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The WEST's war of words against CHINA. Starting with the Uyghurs.

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@Arauna The list of links I provided earlier has some more links about China and the environment. I will highlight the ones dealing with water and reforestation, some of the others deal more with the air pollution pollution and related issues:


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Whatever perception that is will be solved when they learn to mind their own business, as we are all advised to do. Just how do they do that? Are we to believe that the Wt expects people to eat

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8 hours ago, Arauna said:

They are decimating fish in the seas..... by means of predatory agreements or by encroachments in other countries waters.

This has been another problem that China has not tried to control effectively in the past. Although it is reportedly taking action in the last couple of years. https://news.mongabay.com/2020/08/china-issues-new-sustainability-rules-for-its-notorious-fishing-fleet/

China issues new sustainability rules for its notorious fishing fleet

For years, reports of illegal fishing activities have dogged China’s distant-water fishing fleet. Now, China is significantly tightening regulations governing these vessels for the first time in 17 years, with a slew of new rules taking effect throughout 2020, including harsher penalties for captains and companies found to have broken the law.

Estimated at a minimum of 2,900 vessels, the country’s distant-water fleet, active outside its maritime borders, dwarfs that of other nations. Since 2003 it has grown by at least 1,000 boats and doubled its reported annual catch.

The rule changes include revisions to the Distant-Water Fishing Management Regulations, new Management Measures for High Seas Squid Fishery and a new Rule for High Seas Transshipment released earlier this year; as well as a revision to the Administrative Measures of the Vessel Monitoring System released in 2019. They all take effect between January 2020 and January 2021. Leaving less space for illegal activities, the changes are geared toward increasing transparency and promoting more sustainable practices.

“China is the country that will shape what the future of ocean health becomes,” said Douglas McCauley, professor of marine biology at the University of California, Santa Barbara. “No other nation has more say as to what will become of the future of our ocean.”

The country hauls in around 15% of the world’s reported wild fish catch, according to a 2020 U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) report. Discrepancies in reported fish catches and lack of transparency over fleet sizes globally mean no one really knows how much seafood humans remove from the ocean. But studies indicate an alarming drop in marine fish and invertebrate populations over the past 50 years.

More than a third of the planet’s fish stocks are overfished to biologically unsustainable levels, the FAO report said, with a further 60% of stocks fished to the sustainable maximum. Those numbers have far-reaching implications not only for marine ecosystems but for humans: fisheries provide direct employment for almost 60 million people globally and around 20% of essential protein intake for more than 3 billion people, according to the report.

China has previously signalled its intent to promote sustainable fishing practices. In 2017, the country pledged to cap its distant-water fleet at 3,000 vessels by 2020 and outlined comprehensive intentions in its 13th Five-Year Plan for the Development of Distant-Water Fishery. However, it has taken little concrete action until now.


This seems comparable to rules that other countries have implemented, and which the United States has recently accepted: https://www.nature.com/articles/nature21906

I notice that even in US based journalism and reports, that Japan gets more attention for overfishing:


Challenges Facing Japan's Marine Fisheries

While fisheries depletion is a global issue, it is especially relevant in Japan where seafood consumption is staggeringly high. 23% of the average Japanese person’s protein intake comes from the ocean, almost 3 times that of the average American. As a nation, Japan consumes 7.5 million tons of seafood annually (Balfour et. al 2011). Tokyo is home to the world’s largest fish market, where roughly 2300 tons of seafood is sold daily for an average profit of $15.5 million. The largest marine fisheries in Japan are tuna, bonito, sardines, Alaskan Pollock, crabs and squid (Statistical Handbook of Japan 2012).

...Overfishing is largely the cause of this decline. The increased use of powered trawlers and other gear innovations paired with a growing demand for seafood has resulted in the overexploitation of marine resources. In addition, development has led to destruction of seagrass beds, crucial habitat for coastal species (Makino 2011).

... Fearing radiation from the nuclear plant, countries such as China and Korea banned seafood exported from Japan in the weeks following the tsunami. It took a month before fish sales finally recovered. In April 2012, researchers from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute reported that elevated levels of radiation were still present in fish caught off the coast of the Fukushima plant. In October, they announced that 40% of fish from the area still contained unsafe levels of radioactive cesium. In January 2013, a fish was caught that contained 2500 times the legal amount of radiation (Mosbergen 2013).


