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Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"

Ann O'Maly

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5 hours ago, Arauna said:
8 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

how higher education is from "devil" himself. 

And it is!  You are too blind to see what is going on!

No, sorry. We need to separate education as knowledge about life and nature, and "education" as tool for directing people to particular ideology aka manipulation.

Let say this: All science and people lived in knowledge how sun turns around the Earth, for very long time. Perhaps old Jew's as God's nation did the same. This knowledge we would normally call was part of educational system in past times. Later, some individuals and science said opposite. Well, now we have educational system that teaches differently about this.

Both was sort of knowledge. On first part, we can agree how general "knowledge" does earth turns or sun turns is of less or even non influence on daily human activity. But, if you had lived then and said you didn’t believe in a geocentric system, they would have burned you at the stake. That is point when "education and knowledge" is not just educational system. It is ideology... that can you cost your health and life if Inquisition found how you are "apostate". 

When WTJWorg and GB+Helpers using own system of "(higher) spiritual education" and "persecute" all who don't agree with their "education" about this and that. Such (religious) "educational system" is not part of mere knowledge, true or false, but part of IDEOLOGY that is ready to shun and dfd all those who reject their "higher" educational system. 

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6 hours ago, Arauna said:

So the man who says the GB are dictators now wishes to interpret this word as a single person who will be giving all his fellow slaves food at proper time. 

Arauna, you confused me with @4Jah2me about "dictators issue".

Second, You made connection in comment about verses in Matthew this two things: "slave" and "language scholars". 

I just say how "slave" is singular noun. Am i wrong??!! 

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3 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

No, sorry. We need to separate education as knowledge about life and nature, and "education" as tool for..... manipulation

Sorry, in universities there is no separation. The ideology of amorality and atheism, together with far left ideology is everywhere.  Atheism and commies are bedfellows.

That is why there are so much bolchevists- type social revolution and anarchy going on and getting worse.


52 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

“Who really is the faithful steward, the discreet one, whom his master will appoint over his body of attendants to keep giving them their measure of food supplies at the proper time? 43 Happy is that slave if his master on coming finds him doing so! 44 I tell you truthfully, he will appoint him over all his belongings.

Notice - it also asks a question..... WHO is the slave...... YOU as an individual need to recognise it to be able to give the answer. 

This slave is APPOINTED!  over his body of attendants! He has a position/job to give the others food. The scripture goes on to show who he is accountable to....... If he gets drunk or lazy or inattentive he will not be dressed with the holy clothes of righteousness. He will be caught off guard. This is the focus..... that he must remain awake because he is accountable.

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1 hour ago, JW Insider said:

Both versions of the illustration spend more time discussing what would constitute an UNFAITHFUL and INDISCREET slave. Luke takes it even further and discusses varying levels of unfaithfulness and indiscretion. Perhaps this is one reason that Luke's version is rarely ever discussed in the publications compared to Matthew's?

It’s amazing how many WT publications are written to warn of apostasy and bad influence within the congregation itself, fake brothers, elders and fake apostles who are like wolves, ...... but completely rule out the possibility of GB + Helpers being in that category.

Cognitive Dissonance or OCD sleeps in WT articles ? :)))

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@Srecko Sostar In a sense, Higher Education can be used as a tool by the Devil. This is why people nowadays are starting to see this, that is, if they carefully see the things unfold in front of them and trend their path within the education institutional spectrum with caution.

That being said, there are a lot of Millennials like me, as is with Generation Z, and the soon to come, Alpha, who are taking different paths, and most are not going towards the default. In a sense, think of it this way, in every video game regardless of genre, there is always a default setting set by the programmer and or developer, the player can change said settings and do not have to submit to the default, some do, some do not. Likewise with higher education, the default path is set before such folks, but that is not always the 100% path. Plus as said before, there is a danger in higher education, I need not have to post, link and cite examples and articles on the matter, nor do I need to speak on my own experience.

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1 minute ago, Arauna said:

Notice - it also asks a question..... WHO is the slave...... YOU as an individual need to recognise it to be able to give the answer. 

