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The WEST's war of words against CHINA. Starting with the Uyghurs.

JW Insider

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Well lets see if these experiences were …….scripted.  I have seen tons of these videos with personal experiences (there are more online than you seem to realize).  This one (below) is from a another reputable news company and has a good insight into what is going on.

(Since I found out who owns Wikileaks and who checks their information I go there to learn about film stars - not about history. )  

These "scripted people" give their own experiences (please watch link below) - there are many of these videos online...… Some  look bewildered... and the hopelessness shines through - this always touches my feelings.  One doctor gave her experience in the camp - she was forced to do hand labor for 18 hours and she was away from her children - she said she does not need re-training. She has a good profession. She said she wanted to commit suicide many times. Sleep deprived and the system is brutal.... and there is beatings when you do not comply.  She has a profession...This was in another video..…  The labor is forced and the CCP makes money from it.  They assemble two kinds of computers and the women make clothes for big western companies. The money goes into the government pocket.

If anyone thinks this is ok for a government to do  to anyone because they have a religion it does not like......then you are a totalitarian at heart.  I do not like islam and I know their hate for "unbelievers" will come to roost at Armageddon when many will kill unbelievers.  We know we will stand still and watch as these people kill each other...… but I cannot approve of this kind of treatment or even condone it.

Torture is coming back big time!  Mind control through drugs remind me of MKULTRA experiments in USA.... yes this world is becoming EVIL. The research that has been done in china (google and other tech companies) on mind control, merging human minds with computers etc,  is frightening.   I recognize the evil everywhere as Satan is getting his grip on this system. 

I was in a model (slightly militarized) school in south Africa.  I hated it.   We were a "show school and had many visits from journalists."  This reminds me of the one beautiful Chinese camp that they allow journalists to see with beautiful amenities to learn art and national dancing - what if you hate both? - the other camps will not be seen by journalists.

It just so happens that China was so afraid the Uighur want independence due to being different from the Han. They are now settling  in Han into the region (as they have done in Tibet) The reason? This province provides many of the rare earth metals and ground resources they need for their manufacturing sector.  

These videos are everywhere - 

If one compares the different videos one sees the same incidents and stories are coming up. In this video they tortured those who refuse to sing the national songs before they get food or they skipped a meal  (I would refuse to sing national songs - so I would have been tortured and died of hunger if I were there.)   The children are taken away - in this video it also comes out....   I just found this video by chance this morning and put it on here.  The same repetitive stories come out - just with different reasons for being interred. children are "socially engineered".

I did the same with the body parts videos...…watched many videos and compared the statistics and the secret interviews.  Chinese  researchers (doctors) have done research on the numbers and the hospitals doing these  (The Chinese government kill those who work against the government or intern them for long periods in torturous confinement so that news cannot get out ...…… true communism.   Stalin killed all the people who previously worked with him so no records of evil deeds will be left - no-one to recount.... it is as if it never existed.... no one to tell tales.

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I had already seen the France 24 video. The first woman interviewed is the same woman on the PBS video, Gulbahar Jelilova. She is featured in many of the news interviews. She is believable, but that doesn't mean she's telling the whole story. I won't try to imagine what might be going on here, and I give her some benefit of the doubt, just as I give China some benefit of the doubt about what they are doing, where it matches what some non-Chinese, non-Western, non-communist sources have said. So far, there are too many parallels to what has gone on in similar situations in several countries throughout history.

VICE of course, has been thoroughly discredited for one sided reporting on Ukraine and Syria and Hong Kong, especially, even blatant propaganda in pushing the scripted stories from so-called "white hats" in Syria who are actually Al-Qaeda style terrorists. There have even been cases where these guerrilla groups or ISIS terrorists, who pass themselves off as humanitarians crying for the children, have been caught faking videos that they want to pass off as videos of gas attacks by Assad. Some of these same men have shown up in other places actually involved directly in acts of terrorism, including "chopping people's heads off."

