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Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"

Ann O'Maly

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On 6/26/2020 at 6:56 PM, TrueTomHarley said:

The organization would say that the Governing Body does not endorse such and such, and the friends would accordingly have a helpful sense of priority and focus. And then Oscar or someone would be found doing it, and Tom Pearlandswine would descend to tell him that the Governing Body DOES NOT ENDORSE!!! such and such.

People just love to make rules about everything....it gives them a measure of control in their own lives and sometimes in other's lives.  I think some people measure their obedience or righteousness  to Jehovah on how acceptable they are to the group or how firmly they take it upon themselves to censure those who do not follow guidance. 

I am a bit like Tom in the sense that I have looked at all aspects of following GB guidance and thought about the scriptures as well as  obedience to Jehovah. I obey the GB because I have chosen to do so.... not because I need acceptance from anyone or my self-righteousness depends on how I can chastise others for overstepping a perceived ' rule'. 

When my freedom to express myself can hurt another spiritually - that is when my self-control kicks in. It comes from concern and love. We are free but our freedom must take account of others, especially the sensitive and weak. We cannot follow our 'righteous' desires wherever it may take us. It is  never our place to be the conscience of another and make decisions for them by saying - don't do this or that.  We can tell them in loving way if we see that their spirituality is suffering due to certain decisions they have taken and it is openly showing in their behavior. Concern would then oblige us to speak the truth. 

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2 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

such person because he "became apostate" or because he is such personality/character from the beginning, from very time ago

Sometimes the seed is picked up by birds very quickly.  Sometimes the root has not sufficiently grown and sometimes the kingdom plant is choked by the world.  He was always very smart but it caught up with him in a sad way. We must not peer into the deep things of Satan.  Why would one read a book by Dawkins? because he is at the top of the book charts?

I  like to learn about new things but I do show caution when it can lead me away from Jehovah. Especially in our times the propaganda is absolutely everywhere! When a movie which seemed ok has bad scenes I turn it off - same with these other things.  I will watch but when it moves away from bible principles I cut it off.

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3 hours ago, Arauna said:

Why would one read a book by Dawkins? because he is at the top of the book charts?

Moristotle, an atheist character with whom I interacted for the longest time on my blog, would all but plead with me to read his books. But I would respond that I had looked over many atheistic arguments individually and had not been impressed. Why think that would change were I to read them in orchestral form?

I’m not even opposed to reading them, per se. It is just that there are so many other things that have more desire to read, and other things I want to do, that practically speaking, I will probably never get around to it.

It is pretty much that way with a book from Rolf or someone else who finds fault. I can see why some with certain backgrounds might want to read it. But for me, there are just too many other things that I want to look at first. I know the subject as well as he. It’s sufficient for me to see blurbs of his book, commentary of it, and on that basis decide if I want to devour it whole. So far, no such desire has emerged. 


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Quote Arauna  I obey the GB because I have chosen to do so..

Well it's nice of you to admit that you OBEY the GB. I'd rather obey God through Christ myself, and the Bible gives us all enough information to do so. . 

Quote @Arauna People just love to make rules about everything.. .it gives them a measure of control in their own lives and sometimes in other's lives.  :) That's funny.

Um, JWs cannot have beards. JWs have to wear a shirt and tie, and a jacket on the platform. 

Sisters are not allowed to wear trousers even if they are designed as ladies trousers. And many more rules.

So i wonder who likes to make rules ? Oh yes the Leaders of the CCJW. 

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It’s true. With Zoom, I thought I could get away without wearing a tie. When the speaker noticed it, he told the cable company to cancel my ISP, and now I have to communicate through smoke signals.  I had imagined that the beard I have grown would have covered up the lack of tie, but no such l**k.

On the other hand, it might have been the Farmer Mort pants my wife has taken to wearing.

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3 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

Well it's nice of you to admit that you OBEY the GB.

Did I say that I blindly obey when I do not obey anyone blindly in life?  You are so anxious to find fault that you read into any sentence that which you would like to see.

Cooperation is very similar to obedience. Some people do not even cooperate with others because they feel it encroaches on their autonomy...… those usually have a problem with all types of authority.  Hmmmm.

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40 minutes ago, Arauna said:

those usually have a problem with all types of authority.  Hmmmm.

I wonder if the yo-yo has taken to plastering a ‘Question Authority’ bumper sticker on his Yugo. Probably not, because there is only one authority that he cares about—unless he has modified it to: “Question GB Authority.” This will cause all his neighbors to think he is nuts, but perhaps they already think it.

You don’t have to question authority on every piddly little thing—that’s why the world is chaotic and most of what is done is quickly undone.

Nathaniel Hawthorne (He wrote books, 4Jah, he was a writer, he goes on and on and on, and sometimes readers tire after a paragraph or two because he doesn’t slam the Governing Body and place a laughing emoji at chaper’s end) wrote of Hester Prynne, that “It is remarkable, that persons who speculate the most boldly often conform with the most perfect quietude to the external regulations of society.“ Nobody speculates more boldly about this world than Jehovah’s Witnesses.

Hawthorne didn’t say it, but the opposite is also true. This who cannot conform with the most most perfect quietude to the external regulations of society tend to be the most timid of all.

(Now watch him go ballistic that I have attributed a Yugo to him—a sly JW trick he knows well, he will say.  :) )

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@TrueTomHarley  thanks for another laugh. Life can be too serious but I always find you funny enough to laugh at. Even your 'serious' comments are funny. And the fact that Arauna creeps after you is also funny :). Your sarcasm shows your insecurity of course, so is forgivable. 

As for my vehicles, we have five at the moment. All road legal and up and running. As a non alcohol drinker, non druggy, non smoker, and getting good pension, well the money has to go somewhere. The house is full of 'bygone and collectable' items, we are, yes, crazy folks. 

As for questioning authority, um, I think it is @Arauna  and others that dig deep into different 'authorities' and governments around the globe. I just try to live quietly as 'no part of the world' and don't interfere with people around me. Not involved in voting, not involved in protests, not involved in conspiracy theories. 

Quote TTH : because there is only one authority that he cares about

True, there is only one authority i care about. That is Almighty God's authority through Jesus Christ. 

One more funny thing Tom. That is, that you love to quote from 'men' but not from God's word. Like I've mentioned before, you are a physical man not a spiritual man.  You have shown this in the way you have followed Arauna in this stupid authority quest you both seem to have. Aruana mentioned it for no apparent reason, then you follow on with it, once again for no apparent reason, unless you just want to keep Arauna happy :) .. How sweet 

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