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Did you hear warnings about an economic collapse?


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I was expecting a black swan event to break the economy of the world. I did not know what it would be..... but it came.  Corona may have happened accidentally, and how, I am not sure.....there are man

It won’t do it with me, either. That doesn’t mean that I buy into it, but I certainly don’t regard it as too absurd to mention. Did they shoot it down at JWTalk? I’m not surprised. I’ve seen it e

Just for "fun" I did a comparison by flipping through three major cable networks last night while also doing a deep dive into twitter videos from several different perspectives on the issue. CNN

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15 hours ago, Kosonen said:

It looks like Satan, the ruler of this system of things has effectively directed all this thing.

The sentence in the bible which says: Satan will be drawn out, has had me thinking for a long while....... satan is orchestrating this last concert and he has all the super rich, influential, technocrats and world-leaders on the same page.  Bilderburg meetings, DAVOS , G 20 etc etc. 

Satan seems to be openly showing his colours. He is not behind the scenes any longer. He wants to force servants of jehovah to compromise. 

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1 hour ago, 4Jah2me said:

Tom you must be very sad to be so bitter and sarcastic. 

We should never use such a dignified forum as the WorldNewsMedia to go tit for tat


What a piece of work you are!

3 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

even when you have nothing worthwhile to contribute.

What is “worthwhile” is for the moderator to determine. It is the most ridiculous thing for you assume that this forum exists for you to level complaints, and that anything that does not earnestly address your beefs—as though persuasion was possible—is not “worthwhile.”

You state—incredibly—that

3 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

 I think spiritual thoughts not worldly ones.

You’re joking! You would characterize what you put here as ‘spiritual?’ I think even your allies will choke on that one. Petty, mean-spirited, and blistering, maybe. Spiritual? Don’t make the servers crash. Tell me, when you attach laughing emojis, hee-hawing like a donkey, to posts that are not particularly funny from any standpoint—are we to take that as your ‘spirituality’ on display?

And then, compounding all, is your odd seeming insistence that to call someone “a writer” is the greatest insult one man can heap upon another. Well, Rulf, who started this thread, clearly is “a writer,” and that did not demean him in your eyes, did it? You hailed him as Moses descending with the commandments, even without thinking it might be useful to read them first.

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10 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

As for me, when I see the rot of human mismanagement, I assume that I am seeing just the tip of the iceberg.

Yes, I think we are pretty naive about what is going on. Immorality, lies, deceit, covering up, are all tools of satan and just because world leaders look good in a suit and power dressing and speak with forked, educated, double speak, it does not mean that they have a good sense of justice and personal integrity. 

What I see about their open money corruption indicates most are compromised..... and they all know each other. They cover up for each other.

The things happening now in the justice system indicates a loss of judgement regarding good and evil in the highest echelons of society - emulating the wickedness in the time before jehovah sent Juda in exile.

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10 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

underhanded—for they are honorable individuals who realize that the fight must be fair. 

Forget about it.  Wickedness has become evil, destructive.  The gloves are off - no fight is fair any longer - they stoop to any lengths and openly and blatantly lie about each other and the world situation. Critical times.

Just like before the flood, the ordinary folk are getting used to the violence and deceit and just go on with their normal lives and put blinkers on...... and do not attempt to open up the wickedness and suffer the consequences..

Those who try to keep a resemblance of 'fairness' and not calling evil for what it is, is also a form of hypocricy. 

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13 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

am not a fan of her OCD comments that is true.

I do not like them either - so we agree on that!  But at least now we can chat like reasonable people.


You said that Babylon (false religion) will be destroyed and quoted scriptures. Totally agree, it is prophesied. Satan is using false religion at present to get people blinded, to not learn the truth about jehovah and Jesus's ransom. 

Satan already has ideas to replace false RELIGION with one world philosophy that will tolerate immorality...... promote one universal God, whom we all know, in reality is himself.

