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6 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

The Far-Right is an ideology, therefore it is not an religious movement and or a faith, nor is it part of mainstream Christianity.

I'm not a political person.  I cannot share your insatiable appetite for what you speak about. I've already explained myself and that will have to do.  But! Out of coincidence, my son sent me a video the very day "left", "right", showed up on this topic!  I'll share the video with you.   

And that's as far as I will go with it. 

By the way, I noticed you didn't address the fact that the redress scheme has been rejected by the WT.  


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A pretty good guess, I would imagine. I like to think that is still quite low, in view of Invisiblechild.org  reporting that 1 out of every 5 children in the US will be suffer molestation before age 1

So much can go wrong with trying to read too much into the numbers. Even if there is a database of 12,000 or more pedophiles, this does not mean that all of them were found to be actively committing c

"A News Corp investigation into the global Christian sect Jehovah's Witnesses has revealed they have allegedly pushed cash offshore to avoid paying compensation to Australian child sex abuse victims."

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23 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

No, i was not. 


Then why jump to conclusions? Also I have the article posted on this thread. You have the ability to read it.

23 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

I can't.


Really? So you do not know the former Jehovah's Witnesses mentioned, granted how lively you were regarding them during the whole ARC situation. And I would have thought Witness knew, she did post the article.

The Former Jehovah's Witnesses mentioned in the article, which clearly you and the others have not read is:

Lara Kaput and Steven Unthank, both of whom are sex abuse survivors, both of which founded the website known as Saysorry.org.

You guys were focused on ARC heavily, how in God's name did you miss this when you both had the article in front of you for a span of several days? Mind boggling.

On 6/20/2020 at 12:00 PM, Srecko Sostar said:

Money is in question :))) who care about article wrote by some "leftist or rightist or centrist" :))) 


Well you have to care because if there are indeed inaccuracies, you can be wrong in nearly every statement as more and more information comes out.

Centrism has nothing to do with Right-Center Bias, as for the Left, you have the whole Black Lives Matter nonsense going around.

On 6/20/2020 at 12:10 PM, Srecko Sostar said:

The issue here is the accusation from News Corp itsef ..................No, not for me. 

It is in connection with ACNC and The Redress, therefore, this is critical if you are to be deemed in correct. Right now, the information is muddled.

That said, if both you and Witness really feel this way, why even make a thread concerning this article if you lack the interest? Is it because the more information that is coming out, it may not fit your favor?

The claims, for which you yourself stated are not too far from the News Corp claims, which is deem to have inaccuracies, likewise to that Catholic Church claim, when going back to the public information from ARC, we see the truth.

That being said, News Corp did make these claims, which is no different from the information you cited so far, which is a mirror image of information.

On 6/20/2020 at 12:10 PM, Srecko Sostar said:

and the whole Redress situation ............ That is of interest for VICTIMS firstly i suppose, and for me as observer and former member who is disgusted, appealed and horrified to learn that I belonged to an organization that treats (in past and present) its members and children and other various age victims that way !!!

Yes, but somehow you did not know the two important victims in the Jehovah's Witnesses faith in Australia, then again, you said you didn't really care for this small information, granted, they have a role in this as well. For if there is an importance, on your part, should not their names be known to you? Both Lara Kaput and Steven Unthank?Or do you, and the others recall the names and history of the victims within Jehovah's Witnesses only when it is convenient? Well, I need not say much here because the proof is in this thread alone.

As a side note, I was asking you the names, likewise to Witness, as a test of discernment.

That being said, child abuse, in all sense, is disgusting and and a fowl thing that is the plague of imperfect man, but you have to be wise about the situation at hand, be knowing and knowledgeable of what events take place, and, as stated to you before, better solutions, even to which ARC displayed, the same solutions to help children which you laughed at, twice.

Regarding the faith community itself, as pointed out, a good percentage of them are not well equipped to handle child abuse, therefore, this is where the solutions come in, the same ones ARC presented, even told the Jehovah's Witnesses to better clarify, however, disgruntled members do not mention this, let alone what one victim within Jehovah's Witnesses was made aware regarding child abuse.

Therefore, you have to care about what is factual true, and what is factual false because you can easily go about your own understanding of things and jump to conclusions.

Granted you said nearly the same thing News Corp did (as well as presented), I suggest you look into it a bit more, after all, you did like the idea this article was brought up, why a change of attitude?

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@Witness I said Far-Left and Far-Right...... You can't be serious with this YouTube video.... Are you? Moreover, these ideologies are traced back years, not primarily 2020.

