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Another jw splinter group.


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I think that JWs are pretty much the end of the line for most people who leave JWs these days. Most won't go back to any other church in a serious way, even if they have a history with another church,

I agreed with jw insider this will be the end of the road for most JWs, i dont think many will go and form a splinter group after the huge disappointment of the current watchtower.  Speaking of m

I just curious of your opinions. Seeing as how there is becoming a great divide of opinions among Jehovah's Witnesses regarding the actions of the governing body do you see a possible future where the

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@Srecko Sostar   Yes it all becomes blurred. Recommendations, Rules, Guidance, Doctrines. 

It does not eave much room for a Christian conscience. And then the GB or others at the'top' change the 'rules', guidance, doctrines. 

The beard thing is one. The Blood issue is another. 

There is a rule ( here in UK ) that a brother cannot go on the platform without wearing a shirt and neck tie and a jacket. One elder I would see on the platform had a big electric fan working all the time he was on the platform. But, when he was on the door to door ministry he would wear an open neck shirt and no jacket. It seems he has since been moved to a different congregation.

I personally do not like to see people being 'Westernised' but in most countries now the brothers wear shirts and ties. In my opinion it makes the CCJW look like an 'American religion', whereas it is supposed to be God's 'earthly' organisation ruled over by Christ.  

My opinion about 'doctrine' is that it should be the 'spiritual things'. Truth taught from God's written word. Therefore things believed and lived by.

Rules are more a basic requirement and scripture should not be used. For instance, if the Org say that brothers have to wear a suit and tie to meetings, that is a rule. It has no scriptural backing. Scripture should not be used as an excuse to enforce man made rules. 

But i think there should be a rule book available for a Bible Study person to read before baptism.

Congregants actually know very little about the rules of the CCJW, and the baptism is 'into' the Organisation, like signing a contract. 

Srecko I agree with what you say about doctrine in JW org. It has been brought down to a low level and  as you say, it is changed when they feel like changing it. 

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@John Houston Quote 'Those 8 men lead, guide us on a path none here could, nor anyone one else could,...'

Do you think you have proof of this ?  

And quote " the merchandise has not been damaged beyond repair."

Some of it has actually. Many have been stumbled, some have committed suicide, many have turned away from God because of mistreated by the CCJW.  

Do you believe that collateral damage is ok then ?  Do you just think in numbers, not people ? 


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8 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

There is a rule ( here in UK ) that a brother cannot go on the platform without wearing a shirt and neck tie and a jacket.

I recall same in Zagreb (Croatia) congregations. Here was situations that in some congregations elders made agreement to not wear jacket on stage, but it must be a long-sleeved shirt and tie. In other cong. elders body have different rule and allowed short-sleeved shirt. In third cong,, jacket was obligation. Fourth picture was when CO  visiting cong. In that case he made a rule. This all was very actual in before air-conditions age. After, air-condition was helpful to get headache and a cold, and some people fled from one chair to another where was less windy :))) 

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@Srecko Sostar That is incorrect, granted that Restorationism is the key factor here. Only a little after the Great Awakenings, some moved away from Restorationism, whereas some did not, and there are those who still maintain said Christology. Tracing back the roots, total Subordinationism.

I recall even telling you this. 

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On 5/29/2020 at 2:07 PM, Matthew9969 said:

I just curious of your opinions. Seeing as how there is becoming a great divide of opinions among Jehovah's Witnesses regarding the actions of the governing body do you see a possible future where there will be another splinter group of jw's coming up with their own organization. Kind of like when Russel split off from the 7th day, then the jw's split off from the bible students, Armstrong split off from the jw's and got his own following, etc....?

The simple answer is No. Granted, that some would just see such and such as providing tools for them and nothing more, and with said tools they can go on their own to some level and or degree despite being in the community itself.

As for the latter, the pastor did not take up the non-Restorationist view, especially the concept of some teachings of that time, hence why met up with others and the Restorationist Christian group was formed, aka The Bible Students. This was by no means of schism and or a split, just the fact that the mainstream ideas were not as accurate vs. the legitimate ideas concerning God. The other part, you have it backwards, Bible Students have split on their own prior to becoming JWs if I am not mistaken and only a few of them continue with their own following, for this is something not too common.

More so, some followings have deviated into teachings of Scripture that is vastly different. For instance, there are certain things that one Biblical Unitarian believes vs. the other Biblical Unitarian, for information 4Jah2me posted, that Unitarian in question has a vastly different view from me. Or, we can take up our last discussion, for I do not believe in a Romanic practice for good reason, but you openly defend it.

That being said, it all comes down to of WHO, be it group or individual, is applying what the early church has done.

History repeats itself and the battle of the 4th century is still ongoing.

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