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JW's response to: Surprisingly Accurate Assessment of the June 2020 BLM Protests


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20 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

may run into The Black Isrealites again.

They are something else, aren't they?  2tim 3:1-5 getting more and more relevant. 

I saw secret undercover  videos of Antifa on "veritas" channel.  They were practicing to take peoples eyes out and injure them seriously.  These people have no mercy - they want a revolution...... 

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I had no doubt that YOU knew it. But there are some people here from the UK, like @4Jah2me (assuming of course that he is the reincarnation of @John Butler). And, I'm not so sure that they had any gro

I know the original lyric. And I also know something of women. I once told JTR that I would love to hear from his kids. I begin to think that I would love to hear from yours as well.  

Research from the University of Maryland and Michigan State University confirm the results of a more limited study a couple years ago of the Philly Police Dept—that the race of the officer is not a fa

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@4Jah2me @Arauna Since the start of the Coronavirus pandemic, the rich and powerful have been moving out of the states, specifically New York. They have secondary homes outside of the states, those that got out evaded the early lockdowns, now we have the protests. Some of them even encourage protesting, but best know if the rioters and looters come to heir doorstep, they will fight back or tell them to attack somewhere else. Some of these rich folks, their children, high school and college, are part of some far-left movements, for instance, ANTIFA.

So technically how they sound "BLM! Yeah! burn and loot everything to the ground.... But don't attack my property, bob is up the street, go to him instead".

Black Israelites, however, I had quite the history with them.

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4 hours ago, Arauna said:

I saw secret undercover  videos of Antifa on "veritas" channel.  They were practicing to take peoples eyes out and injure them seriously.

I saw this too. The video comes from Oregon.

Oregon, Idaho, Washington state, have already had a lot of trouble with these young white recruits to "Antifa" (which is not at all a homogeneous organization). There have been militias that feed on anti-government conspiracy theories (mixed with plenty of truth) and they end up creating self-fulfilling prophecies about how the government spies on them, infiltrates them, etc.

I think some of the same people who are not ready to join an anti-US militia find it easier to release their anarchist tendencies in group (that meets in a bookshop) that gives them no more than an excuse to bust things up and be violent, using "Antifa" as a kind of "Fight Club."

Washington Post reported (excerpt):

Oregon’s notoriously secretive Rose City Antifa meets regularly “like a business” to train in weapons and tactics, including eye-gouging, as well as how to engage in violence without getting caught, according to a video released Thursday by Project Veritas.

In what may be the first video of Antifa’s inner workings, the hidden-camera footage showed what was described as training sessions — in some cases using PowerPoint — by Rose City Antifa leaders inside a Portland, Oregon, bookshop before a room of apparently young, white recruits.

“Practice things like an eye gouge. It takes very little pressure to injure someone’s eyes,” said a man identified as Nicholas Cifuni in a “recon and tactics” class.

He was also recorded on audio delivering a profanity-laced warning to recruits about being too obvious while engaging in violence lest they draw the attention of police.


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@JW Insider @Arauna So you both are familier with James O'Keefe? That is nice to hear. I never met him, but I had seen him a few times.

Another update, police officers around the states are resigning, some even going back home to hang up the uniform and badge. There was an entire SWAT team that quit. Fake crimes are being committed to lure out police officers to target them. The Truthers are saying that in CHAZ, there is crime running all over the place since there is pretty much total lawlessness. Beatdowns, women being raped in tents, people getting robbed, etc. Looks like the rapper is not in control and most likely if people get too crazy they will usurp him. Concerning rape, it is said they are not suppose to say anything because they do not want the outside world to know that they cannot stop the problem, and should the MSM hear about it, they won't say a word because they defended this narrative and support it.

There are opportunist out there who will go to CHAZ to commit any type of crime they desire.

The UK is a powder keg, granted there are black vs. white confrontation in small number. Which can expand as the days go by. 

That being said, in the Truther community, we are bombarded with update after update after update, mainly when the MSM says something

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2 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

So you both are familier with James O'Keefe? That is nice to hear.

I'm no fan. To get to the top of his particular heap, he had to cut a few corners, and cut and paste a lot of video to get some of the ideas across that he wanted to promote. Some of those ideas were lies, and I'm sure this is why he had to name his 501c3, "Veritas."  But there is nearly always some truth in every conspiratorial lie, and therefore I always find some hidden value in them. In the case of these latest undercover videos, the segments were long enough and not prompted by the person taking the video. So although his reasons for exposing them might be unknown (by me, at least), they definitely tell a real part of the story he wants to tell.

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@JW Insider Yes. James O'Keefe is someone who is often talked about in the Truther Community by some, for the focus in regards to him is when it comes to bringing forth to light the actions of the MSM in some cases, granted, in said community everyone does not like the MSM narrative.

