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9 hours ago, Equivocation said:

What confuses me is you have news corp saying stuff, but others are talking about arc. Also I don't recall JWs surpassing others who had a talking to by arc. Surely, there is more information out there, or is this still ongoing? The more information that comes out we can see who is telling the true, what is correct and what is incorrect but dudes out here making assumptions too so that needs to be watched, being cautious and all 🤔

This is why a lot of people are skeptical, even former Jehovah's Witnesses are skeptical, mainly about News Corp, who are known to be right-center-bias in the media, but unfortunately, people think those who are not in favor of God and Christa re somehow mainstream religion and dodging by shifting the narrative.

That being said, the article present facts and said facts that are not as confusing can be lined up with ARC. More so, the article, as with all information from Australia pushing this story, more and more are leaning towards ARC rather than News Corp.

As you can also see, the latter collective did not know who the former Jehovah's Witnesses are, let alone what their ordeal was with the police, in addition to that, one of the survivors, they were not able to speak up on his testimony on what needs to be done; so this investigation is based off of an accusation from anonymous folk, but like I said, the focus is more focused on ARC, as is with secondary information pertaining to the ReDress Scheme.

So far, some of the News Corp claims, some of which Srecko addressed unknowingly, and then later back tracking and stating he does not care about News Corp and or cited them when he did, have been proven to be inaccurate. One of the reasons why this comment still stands from what was said:

On 6/19/2020 at 5:35 PM, Space Merchant said:

“We have considered your request, however, as your questions appear to be based on factual inaccuracies and incorrect assumptions, we respectfully decline to participate”

Other than that, there is the whole left vs right video of someone trying to convict a person who has dealt with the far-left/right for several years (granted the right and the far-right are not even friends within the right-wing spectrum)..... Which to me, appears to be a joke. Moreover, you have those who speak of CSA, but refuse to partake in aiding and or encouraging information that can help children. If you go back to the Children Fork there, you can see my point and a little bit of Rook's point is 100% correct, for people are not even going about taking action and it is has been what? 2 years now? In that span of time, I have been continuing to help current and new children, but for these guys, they spend more time talking about Watchtower and haven't done much.

That being said, I encourage you to look at the facts which are true, do not may as much attention to News Corp because people are believing a lot of information that is amissed, i.e. the comment regarding the Catholic Church News Corp made, when ARC informed us the truth.

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A pretty good guess, I would imagine. I like to think that is still quite low, in view of Invisiblechild.org  reporting that 1 out of every 5 children in the US will be suffer molestation before age 1

So much can go wrong with trying to read too much into the numbers. Even if there is a database of 12,000 or more pedophiles, this does not mean that all of them were found to be actively committing c

"A News Corp investigation into the global Christian sect Jehovah's Witnesses has revealed they have allegedly pushed cash offshore to avoid paying compensation to Australian child sex abuse victims."

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  On 6/22/2020 at 2:49 PM, 4Jah2me said:

My last SIX topics I've put up on this forum do not relate to CSA, so stop exaggerating @Space Merchant

And your point? I merely stated that we can do much more to help the children out there when we apply better solutions, as even prompted by those who fight child abuse the correct way.

No SM, what you said was  :-

For someone who is this keen on mentioning CSA time and time again,

Hence my comment about my last SIX topics.  Don't sidetrack on what you've actually accused me of. I mention CSA when there is a need to mention it. 

I think Space Merchant and others are in for a big shock within the next twelve months. I think things would have progressed quicker but the virus I presume has quietened things down in the USA proceedings against the GB and CCJW,  or is it just that i have missed something ? 

The IICSA are still working on the investigation here in the UK. 

If charitable status is taken away from the CCJW in Australia and the UK they will find life a bit difficult, and if they are asked to open up all of their accounts for inspection by the Authorities then i think many more questions would be asked. 

As for SM, he seems to think that the hundreds of CCJW CSA victims are telling lies or just making up stories. The GB and their 'soldiers/police force' have done a good job of hiding paedophiles in the CCJW and a good job of convincing many people that it does not exist. 

Of course the Devil does a similar job of convincing people that he does not exist too. 

