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Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"

Ann O'Maly

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3 minutes ago, César Chávez said:

For clarification, the Watchtower doesn't publish someone else's works. The fact Brother furuli didn't do due diligence in his research puts a black mark on it since that publishing house not only published the "Satanic Bible" but has published material meant for homosexuals.

Harper Collins published the Satanic Bible and also a book about "gay sex." The common fake complaint on the Internet is about these two books especially. When Harper Collins bought Zondervan, it still didn't mean that the Zondervan suddenly became the publisher of those two books published by HarperCollins.

However, it is very likely that discussions about homosexuality as a issue related to religion have been published by Zondervan.

And, for clarification, Furuli didn't publish someone else's works. Neither did the Watchtower when they often quoted Zondervan publications.


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I brought it up because it's one of several places where Furuli's book provides the exact type of anecdote I am familiar with. These types of interactions were evidently memorable and important to Fur

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On 5/25/2020 at 9:52 PM, Ann O'Maly said:

“faithful and discreet slave” refers to any Christian who is
faithful and on the watch when Jesus

His opinion...... but not what the bible indicates. The question it poses indicates that each Christian must identify the slave for themself.  " Who is the faithful and discreet slave?". Even a language scholar should notice it is a question....  

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21 minutes ago, César Chávez said:

Allow me to correct your mistaken prospect here. I consider Dr. Furuli a great linguist, especially when he formulated a new way to reanalyze the Hebrew language.

I think that as a linguist he is very accomplished and definitely qualifies as a true scholar. I've said this before to Allen Smith as you might remember. He put a lot of work into that. The work is impressive in scope. But he came up with theories that are probably not true in general. A lot of useful material to consider when looking at a wider variety of translation options for some Hebrew verbs, but definitely not as formulaic rules, nor even as a new way reanalyze the Hebrew language.

Persons with PhD's know, (and Allen Smith, as you will recall, claims to have 2 PhD's) that a PhD thesis does not need to come up with something that is necessarily proven to be correct in the long run. In fact, some PhD's are extensive tests of theories, and will often help their field by proposing something that can't be proven. This may help the next scholar who takes up the same, similar, or overlapping topics.

30 minutes ago, César Chávez said:

I consider Dr. Furuli a great linguist

You have been consistent about this, and I appreciate that. There are still "Allen Smith" and "Guest Allen Smith" posts on the forum that have been saying exactly this same thing for years.

49 minutes ago, César Chávez said:

Therefore, lets not make it seem you found something worthwhile to argue.

I was only referring to things that you actually said and asked here, nothing to do with the points you just made in this current post.

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37 minutes ago, César Chávez said:

Modern Witnesses do not even follow the  Watchtower history

So true. Only the triassic ones or those in a bubble do.  Why look back when you can look forward?  New ones look at present teachings. The only past they look at is the old history if Israel and some even find that too much.... but necessary. 

How can one compare history and teachings from 150 years ago (when they were shooting up the wild west and people took months to go into the interior with wagons and there were slaves in the south) to present times?  Lol..... I myself read old publications but remain aware of its historical context - it is useful but still old.

37 minutes ago, César Chávez said:

There are NO guarantees with higher education. I know several PH'd that work as janitors.

WARNING! Higher education is not what it was EVEN 10 years ago.  One lives in a bubble if one does not know about the violence, emotional triggers, injustices and loss of free speech on campuses....(there are just too many negatives to mention here).. It is critical times - hard to deal with. Why put your child in that hotbed of propaganda where money from countries like Qatar and China is buying the  opinions of the professors ? ....... You pay for this together with LQBTQ indoctrination and sit with large debt for the rest of your life!  


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@Arauna  I know nothing about the pyramids but :-

One doesn't need to go back 150 years to find fault in the CCJW teachings.

In the 1960's / 70's they were teaching the 6 x 7000 year creative days, and the end of 6000 years of God's rest day. 

Now they admit to not knowing how long a Creative day was. 

