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Revelation 5:9,10 - "On the Earth" vs. "Over the Earth"

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4 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

That said, it proves the point that you cannot rely on the Bible alone regarding analyzing verses,

#8e44ad">Amazing idea you display. I am not so religious as you, but your statement showed lack of faith in Bible itself, and in spirit behind the book. Because many Christians would say how Bible words are sufficient for salvation, for understand God, for follow Jesus etc. :))))) You are amazing! So much efforts and energy and tone of words you using to show how few people here are wrong about something and now at the end of this show you said how people cannot rely on the Bible alone regarding analyzing verses.

#8e44ad">Your friends in JW Church will be disappointed with you if they notice what you put in comment. Your loving WTJWorg would say how Bible alone explaining itself. You and them are in a disagreement about this issue, and by that you can't support each other in anything at all. ........but.......

#8e44ad">On other hand WTJWorg supporting your idea on this with one crucial detail. WTJWorg GB said how reading Bible alone is not enough. They said how people need GB members and their Helpers for giving explanations about meaning of Bible text. In this you and them supporting idea how God's spirit means nothing. Is this blasphemy? :)))

#8e44ad">Oh how nice is to see so much religious people who fanatically fights for own versions of faith. I understand need and positive side when someone firmly standing for what he believe is true. But, what we have here or elsewhere  on forums is intellectually/emotionally colored about theories at the end of a day. We all need more to be active in normal helping activity for helping each other, (giving water and bread) and less about this.

#8e44ad">PS   I#8e44ad"> enjoyed while reading correspondence between you and your friends on another forum. Learned about you through their words. And they answered me on questions you did not want to answer when i asked you :)))))  

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Lol he must have got all the responses from the watchtower, only the watchtower bible translation is correct without any errors... According Space M. 

Daniel 29:30 says a kingdom will rule OVER the earth: But after you another kingdom will rise,  inferior to you; then another kingdom, a third one, of copper, that will rule over the whole earth.

Because it suits their ideology and also because the translators of the NWT werent scholars.

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9 hours ago, Witness said:

You did it just fine.  :)   It was simple, wasn't it.  We all have access to the JW website, including you.  I honestly don't have the foggiest idea how the doctrine of the trinity got involved, because I don't read all that you carry on about.

Clearly not. I had told you guys to prove it, for if you had gone to the website to quote them, you would have quoted it clearly, which was something I had to do because when asked, you lot could not.

The Trinity was involved because as stated, there is only 2 views regarding this verse, the opposite is dealing with the Trinity. I mentioned them because you stated, as is with the others, that there is the view of JWs differ, but that is not the case, as they pointed out the authority and or rulership of the Chosen Ones who will reign with the Christ from the Heavenly Kingdom. The Trinity Doctrine consist of something vastly different from the Non-Trinitarian view, hence the notion of 2 views, 2 viewpoints.

Well you could have read "prove it" clearly, but you did not want to quote them, nor did you quote Biblehub, Bible Gateway and or the other sources elsewhere, including one I sneak in that cam from an religious critic, to which, you fell for it, thus proving points I made in the past.

9 hours ago, Witness said:

I stated my case using scriptures against WT's doctrine that 144,000 will not step foot on the earth in the Kingdom of God.  We have all stated our case, including you.


According to them, the Chosen Ones are to rule over the inhabitants on the earth while in the Heavenly Kingdom. Their position is associated with authority and rulership, as is, with Jesus' Kingship, for as I recall, you watered that down in the past. The context is as clear as day and it is baffling as an alleged Chosen One can even see that tree of truth standing in green plains.

That being said, you basically went brief and moved around the verse.

I have stated my case, from commentary to Strong's to the Bible, even marginal references to which the latter deemed incorrect, for all references point to Revelations 5:10, as is, with the Heavenly Kingdom. For if my points were indeed wrong, it would not stop you lot from pointing it out, granted every point made has a sourceful backing that is focused on the verse in question, not going around it.

