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JW's response to: Surprisingly Accurate Assessment of the June 2020 BLM Protests


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That is what I was thinking, even speculating granted the recent discussion with him, for Butler tends to add things out of nowhere into a discussion

This is sooooo funny. This is a topic about BLM and Anna starts talking about wanting Armageddon to come, then TTH and JWI start going on about the Beatles and songs. (A British group that I never liked) 

But it is Butler that adds things out of nowhere to a discussion is it ?

Even SM added some comment which started 'Unrelated, but ...'

Hypocrites. But I can handle it all. 

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I had no doubt that YOU knew it. But there are some people here from the UK, like @4Jah2me (assuming of course that he is the reincarnation of @John Butler). And, I'm not so sure that they had any gro

I know the original lyric. And I also know something of women. I once told JTR that I would love to hear from his kids. I begin to think that I would love to hear from yours as well.  

Research from the University of Maryland and Michigan State University confirm the results of a more limited study a couple years ago of the Philly Police Dept—that the race of the officer is not a fa

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44 minutes ago, 4Jah2me said:

But it is Butler that adds things out of nowhere to a discussion is it ?

JB never added things exactly out of nowhere. You always knew what was coming. And I never complained about it. But the complaint was that, no matter what the topic, you always found a way to turn it into a CSA topic. Believe me, there were plenty of others doing things like it. Sometimes a topic was very serious and suddenly 4 Dilbert cartoons would run back-to-back-back-to-back.

Most of us appreciate a good diversion now and then, but they shouldn't always divert to the same old topic.

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JB probably spoke up on CSA because JWs denied it. And it is involved in so many things.

The preaching work, Kingdom Hall meetings, Assemblies, Elders going to people's private homes to take private Bible studies with young children, Elders taking young children out on the ministry. 

Then you have reasons for not wanting to invite families to the KH or to assemblies becasuse such places may not be 'safe'. 

Then, the GB's rules on reporting, and the Elders hiding or destroying information. 

The list is endless. Even ongoing court cases now.

And I thought there was talk / rumour of the GB being 'arrested' or demanded to appear in count in USA somewhere. 

Sorry @JW Insider but you brought the subject up.

Tom even brought the subject up, asking if R. J. Furuli had written about it in his book. . 

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1 hour ago, 4Jah2me said:

Sorry @JW Insider but you brought the subject up.

As I said, I see no problem with you or anyone else (even me!) bringing it up, and I never complained. But the complaint from others was that no matter what the topic, JB would turn it to CSA so often, you came to expect it. If it was a discussion of Trinity, JB would turn it to CSA. If the topic was about 1914, JB would turn it to CSA. etc.

It's as if JB had a goal to bring it up everywhere, but he used the methods of an Internet troll to bring it up in anyone else's topic, but he rarely ever started a topic on CSA his own.

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@4Jah2me I always state "[a bit] unrelated" as well as"going back to the topic". When something I deem unrelated, I make a brief remark, and it is very brief.

But as JWI pointed out, this was the case, seen by others. If we are to speak of a subject better, somehow CSA is always included, likewise, with other things. Butler also had a way of stating things out of nowhere, like for instance, I explained to him what a passage met and he just those in religious studies as you have. He called Billy and I parrots, but here we see you refer to Billy as a patriot. When I a fact, he always disagrees even though the fact is indeed true. Butler even tried to mock by linking me sites to Unitarian denominations, which you have done, both attempts failed, only this time there was no apology. Butler also had quite the interactions with Tom, nearly in every topic present, which mirrors you and Tom now, hence the interactions, which very similar. Good ol' Tom, right?

Therefore it is not hypocrisy, the other thread this can be seen. Also, if I can bring up a majority of instances, even the one concerning Billy.

That being said

22 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

But it is Butler that adds things out of nowhere to a discussion is it ?

  • Butler adds CSA into the discussion of a Bible passage or a subject
  • I present facts about CSA from the FBI and try to continue toe topic.
  • Butler disagrees with the facts and deemed me a racist and and a parrot because I quoted the FBI - continues to add more CSA subject matter.
  • I did not mind because I stated that is the FBI and CSA services facts from them, not mine.