1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Didn’t someone say of them that they were the enemy of the American people?

Only those who are aware and the Truther Community. The MSM deem them as the good guys, as they did for ANTIFA for a long time now.
Check out this Snippet from CNN with the mayor. This is what the MSM is producing.
That being said, as the count of officers are on the decline, it makes you think what if there is no police? The answer to that is an obvious one.



I'm also hearing things, this is a rumor so cannot confirm it yet, that ANTIFA's next target is Texas.


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6 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

The UK is a powder keg, granted there are black vs. white confrontation in small number. Which can expand as the days go by. 

Europe's problem is Islam which causes division amongst peoples. Religious supremacists who are protected by law. Similarly, progressive organizations such as antifa have been operating as  subversive organizations with impunity.

Already there are something like 85 areas that are no-go zones where police do not go in, in UK. Muslim thugs police these areas. When I was living in Sweden there was something like 60 areas.  I wanted to go preach in a small village close to where I was living and a sister said that we cannot go in there.

These facts were hidden from public view because this should have been hitting the main pages in the news every day but the press is so 'racially', or rather 'islamaphobia -correct', and the government so 'progressive', that it is not mentioned at all. Only when fires or handgranades were used it received a brief mention in the press.  I went to look at a police station which had damage due to handgranade  close to my home.  

The world is sitting on a powder-keg because of Islam, race relations........ but the biggest problem leading to Armageddon and the 'clay-iron syndrome', is that neo-communist ideology is using Islam and race relations to undermine western autonomy.

Things are getting more and more ready to explode. I started watching these crazy events and the lies of the media when I studied Islam and knew what its ideology is really about. Then I saw that the CIA kicked all its advisors out as ' racially bias'  and then watched as 'islamaphobia ' took hold all over the West.

I knew something was seriously wrong somewhere and knew that things were moving on to Armageddon because of the lies and the cover-up of truth. 

Then I looked at the gender issues and how powerful these had become, I then investigated the philosophies that were pushing this. When I saw the origins of it my eyes were wide open....... I then investigated the UN, China and Russian relations and realized that Armageddon is building faster than anything -- due to propaganda.  Propaganda is NOT truth....... it sidesteps the truth of what is on the ground and spins it's own story regarding the real facts. It uses only the bits it wants and leaves out significant parts.  

We are seeing the serious effects of the clay-iron syndrome - spot on - as predicted in the bible.  We are heading towards a totalitarian type system which only jehovah can break up. 

The youth are attending these big get-togethers for the progressives.  It may not overtake us at this moment in time but the time for a  rational world and the freedom we knew in the past is absolutely running out.

This movement is NOT coming from the streets........I wish it was...... it is propaganda and charity money from front organizations which has been pouring into USA and have overtaken the minds of people.

We are seeing the start of the last lap of the world before a short rule by the 8th king. The next step is a digital money system for security and then the new world order for peace and security....... the atheist NWO.

Anyone NOT spreading the progressive agenda is maligned in the media to the tenth degree. Can one trust the news when they are pro-Islam, pro-abortion, pro-LGBTQ, pro-antifa, the pro's make a long list.  This means that all reporting has a bias towards their own opinion. They will leave out the facts  which do not fit the agenda and viciously malign anyone - even make up false stories about them because they have impunity together with a total lack of conscience. So be skeptical of all news and use caution. 

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@Arauna The EU is more favorable towards Islam, for a number of reasons, and is often the most protected, which was very evident with various events that had taken place regarding God (Allah) and Jesus (Isa) in the Islamic faith vs. that of the Christian faith.

Plus, Islam is an increasing faith whereas mainstream Christian belief has been declining for a while now since 2015, ironically enough, Christian minorities are barely touched.

That being said, there are those in Islam that has been doing bad, something of which even those within the faith brought up, especially during the time when people of almost every other faith as well as onlookers use to congregate at Speaker's Corner before the pandemic and protesting.

Well China and Russia are allies and opponents of the US and the UK. The United Nations, although wanting them to somewhat comply, is like that of an anchor in regards to them.

As for these movements, it is a problem, and will continue to do so. Another issue is as with all ministers, even for you Jehovah's Witnesses, as time progresses, gospel spreading will be difficult due to the fact that today's world are normalizing things that even the Bible deems as incorrect and or bad, to the point of brazen conduct, so to find people who want to know about God will be a bit more challenging, as is, mainstream Christianity is also another obstacle, granted they are declining, they have become far more aggressive.

So areas you can preach in, some you cannot, other times, if the person in question and or contact is allowing it, you can visit so and so, something of which I faced in my ministry trips in Africa.



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