And @JW Insider  you bring up the same old same old :-

Is there a a religion that teaches straightforward doctrines that set us apart from the world in general? And sets us apart as dedicated to God?

Read above, there is one proof that the CCJW does not teach straight forward doctrines. The doctrines keep changing.  (1975, blood issue, Superior authorities, to name but a few) 

Does it focus on high moral standards so that I can generally expect the persons I associate with to have the same moral outlook as I do?

This one goes without saying. Why even pretend that the morality of the CCJW is any better than the rest of the world ?  (The excuse on this forum is that CSA happens everywhere, so then what makes the CCJW moral standards any higher ? I've also been hearing about more divorces in the CCJW here in UK. )

This why I laugh at comments on here. So much pretence. 

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1 hour ago, Arauna said:
2 hours ago, César Chávez said:

Modern Witnesses do not even follow the  Watchtower history

So true.

I agree that in general modern Witnesses do not follow Watchtower history.

But this doesn't mean that the Watch Tower publications aren't promoting the idea that we should follow the history. There's a long history of history in the WTS:

  • CTRussell revisited his own history a couple times in the pages of the WT
  • The Biography of Charles Taze Russell revisited his history from the late 1920's to mid 30's
  • Rutherford revisited Watchtower history in the pages of the WT
  • Knorr ran a serialized version of the WT history through several successive issues of the WT
  • Those articles culminated in the history book: Jehovah's Witnesses in the Divine Purpose (jp)
  • Almost every "Book Study" book and book covering Prophetic explanations included at least 60 pages of Watchtower history, including the most recent ones
  • Every Yearbook included at least 40 pages of Watchtower history for at least one country
  • The 1975 Yearbook became an update of the jp book
  • The Proclaimers book became an updated history book
  • Three of the four major tour attractions at Warwick are all about the history of the Watchtower Society. (And the major displays at the Watchtower Farm are also about the Watchtower history.)
  • Every year the Watchtower reviews milestone highlights in articles about the history of the Watchtower Society, including a related set of articles for several years now about things that happened "100 Years Ago"

Like I said, though, there is nothing wrong with this, assuming the purpose, honesty and clarity are there.

1 hour ago, Arauna said:

Only the triassic ones or those in a bubble do.  Why look back when you can look forward?  New ones look at present teachings. The only past they look at is the old history if Israel and some even find that too much.

I'm sure you aren't saying that the WTS is "triassic" or in a "bubble" for repeatedly promoting this history. It's part of our current beliefs about how most of the prophecies were fulfilled.

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On 5/28/2020 at 10:41 AM, 4Jah2me said:

@Space Merchant  The only bit of the above that I understand is the reference to a White Police officer killing a Black man. But why you felt the need to include that i do not know. 

Clearly - No, but it seems you haven't understand what was conveyed. As for this statement of yours, by this remark of yours, it is easily seen you have taken the misguidance of the mainstream media and applied it to your own.

Do not always eat from the hands of the MSM, otherwise you will become like them. The issue is not about race, but, it became a race issue because the media is swinging the axe of racism, which in turn, begets action and negative influence.

The best thing for you is for me NOT to dive into this issue (that is if you can see the truth out of the falsehood regarding this issue), for the last person on here who did this was enthralled when race, sex, and CSA was involved, and so and so deemed me a racist for quoting facts from the FBI.

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2 hours ago, César Chávez said:

Funny, Harper Collins published the Satanic bible, while Zondervan published gay sex. . . .Your argument about "fake complaints" isn't so fake after all.

Perhaps you've done more study on this than I have. You probably know that the NIV has been "trashed" among several church groups, especially the KJV-only crowd. This is, in large part, why there is a common complaint all over the Internet that Zondervan published the Satanic Bible and the Joy of Gay Sex.

