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Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"

Ann O'Maly

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@JW Insider  BUT JB never even got one warning, and it would have been the moderators that reported JB to admin. It was nothing to do with 'threats to the GB' was it ? It was the true fact that things could happen if God wanted them to happen. I seriously do think all this info' on this forum, and other forums etc,  is used by the GB helpers as feedback, and I believe that some Elders on here deliberately push people to give more info'. BUT when JB gave true info it wasn't liked, so he had to be removed. It seems the GB and their helpers are frightened of losing their power. (And yes I do expect to get thrown off here for being truthful  ). 

Quote JWI : I can't believe all those "laughing" emojis I get from you are given because you think I am saying something comedic, especially when it's little more than a scripture quote that you appear to be laughing at.

I laugh if i find things funny. And i find plenty of things funny on here. But i laugh at you because you jump from one side of the fence to the other and then back again. You'll make a comment which shows some stupidity of the GB and when I pick up on it, then you jump to their defence. It really is funny JWI.  I quite often show my wife your comments. 

Quote @Arauna : We JWs do NOT condone pedophilia ….or any form of porneia…..

How do you know ? Have you asked ALL JWs ?  Obviously some JWs loved paedophilia as it was kept hidden in the Org for a very long time and was committed by Elders, Ministerial Servants and congregants. It is still kept hidden in your wonderful America because you wonderful GB refuse to hand over the sick information to the Superior Authorities that they tell others to obey. 

You say that I accuse all JWs, but you are trying to clear all JWs of blame. Sorry it doesn't work. Remember the internet is now full of the Child Sexual Abuse info' within the CCJW Earthwide. It can no longer be kept hidden from view. The scripture says things committed in darkness will come out into the light. And how true that is. 

Quote Arauna One question:  when are you going to get ready for the end? 

I am ready. I don't expect to survive Armageddon. Hopefully I will die before. I'm 70 and those with medical knowledge told me 5 years ago that i have prostate cancer. Add to that the high blood pressure etc, bang.  I live one day at a time and thank God for the life i have, but I know that I sin a lot. Plus the point that your GB etc say that if I'm not a JW then I won't be saved at Armageddon, so I don't have any hope do I :) ?  I don't take it too seriously Arauna. I've had 70 years of life. That's enough for me. Most of it was horrible, so I don't mind being dead and knowing nothing at all. 

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40 minutes ago, 4Jah2me said:

It really is funny JWI.  I quite often show my wife your comments. 

You mean the wife whom you said deserves sainthood for putting up with you? Give her a flower from me, also, will you?

40 minutes ago, 4Jah2me said:

How do you know ? Have you asked ALL JWs ?

Maybe @Araunadid not—she’s sort of lazy—but I did. Eight and a half million of them, I asked every one of them, it took all afternoon—just so I would have an answer for you.

40 minutes ago, 4Jah2me said:

I don't expect to survive Armageddon....I know that I sin a lot.

You blasted idiot! Don’t sin! Put yourself somewhere that you will be aided not to sin. Put yourself somewhere that you can get your head around just how the ransom of God’s son works. Put yourself somewhere that you can appreciate how Paul can say ‘what I wish to do, I do not do,‘ and yet still say that he has run the race to the finish.

40 minutes ago, 4Jah2me said:

I've had 70 years of life. That's enough for me. Most of it was horrible, so I don't mind being dead and knowing nothing at all. 

Spurning God’s free gift, are you? Stop doing that! Life was horrible? I won’t challenge that. Yet, what does the Word say of God’s promise? “The former things will not be called to mind.” Where’s the faith?! Even the most horrible nightmare people do not retain in their conscous mind. God cannot do even more than that? If nothing else, your long-suffering wife deserves to see you healed up.

You are a piece of work, 4Jah. You know you are. That does not mean that I am not, as with most others here, and everywhere else. It’s the human reality—a condition of the fallen flesh. Drop this ridiculous obsession against the GB and make peace with the earthly organization. Whatever it takes. It sure doesn’t appear that Witness’s FB page is helping you any, nor her upcoming project to quote the entire book of Jeremiah for the purpose of demonstrating that her rivals suck.

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Quote TrueTom Harley  You mean the wife whom you said deserves sainthood for putting up with you? 

Misquoting me again Tom. I said she does not deserve criticism from me. And it was very strange that Arauna suggested i do such a thing. But then ............. 

Quote TTH : You blasted idiot! Don’t sin! 

We all sin Tom. Sometimes it is accidentally, sometimes deliberately. 

” Where’s the faith?  I have faith that God through Christ will accomplish all He wants to accomplish. And Christ will judge my wife separately to me. I try to be realistic in my faith and my thoughts. Although most of you do not think I am. 