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7 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

#8e44ad">Amazing idea you display. I am not so religious as you, but your statement showed lack of faith in Bible itself, and in spirit behind the book. Because many Christians would say how Bible words are sufficient for salvation, for understand God, for follow Jesus etc. :))))) You are amazing! So much efforts and energy and tone of words you using to show how few people here are wrong about something and now at the end of this show you said how people cannot rely on the Bible alone regarding analyzing verses.

Lack of Faith? The fact that I agree with the Bible that tells us the authority position of the Chosen Ones? Conveying what is true is from the Scriptures, not ideas of my own, but I'd like to see you prove it, but with every instance I say this, you dodge because there is nothing of you to be deemed as truth, but rather, unfounded.

Many Christians? Not every Christian believes in permanent salvation. Not every Christian believes in once saved always saved. The idea you spout, Srecko, is of mainstream Christendom. The Bible tells us clearly that Salvation can be gained, as is with it being lost. Jude, a slave of Jesus Christ, the brother of James, states that when it comes to maintaining one's faith, one's path of salvation, it is a hard fight. Salvation is not something permanent, more or less, it is like a component to the muscle you work out every day, one's faith.

I told you before, I am strict, and I am a debater I came from that comment and this section of the forum, to me, is still seen as controversial posts as to the notion stated, at the time, you can be tested and or challenged. When it comes to Bible defense, that is where I am at most serious, and even more when I am applying 1 John 4:1, which is the last thing you want used against you, in a discussion.

7 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

#8e44ad">Your friends in JW Church will be disappointed with you if they notice what you put in comment. Your loving WTJWorg would say how Bible alone explaining itself. You and them are in a disagreement about this issue, and by that you can't support each other in anything at all. ........but.......

Again, you keep throwing Jehovah's Witnesses in there like it is the Ace in your deck. Again, even without Jehovah's Witnesses, even without the Watchtower, what I have pointed out, granted everything I stated HAS A SOURCE CONNECTED TO IT, is correct. More so, even scholarly and commentary notes point to the same conclusion.

The Bible is God's Word, we are to not just read it, we are to understand what God is telling us through his word, so there is no question as to what Revelations 5:10 is conveying here, even Christians elsewhere agree to the same thing, as is, with even some former JWs also pointing this out.

How is there a disagreement of the authority and rulership of the Chosen Ones, along with the Christ, rule over the inhabitants on the earth from God's Heavenly Kingdom? All Non-Trinitarians believe in the same thing. Explain yourself.

7 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

#8e44ad">On other hand WTJWorg supporting your idea on this with one crucial detail. WTJWorg GB said how reading Bible alone is not enough. They said how people need GB members and their Helpers for giving explanations about meaning of Bible text. In this you and them supporting idea how God's spirit means nothing. Is this blasphemy? :)))

These are not my ideas, as you claim, that statement alone proves your ignorance. The Bible is not wrong either. Willful ignorance on your part, granted you claim the latter as to create their own view, but cannot back up your claim.

Reading isn't enough, you are to study it, to meditate on it, recite, even continue to learn and grow from it. I compare faith to a muscle, the Bible and all things connected to it can be seen as the protein, in this sense. Protein as is with Protein Synthesis enables growth for the average bodybuilder or powerlifter, in this same regard, a Christian builds the muscle, their faith, using the Bible. There is no end to Biblical Knowledge for we do this on the daily.

Granted their leaders are the application of the Faithful Servant notion, their position is in regards to spiritual food and milk to the adherents, is it not? You yourself stated this in the past, even 4Jah2me said this many times, why is it now you go over what you said?

Can you show me as to where I made claim to God's Spirit being nothing? This is a strong case granted I take issue with those who speak otherwise of God's holy spirit.

Because  I have evidence of you in this regard, many, and I can link the threads, cite the quotes, as is with the ridiculous ones you spouted in the past. I invite you to prove that statement - God is my witness in this regard, so let's see it.