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2 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

And your point? I merely stated that we can do much more to help the children out there when we apply better solutions, as even prompted by those who fight child abuse the correct way.

And indeed I have pointed this out, in response to you as seen above.

2 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

For someone who is this keen on mentioning CSA time and time again,

Yes, hence the solutions alluded to and mentioned time and time again have all been shot down, therefore said solutions and what the Bible provided are absolute 100% correct in this situation, child abuse.

2 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

Hence my comment about my last SIX topics.  Don't sidetrack on what you've actually accused me of. I mention CSA when there is a need to mention it. 

Not sided tracked here, hence you were the one who made that point, I just made a response. You may want to double check as to what was said after the fact. Therefore, the response was indeed a true one.

2 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

I think Space Merchant and others are in for a big shock within the next twelve months. I think things would have progressed quicker but the virus I presume has quietened things down in the USA proceedings against the GB and CCJW,  or is it just that i have missed something ? 

Big shock? How so? Not necessarily. Concerning child abuse, the pandemic expressed 2 major factors, some of which I had already proven. When it comes to abusers who originated within institutions, the risk has deceased, as sources pointed out,, excluding neighbors who are known to abuse children because that in of itself is another factor, a countermeasure to improvement, which can sully progress. On the other side of the spectrum, there is child abuse happening within the homes, granted, the abusers in question are family members and or relatives, that has increased.

But last I checked, you are not too keen on that information, especially in he United States. You already deem everyone of the faith group, bad or good as guilty for the ins of a person with the intent.

2 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

The IICSA are still working on the investigation here in the UK. 

We already know this. Stating the obvious isn't much.

2 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

If charitable status is taken away from the CCJW in Australia and the UK they will find life a bit difficult, and if they are asked to open up all of their accounts for inspection by the Authorities then i think many more questions would be asked.

That ins indeed a possibility, however, there is the whole court system and the other factors that play a role should institutions not sign up for the Redress Scheme. Granted this factor alone, and how the faith community operate even in difficult situations, it will not make things much more difficult for them, granted of what was finalized and addressed in ARC.

That being said, as for New Corps claims, only 2 claims have been proven false, so you shouldn't be too sure of the others being true, granted this is indeed accusations thrown into the Redress and ARC talk.

2 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

As for SM, he seems to think that the hundreds of CCJW CSA victims are telling lies or just making up stories.

That is a bold statement, and that is indeed a slander, on your part, especially this, a Father, you, saying this to someone who has experience in aiding in the child abuse and helping people, teaching people even. I can tell you this, as I had told others, these solutions, actually help lessen the risks, I suggest you, as I told you on this thread the other day, apply them.

Granted it is already known that Jehovah's Witnesses are not immune to child abuse, even pointed this out multitude of times. And by no means have I stated they are making up stories, another slander on your part.

That being said, everyone knows the situation, and for you to even think that proves to my point, you are among the fold who really are not well equipped to even attest to the fight against child abuse, granted, a simplistic question you could not address and mocked solutions provided by example and from the Bible, just as Srecko has.

That remark it will be on my thread of CSA, thanks for the input, for it will gladly be challenged.

2 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

The GB and their 'soldiers/police force' have done a good job of hiding paedophiles in the CCJW and a good job of convincing many people that it does not exist.

Jehovah's Witnesses are not immune to child abuse, always been saying that, likewise to all institutions, hence unlike you I, who has experience in dealing with such things understand that:

On 11/6/2018 at 7:29 AM, Space Merchant said:

Yes, JW children are of high concern granted that anyone can be Evangelized and or convert to become one of Jehovah's Witnesses, for as the saying goes for all in Christendom, we do not know who comes to the church or their intent be it good or bad, however, ALL children should be of a concern and we should not have to single out a faith, or someone of a race in order to go about the issue

And what? Who is making that accusation that child abuse does not exist among all institutions including Jehovah's Witnesses? That is an idiotic statement coming from you, no more or less, identical to that of Butler.

The problem here is, they are not best equipped to handle the situation, especially in some parts, again ARC pointed this out time and time again, perhaps you should look into the ARC concerning the faith in question again. This cannot be said for all of them because some among them are able to handle the situation in terms of prevention for they are trained for it, even equipped.