  • Feb 17, 2020 - ... (NIV) was published by Zondervan but is now OWNED by Harper Collins, who also publishes the Satanic Bible and The Joy of Gay Sex.
  • Bayside Church Melbourne » The NIV Conspiracy
    • Jul 15, 2015 - The Facebook post mentions that Harper Collins also publishes the Satanic Bible and The Joy of Gay Sex – and that's completely true. It's the ...
  • Rikus Jansen - VERY CRITICAL ALERT!!! Hello beloved ...
    • I'm sure you know that NIV was published by Zondervan but is now OWNED by Harper Collins, who also publishes the Satanic Bible and The Joy of Gay Sex.
  • Jul 15, 2015 - ... that NIV was published by Zondervan but is now OWNED by Harper Collins, who also publishes The Satanic Bible and The Joy of Gay Sex.
There are literally hundreds of these references. But unfortunately the gay sex book was not published by Zondervan. Perhaps you have done more research into the other books on homosexuality published by Zondervan, but from what I can tell, most of them are about gay persons trying to live a celibate lifestyle and the potential conflict between grace and sin. This is also the gist of articles on this topic on Zondervan Academic. Harper Collins did buy Zondervan in 1988, well after Zondervan had already been publishing the NIV and books by "Christian-related" authors. Having a Christian books division does not stop HC from publishing whatever else it wants from other authors. It doesn't mean that the persons who run the Zondervan division agree with everything published by HC in general.   
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3 hours ago, César Chávez said:

His biggest complaint is the same as yours. Higher education has somehow become a point of contention with the older witnesses. 

I didn't see any complaint by Furuli that matched mine. The reason I have said that higher education is not a good value today has been the change in economics, at least in most Western countries. This has been true for years, if not a couple of decades, and gets worse as the educational institutions keep trying to maximize their costs and the job market gets continually worse. You also may remember that we have discussed the abuse by private companies that take advantage to price testing and application services (College Board) and the many financial institutions that abuse the student loan processes in their favor.

My earlier complaint about Furuli is that he doesn't offer enough about the true negative side of higher education, including spiritual dangers, which he minimizes.

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3 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

Now they admit to not knowing how long a Creative day was. 

That's good.

3 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

And @JW Insider  you bring up the same old same old :-

Is there a a religion that teaches straightforward doctrines that set us apart from the world in general? And sets us apart as dedicated to God?

And that's why I bring it up. These other issues don't bother me. Still, I think we should be honest about them and only discuss these issues when it seems that some Witnesses believe we need to hide our past, or tell new people that something was really nothing. However, if you want me to be bothered about the religion in general, then show me where I should support war and nationalism and Trinity and hell-fire. I know that there are some arguments a person could make on a few of our major doctrines, but the overall sense I get from the Bible on those issues matches up to the Witness view. Also, I don't consider chronology to be a major issue, nor do I think that the GB is the FDS. But I have nothing against the usefulness of a GB, and I think they should be a part of the FDS.

As usual, you bring up CSA, and I agree that our moral standards should prove to be higher than elsewhere. But perhaps Jesus should have had less prostitutes following him, too. I'm more concerned about the level of emphasis, focus and correct counsel on CSA and other moral issues. I don't claim we are better than everyone else on every issue. But I like the most recent policies, even though I spoke out against the weakness of previous polices.

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3 hours ago, Arauna said:

His opinion...... but not what the bible indicates. The question it poses indicates that each Christian must identify the slave for themself.  " Who is the faithful and discreet slave?". Even a language scholar should notice it is a question....  

Is this how we know that it should not be each Christian who should act as a true Christian neighbor to fellow humans? Because it is in the form of a question?

(Luke 10:29-37) . . .: “Who really is my neighbor?” 30 In reply Jesus said: “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jerʹi·cho and fell victim to robbers, . . .But a certain Samaritan . . . took out two de·narʹi·i, gave them to the innkeeper, and said: ‘Take care of him, and whatever you spend besides this, I will repay you when I return.’ 36 Who of these three seems to you to have made himself neighbor to the man who fell victim to the robbers?” 37 He said: “The one who acted mercifully toward him.” Jesus then said to him: “Go and do the same yourself.”

By our current logic, the good Samaritan would be the faithful and discreet slave, and those fellow Jewish persons who ignored the victim might just be hypothetical.

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