7 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

#8e44ad" data-hashtag="8e44ad" data-hashtag-id="157">#8e44ad">Oh how nice is to see so much religious people who fanatically fights for own versions of faith. I understand need and positive side when someone firmly standing for what he believe is true. But, what we have here or elsewhere  on forums is intellectually/emotionally colored about theories at the end of a day. We all need more to be active in normal helping activity for helping each other, (giving water and bread) and less about this.

No one is fighting for "their version of faith" just as no one is fighting you for "your acceptance of organ changes that befits what God hates the most", granted I am surprised you do not own a Pink Bible yet.

The focus here is Revelations 5:10 in terms of Concordance and the context of the verse in of itself that primarily focuses on the Christ and the heirs. Deviation again on your part, for granted the view of the verse.

Theories? You think this is a theory? Dense as a stone you are for thinking such, I hate conspiracy very much, you know this! What to expect from a man who tried to convince me that inanimate objects can speak....

Well that is the point, I have been helping you, as is with others, Greek Language forms and Strong's in the past, I even told you to look into it, some of you tried, even Witness, but continue to fail at it, to which I then encouraged to learn the basics. But here we are, Mushroom Kingdom World 1-1, from the beginning, and yet again, you express and show the fact that you are incapable of learning.

even if the truth is in front of you, from non-JW sources that state the same thing, even sneaky quotes from scholar notes and commentary, but still, it is not enough. Granted what is stated is 100% true, you do not want to accept it because the JWs believe it too, granted the view in question held predates them even.

7 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

#8e44ad">PS   I#8e44ad"> enjoyed while reading correspondence between you and your friends on another forum. Learned about you through their words. And they answered me on questions you did not want to answer when i asked you :)))))  

What they said was exactly the same thing I said. The first one, she linked her sources, as with sources from the Jehovah's Witnesses, the other pointed out sources from even Former Jehovah's Witnesses, that, in turn, state the same thing I have said, to which I will cite them later.

That being said, looks like I did not need to have Batman level of detective work to expose you, because you just exposed yourself with this statement alone, and it shows you did not see the response in the email that pointed out that the view is identical with the JWs.

Yes, just as I was right, in regards to them, and the following responses, they are right as well. They are randoms whom I had credited in the past, as is with the others. Regardless, we are of the same community of Bible readers. Granted the SE is a large place.

The irony, I take it the latter did not favor you this time because that notion. And of course, you don't like it, but I don't care, another one in the books for "Biblical Facts", this time regarding Strong's (context as well because of the whole notion you and Witness believed in churches and church leadership in Ancient Israel and the like)

You just made my old statement more relevant now

On 11/15/2018 at 4:18 PM, Space Merchant said:

check thyself before you wreckth thyself


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When I switched on my computer today i had around 20 comments up there. So I haven't yet read them all.

However, I would ask people to go back to the VERY TOP of the page, and to look at my very first comment, which started this topic. 

SM is making so many claims against me that I have to laugh at him or I would become annoyed. 

My first comment was a question as to why the GB / CCJW used over rather than on. 

SM, IT WAS A QUESTION. It was not a statement. Are you non English speaking ? Do you have to translate every thing I write ? Because you seem to have the wrong idea of everything I say. 

For instance, you pretend that I do not know that the Kingdom is in heaven.  Show me then where i have stated that the Kingdom is not in heaven. Give proof of your accusation. 

@Witness  Offered an explanation of the Bride of Christ being able to 'work' between heaven and earth.

Now we do know that Jesus was resurrected as a spirit, but he took on human form many times to appear to his disciples. Even showing his hands to Thomas that had doubted. 

So, this shows the possibility of spirit / human transfer. Angels also have appeared in human form. 

Why would the GB / CCJW want to show the Body of Christ as only being in heaven ?

Because they want to promote the human Elders as being Princes here on Earth. By doing so they can give more 'power' to the Elders and ignore the Anointed ones. 

Wicked slave beating their fellow slaves. 

I do hope that people will begin to understand that i often write QUESTIONS.  Those questions are not statements. SM does not seem to be able to understand this fact. 