As for the Redress, I have mentioned it, in fact, I even noted the former Jehovah's Witness that both you and Srecko could not even recall and or know. This was after addressing from the article you linked in your first post of News Corp claims.


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3 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

My concern here in the UK is that JWs will get seriously hurt whilst on the ministry or going to meetings, by people that are outraged by the disgusting behaviour within the CCJW.  The regular JWs seriously do not know how bad it all is. They do not investigate it. Because they are 'sheeplike' they do as they are told, and they are told not to do research outside of the 'Org'.  I had told the Elders of my ex-congregation of the dangers, but they did not listen to me. This is why I now try to make it known anywhere i can, because my ex congregation are not allowed to converse with me. The more news articles the better, earthwide,  as far as I am concerned. 

You are in the right to have every concern regarding the situation. And regarding the JWs in UK, not all of them are like this, I had mentioned the Arabic JW who currently resides in the UK, and there are several like him. Concerning what he and the others pointed out, the concern for the United Kingdom people is how to better identity the problem, how to isolate it, and should any case of child abuse do take place, what steps are needed to deal with the aftermath. Going back to ARC, it is evident that a number of JWs, not all of them, are not well equip to handle child abuse let alone teach it. Some of them are aware of this problem, but, as with 95% of people on this earth alone, they have the mentality of "If it does not happen to me, I am ok", but the reality is, you have to be aware 100%, always, no room for lagging, no room for rest, you have to be vigilant in a sinful world, no matter what area you are in, even the institution, hence the faith in question.

Current Jehovah's Witnesses, some of them, are aware, this is why these are the same ones, training themselves to see danger before it happens, and should a danger take place, they are willing and ready to deal with it the best way possible because they are equipped. Child Abuse and Neglect Services encourages such actions, this was even alluded to in ARC. So it is an obligation to teach these methods, this is why I even encourage if you want to lessen the CSA happening in any institution, reach out and teach the people of it instead of mindlessly attacking it. Disgruntled JWs are actually encouraging people, pedophiles, to go to JWs, which is a red flag right there. I am not sure if you are aware of this but YouTube and social media is riddled with pedophiles, so giving them ideas only increases the problem. Therefore, yes, and it is agreed, express the history of child abuse among Jehovah's Witnesses, but at the same time, seeing their way they are structured, implement on a way to help them fight in this battle of immoral sin, just speaking from the side lines will not do anyone any good. Not sure if you are familiar with John Cedars, a former JW, his friend states the same thing as I have, and he himself was a former BS, he was also the one who stopped the disgruntled JWs in the borough by contacting the park and the police.

You are free to do this, however, take the action of helping them know what child abuse is and how to fight it. Child Abuse is a sin that is plagued all over the world, no one is immune to it. You can take action by adhering to the solutions. If I can teach children today about child abuse, and they take what they learn to teach others, even adults, why can you pass on this information yourself, as do the others? To fight an enemy, you need troops, the enemy is pedophilia, correct? Train those out there to fight this enemy.

That being said, I've addressed this time and time again and even now, it is the same song and dance on this forum concerning CSA. To take action you must do something in the right way, remember how one victim, mentioned in ARC, how she learned about CSA. Take this example and apply it, reach one, teach one, and save one, in addition to that, you play a role into helping a community fight something they call victim to themsevles.


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5 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

@Witness I said Far-Left and Far-Right...... You can't be serious with this YouTube video.... Are you?

Of course I'm not serious about it.  Dear SM, what I'm trying to tell you is the same thing I've said before many times to you.  My focus is on my people in the organization, not on the political, religious movements in the world.  I don't care about left, right, right center bias, or center right bias. :)  Yes, I admit WT has its fingers in politics when it is advantageous toward their cause, but my interest is in their complete denial to follow God's words in Christ.  



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17 minutes ago, Witness said:

Of course I'm not serious about it.  Dear SM, what I'm trying to tell you is the same thing I've said before many times to you.  My focus is on my people in the organization, not on the political, religious movements in the world.  I don't care about left, right, right center bias, or center right bias. :)  Yes, I admit WT has its fingers in politics when it is advantageous toward their cause, but my interest is in their complete denial to follow God's words in Christ. 

Then focus on it. Granted if you were, you would not have posted this, and asserted the Far-Right to be equating to mainstream religion. I can tell you this, from my experience. The Far-Right has a disdain for the Scriptures, one of which I had confronted while preaching of the gospel, hence why, I deem this woman an adversary - Yvette Felarca. even Rook, is aware of who this woman is and her group, and how they cater to the right in terms of their message. People like her do the same thing when it comes to journalism and social media, however in Yvette's case, she is a Far-Right Activist who condones violence. And of course, even regarding religion it is the complete opposite. Therefore to deem Far-Right as religious, on your part, is erroneous - this isn't the first time because the UN resolution fiasco and the funds is still fresh in my mind.

