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Riots all over USA


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That was fast. Suddenly massive riots all over USA. I am just thinking is this the final sword stroke to one of the heads of the sevenheaded beast before the empowerment of the sevenheaded beast in Revelation 13?

In connection to Trump's election about 3 years ago there were a lot of talks about expected massive riots against Trump, allegedly organized by Soros. But that did not materialize. 

I was expecting that to happen to fulfill the prophecy about the "sword-stroke" to one of the heads of the sevenheaded beast. 

But maybe it is now happening? It came so suddenly.

Revelation 13:3  I saw that one of its heads seemed to have been fatally wounded, but its mortal wound had been healed, and all the earth followed the wild beast with admiration. 4  And they worshipped the dragon because it gave the authority to the wild beast, and they worshipped the wild beast with the words: “Who is like the wild beast, and who can do battle with it?”

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The entire world order changed after WW1. This Anglo - world power already received its heavy wound by the sword ( war)  and it was healed......(ww1) after USA joined WW1. The Anglo-American world pow

Antifa is active there. Racial hatred is being pushed by many front organizations which receive funding from "foundations".  It is leading to anarchy...... so troops must step in to keep peace and UN

The UN has a hand in both political parties as is with religious and educational institutions and the like that are part of their movement 100%, i.e. Kairos Movement, PEAK, Together, etc. granted this

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3 hours ago, Kosonen said:

one of its heads seemed to have been fatally wounded, but its mortal wound had been healed, and all the earth followed the wild beast with admiration

The entire world order changed after WW1. This Anglo - world power already received its heavy wound by the sword ( war)  and it was healed......(ww1) after USA joined WW1. The Anglo-American world power emerged from WW1 as the 2-horned beast  with a new role in the world. The world has been following it in admiration ever  since then. USA has been trying to institute democracy in many countries via money bribes, promises and even wars. A good example is China.  They really believed that if China tastes capitalism they would turn democratic...... but instead they have built a communist empire with capitalist features...... using money to build the CCP government into a stronger position. 






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4 hours ago, Kosonen said:

Suddenly massive riots all over USA. I

Antifa is active there. Racial hatred is being pushed by many front organizations which receive funding from "foundations".  It is leading to anarchy...... so troops must step in to keep peace and UN may have reason to send UN troops to help....You are right the programmed masses (via propaganda) are acting according to plan and it is happening faster than anyone can imagine.

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2 hours ago, Arauna said:

troops must step in to keep peace and UN may have reason to send UN troops to help.

The reality shows finally that the beasts in Revelation 13 are not about UN. The latest confirmation is that USA just a few days ago ended its ties with WHO. And WHO is as explained at Wikipedia: 

'The World Health Organization is a specialized agency of the United Nations responsible for international public health."

Instead there is a serious effort to empower G20. And they want to do that temporally. Just to set in place a new financial system that tracks everything. They say they need 3 years for that. I can only see that UN can be empowered after that.

So first the sevenheaded beast has to be empowered for 42 months. And only after that the UN can get the power.



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@Kosonen Tis but a branch, not the tree. But as stated in regards to tensions a year or two ago, what did you expect? The triad of all things problematic makes it an even bigger issue.

Regarding the UN, as most would point out, it is still the beast. Their conquest for security is still ongoing, and you may not see them, but there involvement is subtle.

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5 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

The riots will calm down in a few days. And over here in the United States, the UN wouldn't be allowed to come in to try to restore order. We have the National Guard for that.

Not exactly, this is far different although wearing a mask of the past. The UN does have some involvement, do you not recall what they tried to do regarding Charlottesville? Just because you do not see the United Nations, do not be fooled, for they are like that of the unknown and dangerous man who you spot in the ally, unpredictable, and very subtle with their moves. It is also obvious when you have the rights and freedoms as is with the amendments being shifted in turn of more authoritarian measures.

The UN and all it's branches wants this stuff so they can put their hands and make some change and or action. There will never be a Normal after this when you have armed protesters vs. an armed house owner, enemies into friends, friends into enemies type situation.

Remember - There is a faction that has a conquest for peace, and the other for security.

I am very adamant about this stuff, and among all things and I view it strongly.

That being said, these riots is no longer about the death of Floyd, for it has left that train a long time ago as the silly MSM toots the blow horn of racisim to put more logs into the fire.


The National Guard are put pieces on the chess board, as is with the US military and the economical global mafia as the truthers call it.

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24 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

Not exactly, this is far different although wearing a mask of the past. The UN does have some involvement, do you not recall what they tried to do regarding Charlottesville? Just because you do not see the United Nations, do not be fooled, for they are like that of the unknown and dangerous man who you spot in the ally, unpredictable, and very subtle with their moves. It is also obvious when you have the rights and freedoms as is with the amendments being shifted in turn of more authoritarian measures.

The UN and all it's branches wants this stuff so they can put their hands and make some change and or action. There will never be a Normal after this when you have armed protesters vs. an armed house owner, enemies into friends, friends into enemies type situation.