Your problem is that latter statement, if that was the case, have you forgotten how the victim mentioned in ARC found out about child abuse? Again, for someone who is so keen, why ignore this fact? It shows there are some who are capable, and for other cases, some who are not. You have to be foolish to thing such a sin does not exist, it is as if to claim violence or racism does not exist, hence, there is ignorance, on such folks.

Again, probably read up on child abuse prevention with the Bible examples provided - apply them, since you are this keen about the CSA ordeal. If those of profession can do it, as is with teens growing up to teach others can do this, even the older and elderly who pass wisdom, what is stopping you from doing the same?

2 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

Of course the Devil does a similar job of convincing people that he does not exist too. 

But somehow it took someone who believes they can communicate with the spirit and gain revelations from Jesus to dupe you into thinking they are balanced and in the right when in reality they are in the wrong.

It is not about the Devil existing, it is about his influence, and as I told you before, you not being careful, you can easily end up like the people in Washington DC in 2016, you are not far from it, but you should be careful.

That being said, as for the situation at hand, look into the updates, please, and see what is factual and what is false, again, a lot of people are skeptical about New Corp claims, but they are knowledgeable and understanding of even the basics when it comes to The Redress Scheme, as is with recalling points from ARC. Also I'd like to point out that someone on this thread alone, from doing my research on this, was called out to be a lair by an ExJW. Let that sink in.

Also laughing at the facts? You were the one who liked the article did you not? That's hypocritical.

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@Space Merchant  What is more funny is the fact you upvoted my comment on June 16. 

And an important word in @Witness 's  top heading comment is 'allegedly'   allegedly pushed cash offshore. 

As for teaching children anything, my wife and I have put ourselves on 'lockdown' so no visitors and no visiting others. Being an 'old man' I don't go out much anyway so the only 'preaching' i do is online through Facebook pages, and it is surprising the good response I get. 

In my June 16 comment i did mention that I cannot hear what is said on videos, it is all a muffled noise. So i don't watch videos but I do try to read all written articles linked. 

However i will say again, people on this forum lack true faith.  If God and Christ want a clean organisation they will HAVE a clean organisation. It has nothing to do with humans being imperfect. It has nothing to do with CSA being 'all over the world'. It is up to God through Christ to do the cleansing. Of course they will 'use' humans, but those humans will be guided by holy spirit. 

Remember the words of Jesus (something like) 'If you have faith the size of a mustard grain and you say to this mountain fall into the sea, it will happen'.  Well Jesus will use the true Anointed and there will be a true faith. 

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44 minutes ago, 4Jah2me said:

@Space Merchant  What is more funny is the fact you upvoted my comment on June 16.

And? Because I took the time to read. I do not do things with not backing and or reason.

45 minutes ago, 4Jah2me said:

And an important word in @Witness 's  top heading comment is 'allegedly'   allegedly pushed cash offshore. 


Indeed, that is why I pointed out News Corp, I even provided information from the right-centered bias article of which some of you may not have access to, with a little bit of help of course. But as stated, even pointed out by other sources, these are accusations made by News Corp whereas the focus is on ARC and the Redress Scheme.

That is why I had tested both Srecko and Witness, on purpose, for the sex abuse survivors who are formerly Jehovah's Witnesses, as is, with the remark they took from law enforcement and or groups affiliated.

47 minutes ago, 4Jah2me said:

As for teaching children anything, my wife and I have put ourselves on 'lockdown' so no visitors and no visiting others. Being an 'old man' I don't go out much anyway so the only 'preaching' i do is online through Facebook pages, and it is surprising the good response I get. 

You have the online space to do that. There are elderly folk, even among the disabled, who profess the same thing I have. Granted this same information, this wisdom we pass on to our children, we can do so with all things relating to child abuse, with the Bible being that key to passing on education and knowledge.

Reach one, teach one, save one. All persons can do this, be it physically, and or within the social space.

That being said, social media, helping children here is a plus because abusers are more active on the internet vs. the institutions, granted the subtly, i.e. YouTube, Facebook, etc.