In the PBS version they interview Uyghurs who say: "They ban our language." "China even banned Uyghur music." "We became their target because we studied religion." "It was a plot to force us to renounce our religion." If those were the real reasons, then why does China put up signs in both languages? Why is China known for celebrating Uyghur culture even outside the province? Why is China famous for building so many mosques. Under Mao, China did officially try to drive out religion. This was a failure, and now there are several well established religions, and hundreds of cults trying to recruit people at the universities. Cults that prey on the uneducated so that they can believe that Cults are technically banned, but hundreds get away with their proselytizing at least until their literature starts getting too involved in politics, or amassing wealth. Unfortunately, religions like JWs, who are mistakenly seen as distributing publications promoting political preferences, and Western/American style culture, are also thought to be moving money  (donations) to the United States. They are considered a cult and under stricter bans. It might be of interest that, even though I doubt that South Korea would enforce it, "capital flight" (moving money outside the country) is technically punishable by the death penalty there. Getting 10 years or more for it is still common. Even though Russia and China won't admit it out loud, I think that there is a fear that some proselytizing religions can reach unpredictable growth rates, and will send money and donations outside of the country to the United States, as Witnesses were doing in Russia (and all other branches). 

It's also very possible to detect "projection" in many of the accusations. Claims of "forced abortions" are easy to claim about a country that, until recently, had a one-child policy for Han Chinese. (China could not yet sustain 2+ billion people.) The Uyghurs, and other minorities had always been exempt from the one-child policy. only really applied to the one-child policy to Han Chinese, because the country could not yet sustain 2+ billion people. My former boss, who worked in HK, and whose family is still in Wuhan says the one-child policy worked more as a peer pressure thing, and that there was really just a fine/tax on Han who have a second child, but that you feel like you are too materialistic if you promoted the idea of merely paying for a second child. As more Chinese are lifted out of poverty, there were more people who have the second child, and now the policy is lifted anyway.

The Falun Gong, who outnumber communists 2 to 1, have some crazy beliefs about aliens, menstruation and walking through walls, etc. But I see a bit of projection in their claims of organ harvesting since they have lost so many members through their own disbelief in doctors. Time magazine interviewed their founder, Li Hongzhi:

The aliens have introduced modern machinery like computers and airplanes…everyone thinks that scientists invent on their own when in fact their inspiration is manipulated by the aliens. In terms of culture and spirit, they already control man…the ultimate purpose is to replace humans. If cloning human beings succeeds, the aliens can officially replace humans.

With evidence from Li himself, Chinese officials claim:

Falun Gong is against modern science, preaches the end of the world, forbids its followers watching TV or being treated in hospital and maintains that diseases do not exist and that ailments are due to sins people commit. They preached that UFOs had arrived on earth; aliens had taken over human bodies, and were trying to annihilate humanity through the control of TV and radio.

Even on the topic of forced abortions, I see the possibility of some projection. You might remember when U.S. lobbyist Jack Abramoff went to prison along with bringing down several U.S. politicians. He was one of the persons who made millions of dollars by being involved in the use of the North Marianas Islands for sweatshops. The U.S. had purchased these islands so that they could hire poor Chinese and Philippine women to work at low wages, and then still legally mark the garments as "Made in U.S.A." But Abramoff was caught on an FBI recording bragging about how they kept the women locked up, and if they got pregnant, they were forced to have an abortion and get back to work soon afterwards. I believe it was Tom Delay on the tape who was disgraced for responding to the abortion news with something like "That's what we want." In fact, just last year when Trump's Labor Secretary was being replaced by Patrick Pizzella, his potential involvement in the Abramoff scandal was brought up in congressional questioning.

Wikipedia: According to ABC's 20/20 television program and NPR, Abramoff lobbied DeLay to stop legislation banning sex shops and sweatshops that forced employees to have abortions in the Northern Mariana Islands when Abramoff accompanied DeLay on a 1997 trip to the U.S. commonwealth.[63] While on the trip, DeLay promised not to put the bill on the legislative calendar.[64]

Every government and entity will get involved in spinning things to their own favor. I even have a set of answers to specific questions I was supposed to prepare when giving Bethel tours to non-JWs, and there were many areas off-limits to public tours. But it is so easy for a story to get out of control by being repeated and overused with the same lines of dubious evidence.