Quote TTH : " Drop this ridiculous obsession against the GB .."   I can imagine someone in the Sanhedrin saying to Jesus ' Drop this ridiculous obsession against the Pharisees'.. I hope you get the point here

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7 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

But i laugh at you because you jump from one side of the fence to the other and then back again. You'll make a comment which shows some stupidity of the GB and when I pick up on it, then you jump to their defence.

I defend them as elders who are taking on a huge responsibility in leading some major efforts to distribute Bibles and Bible-based publications around the world to fellow Witnesses and for non-Witnesses, too. I do not defend them as the equivalent of "the faithful and discreet slave." That, to me, and perhaps even according to the words of Brother Jackson of the GB, is a pretty presumptuous and haughty assumption, therefore not in keeping with being faithful and discreet. I am making an assumption that this is a serious error, but it does not discredit all the work they do. It's just a mistake of interpretation. The GB admit that this will sometimes happen. Jesus' anointed disciples made serious mistakes too. And not that this is an excuse, but we see it did not disqualify the work and zeal they showed. Remember how Apollos was zealous and aglow with the spirit, even though he was only acquainted with John's baptism. He even "gave himself" an assignment to go over into Achaia, and Priscilla and Aquila supported it fully.

(Acts 18:24-27) . . .Now a Jew named A·polʹlos, a native of Alexandria, arrived in Ephʹe·sus; he was an eloquent man who was well-versed in the Scriptures. 25 This man had been instructed in the way of Jehovah, and aglow with the spirit, he was speaking and teaching accurately the things about Jesus, but he was acquainted only with the baptism of John. 26 He began to speak boldly in the synagogue, and when Pris·cilʹla and Aqʹui·la heard him, they took him into their company and explained the way of God more accurately to him. 27 Further, because he wanted to go across to A·chaʹia, the brothers wrote to the disciples, urging them to receive him kindly. So when he got there, he greatly helped those who through God’s undeserved kindness had become believers;

Where testing the scriptures shows me that the GB are right, I support them fully. But I'm also a bit outspoken if I think they might be wrong.

I have a feeling that you are too quick to jump on any place where someone finds a reason not to support a specific teaching of the GB, and you want to explode that into proof that the GB are completely wrong on all things, when we are talking about very few things out of hundreds of perfectly good interpretations.

You recently asked about a translation issue where I think that the great majority of the 700 verses that were translated with the "prove to be" construct in the NWT were unnecessary, and some potentially misleading -but not linguistically wrong. But this is a translator's choice, and it was used to create a certain gravitas or "sacred" sound, much like quoting the KJV today gives a kind of gravitas or "sacred" sound when used in a sermon of otherwise modern English. (The NWT got rid of 85% of these "prove-to-be" constructs in 2013.)

But how quick would you be to jump on other translators who make translation choices? (Some other translators even made the same [prove-to-be] choice for the "causative" verb rendering in some of the same places found in the NWT.) In reading Joel in the NET version, for example, there are multiple footnotes that admit that words were added that were not in the Hebrew. For example, the note on Joel 2:25:

(Joel 2:25, NET) I will make up for the years1  that the ‘arbeh-locust2  consumed your crops3 

The footnote for "3" says:

tn The term “your crops” does not appear in the Hebrew, but has been supplied in the translation for the sake of clarity and smoothness.

They simply added a couple of words to the Bible. In reality, nearly every verse is filled with choices for the translators. Just three verses earlier, it appears that they made a choice that I would disagree with:

(Joel 2:22, NET) Do not fear, wild animals!1  For the pastures of the wilderness are again green with grass.

The footnote says:

tn Heb “beasts of the field.”

For me, "beasts of the field," the literal Hebrew, was much more appropriate, because this is especially addressing the problem of animals that pasture, like sheep, goats, and cattle, which are often domesticated beasts. "Wild beasts" might be more consistent with how the NET translated the term elsewhere, but it gives the idea that it includes wild lions and bears and hyenas, for example. This particular choice can therefore end up being misleading. I don't know if I mentioned it before, but I took four years (7 semesters) of Hebrew in college, and I really love this kind of nerdy nit-picking when it comes to translation choices. But it's not that I think it's terribly important in the long run. It's not the kind of "adding to" and "taking away" from the words of a scroll that Revelation warns against.

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The GB makes mistakes. “Stay Loyal With Queen Zenobia and Obi Wan Kenobia!” some traveling overseers were parroting—they got it right from HQ!. She came crashing to the ground yesterday with no one to mourn her—with no one to say “Too bad, too bad, you great hen!” What a flip-flop to treat the old girl with such disrespect! How can God not be displeased?


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21 hours ago, Arauna said:

You do  not even understand the ransom sacrifice properly - so Jehovah can forgive you for all that and even your rebellion. 