Japan’s Bluefin fishery has declined dramatically in recent decades, with some scientists estimating that their current stock is only 4% of its original un-fished population (Jolly 2013). As the consumer of 80% of the world’s Bluefin tuna (Foster 2013), Japan is largely responsible for this decline. Most Bluefin are caught by large purse seining vessels that indiscriminately catch fish of all sizes and ages, including juveniles.

The high market value of Bluefin has contributed to its popularity and subsequent decline. In January 2013, a single fish was auctioned off for $1.76 million (Foster 2013). While tighter regulations have been implemented as called by the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission, they have not been strictly enforced in Japan. Ties between the government and fishing industry, a largely apathetic media and sushi-craving public have not helped the situation. Japanese fishermen see little need to stop fishing the Pacific Bluefin as fishing boats from Taiwan and South Korea take from the same stock (Foster 2013).

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50 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

Maybe the actual 'powers that be' aren't done making changes.

I hope so! The ability to edit is also gone (for me anyway). I need that, since after reading over what I have already posted I always find some nonsense that I have written that needs changing! (including grammar)

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40 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

China strengthens climate pledge as White House creates confusion

If you want to believe all these empty promises in the headlines you have quoted above you are welcome.  It is in any case part of Agenda 2030 which they have started to implement.   It is all token reforms.   I know that the Chinese  are behind the killing of rare animals in Africa for their traditional medicines.  So many are on the verge of extinction!  Fair game!  I know they are decimating the forests in Kenia - exporting felled, ancient trees to china etc etc.  

 A small surprising dip in air pollution - ha-ha... when people are coughing and they have lung illnesses due to pollution....... they HAD to start to do something.. 

45 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

China is showing the world what renewable energy dominance looks like

At least this is true - they are manufacturing - not because they believe in responsible stewardship of the earth but because they want to out manufacture the west.  They do not care to destroy nature on other continents which are not in their own back yard...... And again.... we all know that USA is just as bad in this field but you really believe the Chinese propaganda.   They PAY for all these articles in the West and it belies the truth on the ground.  They are stealing the natural resources in South America and Africa by means of bribes..  You have really put yourself forward as a spokesperson for china and you do not even know the true nature of the CCP and its goals....... They are part of the BIBLICAL beast and they are definitely not a lamb -  a dragon is closer to the reality and in coalition with King of the North!


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17 minutes ago, Anna said:

The ability to edit is also gone (for me anyway).

I think there may have always been a time limit on editing, but for me it's not completely gone. But I thought it was until I noticed the . . . up in the upper right hand corner of the post. Do you have that? If you click on it, it has "Report" "Edit" etc., in a drop-down menu. (At least on my version.)

As Chavez just pointed out though, I am now a full-fledged moderator. Perhaps I have this ability and you don't. But, then, how does anyone "Report" a post?

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15 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

Challenges Facing Japan's Marine Fisheries

They are decimating the fish next to Mauritania (Africa)... there is concerns that it will be depleted..... but as I said above they go into other areas. ..... They are in competition with their own neighbors and have established fishing areas all around their artificial islands........ If you think they will not catch fish that is on the decline - you need a reality check.  I must admit... a good headline does wonders for their image. ...... 

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6 minutes ago, Arauna said:

If you want to believe all these empty promises in the headlines you have quoted above you are welcome.

Thank you. 😉

But as I already said above:

  • I don't put any stock in promises, but at least it comes from a country that has built more efficient public transportation, fast trains, etc, than all the other countries in the world combined. And it comes from a country that has raised more people out of poverty than the rest of the world combined.

One thing I found interesting in one of the links was from this one:

It seems that the WORLD can already reap some small benefit in the overall level of carbon emissions due to changes in China. If you look closely at the West, you will see most regulations get reversed or overlooked when convenient. And many regulations are about a drop in the rate of increase in emissions, not a drop in emissions.

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1 hour ago, Arauna said:

They are decimating the fish next to Mauritania (Africa)... there is concerns that it will be depleted..... but as I said above they go into other areas.

Yes, this is a common concern all over the world. Reuters has an item about it here: https://www.reuters.com/article/ozabs-mauritania-china-fish-idAFJOE7570JS20110608

Mauritanian opposition seethes at China fish deal

NOUAKCHOTT (Reuters) - Mauritanian opposition lawmakers and fishermen are fuming over what they say is a lack of transparency and safeguards in a 25-year offshore fishing licence granted to a Chinese firm.