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5 hours ago, JW Insider said:

Time magazine interviewed their founder, Li Hongzhi:

The aliens have introduced modern machinery like computers and airplanes…everyone thinks that scientists invent on their own when in fact their inspiration is manipulated by the aliens.

I once wrote up a summary of a Dr. Who episode. The protagonist, a “Dr Lazarus,” had invented a machine that gave him eternal life—he stepped in old and emerged young. However, just about that time, attacks from a monster (!) began occurring. Dr. Who uncovered the problem.

In repairing ancient DNA to restore what contributed to life and reset what sabotaged it, the machine had selected bit of DNA that had long ago been rejected by evolution!

”Hmm, yes, indeed plausible,” all the atheists watching the show reflected, whereas if you mentioned anything about God to them, they’d throw up.

Is belief in the interference of aliens enough to assign one to the loony bin? I’ve no problem if someone says that it is. However, I also note that the “Simulation Theory,” that all reality today is but a simulation on a superior being’s hard drive, gets serious play in academics circles today—it is not immediately laughed off court as is should be, and as it certainly would be if it also coincided with “wrong-think” regarding some current political matter.

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5 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Is belief in the interference of aliens enough to assign one to the loony bin?

There are certain similarities to this among many religious beliefs if one considers angels and demons to fall within the category of aliens. It is curious that, years ago, initial reports about Falun Gong more often included their very odd beliefs, but once they started campaigning against the CCP in Western cities (like Paris, London, New York) and ranting about organ harvesting, then you hardly hear about their beliefs any more, as if this might interfere with their anti-CCP agenda. (stealing from a site ) :

. . . Lie [founder] has the “power to cure cancer and has performed other mysterious feats like conjuring snakes out of thin air”.  Reports elsewhere say he has the ability to “fly”. It is also claimed the supernatural abilities he possesses can be learned by his followers.

So far, not much different that the beliefs about the snake producing magicians in Pharoah's court, or the 2nd century elaboration on the life of Simon Magus (Acts of the Apostles) that added his ability to fly.

Believing that people of mixed race marriages can no longer pray to God, might not have seemed weird to some in the past, but is obviously a mark of either insanity, or insane racism.

Of course, if the subject were about Falun Gong, I'd go into the weirder beliefs of the leader and those who defend those beliefs. Far be it from me, of course, to divert from the original topic. :)

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23 hours ago, JW Insider said:

just as I give China some benefit of the doubt

Well - they just took all the student activists for democracy into custody in Hong Kong and all the leaders of organizations who want freedom of speech. Journalists etc. They face treason charges which could lead to death or very long imprisonments. 

How much needs to happen for you guys to realize these people are dedicated god-haters and have no morality because of this.  They are officially now doing more than that which Russia is doing to JWs.  I read an article where humans rights organizations are alerting to what the Chinese are now doing to JWs.   If your sympathies lie with the CCP in the name of not takes sides in politics - mine does not lie with any political system - it lies with Jehovah's people.  I understood long ago that these CCP Chinese are part of king of the north.

I watched a Chinese propaganda cartoon-video which is circling in Iran today.  Totally anti western and spreading of disinformation - something which totalitarian states are very good at - especially when combined with curbing of freedom of religion.  This is the direction whereto USA is evolving and the entire west if one looks at the freedom of religion and freedom of speech markers. 

23 hours ago, JW Insider said:

hey ban our language." "China even banned Uyghur music.

Yes they do - I watched a documentary about the ancient Chinese culture.. a professor talking about what is left.  Very little of the true Chinese culture is left - it has been eradicated and replaced with worship of the state. So it does not surprise me that they also see the Islamic religion and different culture as a threat to state worship... only allegiance to the state is allowed.  These people are suffering and you do not recognize it!  This is politically correct behavior.  It is similar to the people who have left islam - when they talk against Islam because they have suffered, they are totally ignored because it is no longer the political correct thing to do. It is not possible in the minds of people that someone would do this - hence the islamophobia label are put on these people who almost died when they left Islam in Islamic countries.  They are the true victims of oppression but get NO acknowledgement.  Same happening now in China and the same will happen in Hong Kong.  It is not politically correct to speak the truth any longer - propaganda wins every time.