Aren’t you being somewhat presumptuous in thinking that I don’t comprehend anything about the ransom, given my short note in response to you?  Is it because it is impossible outside the organization to grow in the meaning of Christ’s sacrifice?  You believe I must repent because of…what?  Because I left an EARTHLY organization that has spoken lies, and found in SATAN’S realm, the father of the lie, to instead worship God and Jesus Christ in SPIRIT and TRUTH, the type of worshipers that God is seeking?( John 4:23,24)  JWs speak of Christ, but attribute salvation to an organization. This alone, is blasphemy.  Acts 4:12  It is pretty ironic for you, a JW, who relies on an organization to bring you through “Armageddon”, to say I don’t understand Christ’s ransom. 

21 hours ago, Arauna said:

That guarantees our resurrection because Christ was really dead (body, soul, breath - did not exist any longer) and he was resurrected by his father...…the life-giver........that TRUTH very few people on earth understand because churches do not teach this. JWs teach this.

What guarantees our hope of eternal life is our obedience to Christ’s teachings. 

Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them."  John 14:23

Yes, he bore the sins of mankind. (1 Pet 2:24) He opened the door to life and light, in a dark world. John 10:9-16  JWs choose another door, where "thieves" rob individuals of truth by their false teachings and false doctrines.   He suffered grueling persecution by Satan more so than any other human up to that point.  He died for TRUTH. (John 14:6) But, even when on earth, he retained the spirit of life from God. 

In him was life, and that life was the light of menThat light shines in the darkness, and yet the darkness did not overcome it.”  John 1:4,5

 “The Spirit is the one who gives life. The flesh doesn’t help at all. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and are life.”  John 6:63)

21 hours ago, Arauna said:

Christ was really dead (body, soul, breath - did not exist any longer)

The spirit of a man no longer exists at death. (1 Cor 2:10-16)  When his fleshly body died, he became a life-giving spirit, and he was spiritually alive in the abyss  where he made “proclamation to the spirits in prison”, before his physical body was raised up on the third day.  1 Cor 15:45; 1 Pet 3:18,19

21 hours ago, Arauna said:

Yes - the JWs teach the TRUTH about the ransom sacrifice  - if you do not understand this..... then I suspect there is a lot more you do not understand.  I feel sad for you.  YOU will have to put your pride in your pocket and beg Jehovah's forgiveness. 

I will not look back at what I left. (Luke 17:32,33)  My hope and faith is in the Father and Jesus Christ. You really believe I must ask for forgiveness for listening to them, to the Word of God, instead of false doctrine?

Perhaps you may want to reflect on this passage:

"But whatever were gains to me I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. 8 What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ 9 and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christthe righteousness that comes from God on the basis of faith. 10 I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, 11 and so, somehow, attaining to the resurrection from the dead.  Phil 3:7-11





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17 minutes ago, Witness said:

JWs speak of Christ, but attribute salvation to an organization.

Yes, i also see this as problem. No religious organization, in this case a Christian, can provide complete and accurate knowledge and explanations of biblical events or of Jesus. When a believer realizes that his or her affiliation with a particular church does not provide “salvation,” it should help him or her build a “spiritual” rather than a “literal” faith.

In fact, WTJWorg also argues that baptism alone (baptism as a JW member) does not ensure the survival of Armageddon or the resurrection. Therefore, WTJWorg is a source of contradiction, not only in this topic; salvation is possible only in a JW organization, but also in many other doctrines.
Once more. All changes in the teachings and interpretations of the biblical text, as well as interpretations of dogmas in the teachings of the JW organization, then "clarifications" and "new light", can in no way be a guarantee to JW believers that their "salvation" is possible only in this "organization".

Reassure yourself that "my organization" has the highest number of correct teachings than any other organization, it can not be guarantee for "salvation". Did Jesus say anywhere that one's affiliation with a particular church would be crucial in separating "sheep from goats" in Judgement Day?.

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19 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

she’s sort of lazy

How did you know?

8 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Google are telling me this forum is 'Not Secure'

It did the same here - it told me it is not secure...…   trying to see if I obey?...….Not renewed the license?  lol


17 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

“Stay Loyal With Queen Zenobia a

I looked it up... The Daniel chapter speaks of the Exactor (Ceasar Augustus when Jesus was born) then the despised one... (Tiberius Caesar reigned when Jesus died.  (the old Daniel book spoke of the last strong Roman emperor and Zenobia - this is now out and it makes very good sense because the weeds had already taken over the Christian congregation - Math 19).  We then get to the time when the 'messenger' (Russel and his crowd) arrives before the 'wheat' is collected after 1914. 

The "Babylon the Great" book, if I remember correctly, discussed the 2nd German Reich starting with Bismarck and Wilhelm the second who collected so much weapons and built up Germany very strong after he pushed Bismarck out. I did not know that Wilhelm 2 was forced to abdicate by his admirals and inside governmental officials.  They announced his abdication without his permission..... those eating his delicacies. So it was actually already available information....The British empire information has been well covered in the past.

Third German Reich - Hitler.

Yes things are getting clearer as we pant towards the end.


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