decision who is and who is not FDS.  

PS ***

Two outstanding reasons are: (1) Jehovah trusts the slave class. (2) Jesus also trusts the slave. Let us examine the evidence that both Jehovah God and Jesus Christ have complete confidence in the faithful and discreet slave. - https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2009123

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47 minutes ago, César Chávez said:

Therefore, Furuli's interpretation of the "FDS could not have been appointed in 1919, is his opinion since, Rutherford and the board of directors fits the definition of GB. This in a sense is not criticizing the GB as outsiders claim. 

“Who really is the faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed over his domestics, to give them their food at the proper time? Happy is that slave if his master on coming finds him doing so! Truly I say to you, he will appoint him over all his belongings.- Matthew 24:45-47

WTJWorg study articles shows enough rowing and wondering (wandering too). First they claimed how Jesus and JHVH appointed them in 1919 (who ever that was be in 1919 in WT Company) inside Matt 24:45-47 wording. It looks how appointing was based on idea how Jesus freed Rutherford and Associates from prison and immediately appointed them. WT soon president Rutherford with his helpers releasing was explained  as sort of intervention from Heaven that freed WT from bondage of "Babylon the Great and Political powers". And because of that Jesus gave them special position in earthly Kingdom of His, that is task to serve as food servers

It is very likely how act of releasing from prison was EXPLAINED by Administration in later time, as God's intervention (not lawyers efforts) because God want them to be His Representatives on Earth. 

When WT publications speaking about 1914-1919 period they call it "time of testing and refinement".  The only important thing (for our investigation) that was happening in the Society at that time was the Administrative Battle for supremacy and who will control Corporation. 

In 1927 Bible Students reaffirmed "understanding" how Russel alone was not FDS, but how FDS are entire body of faithful spirit-anointed Christians. Even more, "visible agency" (WTS) is FDS, according to Proclaimers book, page 219.

Today WTJWorg teach differently. 8 men in GB were not living in time when Jesus made His first personal appointing of entire body. Well, this looks as: Jesus came many times again, from 1919 to nowadays, for reason to appoint all those who served in Director capacity or today in GB capacity. It seems how Jesus frequently visiting US Branch Bethel and put particular JW members on position of GB. Because that is to be expected, since 1919 marked the way how this have to be done, by Jesus himself, for every new name of FDS aka GB that comes to public. 

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Furuli makes a good point after quoting from the Box on p. 25 of the July 15, 2013 WT about the hypothetical 'evil slave' and its comment, "Jesus did not say that he would appoint an evil slave." On p. 79-80 he argues,

"The observations of The Watchtower accord with the grammar. And the conclusion that Jesus did not appoint an evil slave can also be applied to “the faithful and discreet slave” (literally: “the faithful slave, even the wise one”): Jesus did not appoint the “faithful and discreet slave.” In connection with both slaves, there are questions, and this shows that both situations are hypothetical. So the conclusion is that that there has never been “a faithful and discreet slave” in the sense used by the GB. But when Jesus comes as the judge in the great tribulation, there will be many individual faithful and discreet slaves who are doing their job, and who are on the watch. And similarly, there will be many individual wicked slaves who will be punished." [bold mine]

As has long been argued by many before Furuli, Matt 24:45-47 is a parable that poses a question, and is not a prophecy about C.T. Russell (taught till 1927) or class of anointed remnant left on earth (taught till 2012) or an elite leadership at WTHQ (current teaching) that was appointed in 1919. If the 'evil slave' is hypothetical, so is the 'faithful and discreet slave.'

Under current teaching, any declaration that the slave has been performing faithfully and discreetly (or otherwise) is a future one when Jesus 'arrives' to inspect his household and he makes that determination one way or the other. Therefore, at present, the question of 'who really is the faithful and discreet slave ...?' remains unanswered.

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4 minutes ago, Ann O'Maly said:

Under current teaching, any declaration that the slave has been performing faithfully and discreetly (or otherwise) is a future one when Jesus 'arrives' to inspect his household and he makes that determination one way or the other. Therefore, at present, the question of 'who really is the faithful and discreet slave ...?' remains unanswered.