23 hours ago, JW Insider said:

on the topic of forced abortions

I guess the suffering  does not matter - one must be reasonable and give a totalitarian state a break.   Those stories coming out of Russia about the horrible beatings of JWs - that is just the media playing on the easy sympathies of people!  One must give the state the benefit of the doubt!

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18 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

However, I also note that the “Simulation Theory,” that all reality today is but a simulation on a superior being’s hard drive, gets serious play in academics circles today

Met a young guy in field service here which believed that we are in a nasty computer game.  I said to him that God does not play nasty games but there are very nasty humans involved who are playing us all.

Yes, they built wires into peoples heads in the 1950 and 60s already during MKULTRA experiments.... burn half of their brains without their permissions and made them into zombies.  Others they controlled so they committed crimes.  Behavior science is now at the point far beyond this, where they can control crowds with propaganda.   Some believe we should be cyborgs and become part of the "singularity" which they are now creating with machines which are teaching themselves. Our fleshly brains have been downgraded to mere computers.... consequently there are highly educated and rich nutcases out there that believe we must all be connected to the 'singularity' to reach our top potential and "everlasting" life in a machine.....

This is the crazy future that people really believe in.  The world is getting nuttier and nuttier.  It will be hard to distinguish fact from fiction soon.  Thanks to Jehovah we can keep a measure of a reality check. 

Unfortunately the youth are the most vulnerable because these things together with sexual depraved habits are now taught in the curricula.

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4 hours ago, Arauna said:

Well - they just took all the student activists for democracy into custody in Hong Kong and all the leaders of organizations who want freedom of speech.

You are probably referring mostly to the attention given to a racist media tycoon (Jimmy Lai) who has been working with John Bolton, Steve Bannon, Marco Rubio, etc., (tons of documentation) to overthrow the government of Hong Kong. The United States has been caught red-handed inciting violence in Hong Kong, providing strategies that the United States has used illegally elsewhere in the world.

4 hours ago, Arauna said:

How much needs to happen for you guys to realize these people are dedicated god-haters and have no morality because of this.

My goal here is to help people realize how easy it is to judge a specific group with a measuring stick that one would not be apt to judge others with, and how this can sometimes be based on propaganda and prejudice. Or, for some, even a deep-seated racial and ethnic hatred of others instead of empathy and love for one's enemies. Chinese people are neighbors in our world, even those poor people who want to see their communist/Marxist government succeed.

We are in the midst of a long-term Western-led propaganda campaign against China, and in the midst of a current flare-up of that rhetoric. This means that more and more people are apt to look at anything that China does in the world and see it through a filter that can only see bad, even where there is some good. If China sends medical supplies to a country we oppose, the United States needs to be able to confiscate these ships with impunity. (As they have done. Also, not sure if true, but non-Western media often report that these medical supplies have recently been stolen and redistributed to "friendly nations.") Propaganda and such rhetoric is the typical means by which the United States and the West has often measured the public's support for war. Since the United States has so often relied on its violent military might, much more often than China, one might expect a military confrontation. Wouldn't it be ironic if supposedly neutral people found themselves  caught up in pro-war propaganda just because they can only see one side of an issue?

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9 hours ago, JW Insider said:

u are probably referring mostly to the attention given to a racist media tycoon

No - I am referring to all the students that were taken into custody and all the leaders of organizations standing for freedom of speech.....

9 hours ago, JW Insider said:

United States has been caught red-handed inciting violence in Hong Kong

While the united stated states pretends to be a lamb and its CIA is involved with the overthrowing of many regimes in the world especially at present in South America, (this fact is known and is obvious by bible prophecy), China has seriously violated all the agreements made when Hong Kong was handed back to her..... and more.  She has totally infiltrated the Hong Kong government and already has her strangled grip at Hong Kong's throat. Hon Kong's people will now live in the same fear as ordinary people in China.

