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Did you hear warnings about an economic collapse?


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For the last 10 years I saw on Youtube plenty of people warning about a coming economic collapse that would lead to an imfamous New World Order.

Did you too hear about such "conspiracy theories'?

Especially a main component of those theories was that the elite will crush the USA economically to force it to submit to the New World Order. And that the globalist elite will crush the US economy so deep and badly that people will beg for the New World Order to come and fix the economy.


At JWtalk the moderators resisted fiercely a such "conspiracy theory".

But what do you think about the current situation? Is the current situation the fulfillment of those "conspiracy theories"?

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I was expecting a black swan event to break the economy of the world. I did not know what it would be..... but it came.  Corona may have happened accidentally, and how, I am not sure.....there are man

It won’t do it with me, either. That doesn’t mean that I buy into it, but I certainly don’t regard it as too absurd to mention. Did they shoot it down at JWTalk? I’m not surprised. I’ve seen it e

Just for "fun" I did a comparison by flipping through three major cable networks last night while also doing a deep dive into twitter videos from several different perspectives on the issue. CNN

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I was expecting a black swan event to break the economy of the world. I did not know what it would be..... but it came.  Corona may have happened accidentally, and how, I am not sure.....there are many viable conspiracies out there......  but I do know that evil experimentation with nano-technology, viruses and much more has been going on for longer than we (naive ordinary folk)  think.

Although I do not agree with you on literally fleeing to the wilderness and your quirky vision of the bible, I agree with you on this:

These words I am writing now will destroy my credibility with everyone here, but I really have a strong inclination that the wicked will use technology to take over the rulership of the world and do satan's ultimate bidding........ to put everyone in a position ( by oppression)  to choose between jehovah or human rulership (the beast). We will be forced to obey their version of religion of the state which is ultimate immorality, without conscience, and worship of the state (beast).  ...... 

This is satan's ultimate goal: to get everyone to reject jehovahs principles so he can rob you of eternal life. To compromise yourself.  Satan wants everyone to lose everlasting life - like he has. He wants all and everything to be destroyed.  Jehovah knew this: that is why he foresaw that he would have to step into humankind's affairs to save some loyal flesh.

How far it will go, I cannot tell..... but it will be pretty bad because it will have to be proven beyond reasonable doubt that humans cannot rule themselves. The human condition at the height of human discovery will be worse than before the industrial revolution...... because our flaw (sin) brings out the worst form of domination, torture, oppression and degradation.

THULM in Arabic thulaam means total darkness and  injustice.  I think that life will be terrible in future due to the oppression and injustice. The suppression of ALL religion will bring total darkness to peoples lives. The only religion allowed will be worship of the state and its rules. People will search for information about God but it will be suppressed.

Now you know why I have been looking at the king of the north and its philosophy of atheism (spiritistic origins)  and worship of the state.  In Russia it is tolerating orthodoxy for now because orthodoxy is a totally hollow religion of rituals only and a religion of the state. (nationalism)

The super capitalists of the world are all atheists and have been pushing NWO agenda for many years.... they believe it will bring peace and security........   They support the UN's agenda which promotes the Chinese model of oppression of religion and worship of the state. The UN knows it cannot get power if it does not follow the Chinese model....... and all the richest people in the world know this as well. They are working together.

Many small businesses have been permanently broken by this Corona. This means that people's independence from the state is lost........ the UN banks may take over the world problems when the nations give over their autonomy to it......China will also have financial problems after this Corona.

The future will tell........... but what I am thinking is in line with bible teachings - albeit controversial.


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1 hour ago, Arauna said:

Corona may have happened accidentally, and how, I am not sure.....there are many viable conspiracies out there....

It looks like Satan, the ruler of this system of things has effectively directed all this thing. Otherwise I can not understand how all this could have happened. First accidentially the virus infected a worker at the Wohan lab and she disappeared, likely died. And then it spread all over the earth. And then the experts thought that the mortality rate could be as high as 12 percent. As statistics showed from Italy. And then key figures died or nearly died as Boris Johnson, the prime minister of UK. All this so that lockdowns could be put in place, that has crushed the current economic order. And then all over in the West the governments are paying ordinary people compensation, to befriend the people to the big government. And now when the economic damage has been done, research has shown that the death rate is far from 12% or 3,4% as stated by WHO. Instead it is in reality somewhere near 0,26%. 

And that very seldom a person under 70 of age dies from Covid-19.

So, looks like everything that could go wrong has gone wrong. Just insane.


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1 hour ago, Kosonen said:

Just insane.

I used hydroxychloroquine with zink twice. My husband and I found a study on SARS 2.... , which is Covid 19,  I think it was a Chinese study translated in English... can't remember..... but I used it because I have a compromised immunity. I was very sick and it came back two weeks later.

The UN, WHO was controlling the narrative and refused to acknowledge that this protocol works. I was already using it when Trump announced it. After this this medication was not available anywhere..... even for RA patients.

They laughed at people who used it......even though several doctors healed 2 to 3 thousand patients and te9stified to it. (One was an elderly Jewish doctor that went online and gave testimony to its effect.....).  It is still deemed to be fake, news and removed from social media like all other conspiracy information...... So .. yes, I agree, the world is insane. Funeral parlours are saying that all deaths, regardless of the reason of death, are listed as Corona deaths.

This phenomenon is really as strange as the Epstein case...... no logic at all because there are things that are being hidden.  Yet......the majority of people are not questioning any of this...... maybe older ones..... but the new indoctrinated generation just accept what they are told.

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7 hours ago, Arauna said:

These words I am writing now will destroy my credibility with everyone here

It won’t do it with me, either. That doesn’t mean that I buy into it, but I certainly don’t regard it as too absurd to mention.