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Just to add that what other HUMANS think of me is of little consequence.

We can expect to suffer insults and possibly worse, as we are Christians seeking truth from God through Christ.

Jesus was, counted amongst thieves, called a drunkard, called a glutton, and suffered death by torture.

Do you not think then that any follower of Christ should expect less ?

My Faith keeps me strong and I ask ONLY God's forgiveness through Christ.  I do not fear 'man'.



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However, I would ask people to go back to the VERY TOP of the page, and to look at my very first comment, which started this topic. 

We have gone to the top, and the focus was on both the wording, reasons why Strong’s concordances and translations was brought up. As well as the context, as to, what the verse is conveying, what it is trying to tell us.

SM is making so many claims against me that I have to laugh at him or I would become annoyed. 

You can laugh all you want, but it will not cover the fact you tried to perceive the latter as believing something different, when the view of Non-Trinitarians concerning the King and the heirs are the same for a very long time.

They say debates and discussions of critical mater if a man laughs at this he cannot prove or follow up and or back up what he is conveying, he is in the wrong. I admire your laughing because it just proves the point even more. The Christian I PM’d mentioned Ben Shapiro, to his credit, whenever his facts are solid, the latter cannot refute the facts and will, as I told Srecko, dodge and or tap dance around it.

I care about the truth, and I am sure you do as well, but the fact is associated with the latter faith, despite evidence proving that Non-Trinitarianism share this view equally, you sate it is incorrect and a different view, granted, the evidence says otherwise, even by the faith in question’s own playground, their website.

My first comment was a question as to why the GB / CCJW used over rather than on.

Because in regards The Strong’s Concordance and context, the wording is correct, there is no error or incorrection and or a show of shifting the view into something else. ”Epi” is used correctly granted there was no change to G#1909. That is the reason you see some translations with the wording “upon, above, on, over, etc.” The context never changes, granted the wording.

SM, IT WAS A QUESTION. It was not a statement.

The question has been answered, than the notion of context was given when you pointed out that the view is different from the legitimate view.

Are you non English speaking ?

If I did not speak English you would not be able to see what is conveyed here, don’t be silly.

Do you have to translate every thing I write ?

As everyone here knows, I make a response to a response. Especially when I take the issue of Textual Criticism and Strong’s seriously, equal to that of context of Scripture itself. I told you this a while back and you attest to that point, what did you expect? This is no different than those who tried to shift the narrative of earl church fathers.

Because you seem to have the wrong idea of everything I say.

According to what was said, I do not. You address and see the wording as incorrect, but evidence and sources says otherwise. You address the view of the latter is different, but granted it is known they are Non-Trinitarian, the view is the majority compared to the Trinitarian view. There is only 2 and has been this way for an exceptionally long time. That being said, not too long ago you can see the folly of the KJV-Onlyist and troop elsewhere, their view differs from the Non-Trinitarian view, which is equate to that of the Jehovah’s Witnesses. There is scholarly notes I would gladly quote if need be which further thickens the truth of the matter regarding Revelations 5:10.

For instance, you pretend that I do not know that the Kingdom is in heaven.  Show me then where i have stated that the Kingdom is not in heaven. Give proof of your accusation.

When I made the points, even from the sources, you are saying I am not understanding properly, granted you hinted at the term “over the earth”, after saying this you stated in question regarding the Chosen Ones position to be on earth, to which I had addressed the following below in response, which In turn to that remark is incorrect, thus solidifies your own confusion when the verse conveys context.

You do realize that God's Kingdom is in heaven - right?

God rule will be over the earth from HIS heavenly realm (Revelation 11:15), This is why the Bible calls, in 2 Timothy 4:18, The Heavenly Kingdom.

God's King will rule from God's Kingdom, and is accompanied by the chosen ones. They govern all things on the earth. The key element here is this: not the area, but the authority which they exercise.