9 hours ago, JW Insider said:

goal here is to help people realize how easy it is to judge a specific group

I wish the CCP was a specific group.  My issue is not with the Chinese people as I have said many times here on this forum.  The CCP is bringing suffering on its own people.  My issue is with the King of the North (which includes the CCP) which is incarcerating humans who have a right to choose there own religion by the natural right given us by God.  When any government has the right to dictate that you cannot practice religion in your own HOME and can be taken into custody and life-long jail or death as a traitor for this, they are taking away the natural law given you by god - the CHOICE of your own religion. 

This is why I do not condone the Central Communist Party of China - for NO other reason.  I know that ALL governments are totally corrupt - especially the USA. I am in complete sympathy for the ordinary people of CHINA.  You choose to be apologetic for a government (CCP) which is severely oppressing freedom of religion. This is my only beef with them.  It is prophesied that king of North and its allies will push with king of south and gain control of the "riches of the world" (DANIEL 11: 36- END) Frankly I do not care who runs the world but I do care about freedom of religion and I will point out these atrocities until I drop dead.  God gave us this CHOICE by our merely being born in this world.  And I know that our freedom of religion will soon be curtailed.  But I am not going to sit down without speaking out against it when I am taken into custody for practicing my religion.  They can take away ALL my rights but this is ONE right I refuse to be apologetic about! I will not riot or demonstrate or get political about it but I do show here on this forum that the CCP is not a victim of propaganda as it is purported to be. It is a serious threat as indicated by Daniel 11, especially as I can see that the West is enamored of China's "control" over her people.  It is as though the world has gone mad and have become inclined to take away this right of freedom of religion (this prophecy will come to fruition when Jehovah allows it at the right time)…… but antipathy to religion is growing.

ANTIFA was burning bibles while they were rioting - it was caught on camera and received some publicity.  This is where the world is going. I am merely bringing attention to this phenomenon that atheist totalitarianism is on the rise (which has its origins in cultural communism) and will soon lead to the worst tribulation the world has ever seen. Especially because the UN is working with the CCP.  The CCP have important positions on the Human Rights council and veto rights in security council etc. which they use to promote predatory behavior on the globe - including predatory loans to gain territory. Open warfare is no longer the way to rule the world - predatory loans are.  Not just China and Russia do this...

Predatory loans  is something which the world banks (UN banks) are now also busy with.  The UN world banks IMF etc are lending billions to poor countries at present during Corona shutdown to  carry their economies through this - but all of these loans have predatory conditions attached.  These countries  are now bought and paid for.  They have to cooperate with UN in all matters - basically giving over their autonomy to the UN.    Interesting do you not think?  I watch for predatory behavior in regimes and banks... to see where we are in the stream of the time leading to Armageddon.  I believe we are in this time right now. These countries will be forced to work with the UN in future or will not receive help again.

9 hours ago, JW Insider said:

We are in the midst of a long-term Western-led propaganda campaign against China,

I warned about China before Trump started his rhetoric. I said that USA have been sleeping for the last 20 years. I also think that USA is financially broken so this cold war between them will lead to some sort of conflict or a severe aggravation and food shortages in both countries. While China will suppress this information of getting out into the greater world.  America's food shortages will be blasted out for all to see.

Since you do not believe to watch for any signs for the time of the end..... I can understand your stance that you do not see anything wrong with the moral behavior of China as part of the King of the North Alliance... it is just the boogieman making propaganda about china  and life will go back to normal after this - just like before.

China has not acted aggressively at all?   When China is putting the fear into Australia, Japan, Phillipines, Malaysia - encroaching into the seas of all the smaller countries and  claiming its waters as belonging to China. Predatory loans and bribery of the leaders in Indonesia - and the list goes on. This is not propaganda. Building islands and enforcing its seas with military ports on them and stacking them with military airplanes and boats.  is this the actions of a pacifist or an aggressor to say - I am ruling here!

10 hours ago, JW Insider said:

United States and the West has often measured the public's support for war.

Definitely - on this I agree with you.  This is a propaganda war. …..   until they start a conflict.  But both sides know it will be costly (MAD) -  they need support for their posturing...…. but it is too late for USA.  China has already stolen everything it needs (military and digital secrets etc) to grow into a superpower.  It also has great financial wows but because it has a totalitarian regime, it does not need permission of its people to take the country in a new direction.  In western democracies it is different - one needs consent.  In these matters totalitarianism is an advantage. 