Jehovah will allow destruction of false religion to happen at the time of His choosing....(he puts it in the ruler's  heart to turn against religion) when the showdown between Jehovah's kingdom and worldly governments  is reaching its eminent phase.  Because I think this new world order will exact exclusive devotion to the state.......  it will be as murderous as China's CCP is now on those who dissent. Satan is a murderer and his cohorts have his qualities - no respect for human life. 

Forced worship of the state - the beast and the immorality it approves. At present we see abortion, LGBTQ, being rammed down our throats, I suspect there is more to come.... they are slowly warming us up to accept wickedness like a frog in a pot on a weak fire. Satan wants every person on the planet morally compromised

15 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:


Yes, I have the same thought. Electronic money can be frozen..... or just disappear from your bank account.... you will then be an outcast, a street person breaking the law when there are curfews. Then you will be rounded up and.....who knows.

I was expecting black swan  event which would cause nations to accept monetary oversight from the UN and a digital monetary system for surveillance.  There are whispers on internet that they want it fully implemented by 2022. Is it possible?  If countries have a severe financial depression it is possible they will accept UN as the solution..... for international  cooperation.

The "image" of the beast is the UN and its coalitions and will become the 8th king for a short while.  The "image" will set world policies - just like it is doing now with Corona.  We know the WHO is corrupt..... the leader was responsible for at least 2 million deaths in Ethiopia (covered up) and is pro-China...... yet only UN recommendations are now allowed on TV for Corona.  Many other recommendations are being removed from social media. It is a good indication of what the future will be under UN (or its equivalent org).  

Agenda 2030 is the UN plan for the next ten years. We can see the ' signs'  of UN rulership that is here - so we know this bible prophecy will soon come into fulfillment.  176 nations signed this agreement. We see the 'sign' but we do not know the day and hour.   The disgusting thing (UN) has to be in the land of decoration (attack the true God's people) for the end to come.

Once most of the world is on a digital money system, control will be complete together with full surveillance and behaviour accreditation (as is in china now - and computer infrastructure already has this capacity ). They can push things on us so fast that 2030 will only be a distant dream. Things can happen rapidly and suddenly.  

Hunger, food shortage, untimely death is on its way...... (depression). How fast things will develop no person can tell..... because under a murderous regime things can turn pretty ugly real fast.  

But, I pray that we are all ready to teach others during this time that is left because NO one will be able to find any words of jehovah when state worship is introduced. All will be banned.


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5 hours ago, Kosonen said:

available as a pdf on this site down under the article:

The things they are planning/ preparing  for defy all logic..... especially for the elderly who grew up in a time of reasonableness, integrity, balance and respect for privacy and human life. 

The things that are coming sound as if it is coming from a scy-fi novel.

The NWO will be more ugly than any person  can  imagine.   The goals of agenda 21 are impractical and will starve large populations just to name one point.


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18 hours ago, Arauna said:

I was already using it when Trump announced it. After this this medication was not available anywhere..... even for RA patients.


This article tells that Trump is taking this medication to stay strong against the Corona virus and that many doctors do the same. Quite interesting.

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12 hours ago, Kosonen said:

Let the one who has insight calculate the number of the wild beast, for it is a man’s number, and its number is 666."

I was reading a chapter this week in an old JW book from  1963. It was about the 666. 

The theme of the bible (in a nutshell) is all about rulership: Jehovahs and satan's.  HUman independence from jehovah's rule and how detrimentally it affects mankind due to human imperfection and satan's rule behind the scenes. Heavenly and earthly disobedience against jehovah and its results.

It further tells us how jehovah will restore mankind to perfection AGAIN by means of his kingdom government under Christ  - who came to redeem us and shine light on how to live in a wicked world. It highlights the restoration of heaven and earth back to perfection under JEHOVAH'S rule.  Eph 1:9 &10

Well, in the book "Babylon the great has fallen"  the seven worldly empires in world history, which have dominated over Jehovahs people, have blasphemous names on each  head of the beast (rebellious names, I guess, against Jehovahs perfect rule) and the entire beast has a name on it which identifies its actions..... not a name ....but a number: 666 - a man's number.