Notice that Jesus also gave a parable about the question . . . WHO is the real neighbor . . . .YOU as an individual need to recognize it to be able to give the answer. 🙂

In fact MOST of Jesus' illustrations and parables are effectively answers to such questions about WHO proves themselves to be the right kind of plowman, shepherd, builder, seeker, father, listener, sower, harvester, vine worker, neighbor, householder, servant, domestic, steward, investor, bridesmaid, friend, master, watchman, etc.

Of course, we all agree that we should be able to recognize who is the right kind of slave. To me, this is because we all need to be that right kind of slave who does not take advantage of the master being delayed, but stays always faithful and wise. The fact that some will have the ability to preside, and lead, and organizer better than others is a separate issue. I can't see why anyone would complain that a group of elders could be seen to be qualified for such a position of overseeing multiple congregations in the same way that some committees of elders qualify for a position to oversee a single congregation. The ones who excel at teaching, and speaking, and decision-making will naturally take the lead for such a useful position. And you are right, that taking the lead in spearheading a more efficient world-wide preaching, teaching, and disciple-making work can make use of skills that only a few would qualify for.

(1 Corinthians 12:28, 29) 28 And God has assigned the respective ones in the congregation: first, apostles; second, prophets; third, teachers; then powerful works; then gifts of healings; helpful services; abilities to direct; different tongues. 29 Not all are apostles, are they? Not all are prophets, are they? Not all are teachers, are they?. . .

So, the idea that a committee of elders can qualify for such work as the GB have taken on, shows that they are desirous of a fine work. But Jesus illustration about the unfaithful and indiscreet slaves in Luke 12 and Matthew 24 are probably not a source predicting a special set of men who would be appointed to a position mindful of those superfine apostles from 1919 on. To impute this meaning into it requires a very inconsistent method of dealing with Jesus' illustrations and parables.

That doesn't at all take away from the need for having some take the lead in a different way from others. We can find this in other scriptures.

(Hebrews 13:7) 7 Remember those who are taking the lead among you, who have spoken the word of God to you, and as you contemplate how their conduct turns out, imitate their faith.

There in Hebrews, too, we find that we should be able, as you said, to identify WHO really is a faithful person taking the lead, so that we can contemplate their conduct and imitate their faith.

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@JW Insider calls it an “intangible spiritual sheen” that the GB is shedding. @Anna calls it “revealing the man behind the curtain” I won’t go so far as to say it is deliberate, but they surely see it happening and make no effort to stop it. One brother said of JW Broadcasting—it makes perfectly clear that we don’t rely upon paid actors. “Image?—What’s that?” they all but say.

As in keeping with this thread about scholarship, it’s well to point out that at least two of them freely reveal themselves to be among the least scholarly persons on earth. I say, “I have no problem at all with this”—after I got over the problem I had with it—after I got my head around it. It is for honest-hearted persons to get their heads around their course. It is not for they to get their heads around the facades and pretentious doings of those who like to think—they love ‘scholarship’—but as to deeds?-forget about it! 

“How can you believe, when you are accepting glory from one another...” Jesus says. That’s what scholars (as a class) do, and one of their first initial practical deeds is to say they will not declare the good news publicly as Jesus did because that will surely detract from their scholarly reputation. Not to diss scholarship—far from it that I should do this—but it needs to be knocked down a peg or two. It is not the be-all and end-all. Doing God’s will is what counts. 

Accordingly, the record of the GB members is life-long full-time service, door-to-door with the Kingdom good news, motivated by love of God and neighbor. It is humble work if there ever was one, and it is ‘doubling down’ on the humility in that a large portion of it has been in developing lands. They’re not blue-bloods born to privilege, as that obnoxious self-described Norwegian apostate (not Rolf—the guy from a neighboring congregation) seems to think they should be, as he sneers—just like Celsus did—about how they were once “window-cleaners” God! The pretentions of these people! Look at the world that your “scholarship” has collectively built before you ridicule those who have by-passed it—when it goes down in the giant flush, hold aloft your degrees for special consideration.

I was surprised to find that JWI had a different take on the “superfine” apostles of 2 Corinthians 11. Chalk it up to a gentleman’s disagreement—but I still think he is all wet. Paul did the work. They wanted the credit. They were comfortable men—perhaps they thought themselves ‘scholars’—comfortably ensconced in their home congregations. Paul was so outraged at this ‘power grab’ that he “declared like a mad man, I am more outstandingly [an apostle of Christ]” And what was their [probable] response? “See, he admits that he is mad. Not us, though. We are smart and ‘balanced.’”