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9 hours ago, Arauna said:

I am referring to all the students that were taken into custody and all the leaders of organizations standing for freedom of speech.

If you looked up "china arrests hong kong pro democracy activists" on Google yesterday, you would get about 100 media outlets reporting primarily about the arrest of Jimmy Lai and Agnes Chow, with very little information on the others arrested in the sweep.

You can get a sense of what happened just two days ago, August 10th, in a sweep by 200 Chinese policemen. The source is "Human Rights Watch" (hrw.org), a resource that is infamous for overlooking human rights violations by Western powers and highlighting violations by those not friendly to Western powers.


(New York) – Hong Kong authorities should immediately release 10 pro-democracy figures arrested on August 10 for vague “national security” crimes and drop all charges against them, Human Rights Watch said today.

... On August 10, Beijing authorities also placed unspecified sanctions on Kenneth Roth, executive director of Human Rights Watch, and 10 other US citizens for “having behaved badly in matters related to Hong Kong.”

... On August 10, more than 200 Hong Kong police officers raided the headquarters of Apple Daily, a major pro-democracy newspaper, and arrested its owner, Jimmy Lai, for “colluding with foreign elements,” “incitement,” and “conspiracy to defraud.” Police also arrested Lai’s two sons and four top executives of the Next Media group, the parent company of Apple Daily. One executive, Royston Chow Tat-kuen, was arrested for “colluding with foreign elements” and “conspiracy to defraud,” while the other executives and Lai’s sons were each arrested for one of these alleged crimes. A fifth executive, Mark Simon, who lives abroad, is also wanted by Hong Kong police, Apply Daily said.

...The Hong Kong police also arrested a prominent pro-democracy politician, Agnes Chow, as well as activists Wilson Li and Andy Li for “colluding with foreign elements.” The Lis were also arrested for “money laundering,” reportedly due to their connection with the group Fight for Freedom, Stand with Hong Kong (攬炒團隊).

A Hong Kong police spokesperson said the crime of “colluding with foreign elements” refers to Chow and the Lis’ roles in operating a group that “calls on others to sanction Hong Kong.” They also accused Lai and the Next Media executives of funding the group “using foreign bank accounts.”

. . . On July 31, Human Rights Watch and 16 other civil society organizations issued a public letter calling on 40 governments around the world to act to uphold human rights in Hong Kong. The letter includes recommendations, ranging from imposing targeted sanctions on Chinese and Hong Kong government officials, to supporting the call by the United Nations human rights experts.

. . . The United States is the only government that has imposed targeted sanctions on senior Chinese and Hong Kong government officials.


Imagine what would happen if an adversarial government to the United States, interfered with United States governmental processes by paying certain newspapers and social media outlets to print fake news. If Russia tried to interfere with an American election process by running ads in Facebook that said "Click here if you are for gun control." or "Do you think Biden is corrupt?" or "Choose: 1 For Trump, 2 for Hillary."  Russian (more likely, Ukranian) "hackers" paid for similar ads along with thousands of Americans, and suddenly all the American intelligence agencies said that it somehow proved Russians were trying to hack voting machines. 

But imagine if that adversarial government also incited riots, even trained protest leaders in methods of "terrorism" and found ways to fund that type of "terrorism," and even provided weapons. 

This is what the United States has been doing in Hong Kong for a long time now.

Joshua Wong met with While Helmet Chairman and Mayor of Kiev. Only ...

If you Google "Jimmy Lai meets with CIA" (especially with images) you will probably see dozens of images and videos, some of which report how his right hand man is ex-CIA, Mark Simon, and reports of his funding of violent demonstrations.