Six hundred and sixty and six in 3 stages. The number 7 appears in Revelation 52 times and always refers to it as a symbol of perfection. Six is a man's number and falls short of 7 (six days is short of a week - another biblical pictures.ie creation week and mosaic week ). Six is therefore a symbol of fallen man's imperfections and shortcomings....... So this beast's human rulerships have brought hardship on mankind.... 

If we multiply the six with the number of the wild beasts horns, it multiplies the imperfection and deficiency ten fold. In the bible the number 3 represents emphasis, when in successive format. Ez 21:27.  So if we raise six to the third and final degree in the wild beasts name, it emphasizes the deficiency of human political organizations - which is symbolized by the entire wild beast under satan's control.  

Just like six is always short of seven day week.... so satan's rule can never bring us the completeness and perfection of Jehovahs rule.  Even in the scientific space age - it will fall short.

I fear we will see the complete wickedness of mankind when they use technology not for good but extremely evil things.  They may even have very good intentions....... but Satan is behind the scenes and he is controlling the strings of those who have godless goals.

The book also indicates that worship of the 'image' of the beast - the political state will be required. The image is the representation of the visible political system.  Since the UN is the image with the name-number on it - we know it is a human image and is bound to fail.

Worship of this 'image' turns humankind's attention away from Jehovahs kingdom.  Those who identify with this image get a mark on their hand and forehead. They mentally consent and approve of imperfect human rulership and lend a hand to imperfect human institutions by giving active cooperation (vote and money contributions etc) to these. They are marked as being in opposition to Jehovahs rule. Babylon the great (false religion) supports the worship of the political beast and its image. 

True christians stick to exclusive devotion of jehovah and his kingdom as the only hope for mankind. They will face pressure from this beast to worship the image/ the final king 8th king....... 

Some believe that the ID 2020 project is Satan's mark on the hand but we know that the mark of the beast is 'worship' of the human political system to bring peace and security to humankind........ it is not a literal mark or chip (although close). Many may refuse the chip but still support the political system or rebel against some part of it instead of remaining neutral.

The only time Jehovahs people will refuse to obey is when they compromise our moral integrity and our exclusive devotion to jehovah and our hope in his future government.


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@Kosonen I've pointed this out a few times on this forums. It was bound to happen because the Powers that Be will always be seeking power.

Among Truthers, there ARE conspiracy theorist, but real Truthers are not these types.

The mark of the beats... Corruption, Nationalism, Patriotism, etc. The people admire the beast, they kiss it's feet, they lay down with it, feed it, give it power, and seek it's help. The people do not have a level of obeying government, they submit to it FULLY even if it kills them.

This is the same beast that killed Serena and countless of others, they even kill their own no matter how sadistic the person is, granted his knowing of high profile people, his death was a must. Truthers will prevail and continue to speak truth.

As for the other bit:

On 5/31/2020 at 12:18 AM, Kosonen said:


This article tells that Trump is taking this medication to stay strong against the Corona virus and that many doctors do the same. Quite interesting.

Granted I am not in favor of any form of drug, hence how I operate, I have never taken medication in my life for I prefer all things natural and longevity, slowing down ailments, being a bit more resistant to sicknesses, etc. since my childhood and onward.

The thing is, it takes time to strengthen the immunity system, make it stronger, however, rushing into it will not do much for anyone especially during a pandemic. These things take time, and by use of this time, you can do what is needed, however every race, age, sex is different as with the level of health the person is in, so it various, a sad reality is, for some it is a bit too late.

It is also wise to be very knowledgeable in combating a nouvel enemy.

That being said, when you are 28, but physically and within you feel and or move as if 19-20, is among several things concerning longevity due to methods I have put into application,a s is with some I tweaked from time to time.

As for medication, that is up to the person to partake or not, others prefer to go the non-drug route.

If I may suggest, I would say look into Avocados, among the many things rich in Zinc.

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