If you can preach to people, you can teach people, including children online. Granted you are on Facebook, how about taking that approach? Help the cause by spreading solutions.

51 minutes ago, 4Jah2me said:

In my June 16 comment i did mention that I cannot hear what is said on videos, it is all a muffled noise. So i don't watch videos but I do try to read all written articles linked. 

That is why I did the heavy work for you, to evade subscription. But that the same time, anything Far-Right you have to be cautious about, I say this with good reason for there is people of this caliber that are crazy.

That being said, gather the facts and do the research, that is all that was pointed out. The updated information was focused heavily on ARC regarding the Redress Scheme.

52 minutes ago, 4Jah2me said:

However i will say again, people on this forum lack true faith.

How are you certain there is not a shred of a faithful soul on here? I suggest you apply 1 John 4:1 when it comes to discernment of the spirit. You speak of faith but you are quick to make uncashable accusations at times.

54 minutes ago, 4Jah2me said:

If God and Christ want a clean organisation they will HAVE a clean organisation.

That is why God enabled us to take in wisdom, with said wisdom, people can stand up and fight CSA the correct way, no matter the institution, no matter the home, no matter the land and or state. There are those with good intent, if knowledgeable of the situation, they can and will take action accordingly. Going about things the wrong way can cause more problems, and commit even more pedophiles to spread and cause some more damage.

56 minutes ago, 4Jah2me said:

It has nothing to do with CSA being 'all over the world'.

Actually it does matter. All children suffer from all kinds of abuse everywhere in many institutions. Their plea for help is just as equal as another elsewhere, no child let behind.

It is all over the world because people do not adhere to solutions, likewise to things outside of abuse that can ruin the child and or children, only creating more problems; add more fuel to the fire.

The obstacle of change begins with the one who decides to take real action, instead of going on a warpath.

58 minutes ago, 4Jah2me said:

It is up to God through Christ to do the cleansing.

Again, God gives us wisdom and with this wisdom we teach, I suggest you look at what I told Srecko in terms of helping children in the thread I linked to you. Like I said, with critical information such as these, no one is willing to apply but a few, and those that have, prevented abuse before it can take place, before an abuser can take action because they are witnesses of the signs and actions of an attacker, especially those in rank.

1 hour ago, 4Jah2me said:

Of course they will 'use' humans, but those humans will be guided by holy spirit. 

People will indeed pray for the spirit, and by means of it, they can do what is necessary to get something done.

1 hour ago, 4Jah2me said:

Remember the words of Jesus (something like) 'If you have faith the size of a mustard grain and you say to this mountain fall into the sea, it will happen'.  Well Jesus will use the true Anointed and there will be a true faith. 

That is Matthew 17:20, citations being Matthew 21:21, Mark 11:23 and Luke 17:6. What Jesus met by saying that is that his followers need stronger faith, the Greek root and or rendering speaks of little faith, of which is why Jesus prompt the term.

As for the chosen ones who will reign with the Christ, this is the comment he said for CSA in general, as pointed out to Srecko:

We only create a bigger problem when we give power to those who commit the acts, for it is reasoning like this that allow people like Nathan Larson to have people on his side, it is reasoning like this that support such behavior and thinking it is okay, it is reasoning like this why those for pornography are allowed to have a portrayal of children and cratering to their demographic, it is reasoning like this not educating our children as well as older folk that will lead to issues like this, having the mentally of not having to worry about something that is happening to others and a list of other things.

That being said, in regards to child abuse, I live by that because it is indeed true granted the mentality people have today, ever since I helped out my first who suffer violence abuse, and from there on out, I continued. Like I said, look into what I said to Srecko and apply it, for even the Bible points these things out. This also treads well with addiction, as is with suicide, wisdom is key when it comes to prevention. and God gives us this wisdom for us to learn and apply, and to teach it.

CSA is something you cannot eradicate that, as I told JB, granted this is what he wanted, even among Jehovah's Witnesses, this idea is a fantasy. The reality is, you can prevent it, you can even prevent it before even an abuser sets foot into any institution and or prevent even laying a finger on a child, for this can be applied to Jehovah's Witnesses. People spend so much time on targeting others, but never take the time to teach them to help out in the cause, in turn, helping their institution and or community.