You even stated that my claims are incorrect. Granted the context is very clear regarding Revelations 5:10, which points out that those with authority, having been given the role of reigning reside in the heavenly Kingdom, in the heavens. Their rule is over the inhabitants who are on the earth itself. For we know where they are, but verse 10 expresses authority and rulership, and solely that, hence the context.

For if that was the case in your regard, you’d understand the context of Revelations 5:10 way before context and viewpoint was called into question.

@Witness  Offered an explanation of the Bride of Christ being able to 'work' between heaven and earth.

We can see Witness’ comment, but the focus here is the position of the Chosen Ones in the heavenly Kingdom itself, their role. But you and Witness stated the viewpoint is entirely different from the core teaching, but as can be seen, going to the view of Jehovah’s Witnesses, they believe the same thing, in fact, majority of Non-Trinitarianism who predate them by a multitude of years, believe this too. To say the view is different is a bold claim, granted the secondary view correlates with Trinitarianism, for the concept changes when the notion of Jesus being God, changes it entirely.

Now we do know that Jesus was resurrected as a spirit, but he took on human form many times to appear to his disciples. Even showing his hands to Thomas that had doubted. 

What does this have to do with Revelations 5:10? Again, focus on the subject matter. This is elementary Scripture knowledge, JB.

So, this shows the possibility of spirit / human transfer. Angels also have appeared in human form.

Spirits materialized bodies, this can be said of Angels as well. The context of Scripture also expressed the Fallen Ones as well, having harbored the ability to do so until losing God’s presence when deemed Demons. Again, what does this have to do with Revelations 5:10?

Why would the GB / CCJW want to show the Body of Christ as only being in heaven ?

Unfortunately, this is not the teaching of Jehovah’s Witnesses only. The Bible tells us as to the position of the heirs, as is the location. I told you this, but you laughed it off and flat out ignored this, hence the reason I stated you know where God’s heavenly Kingdom is located a second time. As all sources point: the marginal references, even in every translation tells you that the Chosen Ones, who are within the Body of the Christ, will be in heaven with the Christ.

Because they want to promote the human Elders as being Princes here on Earth. By doing so they can give more 'power' to the Elders and ignore the Anointed ones. 

What are you talking about? Stay focused on the Chosen Ones, Christians who make up the inhabitants of the earth is a whole other subject. You started with Revelations 5:9, 10, did you not? Those on the earth cannot have more power than the ones deem a co-ruler, a judge, or a King within God’s Kingdom. That said, take King David being the King of Judah, him being a King does not negate and or equate to the fact that Jesus and or any of the co-rulers being King of God’s Kingdom.

Wicked slave beating their fellow slaves. 


I do hope that people will begin to understand that i often write QUESTIONS.

But in this thread alone you also offered claim after claim after claim. Why else you have not just the people here correcting you, but the sources themselves too? Even Srecko can now see that granted the facts.

Those questions are not statements.

But you brought forth claims, you should have stuck with the questions, and even if not here, Biblehub could have easily answered everything for you, but as stated, you through in claims. Not to mention you attempted to use the modern English understanding to discern something, which is not the best idea for anyone, even an honest Bible reader. Even former JWs who read into Strong’s and Scriptural Context under this.

SM does not seem to be able to understand this fact.

Are you sure? The evidence lays before us, JB.

 As for the later remarks:

4 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

Just to add that what other HUMANS think of me is of little consequence.

These are God fearing Christians, they do not like your exegesis, but at the same time, several of them, in this regarded, prayed for your soul. It is a consequence, for as I had told Witness in the past, several times, a small exegesis that is practically out of context can shift one into believing and or teaching something that is not the core teaching. An example of this is Witness attempted to explain Strong's of a verse, not realizing that she deemed God, your Father, to enlist the help of Satan aka The Destroyer. A second time, she pointed out errors concerning God's Order, as is the notion of Abaddon, as is with New Agism. Small things like that is not only problematic, but, if taught to someone else, they can indirectly believe this as truth. I did not have to do much for her audience showed their responses, to which I quoted in the past.