Remember - There is a faction that has a conquest for peace, and the other for security.

I am very adamant about this stuff, and among all things and I view it strongly.

That being said, these riots is no longer about the death of Floyd, for it has left that train a long time ago as the silly MSM toots the blow horn of racisim to put more logs into the fire.


The National Guard are put pieces on the chess board, as is with the US military and the economical global mafia as the truthers call it.

Ah, I see, and I get it, the democrats are practicing socialism to see how it goes. I'm not familiar with the UN and Charlottesville connection...please inform me.

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2 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

Ah, I see, and I get it, the democrats are practicing socialism to see how it goes. I'm not familiar with the UN and Charlottesville connection...please inform me.

The UN has a hand in both political parties as is with religious and educational institutions and the like that are part of their movement 100%, i.e. Kairos Movement, PEAK, Together, etc. granted this connection is to bring forth both peace and security.

Regarding Charlottesville, after the chaos that went about regarding a crowded Unite the Right protest where white supremacy members were involved, as is, with the tragic death of a young woman named Heather Danielle Heyer. I mentioned this a couple of times because some of us are aware of how the United Nations operate in full force, some to which both me and JTR understood and even discussion on whereas others such as Witness was unaware of what the UN resolutions are and how they operate from the 1900s and onward. Going back to the case of Unite the Right, after Heyer's death, they used her as a martyr to further spark racial tension and anarchy, granted during that time, the protesting was not as high level such as the one today and it died down. After the event The United Nations took this opportunity to speak of a totalitarian based narrative in order to control the people, in addition to that, they began to focus their attention on the 1st amendment, which if they had their way, you, me and even the JWs here will have a lot of trouble from that point onward. The actions of the UN resulted in a lot of angry people, and due to this, they had to step back a bit. The UN only moves in as the heat of tension begins to rise, either in the US and or elsewhere in the world, for instance, because of them, we almost had a lot of trouble with the Syrians.

As of present day, as stated, their movement is subtle, but their motive is still the same, even one of it's still connected members, Nikki Haley, had said something ridiculous the other day, and her words is an example of increased violence and chaos, should you question her about the comment, she has no answer for it, as is with her past statements, for she honestly believes this is the right path.

It is one of the reasons, I said a while back that... No one likes the United Nations and those that do are supporting them, even going as far as to seek sponsors from them. As well as: Those in the conquest of Peace and the other faction in the conquest for Security is a MAJOR THREAT to real faithful God fearing Christians - be on your guard whereas on the other side of the spectrum, there is brutality and violence.... The UN and connected allies who are on their side are on the Conquest of Security. Which was evident with their members in the past, examples such as Nikki Haley.

That being said, a lot of Christians are aware, especially what went down with those in connection such as Kairos in Washington DC, and parts of the US. We are not fooled, and to be fooled by such only enables you to be devoured by such an enemy.

This is why it is critical, very critical with absolute certainty for Christians to know who their real enemy is. As much as I disagree with pagan practices and the Triune doctrine, I do not wish such an enemy even against those I refute, for this enemy can bring quite the damnation upon an individual and or group.

The rabbit hole is even deeper, too much to explain here, but this is just but a peddle on the surface as of now. With that in mind, I suggest paying attention, otherwise you can easily, without knowing slip into the hands of this enemy, such as many out there, even people who profess God and his Christ become victim quite swiftly.

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On 5/31/2020 at 4:58 AM, Arauna said:

Antifa is active there. Racial hatred is being pushed by many front organizations which receive funding from "foundations".  It is leading to anarchy...... so troops must step in to keep peace and UN may have reason to send UN troops to help....You are right the programmed masses (via propaganda) are acting according to plan and it is happening faster than anyone can imagine.

They've been releasing some ANTIFA members lately, and the oddity of stack bricks in some locations, which confuses me. My legitimate adversary is BAMN for good reason too, this group is similar to ANTIFA. The so called head of this group is one I've actually briefly confronted in the past, her name is Yvette Felarca. Although defeated, her influenced is still present among these crazed groups.

The people will be damned if the UN steps up again, for you have people like Haley reacting to the madness and others, they will use this opportunity to take action just like they did with the sex slaves, with Heyer, Syria, etc.

It's also gotten to the point whereas the NG is stated to have shot someone, vice versa, people have been brutally injured and or killed.

That being said, as already pointed out, this is no longer about George Floyd, and the increased tension only enables the power that people to slowly formulate and take action, with the UN peeping it's head from around the corner.

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On 5/31/2020 at 3:32 PM, Kosonen said:

shows finally that the beasts in Revelation 13 are not about UN

They are not the UN. The beast in rev 13 looks like the consecutive beasts in Daniel 7 & 8 which describes the babylonian, Persian, Greek and Roman empires. It is the world political system. 

The "image " of the beast is the UN (a scarlet beast which looks exactly like the seven headed beast). It later becomes  the 8th king for short while.