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So far, as stated before, the situation with Jehovah's Witnesses in Australia is more ARC and Redress focused, as for News Corp, some of their claims have brought forth even more skepticism, even among Atheists, who in turn, blame all Christians, and or, deem them all as guilty because of CSA. The irony of it all, there are but a few, who adhere to the same solutions I bring up, and it is said among them that these solutions can only be applied if taught.

So there will probably not be anything substantial until July in terms of what is being focused on now; little to do with News Corp.

@4Jah2me Also this may be of interest of you, granted you are indeed from the United Kingdom. As I had told you, all children is of concern, for the focus is not isolated to a specific institution, for a child among Jehovah's Witnesses who has endured abuse is no different from a child elsewhere. I am sure you are aware of the Prince and his dealings with Epstein, yes? For some people are deem to powerful to even combat, so you work around them.

As I told Butler, within the underbelly of the UK, there are grooming gangs, some of which even your own government have shielded, as some people in the UK pointed out, however, among them, they been decieved regarding this is only associated with Muslims with bad intent (for these UK folks go out of their way to even attack those not involved with the crime and or unaware; in turn, blaming all of them, attacking them for the sins of another person(s)). What I am pointing out is that Paul Appleton of the UK was someone who groomed a 12 year old girl. Despite his ill intent, your law and gov't decided to give him a pass. Appleton is a Convicted pedophile who was given a suspended sentence, and the reason for this is because of the COVID-19 lockdown since his conviction in early March. As I had told you before, this pedophilia disorder is problematic, you cannot stop these people directly, but you can work around them by teaching a would be victim to evade the danger; if you can do this with strangers, you can do the same with pedophiles and or those who are violent physically and or mentally to children.


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@Space Merchant Yes I have basic knowledge of the grooming gangs here in the UK, and I am aware that the governments /politicians are just as bad in some ways. Even some UK police officers have been involved.  I don't dig deep into this type of thing as IMO it is all 'part of the world'. I have no intention of getting involved in investigating those things. Every day there are wicked deeds taking place here in the UK and many times light prison sentences are given. Then there is uproar from some members of the public. People screaming all over Facebook and else where. I don't get involved. I 'live in a very small world'. My wife, my son, (who is twenty five years old), and myself. One household.  And with present circumstances that is all I need. So I have no direct contact with anyone else. But the whole point of this forum is Jehovah's Witnesses, and the whole point of this topic is an investigation into that organisation. And that is why I'm a member of this forum, to talk about Jehovah's Witnesses and it's GB and the Watchtower. If i wanted to talk about Catholics I'm sure i could find a forum about them. and if i wanted to talk just about 'world condition' or just 'child abuse', then I'm sure i could find forums  to use. BUT I'm here to talk about the JWs, the CCJW, the GB and the Watchtower, that's all. 

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@4Jah2me Knowing these things doesn't mean being part of the world, and it should be known to you what being Part of the World even means. The Bible teaches us to pass wisdom to children, within this wisdom, in turn they avoid dangers to themselves and or to those they care about. As for these connections in the UK, which is far grander than that of the US, the abusers have only one concern other than gaining access to children.  Begin part of the world is admiring the beast, to give in to Babylon and all those connected to her, to accept and promote the ideologies that lack God's favor, to put oneself about the teachings and or cutting up the teachings, and a list of other things. Knowing CSA, and how to fight it and or prevent it has nothing to do with being part of the world because last I check Scripture, Babylon is the one to corrupt, not the helping type, as is, with the wild beast.

You do not have to get involved with the craziness, all you have to do is pass on wisdom, nothing more. This same wisdom is accepted by all persons of all ages, man, woman and child. You said before you use the social platform, take that tool and pass forth wisdom, in doing so, you can be another combatant against CSA.

This is a section within the forums that is about Jehovah's Witnesses, but unknown to you, this thread, from it start, has always been controversial posts whereas all things go. Therefore, it is no surprise that someone can bring up facts about something and or someone, this includes anything pertaining to Restorationism groups. In fact, Controversial Posts was the main section before it was turned into a JW club and still to this day, it is as it is.