You can handle it you said? Recent topics said otherwise..... Thus making your claim null.

@JW Insider I think he started one, but whenever I asked him and when others asked him about the current situation, he gave little to no update. What he pointed out was something that can be seen, as I pointed out, difficult to deal with, which is child on child abuse. As for his other topics, be it something of the Bible, Butler will make a point based on how he views it, yet when corrected, he is in disagreement and or does not learn from mistake, and continues to press the notion.

That being said, I am strongly thinking the two to be one in the same.


Other than that, granted the news media is sparking racial tension, I haven't seen them bring up any facts on the matter, and those who, on apps like instagram and the like, are spinning the information. Truthers out there are giving the actual facts on the statistics of the demographics who are doing crime, and them being killed by the police. Regarding George Fylod, he had a life that was not good, and some of his actions deem that, and later one, he may have been repentant but continue to deal with drug problems and have done minor things that are negative, but regardless of this fact, he should not have died in that matter. There are people out there that are trying to justify the death now, and using George's past against him, granted it was indeed bad, but they are using it every single time. On the other side of the spectrum, I think one of the police officers involved in his death got out, I'd have to look into it more. There is also more calls for government to be involved, and granted of what is being done, even the movement of the UN, it will be a while til we get back to normal, and may have to adapt to a new normal. 

Meanwhile... Covid-19 is spiking.

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7 minutes ago, Matthew9969 said:

CNN is about reliable as a 2 year old teaching rocket science.

CNN - The Corrupt News Network. You know, CNN are, like the Dems, defend and has bailed out members of ANTIFA, and granted ANTIFA is the far left, CNN and all those connected are among the far left, just like BLM. As of now they are still enticing the fans of racism, the more you spark and tickle the ears of folks, the more dangers that will come. That is why I told you these protests will not die down anytime soon, especially when more people have died, and people turning on each other.


That being said, Black Lives Matter is indeed a problem. A negative one, granted they have hit the religious and political scene, reaching that level.

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Call me whatever name you are pleased to use. What it does is detract from the things I say and i know that is you objective.  SM expects me to accept all his folly. That is why i have said he is trying to be superior. He seems to think he is 'correcting' me. :)  I do find him amusing. 

Most topics run completely off topic here, but you can blame whom ever you wish. What ever gives you pleasure. 

The point is, if a person speaks truth about CSA or anything else then it matters not who that person is. What matters is what they have said...... I am finding, and I expected it of course as it's a JW ploy, that JWs when they know something is true, will try to discredit the writer...  Seems to have happened concerning 'My Beloved Religion ...' 

However JWI seems to like a diversion from topic so maybe he has liked this fiasco. 

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1 hour ago, 4Jah2me said:

SM expects me to accept all his folly.

No lie was ever stated and or deception. Why did that example of Butler suddenly interest you?

Also, not a folly:

On 7/8/2019 at 7:22 AM, JOHN BUTLER said:

Quote @Space Merchant  " Race wise, abuse is primarily done by Caucasian/white males and it is always the father figure, if not the father, the uncle. " 

A bit of a racist comment i think SM. 

On 7/8/2019 at 8:44 PM, Space Merchant said:

Stating something straight from either statistics and or the FBI, as well as Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention sources, does not make one racist (granted you are ignorant of the term).

1 hour ago, 4Jah2me said:

That is why i have said he is trying to be superior.

John Butler said the same thing about me several times, to which I stated I am not superior, as is with his remark to religious studies, he allued to the same thing on the Islam thread too. Other times tells people that I consider myself inferior because of my background culture and race, but I told him otherwise.

That being said, no one is superior, for Christians are humble and meek folk, be it knowledgeable or not.

1 hour ago, 4Jah2me said:

He seems to think he is 'correcting' me. :)  I do find him amusing. 

Because you, time and time again apply man's understanding, for if anyone on here knows, trying to interject that and go beyond what the Bible conveys, I make a response to a response. Glad to hear it because it amusing me too when facts is absolute over a man's feelings in terms of the Bible.

1 hour ago, 4Jah2me said:

The point is, if a person speaks truth about CSA or anything else then it matters not who that person is. What matters is what they have said...... I am finding, and I expected it of course as it's a JW ploy, that JWs when they know something is true, will try to discredit the writer...  Seems to have happened concerning 'My Beloved Religion ...' 