That being said, it should worry you, is it not right for you to adhere to truth and or speak it? You do not have to be a Jehovah's Witness to realize that, but it would seem the myth is true, that majority of former Jehovah's Witnesses make up the percentage of those in the US/UK in knowing what the Bible teaches, outside of the realm of basics.

4 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

We can expect to suffer insults and possibly worse, as we are Christians seeking truth from God through Christ.

Christians can be lukewarm, misguided, and speak things that does not line up with Scripture and or fall short of core teachings - at the same time, still claim to be Christian. The truth is, some are under this notion unknowingly, God knows their hearts, therefore deeming everyone guilty is absurd, especially if you call someone Anti-Christian and or Not a Christian, the silly Trinitarian game played by many. Then you have those who do this willfully.

That being said, a Christian understands Scripture and the context it conveys, more so, they do everything to fully know what a verse or a passage is saying, some even going back to the Hebrew or Greek text.

4 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

Jesus was, counted amongst thieves, called a drunkard, called a glutton, and suffered death by torture.

Drunkards, Thieves and Gluttons do not essentially pray for one's soul when they see the mistake. Those 2 quotes, they did mention you, they did not like your response, hence the reason they prayed and or praying for you, as they do with many who took the wrong step.

4 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

Do you not think then that any follower of Christ should expect less ?

What do you think? Also a follower of the Christ does everything in his or her power to see the truth of the matter. Which brings us back to Revelations 5:10 in both wording and context.

4 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

My Faith keeps me strong and I ask ONLY God's forgiveness through Christ.  I do not fear 'man'.

But the thing is do you have faith in what his word is conveying?

You are a Non-Trinitarian, JB, , so as I am, so is Witness as is with the source she always uses, so is Srecko (although sometimes his vibe is on a different frequency), even Rook is Non-Trinitarian if you can see past his jokes, as is with the Jehovah's Witnesses here such as Anna and Outta Here. We all hold the Non-Trinitarian view, and to Witness' credit, when I said to her I added something to one of my remarks, it was a direction paraphrase of an old discussion we had about The Spiritual House (The only positive moment she mixed verses back then which has been used now to prove the point). That being said, granted ALL OF us hold this view that, Revelations 5:10, regardless of the wording, the context states, to be brief, authority (or rulership) by means of the Jesus and the Chosen Ones. Their rule is over the inhabitants on earth, granted God's Kingdom itself resides in heaven. The marginal references even points to this notion, thus making it as true as the sea being blue, no complexity in that. If you want the other view, you have Jesus.Defender for that, for he is a Trinitarian, as is obvious in his recent response, this goes for his 3 counterparts on the forum, to which I deem Srecko questionable.

That being said, everything I pointed out I do not just speak it, as with majority of my comments, everything has some statistical, source, citation, video, backing. Sometimes I point out minor stuff, without backing information and tend to go about things of a memory, rare times I do make mistake mainly if I have to state something quickly, but at the end of the day, when it comes to factual and credible information, even from the responses of others if need be, it holds true.

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Um, oh dear. SM has a way of breaking down a line of thought or meaning of a comment by separating each line and giving an answer on each individual line. My comment above SM's, although separate lines to give more 'feeling to it', is only one thought or meaning. Therefore the understanding of it as a comment is different to SM's idea of all being individual meanings. 

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1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

Sometimes I point out minor stuff, without backing information and tend to go about things of a memory, rare times I do make mistake mainly if I have to state something quickly, but at the end of the day, when it comes to factual and credible information, even from the responses of others if need be, it holds true.

Incredible.  I wonder what its like to be that self-assured before God and Christ. 

1 Cor 10:12



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37 minutes ago, Witness said:

Incredible.  I wonder what its like to be that self-assured before God and Christ. 

1 Cor 10:12

You already based an assumption regarding manuscripts? At the time I was dealing with a Trinitarian problem involving manuscripts that prove the Lord, your Lord, our Lord is the Son of God, and not God himself. For during that time, I was very quick to knock down points of Trinitarianism regarding several manuscripts in question to which based off of memory at the time of my earlier days, I had stated something otherwise only to realize the error.