You can talk about JWs all you want, but these solutions apply to all institutions within the realm of religion as well, therefore, because this is a section that the sub-focus is JWs, it should not stop one from passing these solutions to even the community in this club. You also use FB, that same information can be passed on there, CSA prevention services even promote to spread this information, and on the other side of the spectrum, even the Bible expresses this knowledge.

I don't care about Catholics, even if I did, the subject matter is CSA. All children are of concern after all, even the children among JW regardless of what the sub-thread consists of. CSA is something that is of a large scale. Just because this section is regarding JWs, it should not negate and or isolate non JW children. Teaching children is also a general thing, not an isolated issue.

Which can be seen, that is all you talk about, but regardless CSA is a problematic issue that is generalized within each and every institution. Whatever positive information you can pass on to here, to any JW here, or that of your other social space, take that time to spread that knowledge. Not doing so, will only have the opposition increase in rank, gain more access to children and cause even more damage. I can tell you this, as pointed out, an abuser's goal is an obvious one, but there is one thing they like more than whatever victim they are targeting, that thing is, that their victim is not knowledgeable. If we can go back to ARC, the person in question was abused among a relative who was a JW, the victim was a JW herself, all it took was basic knowledge on what happen to her, which translated to her story of being a survivor of sex abuse.

That being said, more and more people are already knowing of the situation in Australia regarding Jehovah's Witnesses, but at the same time, they are the same ones who have become skeptical due to the fact misinformation is now being spread, so much as so, even Atheists are pointing this out.

I'd also like to add sometimes such conversations about CSA with children or adults who are not equipped, can often times not be easy, but you have to explain things in a manner for them to understand and apply it, pass on what you know to them so they can benefit, in turn, they can take action also to help.

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@Space Merchant @4Jah2me Tbh, some people in general think that, well since we are talking about child abuse, they think that oh this happened to this family, luckily it didn't happen to mine or they merely do not get involved. A friend of mine said that anyone who abuse their children in some way, they will suffer consequences, if sex or violence abuse, well, the person pays for it with their life, and sometimes getting involved is risky, but it depends.

Some people will think I don't know about child abuse at all, it's a real thing, and as someone pointed out, even for us Jehovah's Witnesses, some of us are not oblivious, we know things. While preaching, I did run into someone who did mentioned child abuse and he was not pressing about it, he told me what am I doing so it doesn't happen in our congregation, I told him straight up on what needs to be done, and we do teach people about it, we even had a talk about it and a Watchtower study a while back and we often get together to talk about subjects too. That same guy, I did give him a publication regarding not just about child abuse but teaching children.

I don't know how you guys were raised, but I come from a strict Afro Latino household lol, this was before I became a JW. 😁 Can't speak for others tho. And I am sure you two are aware we do have publications on the subject.

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2 minutes ago, Equivocation said:

Tbh, some people in general think that, well since we are talking about child abuse, they think that oh this happened to this family, luckily it didn't happen to mine or they merely do not get involved. A friend of mine said that anyone who abuse their children in some way, they will suffer consequences, if sex or violence abuse, well, the person pays for it with their life, and sometimes getting involved is risky, but it depends.

That is no different from the bystander syndrome expressed by a multitude of people, the "glad that didn't happen to me much", but at the same time, they let their guard down, only for something similar to take place upon them, their household, etc. directly and or indirectly.

Certain cultures are like this, I can speak for even mine, some detail I rather not get into for reasons. 

That being said, some people do far worse. As for getting involved, you can, but there are some risks, as I recall bringing up a case in one country I think it was whereas vigilant justice was expressed by means of assassinations. Regarding CSA, some of this has taken place in the United States also, when the Catholic pedophiles were revealed, someone took it upon themselves to deliver a blood raged induced action, this goes hand in hand, with abusers who take their profession as key to access children, i.e. flying aircrafts, etc.

6 minutes ago, Equivocation said:

Some people will think I don't know about child abuse at all, it's a real thing, and as someone pointed out, even for us Jehovah's Witnesses, some of us are not oblivious, we know things. While preaching, I did run into someone who did mentioned child abuse and he was not pressing about it, he told me what am I doing so it doesn't happen in our congregation, I told him straight up on what needs to be done, and we do teach people about it, we even had a talk about it and a Watchtower study a while back and we often get together to talk about subjects too. That same guy, I did give him a publication regarding not just about child abuse but teaching children.