Many pictures have already surfaced which show, as one of the links is named: Why Beijing Says The Violent Hong Kong Protests Are Infested With CIA Agents And Operatives

We could probably start a whole new topic on Hong Kong. It should include the evidence that several of the key leaders of HK protests are seen in images meeting with CIA agents, that the US has provided weapons and training, that Hong Kong racism against Chinese mainlanders is full of racial slurs (including their version of the "N" word), that many protesters celebrate the rape of Nanjing (Nanking) by Japan, that protestors have stated they want Trump to send tanks, that they want an outcome to match what the fascist, nazi Maidan accomplished in Ukraine.*

I hope Hong Kong can have a happy ending just like Ukraine”   Young Hong Kong woman after viewing “Winter on Fire” Maidan documentary organized by protesters.

The propagandists who promoted the documentary (in 40 different venues!!) forgot to mention that the "happy ending" in Ukraine included:

  • GDP dropped by 50%
  • Corruption skyrocketed (was already a big problem under Yanukovich)
  • 5 to10 million people forced to flee due to economic crisis and civil war, 3 million escaped to Russia
  • Anarchy and Neo-Nazi militias
  • Widespread poverty

The real problem is that students are often easily manipulated into violent outlets, and HK, while it has plenty of millionaires, has also trapped millions in poverty, especially students. Just as easily as young persons under economic (coronavirus) lockdown were manipulated into terrorist acts here in the United States and around the world, HK protesters were already ripe for such manipulation.

For over 100 years HK has been trained to see itself as racially superior, even at one time banning Chinese from coming to HK to have "anchor babies" in HK to gain citizenship privileges.

Reporting on HK has been notoriously one-sided. It should also be compared to how protests are reported in Paris, for example, where multiple deaths by police have been completely ignored. Yet mistakes in reporting have been common about HK, while retractions are rare:



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3 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Anyone to corroborate this? 

Here's a start . . .



The 2012 grant from Al Jaber’s U.K.-based charitable foundation amounted to $470,000, Roth told The Intercept, adding that a “final pledge installment was never realized.” The statement did not refer to Al Jaber by name, but two Human Rights Watch employees confirmed his identity to The Intercept.

“We also regret that the grant was made by the owner of a company that Human Rights Watch had previously identified as complicit in labor rights abuse,” the group’s statement said. In 2012 and previous years, Human Rights Watch reported extensively on labor violations at Jadawel International, a Saudi construction company founded and owned by Al Jaber.


Roth was himself involved in soliciting the donation, according to an internal Human Rights Watch email sent last month and obtained by The Intercept. The email was written on behalf of the group’s international board of directors and signed by the board’s co-chairs, Amy Rao and Neil Rimer.

At the root of this issue, imo, was that HRW initially reported labor abuse, but negotiated to tamp down the reports about discrimination against specific groups. And, based on a promise by Al Jaber of half-a-million dollars, and a promise to do better in the future, HRW also agreed to tamp down the general future exposure of the slave labor conditions at Al Jaber's construction company. (Al Jaber, like companies in Dubai, steal migrant workers passports, stop paying them for months at a time, and keeps them forced to only spend money on company housing, food, etc.)

They may have shown an anti-Israel bias, and they do make some exceptions to the pro-Western bias, but I get the impression it's a complex game and is even part of their multiple fundraising forays in Saudi Arabia, or perhaps just plain old anti-Semitism. The pro-Western bias showed up in most of their Syria and Latin American reporting.

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12 hours ago, JW Insider said:

At the root of this issue,

The root cause of everything is wickedness.  Wickedness always goes hand in hand with control, dominance.  Listened to an interview with the author of the two books " I was an economic hitman".  He worked for NSA and other organizations linked to CIA which made predatory loans to countries which had resources such as oil etc... which USA wanted the control of.  It is easier to fight an economic war with bribery than send in an army, he says.  America was doing this since the fall of the Iranian government and putting the Shah in his place. ….CIA did this everywhere....also in countries they did not have cooperative regimes. The author talks of two presidents that were assassinated, which he dealt with, because they refused to play ball.   Collateral for the building projects (which only the rich and ruling class benefit from) is the resources in the earth of the poor country..... they usually receive the help to develop the infrastructure to get the benefit of the resources but these are owned by very cooperative oligarchs who also cooperate with international decisions.