Did they shoot it down at JWTalk? I’m not surprised. I’ve seen it elsewhere. As though brothers say, “Oh, no—things may be bad, but they’re not that bad.” As though they must prove that they are responsible persons who would never buy into fringe ideas that the “loonies” originate. As though the kings of the earth struggle with the onslaught of the 4 horsemen through valiant and honorable means, and would never stoop to what is underhanded—for they are honorable individuals who realize that the fight must be fair. 

Rather than prove themselves responsible, I think they just prove themselves naive, and when those who shape opinion command that we put no stock in such “conspiracies,” they think it is their part to acquiesce. It is probably just as well that they do not embrace conspiracies because there really are a lot of nut cakes out there and it is impossible to know what is true and what is concocted, but so many appear to think it really is their duty to shoot these things down. 

As for me, when I see the rot of human mismanagement, I assume that I am seeing just the tip of the iceberg. As with an actual tip of an iceberg, there is hardly a way of knowing what lies beneath the surface and so I do not devote much time to it. Unless I really have some relevant knowledge, I don’t go there, and even if I do have some relevant knowledge, I don’t go there much—but very likely whatever there is there is substantial.

If we are to look at things from God’s point of view—that the 6000 year experiment of human rule is permitted so as to demonstrate its failure, then the more spectacularly if fails, the better. “Conspiracy theories” roughly correspond to “each one’s hand will be against his own brother.” I see no reason to insist such things could not happen.

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Revelation 13 v 16 through 18

 It puts under compulsion all people—the small and the great, the rich and the poor, the free and the slaves—that these should be marked on their right hand or on their forehead, 17  and that nobody can buy or sell except a person having the mark, the name of the wild beast or the number of its name. 18  This is where it calls for wisdom: Let the one who has insight calculate the number of the wild beast, for it is a man’s number, and its number is 666.

@Arauna  I think what you have written is very sensible and plausible. How long do you think it would take for all this to happen ?  I was taught that Babylon the Great, the 'world empire of false religion' has to be destroyed before Armageddon. And I would presume that conditions the whole Earth over would need to be bad. However the scriptures talk about it being 'just as in the days of Noah', eating and drinking etc.....  

Something which i mentioned to my wife, and that someone else later mentioned to me, is that, here in the UK at least, there is talk about getting rid of 'real money', just using electronic transfer. This idea makes me feel uneasy as it gives 'them' more control. A government could just freeze a persons bank accounts and basically remove all identity of a person's existence. 

But my question to you Aurana is how long do you think this will all take ? Because God's servants need to increase in their faith and strength, and 'God's organisation' would need to be more united. 

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I shouldn’t. I really shouldn’t. I even promised the elders that I wouldn’t.

But on and on he goes, slapping down @Arauna’s every remark as brainwashed and crazy. And then she posts something that she herself characterizes as just guessing, and he is all ears, wanting her direction so he can weather out the certain coming storm.

I don’t understand some people. I really don’t.

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1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

I shouldn’t. I really shouldn’t. I even promised the elders that I wouldn’t.

But on and on he goes, slapping down @Arauna’s every remark as brainwashed and crazy. And then she posts something that she herself characterizes as just guessing, and he is all ears, wanting her direction so he can weather out the certain coming storm.

I don’t understand some people. I really don’t.

Mr Harley you are a joke. You are a writer of course, so you love having a wild imagination. And you also love being heard, even when you have nothing worthwhile to contribute. So be it, if it makes you happy, but it also makes you look so immature. 

Now concerning @Arauna I am not a fan of her OCD comments that is true. But, when she (or anyone) writes something sensible then it will get the thumbs up from me. As for me, I am not wanting Arauna's 'direction', I simply ask her a question so that she could enlarge on what she had already written. This seems to have cause Mr Harley a problem, Perhaps he wants attention from someone. 

@TrueTomHarley I am not interested whether you understand me or not. In fact I don't expect you to understand me, as I think spiritual thoughts not worldly ones. Whereas you are only here for material for your books it seems. The storm that is coming will affect all those living in those days, but not yet, Tom not yet. 9 years. :) 


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@4Jah2me I guess the mark of the beast will be in place within months. It really looks like it will be connected to tracking peoples health, and if it is ok, in other words Covid-19 free, then you can go out and shop. Other wise you are denied.

I just found the Rockefeller Foundarion's : National Covid-19 Testing Action Plan

It is available as a pdf on this site down under the article:


End of page 17 and forward the pdf says:

"Those screened must be given a unique patient identification number that would link to information   about  a  patient’s  viral,  antibody  and  eventually vaccine status under a system that could easily handshake with other systems to speed the return of normal societal functions. Schools could link this to attendance lists, large office buildings to employee ID cards, TSA to passenger lists and concert and sports venues to ticket purchasers. Such connections should be made in a way that protects personally identifying information whenever possible. For example, accessing the viral and antibody status of an individual can be done by using a cryptographic hash of an individual’s  private  information  without  actually  sending  any personally  revealing  details. This infection database must easily interoperate with doctor, hospital and insurance health records in an essential and urgent national program to finally rationalize  the  disparate  and  sometimes  deliberately isolated  electronic  medical  records  systems  across the country. "

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Wikipedia explains:

The ideal hash function has three main properties:

  1. It is extremely easy to calculate a hash for any given data.

This reminds about Revelation 13:17

Revelation 13:18  "This is where it calls for wisdom: Let the one who has insight calculate the number of the wild beast, for it is a man’s number, and its number is 666."

I do not understand exactly how this would be calculated. But surely someone will have the explanation.

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