Only some people will take that action, not all. Teaching children, as I had told you, and others is key, without that key, you leave the door open for potential abusers to come in, to exploit the people by pretending to befriend them, and this allows them to gain access to children. Not everyone has the luxury as you have, granted, among JWs, as stated, even they are not immune to child abuse, therefore, to lessen the abuse, you have to teach the people, talk to them about it.

People are aware of this, but some disgruntled JWs think otherwise. Some former JWs take this approach in order to fight child abuse, which is indeed working, this can also be said for those outside of the faith community in question, as is, never had any affiliation, take this action as well, and it helps. The only issue here is dealing with the abuser, for they can make other attempts to exploit, thus being clever about it, these things you have to look out for when it comes to CSA. You not only have to teach CSA, but you have to understand the mentality of the abuser, likewise, to knowing the next move your enemy will make.

11 minutes ago, Equivocation said:

I don't know how you guys were raised, but I come from a strict Afro Latino household lol, this was before I became a JW. 😁 Can't speak for others tho. And I am sure you two are aware we do have publications on the subject.

Granted there are some cultures who do not trust specific backgrounds and or races, thus they tend to keep to themselves. However, there are those who take action. I am of a strict background too. I cannot speak for others either, granted some people are raised up with no consequence to action and or discipline of any kind, sometimes, such ones are the ones to commit to damage, mainly if they are the ones who suffered when they were younger are taught to commit ill intent.

That being said, I am now aware because of ARC, and the situation with one sex abuse survivor mentioned in the case study of Jehovah's Witnesses. If it was not for that action, she would have found out if she was being abused much later on, and at the time, the damage would have been increased.

People need to learn, for no institution is immune, plain and simple, moreover, the Bible can help with this too.

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@Space Merchant Well these are examples, random ones, but people can choose to read them, of course they don't have to read any of our publications, but the information isn't too far off, and there is a lot.




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22 minutes ago, Equivocation said:

@Space Merchant Well these are examples, random ones, but people can choose to read them, of course they don't have to read any of our publications, but the information isn't too far off, and there is a lot.




My take on this is, only a handful of your faith community reads these things, know these things and apply them, the other handful may dabble a little bit on this information, but would not think it will happen to them, their family or their church congregation, and the other handful are oblivious to all things pertaining to CSA.

An abuser, a pedophile, tends to exploit such people in a community who lack in information pertaining to CSA in order to access children, and by exploit, meaning, joining your community. The other side of the spectrum is the abuser is a family member, granted most abusers are among the household of the victim, and the demographics concerning things regarding race and sex is obvious, especially in a culture today where people prompt the idea of pedophilia to some degree, even in shows, movies, etc.

That being said, more within your faith community should be doing this, then again, as pointed out, each church differs despite being in union of the same faith, liken to the example I had give about a strict pastor and a not so strict pastor, in your case, an elder. Moreover, even former members of your faith should be doing this, but from the looks of things, they do not, most of them. Some of them even, cater ideas to an onlooker who is seeking to commit harm. One of the reasons pedophiles favor religions (among other easy access areas) more is because they can easily exploit the kindness of congregants, and if lucky, they exploit their ability to forgive others, as well as hearing such ones speak of these religious institutions as some glorious paradise for the average pedophile.

Child Abuse in general, Australia, is far worse, but does not pale in comparison to the UK, which is greater, in this case. For it is not just in institutions, but online, social media, online gaming, etc. Most parents and guardians suffer from the notorious bystander syndrome when it comes to pedophilia and CSA. The former JWs, the sex abuse survivors, think none of the AFP is doing their job, even shaming them, however, they have been taking action, for a couple of weeks ago they saved about 14 children; granted, it is not as if CSA is unknown to them either, likewise with the child abuse situation among Jehovah's Witnesses.

As for the Redress Scheme, there are talks about forcing groups to sign now, some are now bringing up gov't involvement with said force.

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