So- predatory loans receive lot of publicity because they look so good while it is detrimental for the people because it actually impoverishes the people of the poor country. South America and Africa has been taken over by these loans with Chinese direct loans...… BUT, the people in these countries prefer to have Chinese masters because they can treat their people with oppression (no human rights) and the Chinese do not care.  It is part of the business deal.… "you leave my internal affairs alone and I do not mix in  yours "(i.e. Iran and Chinese get along fabulously  because of this kind of agreement). Also, USA used to have military bases in many countries. ….. the Chinese only want to dominate economically  (Daniel 11 - want the riches of the earth).

I agree that USA now makes China the new boogieman because the Chinese are now much better predator than the USA predators ever were. (USA cloaked itself as a "prophet"  of democracy and human rights while acting as a dragon). USA has itself has been victim to secret predatory practices of the Chinese for the last 20 years with most of their intellectual property stolen as well as military secrets. We are in a new era where totalitarian regimes are taking over and working with each other on non-human rights basis. 

I see here so much apologetics for the brutality of the Chinese in Hong Kong - but like all communistic states, the enemies of the state will be liquidated.  It seems like the gulags in Russia have become imaginary figments of the past. People are being gaslighted in the press to think it was not really so bad; or it really did not happen as some writers said, or the numbers of people were much less than the number of people that Hitler killed..... all these excuses do not take away the fact that the King of the North is brutal and he is on the rise...….As Christians we watch it - sit still and do nothing..... but it does not mean that we do not understand what is going on! 

11 hours ago, César Chávez said:

China’s government sees human rights as an existential threat.

Exactly!.... and they are gaining more and more positions in the UN due to bribery!  (WHO leader is a good example - chosen because he is an Chinese activist not because he is a good doctor, who cares about people.  He has done what many communist leaders in Africa have done - starved the geographical area of people who do not vote for them.) 

And according to bible prophecy - this totally corrupt organization (image of the beast with its allies) will be the eighth king.   Life is going to get a lot harder soon!

11 hours ago, César Chávez said:

At home, the Chinese Communist Party, worried that permitting political freedom would jeopardize its grasp on power, has constructed an Orwellian high-tech surveillance state and a sophisticated internet censorship system to monitor and suppress public criticism. Abroad, it uses its growing economic clout to silence critics and to carry out the most intense attack on the global system for enforcing human rights since that system began to emerge in the mid-20th century.

Well said!  The CCP has taken China over completely!  While there is always infighting - they eliminate their enemies very quickly - Stalin style.… so that the atrocities do not get out into the West.  They have their own press under complete state control..... people here do not understand the concept of having the press under control.  Your life is worth nothing if you expose anything the government is doing. Hong Kong atrocities will now be silenced due to Chinese control of press.

This press control - propaganda - is prevalent in USA.  the truth about many things are now being suppressed because those who are the owners of the press are part of the secular NWO which truly believe that the "image of the beast" can bring peace and security. 

conclusion:  My interest in this is not to argue over which government is the worst..... they all are part of the 'beast".  Many western governments assassinate the characters of those who do not cooperate with them … even to eliminate people who are whistleblowers (such as the policeman who fled to Russia because he knew he would be killed like many other of his colleagues who tried to expose the extreme wealth and extent of child trafficking in Florida).  The west is already under control of rich gangsters (a thugocracy like Russia and China just with a veneer of freedom). Many people believe they still have human rights under a more free system but soon they will wake up to more control.  The Patriot Act can put you in prison for a long time without the help of a lawyer. 

I watch for totalitarian inclinations in governments.  Like Rutherford, I think that the final government of the world will be totalitarian, (although he believed it will come sooner - with Germany) and pro-communist ideas and communist means of control is now infiltrating everywhere!  A 'central control' which could eliminate all religion and force a new morality of loyalty to the new state philosophy (which through UNESCO is now being put in all schools)  and those who do not comply will not be able to buy or sell.

My friend in Sweden is a pioneer and French teacher - she is thinking of leaving the profession but will try to circumvent the new curricula..... which is installed everywhere. 

Ps: I am learning a new language and it has sentences such as : the woman and her partner (female gender) - this is everywhere in language curricula etc.   Children are learning this as school - part of the new cultural communism or socialistic engineering - or whatever you want to call it.

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