However JWI seems to like a diversion from topic so maybe he has liked this fiasco. 

No one here is knocking child abuse, we know what it is and we know of how damaging it is, some of us, including me, propose solutions to minimize this threat,a s is with violence. But there is always a time and a place to discuss that, not unexpectedly in, for instance, a thread about the New Covenant, or about Jesus reading the scroll of Isaiah only to be hit with CSA left and right.

Simply start a thread on the matter, it is simply a click away.

That being said, you once mocked Truthers.... You should know what Truthers have been doing concerning child abuse, let that sink in.

That being said, concerning BLM, granted that is the subject matter, let's involve child abuse into the mix, do you think it is child abuse to teach children that one of another race is deemed an enemy? Moreover, should BLM succeeded in their narrative, how can you better help children that would be at an increased risk of sex and violence abuse (for if there is no one to stop the crimes, what do you think will happen if they demand no police and or those of law)? What solutions do you propose to help children in this current time? Most importantly, what is deem the strongest defense that shields children from abusers?

I ask these things because most people who speak on CSA just shout it, but yield no sort of solution whatsoever, this is obvious because such ones bash others for it who are not equipped properly to deal with it, when the solutions are there. Child Abuse services tells us as a WHOLE to teach the child, something to which I mentioned to Butler from the website itself to which he disagreed with, to which srecko laughed at. These things we must apply for the betterment of the ones who take up the baton after us.

But even with that said, everything I state is a folly, in your eyes, but what I say is both true and fact. I have been fighting child abuse since, as is with other things, you can do the same if you choose to.

Clearly there are those who do want change and hate racism, but to go into the extreme to, while effect the children, so much as so, you have the influence of BLM in children shows and cartoons now.

The mob mentality will be the end of educating the child; there are those, whom I know, who want to have children, but would never want to bring a child into today's world. That is how bad it is.

There are more reasons as to why I deem the Leftist movement as a threat, this is merely the surface.

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On 6/10/2020 at 5:33 PM, JW Insider said:

Another odd thing to notice

Nothing makes sense because demons are performing their signs and mesmerizing the different violent groups who perceive themselves only as victims. Some atheistically have ordained themselves to bring about a revolution in Bolshevik-style and are funded by the usual subversive front organizations. Other victims do not matter...….. the looted shops, burnt buildings, lost businesses etc. The personality traits exhibited remind us of 2 Tim 3: 1-5... they are fierce and without mercy themselves.

Police are being killed and hurt in the riots (I think 27 killed this year and hundreds hurt - and not much attention in the news).  Police also have families they have to provide for, which makes the present police resignations  and retirements so relevant...….. Yes, there is racial injustice but not all whites, and neither are all police, racist. Reasonableness has left the planet.

The iron and clay in governments are acrimonious...…… and whatever happens in the next election in USA - it will not be accepted by the losing side.  This is how far we have moved down the stream of time. Healing of this wound will not happen quickly - it will keep festering.  People have crossed the mark of peaceful protest. 

They are ready to murder each other - brother kill brother....


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@Space Merchant  I seriously try not to get involved in 'worldly affairs'.  Protests are just tools of the devil. Not long ago we had Extinction Rebellion. Now we have Black Lives Matter.  The protesters are looking to 'men' for answers and those that obey the governments of the world are also looking to 'men' for answers. But we know better. We look to God through Christ for the answers. The prayer that Jesus gave as an example, says it all. 

Now this isn't the place for this next paragraph and once again I will get told about it, but I'm just answering SM on his last paragraph. 

Quote SM " I ask these things because most people who speak on CSA just shout it, but yield no sort of solution whatsoever, "

As for CSA, I do not try to look for answers in the 'world', and I do not get involved in trying to find solutions for the Devil's system of things. My concern with CSA is only in the CCJW. That religion is quite different to most because each congregation acts like a 'family unit'. Because of that people spend more time together in the Kingdom Halls, on the ministry, in congregants private homes and at social gatherings.. It can give a false sense of friendship and trust. This has been proven by the amount of CSA in the CCJW Earth wide.  

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