So, my other response was to Srecko also, but you interjected with that false notion of yours. My focus to you originally, was if you and Srecko, knew the names of the victims in the article.

That being said, knowing how they and the Left operate, they can easily sway people to their viewpoint and their thinking.

Well you have to care, even if the degree is small because if they actually have you believing something that is muddled and or not true, when the acts are presented, it will put you in err. Again, the Bible tells us, as Christians to be vigilant, so that is really not an excuse. Apostle Paul was vigilant and ware of the political functions of the Romans, yet he himself was neutral.

As in my case, all I did was pointed out the position of the writer of the article prior to citing all things pertaining to News Corp and Redress.

And as to what political advantages are these in regards to their cause? Granted any Christian denomination that is not of mainstream do not dwell in support of the political system, even by affiliation.

That being said, there is small snippets of information coming regarding this article, therefore, as pointed out, News Corp, Redress and ARC, whereas ARC is the focus, hence the mentioned of the two former Witnesses you and Srecko had no idea about, granted you linked the website:

On 6/15/2020 at 10:58 PM, Witness said:


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51 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:


What "jump"? Deficit in Australasia Company is not evident? Do you know why they have deficit and why they sending millions of $ out of continent?

51 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

Lara Kaput and Steven Unthank, both of whom are sex abuse survivors, both of which founded the website known as Saysorry.org.

Thanks! I will visit website. 

Allegations, reports or complaints of child sexual abuse by 1,006 members of the organisation, They have names also. Do you know their names? 

51 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

Yes, but somehow you did not know the two important victims in the Jehovah's Witnesses faith in Australia,

I think how two important victims was BCG and BCB, as overture to all after, was in ARC process. I am glad that Lara and Steven done the same.

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56 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

What "jump"? Deficit in Australasia Company is not evident? Do you know why they have deficit and why they sending millions of $ out of continent?

Granted the article also states inaccuracies in regards to New Corps in connection to the investigation. You are indeed jumping to conclusions. Plus there is a mention of IBSA, that is another factor.

56 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Thanks! I will visit website. 

Allegations, reports or complaints of child sexual abuse by 1,006 members of the organisation, They have names also. Do you know their names? 

ARC has addressed those who spoke of their story of abuse. As is those whose names were dubbed differently. Also it is alleged, the number was addressed in the information provided by ARC. I had mentioned some by name if you look at my responses on ARC, others, were by means of PM, to which extra information and dialogue from ARC I replied to them about, as is ARC's calcifications.

That being said, I mentioned those two for a reason (and I can see in in this cheeky responses of yours, which was expected), which proves to me you do not even read the article in question, but you liked it and agreed with it without knowing what was addressed.

56 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

I think how two important victims was BCG and BCB, as overture to all after, was in ARC process. I am glad that Lara and Steven done the same.

Yes, this is indeed true, however, you ignored, in the past, some bits of information that was addressed, even one solution that one of the victims was taught.

That being said, you are glad now because I had mentioned them by name, when several times you could not recall who they were granted the article you liked.

Moreover, are you even aware of their actions with the police, hence the article in question an this whole investigation? Surely you will not be adamant about that, hence the article points this out clearly, especially in Lara's case.




I have found a little bit more information, just keep that in mind so you'd have to be quite wise with second-handed information, especially News Corp, granted you say you have no interest, but you quoted them in a similar way.


Minor points,

  • The story in question regarding JWs, others on the outside are skeptical.
  • Others have pointed out the inaccuracies of the numbers regarding JWs and the Catholic Church, as pointed out.
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I'll say one thing again :-

You have to be an ex- 'JW' to KNOW how the Elders and the CCJW works.  Just reading info' about JW Org does not give a person the real insight. Unfortunately Space Merchant THINKS he knows the CCJW / JW Org, but he doesn't.  No matter how much you read about something it does not match up to personal experience. Some of us do not just rely on news media reports, we actually know what the CCJW is like first hand. 

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1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

If my memory served me, in this topic i put my up vote and like on other people VIDEOS, not article. 

And there was things said I alluded to the article in question, thus you walked into that test, likewise, when I asked you about the sex abuse survivors.

This remark of yours will not slide at all, Srecko, granted you quoted News Corp several times, do not stumble into hypocrisy.

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