The beast heads are the world powers (political system) which ruled throughout history over gods people -  so we know where we are in the  stream of time.  Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome with its little British horn speaking big things which  later formed the next empire, AND the seventh head of beast - Anglo-American world power. 7 heads and ten horns - count them. Now the iron and clay is so acrimonius nothing is sticking together.  Daniel 2 from verse 43.

Now the King of North will do its thing..... (Daniel 11 from verse 36) .. and  "the "image of the beast". They seem to be growing together now into a powerful combo to bring the final world saga of bad human rulership under satans control.

The Anglo-American will still exist (but not have the power it had before) when the end comes.

The ' image of the beast ' will rule or give orders for a short time.  It has features of all the other empires that ruled before it because those countries are members of it now. 

An ' image"  is a reflection of all governments. This means it is an organization which reflects the decisions made by all  its members.  The UN - or an organization like it- will be giving the world instructions or policies to follow.  All members vote on its policies in so-called democracy so  it is majority rule ( the countries with more power and form voting blocks get their policies through). 

This is why I have been watching the UN and its membership and the documents that have been endorsed by 176 (sometimes almost 200 nations). I agree it is a very dysfunctional organization (it is macabre) but it seems the world and its leaders really look up to it to lead them to peace and security.

All the super rich have charitable foundations which do not pay tax in their own countries. They give their money to UN or charitable organizations /lobby   to put people in place in the UN and in local governments where their goals of agenda 21 are promoted.

The super rich support it with money because the super rich combined (they work together)  have more money than most governments.  Some of the super rich work with China and Qatar. Qatar is so extreme that other Islamic countries do not like it.  All this is breaking down the autonomy of powerful countries to eventually get them to bow to the world goals of UN. (Trump is ruling by executive order  ......which can be reversed when the next lot come in  and congress/regress is now  a farcicle diversion).

The UN loves China - despite its growing  totalitarian attitude-  which is more like Hitler's stance before WW2. Before WW2 there was also a trade "pushing" (embargoes etc) , an economic "pushing ". Yes we are in dangerous times and subversion and undermining is going on at super level. We already have threat of war as Chinese are oppressing many peoples. Tibet- like situation developing at India-border, Taiwan, Hong Kong etc.

1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

for Security is a MAJOR THREAT to the faithful 

How right you are! They will turn against religion as prophesied. This is an atheist organization with totalitarian tendencies..... it believes in control. It also believes in materialism........ to take away property rights, government autonomy and individual autonomy  and to replace it with a world-wide federal government which will divide wealth and bring equality of outcome to all. The collective well-being is more important than the individual's well-being.  Analyze the impact of UN agenda 21, agenda 2030 and migrant compact 2018 and you will see. At superficial level it looks innocent enough but it has a very dark side when fully implemented.

On 5/31/2020 at 3:32 PM, Kosonen said:

there is a serious effort to empower G20. And

The DAVOS, G20 all have same goals as UN...... How it will play out, no-one can tell but I doubt the G20 will be accepted by smaller countries of the world to rule because they feel they are not represented in it. It must be an organization with more equal representation...... that is why my money is still on the UN as the ' "image' of the beast........ and read revelation 17:11.  If you read carefully it looks exactly like the seven headed beast but is  an ' image ' of the beast and scarlet in color!  The "image" of the beast went into an abyss and then came out.  This fits the UN which was the League of Nations after WW1, went into the abyss at start of WW2.....and then came back out again as UN,  after WW2........ it has a spiritistic agenda but I will not go into that now ....... but it is scarlet....... Will it have the blood of many, many lives on its hands?

When it becomes the eighth king it may have some re-organization or get a new functional name such as new world order ????  Who will know?  Time will tell. 

2 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

UN has a hand in both political parties as is with religious and educational institutions and

Well put. UN has people in all political parties which towards world peace and security under one government. They have bought into the propaganda. Rev 16: 14 - 16 the propaganda includes kings, high officials, slaves etc.

  UN is calling shots on education and the indoctrination of our children at a young age to accept a NWO, collective responsibility, and a new morality as directed by UN policy.

2 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

for this enemy can bring quite the damnation upon an individual and or group.

As I indicated before, this NWO will not tolerate religion of any kind, only worship of itself.  Satan wants to compromise all Christian's and all other people to not be eligible for everlasting life.  Immorality and worship of the state......... mark of the beast disqualifies one for approval by jehovah. 

3 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

That being said, as already pointed out, this is no longer about George Floyd, and the increased tension only enables the power that people to slowly formulate and take action, with the UN peeping it's head from around the corner.

These people want revolution, cultural and equality revolution..... look to their backgrounds and you will see the influence.  They want a new world order. For this everything in current order must be destroyed. They do not believe in God, hence the new world philosophy makes sense to them and they are bolchevist in their goal.  Violence is a means to an end. I saw this in south Africa when I lived there.  They buss them into other areas to create anarchy. 

We are living in rapidly changing times...... one can try to make sense of it by looking to the bible.  This is where our comfort lies as we already know the outcome.  When one knows the outcome, one can start to identify some if the steps leading thereto. 

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