Backers of the deal ratified on Monday say it helps Mauritania by requiring that Poly Hon Done Pelagic Fishery spend $100 million on building a processing factory, a manufacturing site for traditional fishing boats, and a training centre.

Mauritania, a predominantly Arab desert nation, has some of West Africa’s richest fishing waters. Fishing accounts for about 10 percent of its gross domestic product and up to 50 percent of its export earnings. The European Union pays Nouakchott about $100 million annually for fishing rights.

...According to the Poly Hon Done Pelagic Fishery deal, a copy of which was seen by Reuters, the firm is spared all import customs. For the first five years, it is exempt from paying tax on profits equivalent to 20 percent of its investments and may employ foreigners to make up as many as 30 percent of its staff.

. . .The adviser, Yang Poipoi, dangled the prospect of 2,000 Mauritanians being hired by Poly Hon Done, even if they are not professionally qualified.

But this is part of the same complaint we hear from Western leaders about why some countries prefer to deal with China than with the Western nations (or Russia, which has also fished Mauritania's waters). China tends to make deals that do something good for the local population in addition to doing something good for themselves. The West tends to exploit without doing anything for the local population.

In the case above, China is spending $100,000,000 on a processing factory, and a training center, and will hire up to 70% of its workers from Mauritania. Compare that to what the EU does for the $100,000,000 a year that they pay for fishing rights in the same place. https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2016/jun/09/eu-european-union-accused-exporting-problem-overfishing-mauritania-deal

EU accused of exporting problem of overfishing with Mauritania deal

EU vessels to catch shrimp, tuna and other fish in return for funds, but critics say there is little evidence that EU cash is helping Mauritanian fishing communities

... But the fishing deal has received growing criticism from researchers and environmentalists who have accused the EU of exporting its problem of overexploitation to African waters.

While the bloc has tried to save face by, for example, introducing the fisheries partnership agreement, which seeks to abolish purely commercial deals and instead introduce mechanisms that encompass fishing communities in decision-making, little has changed, according to its critics.


But the fishing deal has received growing criticism from researchers and environmentalists who have accused the EU of exporting its problem of overexploitation to African waters.

While the bloc has tried to save face by, for example, introducing the fisheries partnership agreement, which seeks to abolish purely commercial deals and instead introduce mechanisms that encompass fishing communities in decision-making, little has changed, according to its critics.


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2 hours ago, Arauna said:

You have really put yourself forward as a spokesperson for china and you do not even know the true nature of the CCP and its goals.

I am not a spokesperson for China, nor do I think you are a spokesperson for the West. China, like most countries, has made terrible mistakes. The West exploits those mistakes and makes sure they are all blamed on the CCP and its goals. But it's just as easy to defend the Western propaganda about China without realizing that the West's propaganda is due to the nature of its goals, too.

Just focusing on the topic of deforestation for a moment again, I noticed this statistic in an article that blames Chinese consumption for a portion of the deforestation in Kenya for example: https://blogs.wsj.com/chinarealtime/2015/02/11/chinese-companies-named-and-shamed-on-list-of-deforestation-powerbrokers/

  • China is in many ways itself the world’s poster child for deforestation. Back in the Qin dynasty, circa 221 BCE, nearly half the country was covered in forest. (Not incidentally, it had a much smaller population of 20 million.) By 1949, when the Communist Party took power, forest cover had dropped to 10%. Between 1981 and 2001, the country planted at least 35 billion trees to try and rectify the decline. Still, today forests account for only 22% of the country’s land, compared to the global average of 31%.

This doesn't absolve China at all, but I notice that Chinese forests were supposed to have covered 50% of the country long before the CCP took power. And it was already down to 10% by 1949 when the CCP took over. Today, it's back up to 22%. So it was not the CCP that reduced the forests as much as the misuse of resources prior to the CCP. Under the CCP the forest coverage more than doubled!

This doesn't mean we need to start praising the CCP, but it also doesn't mean that we need to focus on China while ignoring the rape of the resources by the West (including Brazil, for example.)

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5 minutes ago, César Chávez said:

As you can see, the "LIKE" imojis are blocked for just me.

Strange. I can't see it, but I believe you. I see that the emoji you put on TTH's post is still there from before. It sounds like you don't even see the option, unless you see it, but they don't submit. Sounds like an issue for the admin or Librarian to explain. I'm sure I still have only a limited set of moderator powers because I don't see any place where one can limit the access or functions of only certain people, yet this must be related to how I was given some moderator functionality.

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