However, Jesus did give us guidance to discern a "faithful slave" from a wicked one.

30 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Who really is the faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed over his domestics, to give them their food at the proper time? Happy is that slave if his master on coming finds him doing so! Truly I say to you, he will appoint him over all his belongings.- Matthew 24:45-47

"Food" - Matt 7:15-20


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10 minutes ago, Witness said:

However, Jesus did give us guidance to discern a "faithful slave" from a wicked one.

Sure, a person can make a judgment on how he thinks a slave is performing, but it's subjective and his view may not align with that of Jesus when the time comes. And yes, Matt 7:15-20 is pertinent. People can also get used to eating poor quality food and think it's good. That's why the Bible teaches that it's Jesus who has to judge.

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“The current GB is misguided and has lost its way?’

All they have to do is be there when the fat lady sings, and feeding the flock as best they can. No one else is doing so or has anything to show for efforts (or lack thereof).

The fat lady may not be singing just yet, but she is seriously clearing her throat. We can’t wait too much longer for the ‘true anointed’ to manifest itself out of nowhere.

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Jehovah never tests anyone with evil and does not predetermine someone to be evil. Jehovah is perfect and cannot do evil or produce evil.  It is therefore clear that an individual or a group of individuals could turn evil and could form part of an evil slave in the last days by opposing their brothers on earth. 

Jehovah would never determine that some would turn evil. It is by their own choices that they become evil. So an evil slave could potentially exist - just as God foresaw that someone close to jesus could betray him. 

However, jehovah has always looked after his people and appointed people to look after them. The bible is full of examples such as judges, prophets, apostles and a body in Jerusalem which guided the fledgling congregation.

The scriptures are clear that there would be a slave to feed his people in the last days.

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1 hour ago, César Chávez said:

However, he made it very clear, he didn't know. Rutherford dismissed it outright.

Rutherford began his own well documented teachings far removed from the first century teachings of the apostles. 

1917 'There will be no slip-up...Abraham should enter upon the actual possession of his promised inheritance in the year 1925' (Watchtower Oct. 15, 1917, p. 6157

Rutherford "made it very clear" that he DID know about the outcome of this prophesy, one of many others by Rutherford.    Neither Russel nor Rutherford purely "reignited first century teachings" of scriptures, but ignited their own falsehoods.  Why write a book against the Prohibition?  What use is that as a teacher under Christ.  The same spiritual blood runs through the veins of each leader in the WT, down to today.  They are not "brothers" sharing the spirit of Christ, since lies would not be tolerated by him.  

How horrible it will be for those
    who string people along with lies and empty promises,
    whose lives are sinful.
19         They say,
            “Let God hurry and quickly do his work
                so that we may see what he has in mind.
            Let the plan of the Holy One of Israel happen quickly
                so that we may understand what he is doing.”

20 How horrible it will be for those
    who call evil good and good evil,
    who turn darkness into light and light into darkness,
    who turn what is bitter into something sweet
        and what is sweet into something bitter.

21 How horrible it will be for those
    who think they are wise
        and consider themselves to be clever.

22 How horrible it will be for those
    who are heroes at drinking wine,
    who are champions at mixing drinks,
23     who declare the guilty innocent for a bribe,
    who take away the rights of righteous people
.  Isa 5:18-23








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5 hours ago, César Chávez said:

You keep stating such. Where's your "proof" God didn't. You seem to be using an absolute to make your argument, while Pastor Russell and Rutherford's actions to reignite the first century teaching is well documented. Therefore, which actions speak volumes, your opinion, or their works.

WT Administration rejected and/or changed many of spiritual and administrative inheritance that Russell and Rutherford left to successors after their death. What is continuation is: publishing, preaching, donations, hierarchy. 

You ask for "proof". How can you prove "spiritual realm"?? You only have faith for that. That, in other words, include how one individual have to trust in another individual's claims.  

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