If GB members reveal the “man behind the curtain” and shed their “intangible spiritual sheen” now, why didn’t they do it before? Here, @Arauna comes to the rescue with the common-sense point that the geniuses completely ignore—everything must be judged in the historical context of its time. Was FDR a liar for not ‘outing himself’ as crippled by polio? Were the press liars for not reporting it?—for they all knew. Obviously not—for the good of the country it was thought necessary to convey strength. 

It is the same with the sexual immorality of which numerous presidents have been guilty. Of one, it is written that he made a whorehouse out of the White House. The press knew. Why did they not out him? Again, it is the completely understandable urge to preserve demeanor for those providing the lead. Today, “grab them by the p***y” makes headlines. It has not historically been that way.

So the GB’s reluctance to acknowledge human imperfection is completely within the spirt of the times. They are the last ones to accede to the new model that ‘leaders should spill’ because they are ‘no part of the world’ and it takes a while for it to register with them what has long since been normalized outside. 

The response to CSA accusations may be the prime example of this. When it turns out that instances of CSA can be found in the ranks of congregation members, they do not run to the press and say, “Us, too! We have some of that!” They have concern with reputation—JWI puts it well when he muses that they do not want to derail or sabotage the beneficial work they oversee. Was that wrong? It is being slogged out in the courts today, along with the ‘sins’ of every other person on the planet, as tort lawyers oversee the most massive transfer of funds in our age—with themselves netting a third.

Surely it is worth a comparison with Peter in the first century. Was he wrong to chum with the Gentile Christians, then flagrantly avoid them when the “men from James” (Jewish Christians) came around? It is an incredible record of cowardice for one in position of leadership!  And he had a track record! Wasn’t he the one who fell all over himself to swear that he didn’t know the Lord from a bag of beans? Was he removed? This is why it is so hypocritical to call for the head of GB members when they so much as hiccup. Arauna is very kind when she refers to the ones doing so as suffering from OCD.


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@JW Insider Quote.  I can't see why anyone would complain that a group of elders could be seen to be qualified for such a position of overseeing multiple congregations in the same way that some committees of elders qualify for a position to oversee a single congregation.

Please explain or enlarge upon your use of the word 'overseeing' here. 

Quote, " The ones who excel at teaching, and speaking, and decision-making will naturally take the lead for such a useful position. "

No mention of excelling in spirituality then ? You talk as if it's running a worldly business. 

Quote, " And you are right, that taking the lead in spearheading a more efficient world-wide preaching, teaching, and disciple-making work can make use of skills that only a few would qualify for."

Only a few Americans it seems.. It also seems that other Anointed from around the Earth may not be given the chance. Since the rest of the Anointed are seen as less important now. 

Quote " So, the idea that a committee of elders can qualify for such work as the GB have taken on, shows that they are desirous of a fine work "

Or that they want the power over others and the human glory for themselves. Television stars as they are now. 

Quote " Hebrews 13:7) 7 Remember those who are taking the lead among you, who have spoken the word of God to you, and as you contemplate how their conduct turns out, imitate their faith. "

Any religion that uses the bible could quote this scripture. It is only of good use if used to mean God's true servants. In the 1st century Christian congregations, before apostates spoilt true worship, that scripture had real meaning. 

And then you finish up with  " we find that we should be able, as you said, to identify WHO really is a faithful person taking the lead "   

But can we ?  We know who is taking the lead, but you said 'who really is a faithful person, taking the lead'.....

I find it kind of funny, just my British sense of humour, that you JWI, sometimes write as a true thoughtful person, but other times write as a JW. 

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Mr Harley seems to be saying that the GB hide the CSA accusations so as not to tarnish the reputation of the CCJW.  Some of us have been saying that for years now. Has Mr Harley finally woken up ?

The point being Mr Harley that the GB and it's Lawyers are still hiding that 23 year Database of CSA accusations, and therefore those paedophiles are still lose in the communities.  As a side note I still cannot understand how Australia Bethel had CSA reports going back 50 years, but America Bethel only has then going back 23 years. 

But hey it wasn't me that started mentioning CSA this time, Tom. 

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