That being said, clearly, I was not going to let the onlooker become enticed by the teachings of the mainstream, granted the conclusion, she sided with me granted the onlooker herself wanted to become a Christian but was confused on who the Christ is.

In this regard, the verse in question is quite clear, therefore, regarding what Kosnen said to you, I, being skeptical, side with the one who understands some verses in Revelations.

If you are wondering as to what pointed out earlier, it was your own wording from an earlier discussion regarding the chosen ones, that same notion, when pointed out differently, but still concise, you deem it as wrong, likewise to Srecko regarding the quotes.

You of all people should know the context of Revelations 5:10, granted past remarks shows that you do.

14 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

#8e44ad;">Perhaps if go on JW broadcasting there is same level of self-confidence and self-assured visible. :))  

That is quite the statement, granted the woman became a minister because  had shown her that Jesus is indeed the Son of the Living God. Perhaps you can come to that same conclusion, but as we already know, just by this verse alone, the MS would not be an easy task for you.

That being said, you said the other Christians were right, so to deem the response as wrong, as you have done mine, is unfounded now by you due to the fact the same thing  said about Revelations 5:10, was exactly what they said. Oh there's more, I'm just saying it however.

You said it best, hence, you played into your own hand without me doing anything.

13 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

they answered me on questions

What I have been saying compared to theirs:

On 6/12/2020 at 1:40 PM, Space Merchant said:

Christians who believe that Jesus is the Son of God knows that God has chosen him as King. As a King, he has those under him, the Chosen Ones who bear God's name and Jesus' name on their foreheads, who will rule with our Lord, our Christ - Jesus. The Kingdom of which God gives to his Son, he will be stationed their with the Chosen ones to reign over the earth from there.

Look at similar that is:

19 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

Normal readers who are not too good with reading the bible, if that is the case, will see it as they read it, but, us as bible readers, we can see the word in question is used properly. So, Revelation 5 verse 10 is alright. If it is an interlinear to the modern language, the wording will be a little different to make it readable and easily digestible to the honest reader."on the earth", "over the earth", "upon the earth", "above the earth", we know what the verse means so any translations that looks like this does not change the viewpoint of what I am about to say next. God's Kingdom is above us after all, and the Messiah and his ruling buddies are reigning upon the earth [from God's Kingdom], well, soon of course :p. The verse is also telling us that this is about ruler-ship, for the heirs of the Kingdom will co-rule as little kings and judges upon those who are living on the earth, make sense right?


19 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

So from what I am reading, is they believe that the 144,000 faithful servants will rule with the Lamb of God over the earth, some translations reign will sometimes show as they reign, and over can sometimes be seen as on, upon, whatever, but what the verse is telling us is clear, The Jdubs even made note of this without even talking about strongs, it is on their website. I do not believe the wording changes what the Bible is telling us, unless, you have been too busy in the Devil's world to realize it 😛. So the Jehovah's Witnesses holds the view that I have, and I am sure you as well because we all know there are some out there who hate it, but they are right tho."

We all hold this view.

So if you say and state I am in the wrong, but agree with them for they saying exactly the same thing I am saying, and now when this is pointed out, is that not willful hypocrisy on your part? If you want I can quote even scholars and some former members of the faith if that is not enough for your plate.

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"Yes. This person fully well believes that the wording in the verse, as I mentioned to you, changes everything, he even deems the Non-Trinitarian view as false."

I believe that SM was talking to someone else about me here in this conversation, on a different forum.. UM, he seems to KNOW exactly what I'm thinking or believing. Does he think he is now God ? 

I would imagine his intent was to get me a bad reputation. So sad when people have to go to such extremes. And he says he is a Christian ? He never even asked me exactly what i believed, he just made guesses. Does he even show any proof of his claims against me ? But if he finds it necessary to do this type of thing to people then he will likely be judged on it by God or Christ. 

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